Help To Change LPF


New member
Tonz;566991']a smaller awards thingo would be good
and perhaps for us to nominate people for categories? cause i can be honest to you that for 1 or 2 categories i didnt know ANYONE competing in those categories...and the nominations to carry on for a month? with reasons and like...say for LPF story writer or w.e, the stories are put up for members to read? instead of nestled in the LPF writers corner?
All they'll do anyway is post links to the story, because Rav and I have been working on our stories for how long has it been hun? *turns to rav with an innocent smile* oh! *turns back to Hazi* MONTHS! Nearly six months for mine and it's gotta be over six months for hers as well. There's no possible way that we could fit both our stories into one thread, just cos of the space and how similiar they are to each other.

Well, in that case, we should either, post our best update (or so we figure) and everyone who wishes to vote can come in for once and a while and look at our stories and we'll leave it up to you to decide. Because the only stories that I honestly think that is keeping the WC alive are MS (Ravyn's story) and December's Shadow (well mine, duh, look below this post).

Again. Not afraid woman. I would love a face off.



Active Members
Tonz;566991']a smaller awards thingo would be good
and perhaps for us to nominate people for categories?

just wait and see ;-)

What we need to do is find a away to get the 80 sum guests that are always viewing to sign up
well.. a lot of those are bots



New member
Ooo the awards thing sounds cool. I remember those but I wasnt really and active member at all I kinda watched haha.


New member
Hey we can have like mini awards of random titles, not like the conventional "most helpful", "most creative"

iuno, maybe we can even vote for the categories. lol



New member
you mean something totally weird like most likely to star in a boyband? or most likely to marry an astronaut
I like this... but adds to the irony of our current situation a little doesn't it?

I'm all for the awards. But... I think those in charge need to get their acts together.

We were bored and wanted a change, finally got someone to acknowledge it, now we want awards and someone's acknowledging that, now...

I know we want change. I know for many of us we want change yesterday. I know we have a democracy here and arguably get to make decisions as part of the mob, but I worry our debates and such (as much as it IS great we are finally embracing this change, about time!) will just stretch on without any kind of deadline - In short we'll just procrastinate until this time next year.

I know change takes time, and managing anything takes time, there's procedures, codes, rules, fine details, etc to work out, but still... why not start setting some ground rules. Start a thread with a limit. Give people a week/two weeks to come up with award categories suggestions. Then get the mods/admins together and pick out those that work. They set a tentative list and put that to the public. See what the reaction is. Just want to see change rather than discussing it. I know we've already started in having threads like this going but still... still seems like a whisper when we need to shout, right?

Sorry, but as many already know, Patience is one of the many virtues I do not possess ;)

Just vocalizing my opinion, is all.

great ideas guys.

lets bring LPF up again!! :D

^ lol
i actually think that we should get in touch with the owner and ask out ******* site back.. do a revamp. New elites, new mods, new ACTIVE admins (like jeezy). Get some life here. We can like buy the site back. We make a LPF Trust where we all donate some and buy and maintain the site. Get a new layout and ****. and im serious, ill donate. This is my internet home, im tired of seeing LPF fade away cause of inactive admins/owners/mods, i mean we got so much potential, we are like that outcast LP site with fun members that dont go "OMF OMF dont diss me LP ya **** heads". We have good art members, good writers and funny people (not to mention our hotties *coughLBScough*). But all the good members are slipping away, and even if most people dislike LP they still come here cause we got spirit and its fun here, we also got members on both side of the fence so debating is always fun.

holy **** i nearly cried writing that :p hehe
gosh GraDon... :'( so beautiful....

and why tha **** u had to put my name there... aarrgghh!! lol



New member
great ideas guys.lets bring LPF up again!! :D

gosh GraDon... :'( so beautiful....

and why tha **** u had to put my name there... aarrgghh!! lol
lol hehe so lpfa is coming, pretty sweet



New member
I still call for most original usename.
But i swear to ***. What WAS i thinking when i chose this one? o.o

Imagine how I feel. I made this account when I was like 15.

edit. There should be a funniest moment on LPF catagory especially after what 5MinutestoMinute's little episode with eMule.

Do you have eMule?
Don't have eMule but I've got Essaul
lmao. That was a classic mental slip.

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