still here just have alot of things to do, i'll try to be more activewhere is LBS, devon and triston? they made this place 100% better
still here just have alot of things to do, i'll try to be more activewhere is LBS, devon and triston? they made this place 100% better
I think if the thread is like over a month old it shouldnt matter if you make a newer thread about it. Like when ATLien locked my hot chick thread and made a new one it hardly lasted. So i just remade a new one and look at it now. Now with the same tone if someone brings back an old thread they shouldnt get intouble if they answer or reply to the thread the appropiate way.
I know occasionally ill bring back an old thread, and then someone will be like omg this thread is sooooo old and get all stupid about it. Seriously it just an update to an old thread shutup and just reply properly dont make smartass remarks like this is old. I mean if it's something like that has already been answered and your answer DEFINATELY wont be a mega hundred times better than the others then dont waste your time.
one will only get in trouble from bumping a thread if what they posted is spam, or pointless. Example:A thread about, 'Your view on life'(Don't know if it's an atual thread or not), lets say 8 months old.
If someone bumped it to say something like, "Life sucks." That is spam, and that is what you would get in trouble for. Whereas, if they had posted, "Well, my view on life isn't happy. Life is full of ups & downs, etc..." And they went into an explanation, then it is fine.
I think on topics like "Fave LP song" that come up every once in a while, there should just be one thread stickied, so everyone could reply without there being endless threads about it. However, that is not possible with all those topics out there.
This is the only one I don't agree with. I've been a member for over 4 years now...and even though I'm not a "regular" to the site...I still like to have the option to come back to it every once in a while to check in. I feel like I've earned my status and to loose it would be very disappointing and I'm sure a lot of the other veterans to the site feel the same way.2) Cyphon out non-contributing members. Those that sign up and never come back, get rid of. Like an email account membership should have an inactivity clause. Don't contribute even a little in a month or two or whatever bye-bye, come back again later if you really feel that way inclined.
ALSO as a side, give the long serving members a reason to remain. Not necessarily give them any greater status than just members, but have a separate area for faithful members. I don't know what would make it so appealing, but like kids being told to stay away from the cookie jar, if newer members are excluded until a certain post count they might try harder to get in. Just a thought.
If I do this, you wont keep anything, it will be a 100% fresh.I hope we can still keep our posts. I'll also help with the Writer's Corner.