Help To Change LPF


New member
A rule that everyone has to see concerning necroposting and bumping

I didn't bump it up as I felt like I would only be a hypocrite if I did.

I'm just getting a bit **** about people (not naming names here) bumping old threads up that, in one case was over three years old. I know you mods can't delete the threads, but enforce the above rule.

But I am going to save you some time and highlight the thread with a couple of quotes -

I think if the thread is like over a month old it shouldnt matter if you make a newer thread about it. Like when ATLien locked my hot chick thread and made a new one it hardly lasted. So i just remade a new one and look at it now. Now with the same tone if someone brings back an old thread they shouldnt get intouble if they answer or reply to the thread the appropiate way.

I know occasionally ill bring back an old thread, and then someone will be like omg this thread is sooooo old and get all stupid about it. Seriously it just an update to an old thread shutup and just reply properly dont make smartass remarks like this is old. I mean if it's something like that has already been answered and your answer DEFINATELY wont be a mega hundred times better than the others then dont waste your time.

one will only get in trouble from bumping a thread if what they posted is spam, or pointless. Example:A thread about, 'Your view on life'(Don't know if it's an atual thread or not), lets say 8 months old.

If someone bumped it to say something like, "Life sucks." That is spam, and that is what you would get in trouble for. Whereas, if they had posted, "Well, my view on life isn't happy. Life is full of ups & downs, etc..." And they went into an explanation, then it is fine.


I think on topics like "Fave LP song" that come up every once in a while, there should just be one thread stickied, so everyone could reply without there being endless threads about it. However, that is not possible with all those topics out there.


New member
i dont really see a problem with bumping ANY thread...well, unless its something that happened years ago and only now theyve crawled out from under their hermit rock to find out....

but i dont really see a problem, i generally dont go out to post in every thread, just ones i know i can contribute to or i have an interest in

sometimes its a pain to start a new thread, and using an old thread might show what members once posted, as long as its some form of update rather than an "i agree" or some **** like that from 3-4 years ago



New member
Okay LPF is dead seriously. I'm only saying this because I'm finding myself more on other forum sites and there has been talk between me and another member leaving LPF together (I'm not naming names here). Get some competitions up or something, make the site more interesting and as I hate to say it, I actually agree with Jeezy's sig that says boring. I know we all have lives of our own but seriously, there's been nothing major been happening for at least a couple of months or whenever the LPFA's where on. The only thing that's been holding me back really is the writer's corner and that's only being kept alive barely by a few people including myself.


New member
2) Cyphon out non-contributing members. Those that sign up and never come back, get rid of. Like an email account membership should have an inactivity clause. Don't contribute even a little in a month or two or whatever bye-bye, come back again later if you really feel that way inclined.

ALSO as a side, give the long serving members a reason to remain. Not necessarily give them any greater status than just members, but have a separate area for faithful members. I don't know what would make it so appealing, but like kids being told to stay away from the cookie jar, if newer members are excluded until a certain post count they might try harder to get in. Just a thought.
This is the only one I don't agree with. I've been a member for over 4 years now...and even though I'm not a "regular" to the site...I still like to have the option to come back to it every once in a while to check in. I feel like I've earned my status and to loose it would be very disappointing and I'm sure a lot of the other veterans to the site feel the same way.



New member
Well I'm not sure but I think LPF is alright the way it is, I havent been on lately cause I lost my internet due to Drugs problems and been getting drunk more social and Going back to school smartening up, not knowing how I'm going to pay for things,

I know thats really meaningless to put up here, but My reason for not being on here

I don't really know how LPF has been doing but it does seem kinda dead when I drop by as a guest,

I think that maybe we should get some contests back up,

Such as not only doing Sigs but Full Photo's

Games and some other stuff to do, I mean Forums are a place to drop by make your opinions and go so.

I don't see any prob with it being dead, But Ive seen this hapen before.

It eventually pulled back up for a few months or so.

But I do think that Linkinpark-1 has a point in a way I gotta get going soon so I can't say what I agree with her for.



New member
well it wouldnt work on here

but for faithful members on the OLD yellowcard forum, there was a chat area where people could talk to the band members, since the band members were moderators on their own forums, other than random band msgs about tours/albums, they sometimes came on and talked in the Underdogs(YC exclusive) section to members about...wellll...anything, so jeezy, i think thatd be a good idea, a place for long time members to come in, an exclusive lil play area for us oldies...x]



New member
This isn't the first forum that used to be bumping, that I was apart of, which eventually died...

LPF's not exactly dead, just on life support. The question is, if everyone doesn't want it to die, then why is it getting there? I remember back when I joined, this place always had something going on, and there were tons of members here daily... I was one of them for awhile. But then again... people do grow apart, people do change... most of the people I used to talk to on here regularly are gone for whatever reason... Its like an old memory on the inside that you wish you could go back to and enjoy more, knowing it wasn't going to be there forever...



New member
which is why i think a name change wouldnt be bad =x

simply because people can mingle here and not *shock* be associated with LP =P

but yer, things change, this place will eventually collapse, there are still members of us here, but the input certainly will not stem the output



Active Members
What would you all think if I offered to create a brand new community from the ground up that is not specific to Linkin Park? Nothing would transfer over from LPF, it would be a fresh start with a fresh community,

I would build it from the ground up based on all the info you all give me on what to do, and what not to do.

Just a thought! I wish I could fix LPF, but I don't have the ability to anymore, or I would help you all out.



New member
ATLien I think that's a fantastic idea! If there's a Writer's Corner I'll definately help with that.

It would be a great idea to get more people in, and maybe even a few that left here, that no longer consider LP to be such an integral part of their lives anymore - and let's face it if you're not a fan you might not want to be at a site 'promoting' or based on them.

A thought you may chose not / to adopt. In a few other forums I visit there are moderators for specific threads / sections. Do you think it might be more workable to have this system instead of maybe three mods that run the whole show? - then again I guess that depends on how many members we get (back) and what they all feel comfortable to do etc. Just throwing ideas for now.

This might be what some of us were after - if we can't change things here at LPF maybe it's time to move on?

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