Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

RoyalOrleans said:

Are you an idiot? Just because Roy passed through Garrison or stopped at the local greasy spoon to take a dump, doesn't make him a Texan or a Cowboy.

Everything in Texas is bigger, they say. Even the lies.

Very true, everything is bigger in Texas including the incredible ass hole, President Bush...
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Any place associated with the "Backwoods hick" subculture should be ****ing nuked. Period.

Not so much there, my pinko commie ******* friend. Just in any state that boasts how much better they are than other states, but are the lowest in terms of education, unemployment, yadda yadda....

And the people in Tennessee would not be considered "backwoods hick", but "hillbilly". ****ing mountain people.
HOLY ****! ****ing 8 Academy Award Nominations...From a movie about two ****sucking-buttslamming homo cowboys? WTF!?! :rolleyes:

Personally, I want to see the film but have to go to Toledo to do it. Maybe this week.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
HOLY ****! ****ing 8 Academy Award Nominations...From a movie about two ****sucking-buttslamming homo cowboys? WTF!?! :rolleyes:

Personally, I want to see the film but have to go to Toledo to do it. Maybe this week.

By saying you have to go to Toledo to see it, is this because they don't play it where you live?? I assume there are theatres closer to you then this. I know some theatres have refused to play the movie because of the content.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
HOLY ****! ****ing 8 Academy Award Nominations...From a movie about two ****sucking-buttslamming homo cowboys? WTF!?! :rolleyes:

Personally, I want to see the film but have to go to Toledo to do it. Maybe this week.

As long as that lilly-livered twinkled toed commie ****sucker Tom Cruise is held back for that piece of ****, War of Worlds, I will be fine.
Lethalfind said:
By saying you have to go to Toledo to see it, is this because they don't play it where you live?? I assume there are theatres closer to you then this. I know some theatres have refused to play the movie because of the content.

It would never make it to the theaters here in Findlay. Too conservative a town. Republican den of hypocritical morality, but that's because they are all so damn stupid they cannot recognize the gays and lesbians in this town. We have lots, nice people too.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
It would never make it to the theaters here in Findlay. Too conservative a town. Republican den of hypocritical morality, but that's because they are all so damn stupid they cannot recognize the gays and lesbians in this town. We have lots, nice people too.

Sounds like the town I grew up in, I have been thinking of getting a T-Shirt from the movie to wear next time I'm there just to upset people...can't you imagine the reaction?? There could be heart attacks and strokes...
I just can't believe they had the nuts to call it Brokeback Montain (Broke Back Mountin'?)

Sounds like something they wrote on the insurance form after an accident during filming.

Why didn't they just call it cracked my spine while ****in' a bloke and have done with it?
Tex said:
Why didn't they just call it cracked my spine while ****in' a bloke and have done with it?

Because nobody gives a **** what you do with your blokes while on holiday, pome.
RoyalOrleans said:

Are you an idiot? Just because Roy passed through Garrison or stopped at the local greasy spoon to take a dump, doesn't make him a Texan or a Cowboy.

Everything in Texas is bigger, they say. Even the lies.

You can read Roy's biography on CMT.com, or the Roy Rogers tribute page, or if you still don't believe he was a true **** kickin' honky that grew up on a 30 acre farm in Garrison, Texas. Than read his own biography called "The Life of Roy Rogers".

Find out the facts before you start typing!!!!!!

Tex said:
First of all, you ****in' quarter wit, a pie hole is a moth, and guzzling means eating, so you just called me a...

...mouth eater :confused:

And please don't tell me you just came on here, looked up all that crap in your wanky little online Dictionary of British Slang (which is well out of date btw), then proceeded to scrawl that pointless piece of ****...

All just to say...

...You don't give a ****!


Does anyone understand what this ****in' brain donor is goin' on about?
Way to go SKIN HEAD!

tiredofwhiners said:
I've been around horses my whole life & also own some, but i'm not a cowboy. What kinda farming do you do in Nebr. I know some people who live there and they say not all FARMERS are COWBOYS.

I work in Arthor, Neb. A small cow town of about 92 people. You're right! not all farmers are cowboys. But most of them are.

My whole point of the matter is cowboys are very much conservative. I've been around them all my life to know.

Did you ever want to be a cowboy as a kid. I'm sure most of you did. I'm sure you even dressed up as one and have your picture taken with a cowboy hat on. Just think about that for a second. Now kids can't look up to or want to be a great American cowboy!

I think you've got conservative hillbillies and cowboys confused/intermingeled. The former does not represent the ladder. Ignorent hillibillies have Christien tendencies (Or so has, being a country boy myself, been MY observation) The ignorent/nieve/mentally-broom-****ed in general follow this suit. As militent and misguided christiens, they're are tossed into the conservative pile.

You also seem to think that the "Redefinition" of Cowboy means that cowboys were all just gay gents looking for some alone time with the farm-hand. I don't ever recall sexual orientation being part of a childs definition of a cowboy (or anyone's really). The essentials are hats, spirs, revolvers and a horse. Kids will continue to emulate this.

But if we are arguing the sexuality of cowboys, there were an awful lot who wore leather chaps..... :rolleyes:
A successful Colorado rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking woman, and determined to keep the
ranch, but knowing very little about ranching, she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand. Two men applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk. She thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied, she decided to hire the gay man, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk.

He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks, the two of them worked hard, and the ranch was doing very well. Then one day, the rancher's widow said to the hired hand,

"You have done a really good job, and the ranch looks great! You should go into town and kick up your heels."

The hired hand readily agreed and went into town the following Saturday night. One o'clock came, and he didn't return. Two o'clock, and no hired hand. He returned around two-thirty, and upon entering the house, he found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine, waiting for him.

She quietly called him over to her. "Unbutton my blouse and take it off," she said. Trembling, he did as she directed. "Now take off my boots."
He did as she asked, ever so slowly. "Now take off my stockings." He removed each gently and placed them neatly by her boots. "Now take off my skirt." He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her eyes in the firelight.
"Now take off my bra." Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told and dropped it to the floor. "Now," she said, "take off my panties."
By the light of the fire, he slowly pulled them down and off.

Then she looked at him and said, "If you ever wear my clothes into town again, you're fired."
Tex said:
Yeah, nice try.

Seen more brains on a butcher's apron.

Typical response from a typical piece of euro trash shitheel.

Country Pride said:
You can read Roy's biography on CMT.com, or the Roy Rogers tribute page, or if you still don't believe he was a true **** kickin' honky that grew up on a 30 acre farm in Garrison, Texas. Than read his own biography called "The Life of Roy Rogers".

Find out the facts before you start typing!!!!!!

I'd love to sit here and argue Roy's validity as a cowboy, but I've got to take a huge ****.

Perhaps Roy was a ****sucking fairy just like his predecessors in Brokeback.

I mean, only steers and queers come from Texas. He don't look like a steer...
Country Pride said:
tiredofwhiners said:
I've been around horses my whole life & also own some, but i'm not a cowboy. What kinda farming do you do in Nebr. I know some people who live there and they say not all FARMERS are COWBOYS.

I work in Arthor, Neb. A small cow town of about 92 people. You're right! not all farmers are cowboys. But most of them are.

My whole point of the matter is cowboys are very much conservative. I've been around them all my life to know.

Did you ever want to be a cowboy as a kid. I'm sure most of you did. I'm sure you even dressed up as one and have your picture taken with a cowboy hat on. Just think about that for a second. Now kids can't look up to or want to be a great American cowboy!


Completely.....i have always had the cowboy inside me ready to come out....or was it i was ready to come out with a cowboy inside me...

no matter....You are from nebraska...yes i am too, infact, a "nebraskan cowboy" is part time. Cowboys are in a climate that does not see winter.....and if they do its for like 3 days a year. They "HERD" cattle....not raise them behind fences.....and i had horses as a kid too....but i was NO cowboy. Owning a horse means squat...FYI

Just because you wear the hat doesnt make you a bonefied cowboy. And your christian...WOO HOO great ...FAB...you can go agaisnt your faith all you want and ask for forgiveness on sunday and all is well....GOOD FOR YOU!

As far as hollywood trying to "change" the image...you can check yourself into the "idiot center for dummies" because hollywood is about entertainment.......not teaching you culture and history you nimrod! Thats what school and reading is for.

If you are saying cowboys cant read to learn this fact then fine ill agree....because that is what you are saying right? that hollywood teaches the world about life, culture, and history??!?!?!?!?!?

**** it was a stupid movie (which i havent even seen yet) about 2 men who HAPPEN to be cowboys....scary stuff....anyone who "thinks" they are cowboys should be scared by it because their entire life just changed..........oh wait...or is it more like this........
.......those who PRETEND to be cowboys and brag about it at their local dive bar are now getting made fun of because of this film?!?!

if so...BRAVA! people should be who they are....not who they PRETEND to be!

in recap

-No sympathy for wanabees...
-Hollywood makes entertainment... morons and idiots think its real and history (fyi thats what pbs is for)
-what the hell does a cowboy have internet for?!?!? where is his herd?
-gay people are everywhere like it or not...were here, were...ahh **** it
-If you dont want to see the film then quit being a ***** and tell your girlfriend your not comfortable with it........oops that makes you a stupid asshole..sorry...i mean go watch the film with an ipod in the opposite ear (or the big game) and only KINDA watch it and then screw her brains out after the movie because you need to prove something to yourself...

**** just dont watch it people....its a "knitch" movie...(meaning not for everyone)....so just dont watch it.....its not gay peoples fault your "christian" girlfriend wants to see it........

OOOH yea and btw there are many gay "cowboys" that do more than own horses....

such as http://www.hgra.net/ (its not porn btw)

ps this post was aimed at like 2 people...this has been one of the most entertaining threads i have read in a LOOOOOOOONG time!
RoyalOrleans said:
Typical response from a typical piece of euro trash shitheel.

You really do need a dictionary. Get a proper English one instead of a wanky Yankee one where you've made up your own words and spellings.

You can read it on the bus to your gender reassignment therapy.
Country Pride said:
You can read Roy's biography on CMT.com, or the Roy Rogers tribute page, or if you still don't believe he was a true **** kickin' honky that grew up on a 30 acre farm in Garrison, Texas. Than read his own biography called "The Life of Roy Rogers".

Find out the facts before you start typing!!!!!!

We clarified this line of bullshit earlier.

http://Off Topic Forum.com/showpost.php?p=634840&postcount=34

Off to the Idiot Box where you belong! Have a nice trip!

Oh, and if your curious about what he did from birth to age 18? No mention of Garrison, Texas at all. Ignorant cow ****er!


"Roy Rogers, the King of the Cowboys, was actually born in the city. It was in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 5, 1911, that Leonard Slye (later to be known as Roy Rogers) was born to Mattie and Andy Slye. Years later, the building where he was born was torn down to make way for Riverfront Stadium (recently renamed Cinergy Field), the home of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. Roy liked to say that he was born right where second base is now located. But the Slye family was never cut out for city life, so a few months after Roy was born, Andy Slye moved his family to Portsmouth, Ohio (a hundred miles east of Cincinnati), where they lived on the houseboat that he and Roy's uncle built. When Roy was seven years old his father decided it was time they settled on solid ground, so he bought a small farm in nearby Duck Run. Living on a farm meant long hours and hard work, but no matter how hard they worked the land there was little money to be made. Roy often said that about all they could raise on their farm were rocks. Eventually Andy Slye realized that he'd have to return to his old factory job at the United States Shoe Company in Cincinnati if he was going to be able to support his family. Since his father would be able to return home only on weekends, this meant that even more of the responsibilities for farm chores fell onto Roy's young shoulders.

Mattie Slye suffered from lameness as a result of the polio she had contracted as a child, and Roy always marveled at the way she was able to raise four active children (Roy and his sisters, Mary, Cleda, and Kathleen) despite her disability. Still, farm life agreed with Roy, who often rode to school on Babe, the old, sulky racehorse his father had bought for him. According to Roy, "We lived so far out in the country, they had to pipe sunlight to us." Living on the farm meant they had to make their own entertainment, since radio was in its earliest days and television was far in the future. On Saturday nights the Slye family often invited some of their neighbors over for a square dance, during which Roy would sing and play the mandolin. Before long he became skilled at calling square dances, and throughout the years he always enjoyed finding opportunities to showcase this talent in his films and television appearances.

It was also while he was growing up on the farm in Duck Run that Roy learned to yodel. Andy Slye had brought home a cylinder player (the predecessor to the phonograph) along with some cylinders, including one by a Swiss yodeler. Roy played that cylinder again and again and soon began developing his own yodeling style. Before long, Roy and his mother worked out a way of communicating with each other by using different types of yodels. Mattie would use one type of yodel to let Roy know that it was time for lunch, another to warn that a storm was brewing, and still another to call him in at the end of the day. Roy would then relay that message to his sisters by yodeling across the fields to them.

By the time Roy had completed his second year of high school, it was clear that their farm would never support the family, so he made the difficult decision to drop out of school and take a job with his father at the shoe factory in Cincinnati. Roy quickly discovered that factory work was just as hot, monotonous, and unpleasant for him as it was for his father. Since his older sister Mary had married and moved to Lawndale, California (close to Los Angeles), Roy and his father decided they should quit their jobs, pack up the car, and take the family out to visit her. Somehow their old car held together, and they eventually made it to Lawndale. "