Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

Tex said:
You really do need a dictionary. Get a proper English one instead of a wanky Yankee one where you've made up your own words and spellings.

You can read it on the bus to your gender reassignment therapy.

Ahha ahahahaha... my ****ing side hurts from laughing so hard. Ahahaha...

**** your mama. **** your sister. **** your grandma. Most of all, **** you.

Yet another typical response from the typical UK ****tard.
RoyalOrleans said:
Ahha ahahahaha... my ****ing side hurts from laughing so hard. Ahahaha...

**** your mama. **** your sister. **** your grandma. Most of all, **** you.

Yet another typical response from the typical UK ****tard.

Please don't give me a hard time tonite, I've had a bad day.

I just bought a new bike and when I insured it, the broker informed me I wasn't covered for acts of God. Imagine my anger when I looked out of my bedroom window in the early hours and saw the Lord scratching it up the side with a key.

Tex said:
Please don't give me a hard time tonite, I've had a bad day.

I just bought a new bike and when I insured it, the broker informed me I wasn't covered for acts of God. Imagine my anger when I looked out of my bedroom window in the early hours and saw the Lord scratching it up the side with a key.


That's pretty ****ed up.

I have a '72 Kharmen Gia. When I first got it, some ignorant dickless piece of **** threw a goddamn Dairy Queen Blizzard cup out of an oncoming vehicle and it splattered on my window. Imagine my anger, my limey friend.

A ****ing veteran of a foreign war and a card carrying gun brandisher, taking **** on the freeway from some jackhole ****wit. Nothing I could do... I envisioned myself rising out of the seat, steering the wheel with my left foot, and squeezing a shot off at that yellow *******.
****er. ****in' litter's a potential killer for bikers.

Fast food restaurants should have more consideration for motorists. I can see in your country that they are making some efforts in this area by making big gulp cups so big you couldn't ****in' fit 'em thru the window.

However, this might cheer you up.

When I nipped into a McDonald's to use their toilets the other day, I was confronted by a spotty teenager mopping up vomit just by the bog. On the back of his T-shirt it said 'I'm Lovin' it!'

Funny, but the poor ****'s face told a different story.
The big point i was trying to make is that every movie these days is about a sexual deviant, pervert, or about somebody who hates America and now about to fags.

The pink hand in Hollywood is in total control!!!!!!!!!
Votex said:
Completely.....i have always had the cowboy inside me ready to come out....or was it i was ready to come out with a cowboy inside me...

no matter....You are from nebraska...yes i am too, infact, a "nebraskan cowboy" is part time. Cowboys are in a climate that does not see winter.....and if they do its for like 3 days a year. They "HERD" cattle....not raise them behind fences.....and i had horses as a kid too....but i was NO cowboy. Owning a horse means squat...FYI

Just because you wear the hat doesnt make you a bonefied cowboy. And your christian...WOO HOO great ...FAB...you can go agaisnt your faith all you want and ask for forgiveness on sunday and all is well....GOOD FOR YOU!

As far as hollywood trying to "change" the image...you can check yourself into the "idiot center for dummies" because hollywood is about entertainment.......not teaching you culture and history you nimrod! Thats what school and reading is for.

If you are saying cowboys cant read to learn this fact then fine ill agree....because that is what you are saying right? that hollywood teaches the world about life, culture, and history??!?!?!?!?!?

**** it was a stupid movie (which i havent even seen yet) about 2 men who HAPPEN to be cowboys....scary stuff....anyone who "thinks" they are cowboys should be scared by it because their entire life just changed..........oh wait...or is it more like this........
.......those who PRETEND to be cowboys and brag about it at their local dive bar are now getting made fun of because of this film?!?!

if so...BRAVA! people should be who they are....not who they PRETEND to be!

in recap

-No sympathy for wanabees...
-Hollywood makes entertainment... morons and idiots think its real and history (fyi thats what pbs is for)
-what the hell does a cowboy have internet for?!?!? where is his herd?
-gay people are everywhere like it or not...were here, were...ahh **** it
-If you dont want to see the film then quit being a ***** and tell your girlfriend your not comfortable with it........oops that makes you a stupid asshole..sorry...i mean go watch the film with an ipod in the opposite ear (or the big game) and only KINDA watch it and then screw her brains out after the movie because you need to prove something to yourself...

**** just dont watch it people....its a "knitch" movie...(meaning not for everyone)....so just dont watch it.....its not gay peoples fault your "christian" girlfriend wants to see it........

OOOH yea and btw there are many gay "cowboys" that do more than own horses....

such as http://www.hgra.net/ (its not porn btw)

ps this post was aimed at like 2 people...this has been one of the most entertaining threads i have read in a LOOOOOOOONG time!

It's a movie.
Country Pride said:
The big point i was trying to make is that every movie these days is about a sexual deviant, pervert, or about somebody who hates America and now about to fags.

The pink hand in Hollywood is in total control!!!!!!!!!

No, what you are trying to do is make a giant sweeping generalization which isn't based at all upon fact.

I can clearly infer from your writings that in your mind:

a) Anything other than heterosexual missionary position sexual intercourse for the purpose of making a rug rat, is "sexual deviant".

b) People who fit into category "a" above, also likely fit into your definition of "pervert". Nice. Anybody gay or lesbian is automatically a pervert to you.

c) Anybody who voices an opinion, not favorable of the current American President and/or the war in Iraq, by your definition, "hates America".

Could you be any more stupid?
Country Pride said:
The big point i was trying to make is that every movie these days is about a sexual deviant, pervert, or about somebody who hates America and now about to fags.

The pink hand in Hollywood is in total control!!!!!!!!!

No, you're absolutely wrong. It was not a big point you was trying to make, but it was a stupid point. It's just a movie there, hobbyhorse.

Sounds more like a documentary if you ask me. Cowboys + Texas = Queers.
Think and believe what you want. But it's a major sin to be with a fellow man. There is a place God has made for those who will never repent of sins to Jesus Christ Far worse than any thing you can imagine. Deathacrats have disgraced America with the name of sodomy of the American West. They are trying to take away any thing that is good in our country.
Country Pride said:
Think and believe what you want. But it's a major sin to be with a fellow man. There is a place God has made for those who will never repent of sins to Jesus Christ Far worse than any thing you can imagine. Deathacrats have disgraced America with the name of sodomy of the American West. They are trying to take away any thing that is good in our country.

Is that the best you can do? You sound like a broken ****ing record, CP, and not a very good one. Somthing along the lines of Creed or the Bee Gees.

Spewing forth the tired old rhetoric about how the Democrats are destroying western civilization is about as plausible as saying a couple butt-cowboys can't have a movie.

Even Carrot Top got a movie deal, for Christ's sake.
If I'm not mistaken i saw on a thread that you call your self a hillbilly.
So why the heck are you disagreeing with me? Maybe 'cause you're a follower. Do to the fact I'm out numbered.

Roy was born in Cincanati, Ohio. But moved to Texas in his late teens. But it dosen't matter where you're from originally. It's who you are.

Roy, Gene Autry, Tex Ritter, Hank Williams, Ernest Tubb, Jimmy Wakely, George Strait, Chris Ledoux and PBR champs Chris Shivers and Lane Frost are all real Cowboy. Not fruit cake cowboys.

The Famous Western actors who were not was John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. John Wayne was a true right wing redneck though!!!!!!!
RO may be a pervert, a lier, a drunk, a creep, an asshole, a kung-fu master, mentally unstable and may or may not have stolen christmas from the years 1983-1994 but he is certainly no follower. Why does it seem odd to you that somebody of the same general backround would disagree with the bullshit being spouted by an ignorent wiener who totes similar colours? Welcome to the wonderful world of diversity, we like both our cowboys and our cake fruity. ;)
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Speaking of their clothes-and cowboys being gay, what's with these people and wearing jeans that are three sizes too small?

and aside from all that, you also can't forget the fact that they ride bulls for a living

May the Great Pumpkin rise from your Pumpkin Patch this Halloween and bring toys to all the good boys and girls!

Who's "Dios" and why would I want to "Vaya" with it?

News Flash: Homosexually is not something new to this decade, century, millennium or eon.

When I was in India, I saw images carved into Hindu temples dating from thousands of years ago...homosexuality, bestiality, sex of every kind. I'm neither for nor against it, I'm just making the point that this is nothing new.

Furthermore, if Homosexuality is the root of the decline of a civilization, then what the hell has happened to India? The oldest civilization on Earth, with over 1 billion people and growing. I don't think they are in a decline.

The real enemy of the American idea is the religious nut who wants to inflict "Jesus" and the Christian "God" on everything and everybody. The hellacious Fish-People. Oh, wait a minute...that's you! :eek:
Country Pride said:
If I'm not mistaken i saw on a thread that you call your self a hillbilly.
So why the heck are you disagreeing with me? Maybe 'cause you're a follower. Do to the fact I'm out numbered.

You do know that not all hillbillies are made the same...
Country Pride said:
If I'm not mistaken i saw on a thread that you call your self a hillbilly.
So why the heck are you disagreeing with me? Maybe 'cause you're a follower. Do to the fact I'm out numbered.

Roy was born in Cincanati, Ohio. But moved to Texas in his late teens. But it dosen't matter where you're from originally. It's who you are.

Roy, Gene Autry, Tex Ritter, Hank Williams, Ernest Tubb, Jimmy Wakely, George Strait, Chris Ledoux and PBR champs Chris Shivers and Lane Frost are all real Cowboy. Not fruit cake cowboys.

The Famous Western actors who were not was John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. John Wayne was a true right wing redneck though!!!!!!!

I am disagreeing with you, CP, because you are absolutely, positively wrong. Unlike much of my hill living brethren, I have left the hills and moved to the valley where the air is not so thin.

And don't go thinking that every hillbilly would agree with you or me, most would say "I've got no use for movies." or "Hollywood can keep on making queer pictures and I'll keep on watching Andy Griffith.". Me? I say, make your movies and your television shows... we're a capitalist society. If it makes you money, legally, in the end, then it is justified.

And by the way, if you are from one region and move to another does NOT make you a native of that new region. Here, I'll dumb it down for you: You're an idiot. If you move to a room without any idiots in it, you'd still be an idiot.

Hank Williams a cowboy? He was born in Alabama and he had spina bifida occulta, hardly the body condition to be riding on horseback. His music stayle was "Honky Tonk", as well. Which had a lot more similarities with ragtime music than western music.
Country Pride said:
Think and believe what you want. But it's a major sin to be with a fellow man. There is a place God has made for those who will never repent of sins to Jesus Christ Far worse than any thing you can imagine. Deathacrats have disgraced America with the name of sodomy of the American West. They are trying to take away any thing that is good in our country.

All rise for the Benediction....


okay CP...that means you follow the other laws of Leviticus?!

ill backtrack a sec. Im sure you are referring to;

Leviticus 18:22:
"You shall not lie with a male as those who lie with a female; it is an abomination."


Leviticus 20:13:
"If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death."

Check out Leviticus 11:1-12, where all unclean animals are forbidden as food, including rabbits, pigs, and shellfish, such as oysters, shrimp, lobsters, crabs, clams, and others that are called an "abomination."

Leviticus 12:1-8 declares that a woman is unclean for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and for 66 days after giving birth to a girl and goes on to demand that certain animals must be offered as a burnt offering and a sin offering for cleansing.

Leviticus 18:19 forbids a husband from having sex with his wife during her menstrual period.

Leviticus 19:19 forbids mixed breeding of various kinds of cattle, sowing various kinds of seeds in your field or wearing "a garment made from two kinds of material mixed together."

Leviticus 19:27 demands that "you shall not round off the side-growth of your heads, nor harm the edges of your beard." The next verse forbids "tattoo marks on yourself."

.....looks like your going to hell there CP...and ill be driving the bus!

Christians...they are so easy!
Vortex said:
All rise for the Benediction....


okay CP...that means you follow the other laws of Leviticus?!

ill backtrack a sec. Im sure you are referring to;

Leviticus 18:22:
"You shall not lie with a male as those who lie with a female; it is an abomination."


Leviticus 20:13:
"If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death."

Check out Leviticus 11:1-12, where all unclean animals are forbidden as food, including rabbits, pigs, and shellfish, such as oysters, shrimp, lobsters, crabs, clams, and others that are called an "abomination."

Leviticus 12:1-8 declares that a woman is unclean for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and for 66 days after giving birth to a girl and goes on to demand that certain animals must be offered as a burnt offering and a sin offering for cleansing.

Leviticus 18:19 forbids a husband from having sex with his wife during her menstrual period.

Leviticus 19:19 forbids mixed breeding of various kinds of cattle, sowing various kinds of seeds in your field or wearing "a garment made from two kinds of material mixed together."

Leviticus 19:27 demands that "you shall not round off the side-growth of your heads, nor harm the edges of your beard." The next verse forbids "tattoo marks on yourself."

.....looks like your going to hell there CP...and ill be driving the bus!

Christians...they are so easy!

Looks like we're all off to a very hot place.
Christians...they are so easy![/QUOTE said:
That's where you're wrong pal. I know where i'm going bro. As a Christian I meet alot of folks in church. Some of the people i meet had some kind of bad habit or ediction like drugs or alcohol.

One of the fellow Christian brothers i met and still see in church was gay. That was up until four years ago when he dicited to put Christ in his life and serve God. Now he's ministering to many people and preaching the word of the Lord. He knew that what he was doing was not alright and very sinful. So by the power of the almighty he stopped. So it just goes to show!!!!!!

Read John chapter 6-8 Vortex and remember Jesus loves you. He just don't like what you do.