Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007

"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:48:47 -0800, Don Homuth
> <dhomuthoneatcomcast.net@> mumbled:
>>On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:42:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>><Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> wrote:
>>>"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
>>>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:03:14 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>The "Salman Pak was training Al Qaeda terrorists" claim is a
>>>> So that fuselage must be a "joke" too, eh?
>>>I don't deny there was a facility at Salman Pak.
>>>If you want to train terrorists you train them to hijack planes and NOT
>>>to get into grounded planes! for that you only need the INSIDE of a
>>>You use planes on the ground to train COUNTER TERRORISTS!

>>We have fuselages of old airplanes in training camps in CONUS as well.

> You are a ****ING TRAITOR!

attack the person making it?

Don't like the message so shoot the messenger is it?

>>>The Salman Pak claims had been soundly debunked....

>>But the early discussions

> The facts:
> http://cdonohoe.townhall.com/
> April 7, 2003, 12:48AM
> Marines find site of terror training
> U.S. forces earlier had captured Syrians, Egyptians and Sudanese who
> said they had trained in the Salman Pak camp southeast of Baghdad.
> Brig.-Gen. Vincent Brooks said Marines raided the empty complex using
> information obtained from captured foreign fighters. It "reinforces
> the likelihood of links between this regime and external terrorist
> organizations,"
> Richard O. Spertzel member of the Iraq Survey Group

Yup. OPINION! Not evidence.

> "It is asserted that Iraq was not supporting terrorists. Really?
> Documentation indicates that Iraq was training non-Iraqis at Salman
> Pak in terrorist techniques, including assassination and suicide
> bombing. In addition to Iraqis, trainees included Palestinians,
> Yemenis, Saudis, Lebanese, Egyptians and Sudanese."

What doccuments assert this?

> CIA Director George Tenet
> CIA Director George Tenet told the Senate Intelligence Committee:
> "Iraq has in the past provided training in document-forgery and
> bomb-making to al Qaeda. It also provided training in poisons and
> gasses to two al Qaeda associates; one of these [al Qaeda] associates
> characterized the relationship as successful. . . . This information
> is based on a solid foundation of intelligence. It comes to us from
> credible and reliable sources. Much of it is corroborated by multiple
> sources."

No it isnt and it doesnt George! Stop trying to cloud the issue. What
dredible and reliable sources george?
You do of course know that George later eat his words?

> Docex Project- millions of captured documents that had sat deep within
> a warehouse. These documents have shed light on links between Saddam
> and Al Qaeda. They were originally headquartered in Doha, Qatar.
> Released by John Negroponte for volunteers to translate.

And you cant read them!

> http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/carson200406020845.asp
> Then-deputy UNSCOM chief Charles Duelfer, who now heads the Iraq
> Survey Group searching the country for WMDs, personally visited the
> terrorism camp around 1995 and saw the Boeing. "He saw the 707, in
> exactly the place described by the defectors," the liberal-leaning
> London Observer reported. "The Iraqis, he said, told UNSCOM it was
> used by 'police' for counter-terrorist training." "Of course we
> automatically took out the word 'counter'," Duelfer explained. "I'm
> surprised that people seem to be shocked that there should be terror
> camps in Iraq. Like, derrrrrr! I mean, what, actually, do you expect?"

Well like derr! I expect terrorists to be INSIDE a plane not outside trying
to take the terrorists out!
Like DUH! like I expect terrorsits to train in taking over the inside of the
plane and for that they need a cabin mock up. They dont need a fusilage from
the outside! Like derrr where EVER have you heard of terrorists actually
taking over a plane on the ground?

November 2005: More than two years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq,
there has been no verification of the general's account of the activities at
Salman Pak. In fact, U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was
most likely used to train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking
techniques. It should also be noted that the general and other defectors
interviewed for this report were brought to FRONTLINE's attention by the
Iraqi National Congress (INC), a dissident organization that was working to
overthrow Saddam Hussein. This interview was conducted by FRONTLINE and The
New York Times in Beirut. The Lt. Gen. was later identified in other stories
as Abu Zeinab al-Qurairy, a former high-ranking officer in the Mukhabarat,
the Iraqi intelligence service. Abu Zeinab reportedly now lives in Baghdad;
he claims not to have left Iraq before the fall of Saddam Hussein and that
the story of Salman Pak was a hoax.

Classic counter int. counter play by INI against Saddam?

Unfortunately, the story was an elaborate scam. The purported general had
indeed met with American intelligence agents in Turkey, but unbeknownst to
Hedges the agents had dismissed his claims out of hand. What the reporters
also didn't know, and what has never before been reported, is that it now
appears that the man himself was a fake. According to an ex-INC official,
the Ghurairy who met with the Times and PBS was actually a former Iraqi
sergeant, then living in Turkey and known by the code name Abu Zainab. The
real Lt. General Ghurairy, it seems, had never left Iraq.

"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:44:17 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>It ISN'T politicians! It is the CIA FBI Homeland security NSA DIA ALL
>>reporting to congress!

> Did you bother to note how much was BLACKED out????
> My gawd, you're a fool of the forst order!

LOL! You are now basing you evidence on what you DON'T know! It is a bit
like claiming that WMD are there because we have NO EVIDENCE of them!
Next folks wait for the lepreachauns theory where Saddam hig the WMD and a
pot of gold with all his secret Unicorn army and was waithing for the US
occupation so he could start a pixie revolt! Well you cant see the Unicorns
pixies or lwepreachauns either can you?

Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a
Lisa: That's specious reasoning, Dad.
Homer: Thank you, dear.
Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.
Homer: Oh, how does it work?
Lisa: It doesn't work.
Homer: Uh-huh.
Lisa: It's just a stupid rock.
Homer: Uh-huh.
Lisa: But I don't see any tigers around, do you?
[Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]
Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.
[Lisa refuses at first, then takes the exchange]

Sorry Jim I dont want to buy that rock!
"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:28:51 -0800, Don Homuth
> <dhomuthoneatcomcast.net@> mumbled:
>>On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 04:07:10 GMT, Sir Sam <nite@cru.sade> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:30:20 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>><Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>>>>Read the actual report by the CIA.
>>>Read what they found AFTER the invasion - fool.

>>No WMDs.


You have a misinfromed blogger. I have the actual evidence of the US
security agencies! Fo course you WANT to believe the misinformed blogger
dont you?
Please look up the word "biogot".

> http://butlerblog.com/2005/08/30/how-many-nuclear-weapons-can-you-make-from-500-tons-of-yellow-cake/
> The Tuwaitha site was heavily bombed during the '91 allied campaign,
> yet, when the allies showed up in 2003, they found that this site had
> continued to be used to stockpile material as part of an appearent
> nuclear weapons program.

It was used by the UN to SEAL and STORE the material they discovered in
1991! Look at the bloggers reference to you biased frontpage mag and follow
their reference tio the ORIGINAL SOURCE Washington Post and you might
elucidate that!

>>No Terrist training camps.


already covered Internal counter int explanation as motive and the facts are
also clarified.

> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/024eyieu.asp

> http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=604615
> March 22, 2005

[snip]Already covered earlier. Rebut my earlier reply

>>No nuclear weapons program.

> http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={A91FEE10-D98F-4EAA-8CA5-73DCD65234D2}


Again rebutted in an earlier reply]

[snip -ditto]
"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:44:17 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>It ISN'T politicians! It is the CIA FBI Homeland security NSA DIA ALL
>>reporting to congress!

> Who are Congress?
> Who hires, fires, and appoints to Govt. agencies?

LOL! What a conspiracy! All judges police and public employees are crooked!
Well you believe what you want but I fail to see how you live in country
which you believe is crooked to that degree? Maybe you want "your bunch" to
straighten it out? Just like the Islamo fascists!
"Don Homuth" <dhomuthoneatcomcast.net@> wrote in message
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:42:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> wrote:
>>"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
>>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:03:14 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>The "Salman Pak was training Al Qaeda terrorists" claim is a
>>> So that fuselage must be a "joke" too, eh?

>>I don't deny there was a facility at Salman Pak.
>>If you want to train terrorists you train them to hijack planes and NOT
>>to get into grounded planes! for that you only need the INSIDE of a plane.
>>You use planes on the ground to train COUNTER TERRORISTS!

> We have fuselages of old airplanes in training camps in CONUS as well.
>>The Salman Pak claims had been soundly debunked....

> But the early discussions of the "apparent" Terrist Training Camp
> there still are to be found on the Web, and are still being used as
> "evidence" even after the debunking.

which shows one or more of the following
1. the strength of counter intel.
2. how bigots will believe what they want to believe and stop at further
rebuttal evidence
3. how some people just wont keep up to date.
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:10 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:42:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
>>>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:17:49 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>I gave you a source from the OFFICIAL classified report to congress.
>>>> Whop a dee ****.
>>>> Think "Congress" ever solved JFK's assassination?
>>>You are changing the context.

>> Congressional reports are rarely if EVER the definitive answer to

>I didn't claim it was the definitive answer. I offered it as ONE PIECE of

You cited an entire .pdf and quoted not ONE section.

**** off and die, scumbag.
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:10 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>No evidence of WMD means NO WMD!



A senior Syrian journalist reports Iraq WMD located in three Syrian
06 January, 2004


Nizar Nayuf (Nayyouf-Nayyuf), a Syrian journalist who recently
defected from Syria to Western Europe and is known for bravely
challenging the Syrian regime, said in a letter Monday, January 5, to
Dutch newspaper ?De Telegraaf,? that he knows the three sites where
Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are kept. The storage places

click for images of Iraq's WMD location in Syria

-1- Tunnels dug under the town of al-Baida near the city of Hama in
northern Syria. These tunnels are an integral part of an underground
factory, built by the North Koreans, for producing Syrian Scud
missiles. Iraqi chemical weapons and long-range missiles are stored in
these tunnels.

-2- The village of Tal Snan, north of the town of Salamija, where
there is a big Syrian air force camp. Vital parts of Iraq's WMD are
stored there.

-3-. The city of Sjinsjar on the Syrian border with the Lebanon, south
of Homs city.

Nayouf writes that the transfer of Iraqi WMD to Syria was organized by
the commanders of Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard, including
General Shalish, with the help of Assif Shoakat , Bashar Assad's
cousin. Shoakat is the CEO of Bhaha, an import/export company owned by
the Assad family.

In February 2003, a month before America's invasion in Iraq, very few
are aware about the efforts to bring the Weapons of Mass Destruction
from Iraq to Syria, and the personal involvement of Bashar Assad and
his family in the operation.
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:10 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>We are not arguing about "they THOUGHT they were right at the time" as if
>that is an excuse! THEY CLAIMED THEY KNEW! They DIDNT KNOW !


PROVE the intel conformed by over a dozen natiions was known, at the
time, to be false!

On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:11 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>where are the proven links to al Qaeda and
>world terror organisations?


THIS PAST MARCH 25 in the packed Palestine Chamber of Commerce hall,
those in attendance emitted a collective, audible gasp in response to
this very special announcement: Iraqi president Saddam Hussein will
henceforth pay $25,000 apiece to the families of Palestinian suicide
bombers. This represents a significant increase over the traditional
"going rate" of $10,000 designed to help entice the rest of Yasser
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:11 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:


>I already posted.



On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:08:31 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>OPINION! Not evidence.



Weapons of Mass Destruction HAVE been found in Iraq:

1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents

17 chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times
more deadly than sarin gas)

Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal
over populated areas

Roadside bombs loaded with mustard and "conventional" sarin gas,
assembled in binary chemical projectiles for maximum potency


The UN
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:24:35 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:



March 22, 2005

Iraqi commandos backed by U.S. ground and air fire uncovered an
apparent insurgent training camp today that hosted fighters from as
far away as the Philippines, senior officials tell ABC News.

The discovery was made after the members of Iraq's 1st Police Commando
Battalion -- who are part of the fighting forces of Iraq's interim
government -- were attacked while on a noontime patrol north of
Baghdad, near Samarra.

As they approached a group of buildings, they were attacked by
sustained heavy fire from RPG, small arms, and mortars.

Seven Iraqi commandos were killed and six were wounded. There were an
estimated 70 to 100 attackers and they were in dug-in positions.

A U.S. military officer with the unit called in air support. Attack
helicopters from Task Force Liberty's Aviation Brigade responded but
sustained major structural damage and were forced to turn back. More
helicopters came in and fired on insurgents.

Soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team also responded in support.
The U.S. military said an "undetermined number" of the attackers were
killed," and no Task Force Liberty soldiers were reported killed or

The fight lasted about 90 minutes. Once the insurgents broke contact,
they fled by either boats back toward nearby Lake Tharthar or into
local areas by vehicle or on foot.

At the scene, the commandos found documents indicating that there were
Syrians, Algerians, other Arabs and at least one Filipino among the
insurgents. The "training camp" found nearby is being "exploited,"
officials said.

On Monday and today, 20 insurgents were detained in three separate
operations in Mosul, the military said in separate statements.

Docex Project- millions of captured documents that had sat deep within
a warehouse. These documents have shed light on links between Saddam
and Al Qaeda. They were originally headquartered in Doha, Qatar.
Released by John Negroponte for volunteers to translate.

Page 3 Translation from captured Iraqi document ISGZ-2004-031613.pdf

In The Name of God the Most Merciful The Most Compassionate

Directory of General Security

Directory of Security Ninevah Province

No: 10106

Directory of General Security/ Director Section 1

Subject: Information

Date: 24/8/2002

The confident (1253) declared the following:

1.On 21/8/2002 an American delegation who is visiting the Northern
Region has paid a visit to the headquarters of the Iraqi communist
party in Shaklawa. The representative of the communist party made
presentation accusing the Iraqi government of hiding members of Al
Qaeda organization in the region of Salman Pak in addition to members
of the Turkish Workers party and the Iranian Moujahidee Khlak and that
they are trained to use chemical weapons and that Iraq will use them
in case there is military strike directed against it.
End of translation.
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:24:35 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:


**** YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!!


March 22, 2005

Iraqi commandos backed by U.S. ground and air fire uncovered an
apparent insurgent training camp today that hosted fighters from as
far away as the Philippines, senior officials tell ABC News.

The discovery was made after the members of Iraq's 1st Police Commando
Battalion -- who are part of the fighting forces of Iraq's interim
government -- were attacked while on a noontime patrol north of
Baghdad, near Samarra.

As they approached a group of buildings, they were attacked by
sustained heavy fire from RPG, small arms, and mortars.

Seven Iraqi commandos were killed and six were wounded. There were an
estimated 70 to 100 attackers and they were in dug-in positions.

A U.S. military officer with the unit called in air support. Attack
helicopters from Task Force Liberty's Aviation Brigade responded but
sustained major structural damage and were forced to turn back. More
helicopters came in and fired on insurgents.

Soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team also responded in support.
The U.S. military said an "undetermined number" of the attackers were
killed," and no Task Force Liberty soldiers were reported killed or

The fight lasted about 90 minutes. Once the insurgents broke contact,
they fled by either boats back toward nearby Lake Tharthar or into
local areas by vehicle or on foot.

At the scene, the commandos found documents indicating that there were
Syrians, Algerians, other Arabs and at least one Filipino among the
insurgents. The "training camp" found nearby is being "exploited,"
officials said.

On Monday and today, 20 insurgents were detained in three separate
operations in Mosul, the military said in separate statements.

Docex Project- millions of captured documents that had sat deep within
a warehouse. These documents have shed light on links between Saddam
and Al Qaeda. They were originally headquartered in Doha, Qatar.
Released by John Negroponte for volunteers to translate.

Page 3 Translation from captured Iraqi document ISGZ-2004-031613.pdf

In The Name of God the Most Merciful The Most Compassionate

Directory of General Security

Directory of Security Ninevah Province

No: 10106

Directory of General Security/ Director Section 1

Subject: Information

Date: 24/8/2002

The confident (1253) declared the following:

1.On 21/8/2002 an American delegation who is visiting the Northern
Region has paid a visit to the headquarters of the Iraqi communist
party in Shaklawa. The representative of the communist party made
presentation accusing the Iraqi government of hiding members of Al
Qaeda organization in the region of Salman Pak in addition to members
of the Turkish Workers party and the Iranian Moujahidee Khlak and that
they are trained to use chemical weapons and that Iraq will use them
in case there is military strike directed against it.
End of translation.
On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:24:35 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>You are now basing you evidence on what you DON'T know!

You are denying the black-out of classified data!


March 22, 2005

Iraqi commandos backed by U.S. ground and air fire uncovered an
apparent insurgent training camp today that hosted fighters from as
far away as the Philippines, senior officials tell ABC News.

The discovery was made after the members of Iraq's 1st Police Commando
Battalion -- who are part of the fighting forces of Iraq's interim
government -- were attacked while on a noontime patrol north of
Baghdad, near Samarra.

As they approached a group of buildings, they were attacked by
sustained heavy fire from RPG, small arms, and mortars.

Seven Iraqi commandos were killed and six were wounded. There were an
estimated 70 to 100 attackers and they were in dug-in positions.

A U.S. military officer with the unit called in air support. Attack
helicopters from Task Force Liberty's Aviation Brigade responded but
sustained major structural damage and were forced to turn back. More
helicopters came in and fired on insurgents.

Soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team also responded in support.
The U.S. military said an "undetermined number" of the attackers were
killed," and no Task Force Liberty soldiers were reported killed or

The fight lasted about 90 minutes. Once the insurgents broke contact,
they fled by either boats back toward nearby Lake Tharthar or into
local areas by vehicle or on foot.

At the scene, the commandos found documents indicating that there were
Syrians, Algerians, other Arabs and at least one Filipino among the
insurgents. The "training camp" found nearby is being "exploited,"
officials said.

On Monday and today, 20 insurgents were detained in three separate
operations in Mosul, the military said in separate statements.

Docex Project- millions of captured documents that had sat deep within
a warehouse. These documents have shed light on links between Saddam
and Al Qaeda. They were originally headquartered in Doha, Qatar.
Released by John Negroponte for volunteers to translate.

Page 3 Translation from captured Iraqi document ISGZ-2004-031613.pdf

In The Name of God the Most Merciful The Most Compassionate

Directory of General Security

Directory of Security Ninevah Province

No: 10106

Directory of General Security/ Director Section 1

Subject: Information

Date: 24/8/2002

The confident (1253) declared the following:

1.On 21/8/2002 an American delegation who is visiting the Northern
Region has paid a visit to the headquarters of the Iraqi communist
party in Shaklawa. The representative of the communist party made
presentation accusing the Iraqi government of hiding members of Al
Qaeda organization in the region of Salman Pak in addition to members
of the Turkish Workers party and the Iranian Moujahidee Khlak and that
they are trained to use chemical weapons and that Iraq will use them
in case there is military strike directed against it.
End of translation.
"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:10 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
>>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:42:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>"jim bronson" <then@came.nbc> wrote in message
>>>>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:17:49 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>I gave you a source from the OFFICIAL classified report to congress.
>>>>> Whop a dee ****.
>>>>> Think "Congress" ever solved JFK's assassination?
>>>>You are changing the context.
>>> Congressional reports are rarely if EVER the definitive answer to

>>I didn't claim it was the definitive answer. I offered it as ONE PIECE of

> You cited an entire .pdf and quoted not ONE section.


I cited a pdf yes.

I quoted selectively from parts of it in relation to claims about Iraq
supporting or linked to Al quaeda. Ten or twenty page references to the
actual doccument!

I did the SAME in realtion to WMd where I at length quoted several sources
ofrom OTHER sections!

Just in case you missed it here are the sections to which I referred:

For the Iraq intel links you will note that they have gone through 30
pages of Iraqi documents!

On page 65-66 you will note that GEORGE TENET (know him? The HEAD of CIA)
stated there is no confirmation of links to al quaeda!

It goes on about the lack of links and no supstantial proof of such links.

On page 71 you will note the Answer Al Islam (Zawharis group) is mentioned
as being linked to al Quaeda but NOT to Iraqi authorities!

They then go through links to al quaeda and planning operations withthem.
NOWHERE is any Philipnes attack mentioned.

Ther is one document in the whole 30 million which mentions people meeting
Al Quaeda and leavinf the door open for the POSSIBILITY of working together
(not actually working with them like the US did with the MuJIHADeen) -
bottom of page 73 where you note Bin Laden called Saddam an "unbeliever".

You may also have read the actual transcripts of Bin Ladens videos from the
cave in which he decries Saddam? [different source]

Skip on to page 82 for information on Salman Pak. On page 83 you will note
the OFFICIAL US POSITION of NO TRAINING of terrorists at Salman Pak after

On poage 84 the DIA states NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!

Actually on page 85 you will note that far from training for terrorism it
was for training for COUNTER TERRORISM! In fact why would terrorists need to
train outdoors using an airplane? all they would need is a mockup of the
INSIDE of the Airplane! It is the COUNTER terrorists who want to take
control of the Airplane from the terrorists who need an Airplane to train

On page 88 note the reference to Iraq not controlling the Kiurdis North and
that Al Zakawi'sd Anser Al Islam group operated there!

from 88-page 93 you will note that Iraq viewed Anser Al islam and Al Zawhari
as t THREAT and not as an Ally!

On page 94 they nmove on to the Prague meeting.

By the end of page 96 - reference 264 you will note that the US intelligence
service authotities are "Skeptical" whether Atta travelled to Prague!

The real meat however comes from page 105 - conclusions:

Conclusion 1: Saddam distrusted Al quaeda and refused ALL requests to work
with them!

2. There was ONE meeting between Saddams regime and Al Quaeda. There were
possibly two more where the Al Quaeda were rebuffed by Saddam.

3. No links on chemical and bio weapons

4. NO training by Saddams regime of Al Quaeda at Salman Pak OR ANYWHERE ELSE
in Iraq!

5. Saddam tried but failed to capture Zawahi and Anser al Islam. He did not
harbour them or co operate with them or even turn a blind eye to them!

6. Anser al Islan operated since 1991 in Kurdish controlled Northern Iraq
outside of Saddams reach.

7. No involvement in Sept 11 attacks.

8. No intention to work with terrorrists

That gets yo to page 111.

THAT IS THE WORD fromn CIA DIA FBI and NSA and Homeland Security based on
what they now know!
"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:10 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>unsupported claims of WMD or in Iraq

> **** off LIAR!
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,200499,00.html

LOL Fox news is a reliable source now is it?

> WASHINGTON - The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq
> since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be
> uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.

And you find that rather than 500 WMD it is 500 (unverified number) of what
they think might have been chemical shells. NO EVIDENCE they they were!
"Tests" are referred to but nobody who actually carried these "tests" out or
the results of tests. And there is reference to "filled" chemical artillery
shells but no reference as to where these were move or where they are kept?

> "We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons,"
> Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference
> late Wednesday afternoon.
> Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground
> Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum
> said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500
> weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
> Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War
> chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical
> munitions are assessed to still exist."
"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:10 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>We are not arguing about "they THOUGHT they were right at the time" as if
>>that is an excuse! THEY CLAIMED THEY KNEW! They DIDNT KNOW !

> PROVE IT!!!!!
> PROVE the intel conformed by over a dozen natiions was known, at the
> time, to be false!

It isnt up to me to do that as it is "shifting the burden" but in any case:

Your "confirmed by a dozen nations" is weak but is also stitching up the
claim. Let us stick with the doctored and stovepiped US claims and we
needent deal with the doctored and misleading UK claims and the counter
claims by other countries saying the claims of WMD were not everified by

Under the supervision of UNSCOM weapons inspectors, Iraq destroys more than
38,000 filled and unfilled chemical munitions, 690 tons of chemical warfare
agents, over 3,000 tons of precursor chemicals, more than 400 pieces of
production equipment [United Nations Special Commission, 4/16/1998] , 48
missiles, 8 mobile missile launchers, and 29 missile warheads modified to
carry chemical or biological agents. [United Nations Special Commission,
1/29/1998] After cross-referencing weapons-making materials found in Iraq
with sales records from other countries, UNSCOM inspectors conclude that at
least 90 percent of Iraq's weapons have been destroyed or dismantled. Chief
UNSCOM inspector Scott Ritter believes that a good portion of the remaining
10 percent was destroyed during the First Gulf War, thus leaving only a
small fraction unaccounted for. [Truthout (.org), 7/24/2002; Newsday,

Aug 22 1995:
Hussein Kamel. [Source: Associated Press]Hussein Kamel, Iraq's former
minister of military industry-who was Saddam Hussein's son-in-law and who
had overseen Iraq's nuclear, chemical, biological and missile weapons
programs for almost a decade-is interviewed shortly after defecting by
UNMOVIC Executive Chairman Rolf Ekeus, Professor Maurizio Zifferero, deputy
director of the Internal Atomic Energy Agency,and Nikita Smidovick of
UNSCOM. During the interview, Kamel says that Iraq had destroyed all of its
banned weapons after the First Gulf War. "I ordered destruction of all
chemical weapons. All weapons-biological, chemical, missile, nuclear were
destroyed," he tells his interviewers. With regard to Anthrax, which Kamel
says had been the "main focus" of Iraq's biological program, Kamel says,
"nothing remained." Regarding the nerve gas, VX, Kamel says, "they put it in
bombs during last days of the Iran-Iraq war. They were not used and the
program was terminated." When asked if the program had been reconstituted,
Kamel replies, "We changed the factory into pesticide production. Part of
the establishment started to produce medicine. We gave instructions not to
produce chemical weapons." On the issue of prohibited missiles, Kamel
states: "[N]ot a single missile left but they had blueprints and molds for
production. All missiles were destroyed." Kamel also says that inspections
worked in Iraq. "You have important role in Iraq with this. You should not
underestimate yourself. You are very effective in Iraq," he reveals. But
this information is not made public. Newsweek reports in March 2003 that
according to its sources, "Kamel's revelations about the destruction of Iraq's
WMD stocks were hushed up by the UN inspectors. for two reasons. Saddam did
not know how much Kamel had revealed, and the inspectors hoped to bluff
Saddam into disclosing still more." [Scotsman, 2/24/2003; Newsweek,
3/3/2003] Kamel also says that Khidhir Hamza, an Iraqi nuclear scientist who
defected in 1994 and who will be a source for claims regarding Iraq's
alleged nuclear weapons program in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq,
is "a professional liar." He tells his interviewers, "He worked with us, but
he was useless and always looking for promotions.. He consulted with me but
could not deliver anything.. He was even interrogated by a team before he
left and was allowed to go." [New York Review of Books, 2/26/2004] At around
the same time, Kamel is also interviewed by the CIA and Britain's MI6.
According to sources interviewed by Newsweek, Kamel provides them with the
same information. [Scotsman, 2/24/2003; Newsweek, 3/3/2003 Sources: Unnamed
sources] But after this is revealed on February 24, 2003 by Newsweek's John
Barry, the CIA issues a strong denial. "It is incorrect, bogus, wrong,
untrue," CIA spokesman Bill Harlow will say. [Reuters, 2/24/2003]

October 1997
Hans Blix. [Source: Dean Calma / IAEA]Hans Blix, director-general of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, writes in a letter to UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan that there is no evidence that Iraq has an
active nuclear weapons program. Blix says that the agency now has a
"technically coherent picture of Iraq's clandestine nuclear program,"
despite some missing evidence and gaps in knowledge. He states with
certainty the following: [Director General of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, 10/6/1997]
"There are no indications to suggest that Iraq was successful in its
attempt to produce nuclear weapons. Iraq's explanation of its progress
towards the finalization of a workable design for its nuclear weapons is
considered to be consistent with the resources and time scale indicated by
the available program documentation. However, no documentation or other
evidence is available to show the actual status of the weapon design when
the program was interrupted." [Director General of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, 10/6/1997]
"Iraq was at, or close to, the threshold of success in such areas as the
production of HEU [high-enriched uranium] through the EMIS [electromagnetic
isotope separation] process, the production and pilot cascading of
single-cylinder sub-critical gas centrifuge machines, and the fabrication of
the explosive package for a nuclear weapon." [Director General of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, 10/6/1997]
"There are no indications to suggest that Iraq had produced more that a few
grams of weapon-usable nuclear material (HEU or separated plutonium) through
its indigenous processes, all of which has been removed from Iraq."
[Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10/6/1997]
"There are no indications that Iraq otherwise acquired weapon-usable
nuclear material." [Director General of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, 10/6/1997]
"All of the safeguarded research reactor fuel, including the HEU fuel that
Iraq had planned to divert to its 'crash program,' was verified and fully
accounted for by the IAEA and removed from Iraq." [Director General of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, 10/6/1997]
"There are no indications that there remains in Iraq any physical
capability for the production of amounts of weapon-usable nuclear material
of any practical significance." [Director General of the International
Atomic Energy Agency, 10/6/1997]

Experts report that Iraq has failed to adequately account for 500
mustard-gas shells, 25 "special warheads," 150 aerial bombs, 2 scud missiles
[Christian Science Monitor, 8/29/2002] , 520 kilograms of yeast extract
growth medium specifically for anthrax [NewsMax, 9/4/2002] , 15,000 122 mm
artillery shells, 25,000 rockets and several hundred tons of chemicals for
the nerve agent VX. [Cirincione, Wolfsthal, and Rajkumar, 6/2002; BBC,
25 Special Warheads - Iraq failed to account for 25 special warheads. Former
UNSCOM inspector Scott Ritter will tell the Christian Science Monitor in
mid-2002, "Even if he hid some warheads, they would have degenerated by
now." [Christian Science Monitor, 8/29/2002]
Scud Missiles - Iraq has accounted for or destroyed 817 of its 819 Scud
missiles. [United Nations Special Commission, 1/29/1998] It is later
suggested by experts, such as former UN inspector Scott Ritter and Charles
Duelfer of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, that Iraq
could possibly salvage and manufacture enough components to build up a store
of between five and 25 missiles. [BBC, 9/11/2002] But as the San Francisco
Chronicle later notes, citing unnamed weapons experts, "there is no evidence
that these have been tested or that Iraq has any functional launchers." [San
Francisco Chronicle, 10/12/2002]
8,5000 liters of anthrax - Iraq maintains that these remaining stores of
Anthrax were unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991, however they
offer no evidence of this. [Scotsman, 2/24/2003] Scott Ritter, a former
Marine intelligence officer and chief weapons inspector, will later say that
evidence indicates that Iraq's liquid bulk anthrax has not been produced by
Iraq since 1991. Furthermore, he adds, the factory where Iraq had produced
the pathogen was destroyed in 1996. He says that any anthrax produced before
then is no longer a threat to anyone because after three years liquid bulk
anthrax becomes "useless sludge." [Reuters, 2/8/2002]
Several hundred tons of chemicals for the nerve agent VX - UNSCOM is unable
to account for several hundred tons of chemicals for the nerve agent VX.
Iraq maintains that these remaining stocks were unilaterally destroyed in
the summer of 1991. [Scotsman, 2/24/2003] In March 2003, UNMOVIC, the
successor to UNSCOM, will report that Iraq's production method created nerve
agent that lasted only six to eight weeks. [Independent, 6/1/2003] Critics
believe that most of these stocks were destroyed during the First Gulf War.
Scott Ritter, a former chief weapons inspector, speaking at the Suffolk Law
School building in downtown Boston, will say on July of 2002: "The research
and development factory is destroyed [a Gulf War bomb destroyed the
production facility on January 23, 1991]. The product of that factory is
destroyed. The weapons they loaded up have been destroyed. More importantly,
the equipment procured from Europe that was going to be used for their
large-scale VX nerve agent factory was identified by the special
commission-still packed in its crates in 1997-and destroyed. Is there a VX
nerve agent factory in Iraq today? Not on your life." [Truthout (.org),

A special panel of the UN Security Council reports that "the declared
facilities of Iraq's biological weapons program have been destroyed and
rendered harmless." [United Nations, 3/30/1999; Guardian, 5/15/2002]

So where is the US in this:(2001-2003)
The US intelligence community-most notably the intelligence gatherers
working in the Pentagon offices under Douglas Feith (see September
2002) -bases several of its intelligence assessments concerning Iraq on
information offered by the Iraqi National Congress (INC) and by Iraqi
defectors provided by the INC, despite warnings from the State Department
and some CIA analysts that the lobbying group cannot be trusted. [New
Yorker, 5/12/2003; Salon, 7/16/2003; Guardian, 7/17/2003; Inter Press
Service, 8/7/2003; Independent, 9/30/2003; Mother Jones, 1/2004 Sources:
Greg Thielmann, Unnamed administration official] The INC's primary
intelligence organization is its Information Collection Program (ICP), which
conducts about 20 percent of all US intelligence's verbal debriefings of
Iraqi prisoners, insurgents, and defectors. [Bamford, 2004, pp. 336-337]
Some of the INC's intelligence on Iraq is reportedly funneled directly to
the office of Vice President Dick Cheney by Francis Brooke, the DC lobbyist
for the group. [Newsweek, 12/15/2003 Sources: Memo, Francis Brooke] Brooke
will later acknowedge that the information provided by the INC was driven by
an agenda. "I told them [the INC], as their campaign manager, 'Go get me a
terrorist and some WMD, because that's what the Bush administration is
interested in.'" [Vanity Fair, 5/2004, pp. 230] Brooke had previously worked
for the Rendon Group, "a shadowy CIA-connected public-relations firm."
[Mother Jones, 1/2004]

Feb 2001:
CIA director George Tenet testifies to Congress that Iraq possesses no
weapons of mass destruction and poses no threat to the United State. He
says, "We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period
since [Operation] Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs, although
given its past behavior, this type of activity must be regarded as likely..
We assess that since the suspension of [UN] inspections in December of 1998,
Baghdad has had the capability to reinitiate both its [chemical and
biological weapons] programs. without an inspection monitoring program,
however, it is more difficult to determine if Iraq has done so." He
continues, "Moreover, the automated video monitoring systems installed by
the UN at known and suspect WMD facilities in Iraq are still not operating.
Having lost this on-the-ground access, it is more difficult for the UN or
the US to accurately assess the current state of Iraq's WMD programs."
Rumsfeld also discusses al-Qaeda, calling it "the most immediate and serious
threat" to US interests [Scoop, 6/27/2003]

At a joint press conference with German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer,
Colin Powell says that Iraq has been successfully contained. "What we and
other allies have been doing in the region, have succeeded in containing
Saddam Hussein and his ambitions. His forces are about one-third their
original size. They don't really possess the capability to attack their
neighbors the way they did ten years ago.. Containment has been a successful
policy." [US Department of State, 2/20/2001]

During a press briefing held aboard a plane en route to Cairo, Egypt, Colin
Powell says: "Though [the Iraqis] may be pursuing weapons of mass
destruction of all kinds. It is not clear how successful they have been. We
ought to declare [sanctions] a success. We have kept [Saddam Hussein]
contained, kept him in his box." [US Department of State, 2/23/2001; Time,
3/24/2003; Star Tribune (Minneapolis), 1/28/2004]

Secretary of State Colin Powell travels to Cairo and meets with his
counterpart Amre Moussa. Following up on his statements from the day before
Powell says sanctions against the Iraqi government: "[F]rankly they have
worked. [Saddam Hussein] has not developed any significant capability with
respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional
power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened
the security of the neighbors of Iraq.." Powell adds, "[H]e threatens not
the United States." [US Department of State, 2/24/2003; Mirror, 9/22/2003;
Associated Press, 9/25/2003] Some nineteen months later, when Powell is
asked to explain why his assessment of Iraq had so drastically changed over
such a short span of time, Powell will say, ". I did not say he (Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein) didn't have weapons of mass destruction.. He was a
threat then. The extent of his holdings were yet to be determined. It was
early in the administration and the fact of the matter is it was long before
9/11 (the date of the 2001 attacks on the United States).. A lot changed
between February 2001 (and the invasion), but I don't find anything
inconsistent between what I said then and what I've said all along." [US
Department of State, 9/25/2003; Associated Press, 9/25/2003; Washington
Post, 9/26/2003]

May 2001:
Secretary of State Colin Powell, in testimony before the Foreign Operations,
Export Financing, and Related Programs Subcommittee of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, says that Saddam Hussein has been effectively
contained by sanctions. He says, "The sanctions. have succeeded over the
last 10 years, not in deterring him from moving in that direction, but from
actually being able to move in that direction. The Iraqi regime militarily
remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago.
It has been contained. And even though we have no doubt in our mind that the
Iraqi regime is pursuing programs to develop weapons of mass
destruction-chemical, biological and nuclear-I think the best intelligence
estimates suggest that they have not been terribly successful. There's no
question that they have some stockpiles of some of these sorts of weapons
still under their control, but they have not been able to break out, they
have not been able to come out with the capacity to deliver these kinds of
systems or to actually have these kinds of systems that is much beyond where
they were 10 years ago. So containment, using this arms control sanctions
regime, I think has been reasonably successful. We have not been able to get
the inspectors back in, though, to verify that, and we have not been able to
get the inspectors in to pull up anything that might be left there. So we
have to continue to view this regime with the greatest suspicion, attribute
to them the most negative motives, which is quite well-deserved with this
particular regime, and roll the sanctions over, and roll them over in a way
where the arms control sanctions really go after their intended
targets-weapons of mass destruction-and not go after civilian goods or
civilian commodities that we really shouldn't be going after, just let that
go to the Iraqi people." [US Congress, 5/15/2001; Mirror, 9/22/2003]

The CIA's Joint Task Force on Iraq, headed by career officer Valerie Wilson,
sends approximately 30 Iraqi-American civilians back to Iraq to interrogate
family members who are weapons scientists. The agency hopes that the
operation will help close some gaps in the agency's Iraq intelligence. The
plan was devised by Charlie Allen, the CIA's assistant director for
collection. The operation produces a very accurate picture of Iraq's weapons
programs, though the CIA does not realize this at the time. Every single one
of family members (see, e.g., May 2002-September 2002) participating in the
program return from Iraq with the same information-that Iraq's nuclear,
chemical, and biological weapons programs have long since been abandoned.
The program is short-lived. It is shut down by officials in the CIA's
Directorate of Operations who are reportedly jealous of Charlie Allen's
incursions onto its operational turf. The program's results are buried and
never distributed to other bodies within the intelligence community. [Risen,
2006, pp. 183-184; Isikoff and Corn, 2006, pp. 12-14]

AND THEN 2002-2003:
In the lead-up to the war, top Bush administration officials make strong
statements asserting that Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass
destruction. The administration claims that it has incontrovertible
evidence, though no such evidence is disclosed to the public-neither before
nor after the invasion. [Chicago Tribune, 2/7/2002; Daily Telegraph,
8/21/2002; Guardian, 8/22/2002; White House, 8/26/2002; US Department of
Defense, 9/3/2002; Associated Press, 9/3/2002; United Press International,
9/3/2002; Associated Press, 9/8/2002; NewsMax, 9/8/2002; PBS, 9/12/2002; US
President, 9/16/2002; US President, 10/14/2002; CBC News, 12/5/2002;
Associated Press, 1/7/2003; White House, 1/9/2003; US President, 2/3/2003;
US Department of State, 2/5/2003; US Department of State, 2/5/2003; White
House, 3/21/2003; US President, 3/24/2003; Age (Melbourne), 6/7/2003;
Village Voice, 6/18/2003; Sunday Herald (Glasgow), 7/13/2003; Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 7/17/2003; Fox News, 8/20/2003;
Associated Press, 12/5/2003]

This is about ten percent of the doccuments I can produce but I think itis
enough of a sample to be getting on with. which ones in particular would you
like to claim is a wrong source? the UN? The Whitehouse? Colin (I changed my
story later) Powell? George (like what Powell was just saying) Tenet?
"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:53:11 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>>I already posted.


I did and I just posted several more from a variety of sources. Please care
to indicate which of the sources is bullshit?
"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:24:35 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

> **** YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!!
> http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=604615
> March 22, 2005
> Iraqi commandos backed by U.S. ground and air fire uncovered an
> apparent insurgent training camp today that hosted fighters from as
> far away as the Philippines, senior officials tell ABC News.

"APPARENT" and I already dealt with this in another post!
