[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Fribby - :eek: FRIBBY!!!! no long no see!! *hugs*
well on the forums i mean..
i'm fine thanx for asking =).. how are you?
thnx for stopping by and take care *hugs*

Becks - Heya! yeah they were really awsome.. and Nightwish rocks!
but not as much as LP :D
thnx for stopping by.. take care *hugs*

it's been a while since i last posted my entry,,
'that's because i was a little busy,,
i will tell you something about the movie and about yesterday
the movie was soooo boring and fake =_=
we were like: Yeah right *yawn*

yesterday we went to the city..
we *Nick, Mnoe, Kim, Jroen and I* walked around.. and visited some stores..
and i'm so jealous on Nick! he has the new Spineshank album: Self-Distructive Pattern..
i want that album so bad!! i could copy it from him.. but i want the original one. (A)
and he bought a new Slipknot album too!.. and i wanted that one too =_=
ow and i saw a game that i wanted to have.. for the gamecube..
Tales of Symphonia.. it's a RPG.. i lvoe RPGs :D
so i'm saving my money for that game..

thnx for reading peeps..
and take care *hugs*
Yeah, well, I didn't have to miss you Hybs, we've been talking on MSN, which I'm very glad for. :)

And woah I didn't know Nightwish were Finnish. That means Finland has 3 famous bands. :p

You have GameCube? Never played that. Any fun?
Heyyyy Hybi!*hugs and kisses*
I love RPGs! One of my favorite kinds of games.
I know how you feel about the CDs,my friend just bought the new NIN Cd..that I wanted.*cries*:p

Take care my love!*hugs*
My friend has that game, I think she says it's good ^^
I know where you're coming from about the CD, it's always nicer to have the real thing, with the proper picture cover and stuff like that.
Take care *hugs* Ttyl ;)
Hey Hybi!
Sis...why are dutch names so hard to read? :p
I can pronounce Manja, Anja and your name in dutch names and ooh Marghaa.
nothing else o.o'
well anyways ohope you can get the cd's and the game soon. :D
*hugs and smooches*
ttyl hon
heya hon, just dropping by for a quick hello and i miss you, havent talked to you in ages?
so how'r you doing?
*gives you money for the game you want* hope you get it
<3 u and catch up with you soon stalker-eeee
bubi! ^^
Heyb Hybi,,

No your journal doesn't bore me *or something like that*
But I was bored cause I was home alone :p

And now I'm tired but that's not because of your journal but the swimming and working ofzoiets :)
woah comments.. sorry for not being online that much..

Fribby - yeah =)
you didn't knew that? lol.. i heard them speak english once..
Tarja was like: We're nightwish from Finnyland.. lmao
yeah gamecube rocks!! \m/!
you have to try it once.
thnx for stopping by! *hugs*

- yeah rpgs rule! ^^
owhhh... =( *hugs* don't cry *gives you the cd*
take care too! *hugs*

Fiona - yeah i love spineshank! i want that cd so bad!
hmm.. that's a good idea..
thnx! *hugs* and take care!

Sis - lmao.. maybe cause is typ them different then you pronounce..:p
thnx =) i already got the game ^^ and it rocks my socks!
thnx for stopping by!
take care *hugs*

keza - ow haven't talked to you in ages yeah..
cause i'm a little busy.. sorry..
i'm fine btw ^^ how are you??
thnx for the money but i don't need it anymore *gives it back*
now you can buy something for yourself ^^
take care *stalker hug*

Mnoe - ahh ok.. and it doesn't matter if the journal had really bored you..
i'm used to it :p
hahah.. yeah swimming was cool.. ahh zielige jij.. rust maar goed uit ;)
byes! *hugs* take care!

ehm i'm going to give you a summary of the past days..
yesterday i went to the city with Mnoe, Nick, Kim and Jroen..
i bought Tales of Symphonia! ^^ the game i wanted..
i love it! it's great!..
we went to McDonalds too.. and ate something..
McDonald's rocks!.. but it's still not good for your health.. =_=

ehm today we went swimming! ^^ *my parents.. my bro with a friend of his.. and i and mnoe!*
we had much fun.. but i got a sunburn =_=
my whole belly is red =_=.. and a little but of my **** 0=)
and my legs =_=.. ahh well..
after that mnoe came to my place and we played tales of symphonia ^_^
and when mnoe got home we went to my grandparents..
we had a bbq.. again =_=
man i got stuffed! my granny kept putting things on my plate..
i almost puked.. my bro tought it was funny =_=
and my little nephew went nuts 0_o
he started to kick my bro.. well it was his own fault..
he was teasing Jeano..

ehm well that were my 2 days..
i'm sorry if i'm not that much online..
i'm busy.. and the past days i don't feel like getting online..
not because of you guys! i really love you and you're all so friendly!
i'm just i dunno..
anyway.. take care! *hugs*

*grrr >.< this computer update is really getting on my last nerve at the moment*
Hybrid-Heart said:
Fribby - yeah =)
you didn't knew that? lol.. i heard them speak english once..
Tarja was like: We're nightwish from Finnyland.. lmao
yeah gamecube rocks!! \m/!
you have to try it once.
thnx for stopping by! *hugs*

ehm i'm going to give you a summary of the past days..
yesterday i went to the city with Mnoe, Nick, Kim and Jroen..
i bought Tales of Symphonia! ^^ the game i wanted..
i love it! it's great!..
we went to McDonalds too.. and ate something..
McDonald's rocks!.. but it's still not good for your health.. =_=

ehm today we went swimming! ^^ *my parents.. my bro with a friend of his.. and i and mnoe!*
we had much fun.. but i got a sunburn =_=
my whole belly is red =_=.. and a little but of my **** 0=)
and my legs =_=.. ahh well..
after that mnoe came to my place and we played tales of symphonia ^_^
and when mnoe got home we went to my grandparents..
we had a bbq.. again =_=
man i got stuffed! my granny kept putting things on my plate..
i almost puked.. my bro tought it was funny =_=
and my little nephew went nuts 0_o
he started to kick my bro.. well it was his own fault..
he was teasing Jeano..

ehm well that were my 2 days..
i'm sorry if i'm not that much online..
i'm busy.. and the past days i don't feel like getting online..
not because of you guys! i really love you and you're all so friendly!
i'm just i dunno..
anyway.. take care! *hugs*

*grrr >.< this computer update is really getting on my last nerve at the moment*
lol yeah well then again I don't listen to Nightwish, so... :p
oh I hate sunburns, but then again there isn't any strong sun in Iceland so that's ok for me :p :eek: , hope yours feels better tho now :)
Hey Hybi!!*kisskiss*
Sounds like you had fun today.^^
Congratulations on getting the game!lol

Take care,lovely.*hugs*
Au revoir.
Friðbjörn said:
What's that mean?
That means good bye in french :thumbsup:

Hiya sis!
well I guess dutch names are like french names. Maybe...Idk :p
My bnro thinks it's funny too when I dont feel so good. *shakes head*
I do the same when he does'nt feel good XP
well hope ttys

Uhmm Hybi's computer crashed again so she can't be online or at the forum...
I hope it will be fixed soon..

-x- Mnoe

*and I think also xxx of Hybi :p*