[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

this is going to be a double post but,, ahh well..

yesterday i had to go to this huge shopping mall with my parents =_=
it's called Ikea.. in the beginning it was fun.. but then my mom had to stop at every single thing that she liked..
and believe me there were lots of things that she likes 0_o
especially plants..
and i though that they wouldn't have a plant department..
but then i saw these huge plants.. and i was like: oh.. noooooooooooo
and yes.. my mom runned to those plants =_=
my bro, dad and i were like: 0_o"
anyway.. we bought new curtains for my room ^^
and some other stuf..
we ate something there.. i ate swedish meatballs or somthing =P
with fries..

when we went to the exit my mom suddenly said: there is this really cute looking skater from your age behind you..
i was like: oh yeah..right..
so i looked into this mirror that was hanging above me.. and i saw the cutest guy i've ever seen 0_o
i looked behind me and i almost fainted!
he had black half long hair..
a litte goatee ^^ .. he was wearing a baggy pants and Vans ^^
he had this black polo shirt on with: Rock&Roll suicide on it..
he was sooooooooooo cute.. and he bought 2 hobbyhorses :p

when he walked to the exit i was walking behind him..
when i got in the car i saw him standing on the corner of Ikea..
i almost wanted to get out and ran towards him.. lol
when we drove away i was sticking on the window.. and drooling,,
my brother kept saying that he was ugly =_=
so i punshed him :D.. damn that feeled good..

in the evening we *manoe, nick, jeroen, nienke and i* watched the movie White Noise..
damn that movie was scary :p
i saw it before.. so it wasn't that scary anymore for me.. but it scared the **** out of manoe :p
after the movie nienke went home.. she wanted to go to bed early cause she had to work the next day..
manoe nick and i stayed a little longer..
we got corny and started to play a little game..
manoe and nick were vampires and jeroen and i werewolves..
ow and lateron.. we also said that manoe was Tuomas *from nightwish*
Nick was Tarja * also from nightwish*
Jeroen was J.LO *lmao* and i was Mike Shinoda :cool:
we were playing this underworld thingy... =P
it was so funny.. jeroen has a swimming pool..
and manoe and nick sat on a side of the pool.. and jeroen and i on the other side..
we were argueing who was better and stuff.. and then manoe started running around and i chased her..
then suddenly she stopped and turned around..
i bumped into her.. and my nose came into her eye! lmao!
my nose hurted and manoe's eye too..
we laughed our asses of at that point..
anyway,, at midnight we went back home again..

ehm that was my day.. lol
pretty funny things happened as you could read :p
thnx for reading it,, and take care *hugs*
Hey Hybi!!*hugz and smoochez*

You always have fun days!You lucky duck!:p

Take care sweetie pie.*hugs and gives you asparagus*
here's my update for 2 days:

====Wednesday 10th of August====
ehm today i washed the car of my uncle..
i did it wrong first so i had to start over again cause you could still see the spots of the water..
then when i thought i was done my mom came by..
she told me that the car was was still dirty.. so she did it over again..
it made me angry.. and made me feel like i couldn't do anything right..
anyway.. i got €10,- for washing the car..

that afternoon manoe came by to watch a movie
we watched Halloween lol
it was a very funny movie.. :D.. it should be scary..
we laughed our asses of when this girl was running from the murderer..
she ran to this door but it was locked..so she tried to get it open..
but then i looked like she was having sex with the door 0_o
we were like: WTF?! whahahahah!
after the movie manoe stayed for dinner,,
after dinner we went to nienke cause she called if we wanted to go with her to the rehearsel of Slashback

when we were there they also played Basket Case ^^
and when everyone was doing things of his own Jos played the intro from Pushing me Away ^^
but then Jeroen said: No! no Linkin Park =_='

after the rehearsel Nienke wanted to go to Jeroen.. but she couldn't go if nobody went with her..
so she was begging that i had to go with her..
i said no but then jeroen and jos and the others said that i had to 0_o
so after a while i said yes..

we had so much fun!.. we played super smash brothers melee..
and i defeated Geofrey! :cool: and he's one of the best..
after that we watched Beavis and Butthead!
they're Hilarious! ^^

then Nick came with fries.. but they were all brown and crispy 0_0
then he gave us minced-meat balls.. and then we started to throw them to each other 0_o
so the whole house was full of fries and minced-meat balls lol :p

at 11.30 pm we went home again..
we had much fun! ^^

====Thurseday 11th of August====
ehm today i didn't do much.. the only thing that i did that is worth sharing with you guys is that i went to nick to discusse some things about the BBQ that we're having later this vacation..
it was pretty funny.. we watched friends while doing that so everyone was paying attention to Friends..
in staid of to discusse.. lol

is stayed till 10 pm.. Manoe and Jeroen stayed a little longer..


so taht were my too days of fun :p
thnx for reading and take care! *hugs*
lmfao, having sex with the door, you have a dodgy mind girl!!!
hahahaha, thats still making me laugh!

*hugs* hope your ok, and have you stolen that mini yet woman!!!!
take care of urself hon and sorry i had to go off msn without really talking, my computer was being a gay again...!
hope you have fun at the market, <3 u!
i feel loved for the first time in my life T_T
thnx guys for the comments! ^^

Keza - rofl.. yeah that was the same reaction that Mnoe and I had when we saw it,,
but seriously.. it really looked like she was having sex with that frickin door!
eh no! i didn't had a change when i first tryed it..
some stupid man was guarding it like ti was his life =_=
thnx for stopping by ^^
take care *hugs*

Sis Sammi - Sis!! ^______^
i'm fine! how are you doing?
i'm so happy that you're back! i missed you so much!
take care sis! *hugs and gives you wb cookies*

Forgottenkid - yeah i hope you don't mind that i do that
anyway im glad you came by! *hugs*

Faded - Hello sweetheart! *hugs and smooches back*
well my mom explained me how i should wash a car..
and she also tolded me that it wasn't my fault.. cause nobody explained me how i should wash a car excactly..
take care too! *hugs*

Fiona - what message? =P
yep yep.. had lots of fun ^^ thnx for stopping by
take care *hugs*

ehm about yesterday,,
yesterday evening i went to the market like always..
we walked around and visited the guy with the bandshirts..
he didn't had any new things..
anyway.. yesterday something happened that i didn't quiet liked..
we asked nienke if she wanted to g owith us to the market..
but she said that she was going to the parkfeesten *festival that's in our city*
*in english it means: parkparties lol*
anyway.. i understanded it and manoe nick and i went to the market together..
but then we suddenly saw nienke with jessie and the other jeroen..
and i was like: eh wasn;'t she supposed to be on the parkfeesten?
so she rather hang out with jessie and jeroen then with her best friends..
it made me feel sad =(
we ignored it and after the market we hired a movie..
Mean Girls! god that movie was hilarious! ^^
after watching the movie we brought manoe home..
and had a little fun =P
well that was yesterday..
today i'm going to the parkfeesten myself ^^
and afterwards we're going to sleep at jeroens place in a tent!
omg.. :p

well anyway thnx for reading
take care *hugs*
hey sis
as I said that sounds fun!
I agree, Mean girls is hilariuos!
Specielly the goth girl makes her speech in the end. :D Love it!
Hope you have at the festival and in the tent ^^
AAAAAAAAARG! i just typed a whole new journal entry,, but then it says: you followed an invalid link..! >.<

so this entry won't be that long.. cause i don't feel like making a long on again..

yesterday i went to the parkfeesten with my friends ^^
Epica performed their and they we're great!
they're a dutch gothic rock band.. more like nightwish *although nightwish is from finland*
anyway.. they were great!
after that we got ourselves some beer and walked around
we met jeroen and jessie and their friends and sat with them..
then we started to rumble and push others around..*cornyness after some beers :rolleyes: *
anyway,, it was fun untill i lost my LP wristband 0_o
i was like: NOOOO WHERE IS IT?!
my friends were like: where is what?
we searched everywhere and some even shined on the ground with their cellphones XDD
it was sweet of them to help me.. but i couldn't find it anymore.. *CRIES*

after a while we went home again,,
wen went to jeroen to sleep in a tent behind their house..
it was raining so hard! you could hear the rain pooring on the tent real loud..
so i couldn't sleep because of that =_=
i slept for like 1 hour i guess
when we woke up the tent was soaked 0_o
from the inside and from the outside..
and nick's sleeping-bag got soaked too XDD
poor nick.
but we had fun ^^

tonight we're going to watch a movie *yes again*
thnx for readaing and take care *hugs*
1 hr, thats not alot, i hate sleeping in sleeping bags, i always get caught in them somehow, dont really know how, im sure id never be able to do anything like that if i was awake, hehe
well hope you have fun with the movie sweetie!!!
*huggles* <3 u! take care of yourself!