[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Aislin said:

Uhmm Hybi's computer crashed again so she can't be online or at the forum...
I hope it will be fixed soon..

-x- Mnoe

*and I think also xxx of Hybi :p*
damn it. I wish she was on here.
But, thanks for the info Aislin :thumbsup:
thnx Mnoe for telling everyone ^^ *hugs*

and thank you so much for all the comments..
damn i hate my computer..
it seems like the darn thing keeps getting messed up and things.. :rolleyes:

i'll try to catch up with you..
i don't have mych time to update now..
but i can tell you guys that i have new All Stars ^^
red ones..
and that i mostely played tales of symphonia..
and drew some things.. =)
i'm totally addicted to tales!
i love the game =).. i even have a sig of it :D

well thnx for all your comments and for caring..
take care! *BIG HUGS* to you all
cool! I love the red ones!
I have the black and the green ones.
I want the red and the blue ones :p
yep, I love all stars.
oh btw your sig rox! it's so cute :thumbsup:
well ttyl hon
*hugs and smooches*
Hey Hybi!*hugs and kisses*
Congrats on the new All Stars! I only have the black ones..im think of getting the navy blue or the red ones. Oh,thats a wicked sig!Lol.

Take care,honey!*hugs*
Sis - hehe yeah me too! luckely i was on time.. they had only one pair left in my size ^^
i wanted the black ones too.. but they didn't had them anymore..
but the red ones are cool too :D
all stars rock!.. and vans too :D
ow and thnx.. but all the credit for this sig goes to a friend of mine..
she's also on this forum.. her name here is MoonCat..
she rocks at making sigs!
i want psp back *cries*
anyway thnx for stopping by *hugs*
take care

Faded - thnx ^^ and the navy blue ones are great too ^^
and the red ones too ofcourse 0=)
thnx =) but MoonCat deserves all the credit
thnx for stopping by
take care *hugs and kisses*

Fiona - lol thnx for wondering :p
stupid damn computer.. sorry =P
thnx for stopping by, and thnx =) *like i said credits to MoonCat*
take care *hugs*

Fribby - thnx fribby and don't worry.. i won't :thumbsup:
take care *hugs*

okay.. about today.. ehm. i got soaked =_=
first kim and nick came to pick me up..
they wanted to go to manoe.. but it was raining..
so we stayed a little longer at my place..
good that we did.. cause my mom was making waffles :D
nick at 3 of them 0_o.. i ate 2.. and kim didn't ate anything =_=
ahh well.. when the rain finally stopped we headed to manoe.
we thought we were going to make it before it started to rain again..
but.. ofcourse we were wrong..
it started to pour down really hard =_=
so we got soaked *my new all stars too T_T*
when we got at manoe's place and ofcourse she had to be funny..
when she saw us she said: oh.. is it raining?
we: =_=.. YES!! >.<
so when the rain stopped again we went to the city..
kim had to pick up her new contacts..
when we did that we wandered around the city for a while
then we got home again.. and had a little fight with some stupid sluts..
ah.. some people have to get a life :rolleyes:

so this was no a too long update :D
thnx for reading
take care! *hugs*
oh I stil dont know what vans are :rolleyes:
gotta google it up. anyways sry about so much rain.
lol Mnoe did sound funny, she reminds me of my freind Rebecca :p
well hope the weather is nice now.
ttyl hon
*hugs and kisses*
vans are awsome skate shoes!! ^^
i love mine.. they're black and white.. with red shoe-laces :D
anyway.. *they rule*
lol... mnoe can be so funny sometimes.. *sarcastic and for real :p*
well it's... eh.. dark here lol..
and the moon is shining :D
but the weather won't get better..
at least they said =_=
anyway thnx for stopping by
ooh I still have to google them :p
ooh my converse has flourishing orange shoe lesses, they look awsome :D
lol I guess, it's the same here.
Well hope the weather gets better tomorrow :thumbsup:
I've g2g now hon
*hugs tightly*
Hey Hybi!!*hugs and kisses*
Lmao,had a fight with sluts! Thats funny.:p
Mmm,waffles..I need food,i havent eaten since 7oclock this morning.
Im sorry to hear about your all stars!!*hugs them*lol.Are they dry now?

I hope your doing great.
Take care,hun.
Sis - Google google google! lol..
vans rock :D
that's sounds cool indeed =)
thnx and the weather got better! it was very sunny today!
no rain.. some clouds.. but mostely the sun! ^^
thnx for stopping by *hugs*
take care!

Fribby - Waffles rule! specially with hot cherries and cream ^^
ow sorry.. if i .. eh.. nevermind
take care *hugs*

Faded - lol yeah.. i hate sluts.. thinking that they're so special..
and label you.. arrg.. makes me so mad..
*gives you some waffles* here you are..
ow and thnx.. the hug made them all dry again ^^
*gives you a hug back*
thnx for stopping by!
take care

i don't have the time for a long update so i'm gonna make this one short..
today i washed the windows of the canteen.. damn they were dirty..
i got €6,- for it.. which is pretty much for only washing them..
then i went to manoe.. kim was there too and we did some stuff on the internet..
we also laughed our asses of when we watched some old vids that we made with the cam..
on time manoe and i were playbacking on the song: radio/video fror SOAD
then jeroen came and pushed our heads together.. lol
it did hurt at that time but it was funny to see it again now..

anyway.. tomorrow we're going to Nijmegen :D
a city with lots of great stores..
we go there by train.. and my mom pays it for me :D
i really look forward to it..

ow and i saw my schedule.. and Mnoe is in the smae class! ^^
i'm so hapPY!

thnx for reading :D
take care *hugs*
Hybrid-Heart said:
Fribby - Waffles rule! specially with hot cherries and cream ^^
ow sorry.. if i .. eh.. nevermind
take care *hugs*

we also laughed our asses of when we watched some old vids that we made with the cam..
on time manoe and i were playbacking on the song: radio/video fror SOAD
then jeroen came and pushed our heads together.. lol
it did hurt at that time but it was funny to see it again now..
take care *hugs*
lol that's ok, I get waffles sometimes :p
lol that must have hurt
Hey sis!
Google and Vans rock :D
Watching old videos are so much fun. actually I saw one with my freinds' today. I laughed my ass off lol
Hope you have mucho fun at that city :p
Glad to hear about Mnoe.
I wish I get in teh same class as my freinds next year but we all are going to diff schools. :(
anyways *hugs*
ttyl hon
Fiona - lol no i don't think i could either.. i didn't had that much money :D..
but i did bought something neat ;)
take care *hugs*

Fribby - lol that's great then :D.. waffles rule!
yeah it did hurt yeah.. but it was also very funny..
maybe i can show it to you sometime..
take care *hugs*

Sis Sammi - lol yeah! vans sure rock :D
best shoes ever.. lol together with all stars
yeah i had much fun ^__^
although it rained =_=
ahh it's too bad that you can;t get in the same class as your friends =(
anyway.. take care sis *hugs*

Sis Twi - thnx sis ^^ and dont worry it was great ^^
thnx for stopping by! *hugs* take care

WHOOOOOHOOOO! i'm so darn happy right now! seriously!
psp is working again! *the program which i make sigs with*
so i'm back in the sig making business people!!! ^________________^
sorry i'm really happy about it..

well about yesterday.. *ughh it's really smelling like paint here.. my dad's painting the windows =_=*
anyway.. when i went to nick to pick him up it was already raining..*good start :rolleyes: *
and jroen was there.. with only a t-shirt on 0_o
i was like: are you out of your mind??! it's going to rain like crazy today!
so jroen got back home and got his jacket..
meanwhile nick and i biked to mnoe to pick here up.. and then went on to kim..
jroen was already at kim's place when we got there..
we really had to hurry otherwise we would miss our train..
when we got there and bought the tickets that lady said that we had one minute left to catch the train..
we were like: 0_o.. RUN!
but when we got there the train was just leavin.. right in front of our eyes!
so we had to wait for the next train.. which means that we had to wait for another hour..
and the worst part was that we were soaked of the rain.. so it was freezing cold..
we listened to some music..
when our train arrived we got in..
when we arrived in Nijmegen i was shaking over my whole body cause i was feeling so cold..
luckely it wasn't raining in Nijmegen..
we walked around and saw a great shop called the Blue Moon..
with all kinds of clothes we like.. skaterclothes.. but also goth clothes..
those dressed were awsome! but i wouldn't walk in one of those :p
nick bought 2 pair of overseas trousers.. and jroen one..
mnoe bougth one pair of stuka trousers and on pair overseas..
and a green and black striped t-shirt..
i bought myself a black polo t-shirt with red and white stripes ^__^
we also ate at the McDonald's..
everything was going fine until i discoverd that i lost €5,- 0___o
AAH! i was flipping.. and i told my dad that i lost it *on the phone*
and he was like: WHAT!? 0__o
anyway.. when we wanted to go back it started to rain again..
so we got soaked again when we got in the train..
anyway we had fun ^^

this morning i helped my grandma with cleaning and stuf..
washed her windows again. and she was very happy that i did that for her..
i got something for it too so =)

thnx for reading and take care..