[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

I know where she is ^^
Yesterday she wasn't sleeping at home but in a tent at jroen's place with Nick,, Jroen and Me *she'll tell about it later*

And at this moment she's probably watching tv or something like that,, She was online like an hour ago and she wanted to post her new entry but LPF didn't work..
I hope you guys know enough know :)

-x- Mnoe
hugs to Hybi <3
thnx mnoe ^_^
yeah LPf wasn't working for me yesterday.. but i could copy my entry in word..

so here it is:

woah man.. lot of talking going around here.. lol
no worries ... I'm okay! lol.. just slept a night at my friends place,,

Becks - yeah that was totally unfair.. i mean.. i think she knew that Mister-X didn't had to ride the next lesson..
ahh well.. i totally hate Yvonne..
yeah Luna is a sweet name ^_^
anyway take care hun! *hugs*

Fribby - awh ^^ babies are cute.. lol
ahw.. you missed me? thnx ^_^... but i was only one day away,,
ow and i had problems with my computer.. so i think that's the reason why you didn't see me that much..
well i'm here.. healty as ever,.. only i got stinged by MANY mosquitos =_=
anyway take care! *hugs*

Sis - two months?? woah.. ehm yeah i think that you should see your school nurse..
anyway it can be a irregular period.. like fribby said..
i don't think that you're pregnant 0_o
Costello's still on the riding school.. but he's leaving soon :(
ow.. you feel emo?? *big bear hug and gives you ice-cream*
i hope you feel better *hugs*
take care

Fiona - Yvonne is mean.. the meanest person i know..
i want to move to another lesson.. with Louis or José
anyway.. i had fun with my cousin =)
take care *hugs*

Faded - owh.. poor you *gives you a big hug*
lol good that you could find them after a while..
btw do you always have these pains when you have your period...
i don't.. i guess i'm lucky,,
lol cousins can be annoying sometimes yeah...
well luckely i only have one :D
thnx for stopping by! *hugs* take care!

so i'm still here :D
the bbq was great ^^.. altough there were many mosquitos... =_=
we we're bbq-ing in the meadow of their goats lol..
it was great.. we finished when it was 10 o'clock
then we went for a swim :D.. lol at first it was pretty cold..
but when you were in the pool it was lovely! :p
then after we had our swim.. at 11 we made a litte fire..
and sat around it..
we talked and stuf.. then kim had to go home..
so nick, manoe, jeroen and i were left..
we sat around the fire till 4 o'clock in the morning..
so we were pretty tired lol.. so we went to our tent and went to bed,..
jeroen was the first one that was awake..
but he fell asleep again.. so i was alone. well awake..
i lyed there for a couple of hours and damn it was so hot in that tent!
first time it didn't rained in a long time..
but it was still too hot.. manoe finally woke up.. and jeroen follow after manoe..
*nobody can sleep through manoe's voice.. :p*
so nick woke up too.. and we realized that it was already 11 am..
so we went inside jroens house and ate something..
then we cleaned everything and putted all thing back on the right place..

we had lots of fun.. lol

today.. eh i did nothing.. just being lazy..
i was to tired to do anything..
hehe.. being lazy rules..

anyway thnx for stopping by
take care y'all :p *hugs*
Hybrid-Heart said:
Fribby - awh ^^ babies are cute.. lol
ahw.. you missed me? thnx ^_^... but i was only one day away,,
ow and i had problems with my computer.. so i think that's the reason why you didn't see me that much..
well i'm here.. healty as ever,.. only i got stinged by MANY mosquitos =_=
anyway take care! *hugs*

so i'm still here :D
the bbq was great ^^.. altough there were many mosquitos... =_=
we we're bbq-ing in the meadow of their goats lol..
it was great.. we finished when it was 10 o'clock
then we went for a swim :D.. lol at first it was pretty cold..
but when you were in the pool it was lovely! :p
then after we had our swim.. at 11 we made a litte fire..
and sat around it..
we talked and stuf.. then kim had to go home..
so nick, manoe, jeroen and i were left..
we sat around the fire till 4 o'clock in the morning..
so we were pretty tired lol.. so we went to our tent and went to bed,..
jeroen was the first one that was awake..
but he fell asleep again.. so i was alone. well awake..
i lyed there for a couple of hours and damn it was so hot in that tent!
first time it didn't rained in a long time..
but it was still too hot.. manoe finally woke up.. and jeroen follow after manoe..
*nobody can sleep through manoe's voice.. :p*
so nick woke up too.. and we realized that it was already 11 am..
so we went inside jroens house and ate something..
then we cleaned everything and putted all thing back on the right place..

we had lots of fun.. lol

today.. eh i did nothing.. just being lazy..
i was to tired to do anything..
hehe.. being lazy rules..

anyway thnx for stopping by
take care y'all :p *hugs*
I see, well, it's good to have you back :thumbsup:
I like camping, but I hate mosquitos, well, doesn't matter, we don't have those here lol
Hey Hybi!*hugs and kisses*
Yeah,I always get sick and have pains,but only on the first day.
Glad you had fun camping! Mosquitos suck ass. Whenever I get bitten by one,it gets soo swollen and itchy.:-(

Hope you are doing well.
Take care,hon.^^
Fribby - thnx =)
:eek: lucky you! we have lots of mosquitos here these days =_=
anyway take care *hugs*

Becks - lol *gives you mosquito spray* here ya go..
i dunno if it works.. at least not for me =_=
i'm fine thnx =) i hope you;re doing fine too
take care! *hugs*

Faded - ahh poor you =( *gives you cookies*
lol i have the same problem.. and it stays itchy for like a week =_=
arrg i hate that
thnx for stopping by
take care *hugs*

Sis - yeah it was awsome ^__^
the fire was so beautiful..
thnx i'm doing fine =) hope you do too
take care *hugs*

sorry for not being here..
but school started today =_=
aaaaaah! i already hate it! we got much homework..
too much =_=
and when we had french class.. *with the most awful teacher of them all*
he told us that we had to have a french dictionary..
and i don't have one!.. so i have to buy one.. aaargg!!
sorry i'm so pissed that school started again.. but luckely i have to first too lessons of tomorrow..=)

i have the feeling that this is going to be a short entry..
i don't feel like making a long one..

in our class are also two.. yeah what i call sluts..
they were complaining what they were too fat.. and that their lipgloss was fading..
or that their hair was messed up..
i was like.. eeergg.. please! stop you barbies!
anyway.. our religion teacher told us to have respect towards other people..
so.. i have respect for them *not much but it's something*
i don't think they have respect for me either :rolleyes:

anyway.. my first sschool day was too boring..
thnx for reading this boring journal

take care *hugs*
yeah but then again it's actually hot sometimes where you live lol :p

you have to buy a dictionary? I have to buy every single book I use. still, dicts are expensive.

you have class with drama-queens? been there.

and this journal ain't boring :thumbsup:
Hey Hybi!*hugs and kisses*
Lol,school hasnt started for me yet. I still have 5 days to waste. I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!! Mommy..*cries*
Anywhooo...I hate french class. It sucks ass. I have to buy an French-English dictionary soon 'cause my other one is majorly ripped..heh.
TWO sluts in your class? One slut is whatever, but TWO sluts?! Lol. How do you live?:p

Hope you are doing well.
Take care,hon.*hugs*
Hey Hybi,,

Is your homework ready yet :p
Mine is ready for tomorrow and the rest is almost ready for the following days ^^
I told you I'm going to o something for school this year,, even if it's just the beginning! :p

hugs and Kisses <3 Mnoe
o.0 horse riding? I don't really like that, but have fun hun :thumbsup:
lol that rhymed, I am indeed da kewlest!!!!!!1111 woot woot haha
thnx Sis and Fribby =)
lol yeah you sure are fribby ;)

so here's the update:

Fribby - ehm yeah but not that much.. mostely it's rainy here..
although.. the sun is shining today :D
eh yeah i have to buy my own books too.. well my parents have too..
lol.. yeah you can also call them that..
ahw thnx that you think my journal isn't boring =)
*hugs* take care

Faded - you lucky girl!.. i'm jealous of you.. i already have tons of homework =_=
french sucks indeed! especially when you have the worst teacher ever for that subject T_T
lmao.. i know.. those two are really.. arrggh.. i can't stand them..
thnx hun =) *hugs and kisses* take care!

Mnoe - yep yep! it is.. lol.. well i'm still working on french =_=
those stupid words.. arrgg.. godverdomme! ik haat Vissers >.<
yeah you should do your best :)
take care my friend! :p *hugs and kisses*

Fiona - thnx =) *hugs back*

so.. yesterday started with school.. 5 long lessons of boredness.. =_=
first we had Dutch.. omg our teacher is so boring..
we got too much homework from her.. luckely she told us that we could make less then we supposed to do.. pffew,,
after that we had physics.. which was boring as always..
ans please god.. why did you do this too me.. they gave me the same boring teacher then last year,,, Ernie! 0_o.. from sesame street T__T
third lesson was CKV.. which is Culturele Kunstzinnige Vormgeving..
which means something with art... :D
after that we had one lesson of.. so mnoe and i went to the Mediatheek..
*sort of study room* to make some homework..
fifth class was Biology.. with this time.. Bert from Sesame Street!.. great..
last class was.. god help me.. french 0_o
goddamn i hate french.. specially the teacher..
i forgot my dictionary.. i thought i was going to be killed..
luckely he only told us *mnoe forgot hers too* to bring one next time..
after school i did some homework and then we went to the market..
this time with: Mnoe, Nick, Jroen, Kim, Nienke and Jessie.
it was fun ^_^
when i got home i quickely ate something and changed clothes..
then i was off to the riding school.

when we got there i got the stuff for Mister-X *i really wanted to ride on him this time*
but.. ofcourse.. Yvonne had to ruin everything...
she walked by and said: don't think you can ride on him today.. i'm taking him with me..
not again! i really want to ride on mister-x!..
nick was like: 0_o.... >.<
and everyone got so pissed on Yvonne.. this is the third time she does this to me..
so i rode Chico.. she was great too.. but i really wanted to ride on Moto *nickname for mister-X*
after riding i went home.. earlier then normal.. cause.. Lost was on tv tonight! ^___^
the first new episode..
i watched it and it rocked! =)

today.. i did some homework for french.. still not done =_=
and i still have to clean the canteen..

thnx for reading my journal =)
take care! *hugs*