[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

im goin to uni in a week or so
Pray for me
im scared
*kels shakes uncontrlably*
im bein a vet, but im a wannabe rock star
but im lead vocals and have a fender called loren-dee (shes my baby)
i am best at punk rock
my stage name is gonna be kelly notte
watch out chester bennington, i'll be moving in next door! *Big grin*
then i can watch him gettin a shower *droollllll....*
Ilove chester Bennington so much that if he woz fire i am preety burned up (lol)still i dont think any of u guys out there r laughing right know(lol)see there i go agian(lol)i cant stop (lol)!!!
I have a boyfriend called chris , he is preety cool but not as cool as chester (he is mouth watering)!!!chris has a younger sister called nicole she is shortly turning 13 !!my little bro is turning 13 he is a little s**t only kiddin but he can be the worst bro on earth sometimes(sometimes=all the time)
Anyway lets get on 2 another subject..........................................................................................................LINKIN PARK ROCKS OUT LOUD,i am there number 1 fan but every1 says that dont they (lol)well anyway u guys probobly know how old i am allready since i sed i am goin 2 uni ,i am 18 so i can drink (well i drank before then lol)and man how i love 2 drink (drinking is good , really good )
you can also call them that? lol...


CKV? that was something about culture, art and shapes? or something idk o.0

but lol are all your teachers from Sesame street :p ?
Hey Hybi!*hugs and kisses*
Hows it going? Im starting school in 2 days..I dont wanna!*runs to mommy*
Ahemm..anyways. Hope everything is going well.

Take care,lovely.*hugs*
Fiona - i know.. i hate her.. i don't think that i can ride Moto next week either.. =(
thnx for your comment *hugs*

psychobunnyyelyor - damnit that's a long name.. 0_o
anyways welcome in my journal.. dunno why you stopped here..
cause this one's pretty boring :D
anyway.. cool you play in a band? that's great =)

Lin - you're right it is mine :D
heheeh *hugs*
see you tomorrow!

Fribby - yep you're right! exactly! :p
heheh no! only my physics teacher and my biology teacher..
my physics teacher talks like ernie.. and my biology teacher looks like bert..
thnx for stopping by =) *hugs*

Sis - yeah CKV rocks! at least.. now it does..
i have to make a picture of myself.. and print in on a A4 paper 0_o
i hate making photo's of myself T__T
i'm doing fine btw.. and your new sig rocks! ^_^
MCR rocks too!
take care sis! *hugs*

- You're lucky that you still have 2 days off!
awh.. *hugs* don't be afraid of school.. i know it sucks but you can see your friends again :D
till now you just have to enjoy your days off ;)
take care! *hugs*

eh today was my don't do anything day..
great after a week of school =_=
well i woke up at 8 am.. great =_=
anyway.. at 10 i went to manoe.. cause we were going to watch a soccer game of our dads :p
they had to play against each other..
and we were both roothing for our own dads..
and my dad scored! ^_____^
but mnoe's dad tackled my dad.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR >.<
after a while we got bored and gave those players nicknames..
like one guy had blond hair so we called him blondie..
and an other one was little so he was tiny..
and so on.. mnoe's dad was number six.. and mine was spoeskop lol
ofcourse did my dad's team win :D
with 6 to 1.. muahahahhahaha..

after that we went to mnoe's place to drink something..
then we watched the VMA's.. and i saw mike's cute little smile! ^_^
it took me a while after i discoverd that it was mike..
he was sitting next to lil' john =S
i hate that guy =_=
we watched the show and saw green day and my chemical romance perform.
when 50 cent came on the stage i was sure that i was going to puke =_=
i hate that guy.. ahh.. you know what they say.. hate it or love it........... 0_o
i didn;t say that 0_o

when the VMA's where over i went home again..
there i played the game tales of symphonia..
and ate and stuff..
and now i'm online.. and i have to go again =_=
scary movie is on the tv :D/ and my dad is also telling me to get off =_=

thnx for reading this..
take care! *hugs*
Hey sis
whaddup dawg?
lol I'm so hyper right now.
anyways *cough* Danke! I agree MCR rox my sox!
Mike is sucha cutie! I was like "*points at the tv screen* omg omg omg omg" :p
well ttyl
*hugs and smooches*
Fribby - heheh yeah go you! :D
yeah some can be funny looking.. but being funny is something else :p
crunky people? don't even know the meaning of that word :D
take care Fri! *hugs*

Sis - lmao.. wazzup?!
lol danke is german right? it's also thank you in my dialect :D
cause the dialect sounds like german.. =_=
yeah mike's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
i love his smile! ^^.. and i have the same one! *proud*
anyway take care! *hugs*

im not in the mood for an update right now..
so i'm going to make this one short..
today was a normal boring school day with the normal boring lessons..
except the last one..
but more about that later..
we got so much homework.. =_= especially from maths.. urrg i hate that subject.
anyway.. back to the last lesson..
that one was CKV :D as you know i like that subject
we had to make picuteres of ourselves.. but not normal ones..
pictures that are not normal.. lol from you head.. and face..
manoe and i had so much fun :p
we made three photo's from manoe.. one of here lying on the ground playing death..
one with here behing some bushes *lmao!* we ofter call her the lion because of her hair..
so she was the lion in the wilderness! lol
and an other one was her with a leaf for her face so that you could only see her eyes..
we also made pics of me.. one of me behind a tree..
and one with my hands on my face with my eye between my fingers..
and one with me behind a fence.. but that one wasn't to good :p
ehm.. after school i did homework =_=
argg.. i hate homework..
ow i think i still have some homework left 0_o

well thnx for reading this short entry..
take care! *hugs*
havent visited here in ages and ages, ive been really bad atm because of the computer playing games, working, not working, kind of working...*sigh*

pictures that arent normal 0_o lmfao...sounds like fun though!
h/w sucks, i havet done mine yet, should really go and do some! *slaps hand* good luck with it all sweetie!!!
*huggles* and talk to u later^^
helloooo sis! :D
wazzaaaaaaap? lmao that reminds me scary movie 2
Poor you, sry you have so much h/w :( *hugs ya*
ooh I forgot how is Mikey? you dont mention him now a days
:eek: you hate maths?!?! how? I love that damn subject! lol ok kinda weird..btu it's so awsome ^^
ttyl sis
*hugs and smooches*
Fribby - nope.. as i said.. i don't like him lol
i don't like hiphop that much..
heheh thnx :D
take care! *hugs*

Keza - ..heeey! awh.. i have that same problem too sometimes..
computers can be so annoying somethimes =_=
hehe making the pics was great :p
go and do your homework then! lol.. mine is done for today..
*sigh* i hate h/w.
take care! *hugs*

Sis - heeeey sister! ^_^ heheh.. yeah that reminds me of that movie too..
lol when i said that i had to think of that black guy again..
awh.. thnx for the hug.. i hate h/w T_T
Mikey is doing fine ^^.. i often forget to name him..in my journal..
poor mikey.. well he's doing fine.. he's sleeping right now lol
:eek: .. maths is so frickin hard! and i get to much homework of that subject! T__T
anyway.. take care sis! *hugs*

today was the same old boring school day..
damn i hate school.. we had four classes.. then 2 classes off..
and then another class.. =_=
anyway.. those 2 hours between off are pretty good.. cause i can make some of my homework in those hours..
i won't tell you everything.. cause nothing fun happend during those classes..
in those two lessons off we went to manoe's place first//
and made the Maud and Manoe scrambled egg! :D
lol it was tasty. heheheh...
after that we went back to school.. cause kim had an hour off too..
so we spent the time with her and did some homework..
lateron we saw jessie too and she sat with us too..
last class was german.. which was very boring too so i'll skip that part too
after school i did the rest of my homework.. which was already for thurseday..
cause i finished my homework for tomorrow..
then my mom told me that i had to help her clean the office from my uncle..
cause my aunt Ria is on a holiday and she usually helps my mom..
so i had to cancel my plans with my friends =_= great..
so i called nick that i couldn't come tonight..
i went to my grandma and cleaned that darn office..
earned €5,- though :rolleyes:

and now i'm behind my lovely computer..

anyway thnx for reading and take care y'all! :D
i think its so cute the way u say thanks for reading...so cute...lol, anyway...sounds like a good day^^
o0o0o0o0o money, always a good thing, hehe
i used to learn german...............................i sucked at it, i think it took me about 3 months to learn how to count...im not a language person, i can hardly spell in english, nm another language...^^
*huggles u* hope alls well <3 u
lol so you're a rock chick? XD lmao
scrambled eggs? sounds like fun :p
oh I'd hate it if mum asked me to clean some office with her. not that I do stuff with my friends a lot, but it would be annoying =_=
yummy! I like scrambeld eggs :p
cleaning is boring but you have to do it sometimes :rolleyes:
sometimes I get this thing,,,like panic to clean so I have to clean everything I see otherwise I get really mad o.o
hey atleast you got the 5 euros :thumbsup:
Glad to know Mikey is ok ^^ cute Mikey lol
well take care sis
*hugs and kisses*