[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Keza - heheh.. do i really sound cute? :p
lol i'm not that good at languages either.. dutch is even hard for me
i think i'm better in english then in dutch.. lol
anyway.. thnx for stopping by ^^
take care! *stalker hug*

Fribby - yep yep.. a true rockchick! :cool:
yep at that point it was annoying.. cause i really wanted to do something with my friends..
ahh well
thnx for stopping by
take care! *hugs*

how are you girl? doing good? i'm fine.. although school is killing me =_=
well homework is..
anyway nice to see you again =)
take care! *hugs*

Sis - lol! that's weird.. heheh i hate cleaning.. and my whole room is a mess!
it looks like there was an explosion or somthing.. lol
heheh cute little mikey is doing fine ^^ although he made a big mess in his cage =_=
ahh well..
take care sis! *hugs*

- yep.. that sucks indeed.. ahh i earned some money instead so..
thnx for stopping by
take care! *hugs*

Mnoe - i heard that you had lots of fun.. with jroen couldn't get in so he started to swim in his pool.. and nick got in with his underware too..
anyway. it's good to know that you had fun
see you tomorrow.. on school =_=
take care! *hugs*

well i don't have much time to update..
so it will be a short one again.. today we had 7 classes =_=
aaahhhh! without one class of or something..
so boring..
we didn't even had one class that was fun.. and we had all languages
first french.. *arrrg!* then german.. followed with english *which wasn't that bad* and Dutch *goddamnit! i hate this subject as much as french*
ehm.. and we got much homework *as usual*
the only fun thing today were the breaks..
after school i started to do my homework..
which i did till half past 6 =_=

and then i played tales of symphonia.. *i love that game ^^*
i love zelos! ^^ but i think you already noticed that :rolleyes:
he's so funny.. and arrogant.. lol..
when it was dark Lloyd *other caracter* tripped and fell on zelos' foot
Zelos: AHhh! my precious Foot! T__T
and he thinks he's the pretties man on the earth.. and he really adores chicks..
all chicks 0_o
so i even got a chance with him.. heheh

anyway.. i was talking about nothing again.

thnx for reading *is this cute enough keza? :p*
and take care *hugs*
Hey Hybi,sweetie*hugs and kisses*
Gosh..I hate homework.-_- I just started school yesterday and I have lots of homework, but I finished it an hour ago,so its all good now.^^

Hope your doing well,lovely.
*hugs*Take care.
Fribby - yeah =_= *sigh*
too much language subjects on one day is not fun anymore.. lol
thnx btw =)
take care *hugs*

Vero - Yeah! ^^ nice talking to you again
homework sucks.. big time.. arrg.. why does h/w excist?
anyway.. thnx for stopping by
take care *hugs*

Faded - ahw.. poor you.. homeworks sucks ass..
axhool too btw.. cause they give us homework..
like school isn't enough :rolleyes:
take care sweetie *hugs and kisses*

Becks - lol.. why are you "missing" homework.. hasn't school started to you or something?
if so you are lucky :p
thnx for stopping by
take care *hugs*

Sis - lol yeah.. but mheh.. i love him so i don't mind =)
mikey is too cute.. lol
thnx for stopping by
take care *hugs and kisses*

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! i'm so addicted to petrified from fort minor!
the song rocks!.. this is very strange cause normally i don't like hip hop,,
but that's because the lyrics don't have a meaning..
it's more like sex and one night stands and stuff..
anyway.. petrified rocks! i'm listening to it over and over again..

anyway.. school was eh.. pretty.. ok today.
YES! it was ok!
first we had gymnastics.. which was not that bad,,
after that we had a class off ^^.. followed by biology..
which i like =)
and after that we had a class of again.. *relaxing*
which manoe and i went to my place..
went online and stuff.. and listened petrified ^^
after that we had art ^^ we went to the Maas.. which is a river in Venlo..
we had to draw a thing close to you.. and far away..
i drew a tree and on the background the river.. and the shore..
it was pretty good.. lol
then we had physics =_=.. i hate that..
and our last class was Maths.. aaah! to boring..
but.. the good part was.. i didn't had any homework! ^^
cause i made that earlier..
so i had the afternoon off :cool:

i played tales of symphonia.. and drew something..
ehh.. well that was it.. i guess

thnx for reading ^^
take care! *hugs*
ooh I miss Art! I have it next tuseday, that's too far away!
I did the same least time I had Art. fun!
great that you dont have h/w. I'm just doing mine. Btw do you happen to know anything about French revolution?
I really need some seriuos help!
Hybrid-Heart said:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! i'm so addicted to petrified from fort minor!
the song rocks!.. this is very strange cause normally i don't like hip hop,,
but that's because the lyrics don't have a meaning..
it's more like sex and one night stands and stuff..
anyway.. petrified rocks! i'm listening to it over and over again..

anyway.. school was eh.. pretty.. ok today.
YES! it was ok!
first we had gymnastics.. which was not that bad,,
after that we had a class off ^^.. followed by biology..
which i like =)
and after that we had a class of again.. *relaxing*
which manoe and i went to my place..
went online and stuff.. and listened petrified ^^
after that we had art ^^ we went to the Maas.. which is a river in Venlo..
we had to draw a thing close to you.. and far away..
i drew a tree and on the background the river.. and the shore..
it was pretty good.. lol
then we had physics =_=.. i hate that..
and our last class was Maths.. aaah! to boring..
but.. the good part was.. i didn't had any homework! ^^
cause i made that earlier..
so i had the afternoon off :cool:

i played tales of symphonia.. and drew something..
ehh.. well that was it.. i guess

thnx for reading ^^
take care! *hugs*
ahh haha lol we were just talking about that, seriously, that song is too cool
it totally rocks my socks XD
yeah well mainstream rap sucks, to be honest, underground stuff and what Mike's doing (well he's not mainstream, nor underground) is not about sex and women and drugs. it's about real things.
oh same here...hate math...lol
Hey Hybi!*hugs and kisses*
I love Petrified too! Yeah, seriously. Mainstream rap sucks ass. 50 cent, eminem, chingy etc. I dont know too many underground rap artists,but the only rap I listen to is LP and gorillaz.
Gosh..I hate math too.-_- My teacher is so boring and she makes weird sounds with her mouth.:confused:

Hope you're doing well.
Take care,love.*hugs*
Hybrid-Heart said:
nope sorry!.. i'm bad in history.. we're talking about germany right now with that subject..
about WOII and stuff..
anyway.. take care
man I hate history...I mean it's history, why should I care and know about it?
so stupid!!
anyways I love the part when Mike says "show me, Homie" in Pertrified :D
I either laugh or rap/sing along :p
Fribby - yeah petrified really rocks my socks too XD
ow yeah i didn't know that.. the only rap or hip hop songs i've heard were about sex and stuff.. and i hate those lyrics..
like they don't think of anything else than having sex or ahh..
anyway take care *hugs*

Faded - yeah i really hate that kinda rap.. specually 50 cent.. urrg i can't stand that guy *sorry for tthe 50 cent fans*
my bro likes him 0_o so when there's a song by him on the tv the volumes aways goes up.. and i'm like: NOOO!
*turns up the volume and blastes out LP*
anyway.. lmao! your teacher makes weird noises with her mouth?
sorry.. take care hun *hugs and kisses*

Sis - yeah i hate history too.. why talking about the past? we live now right?
so we have to make the best of our time that we have now.. and not talking about things taht already happened
yeah! that's my fav part! or when he says.. how you all doing? my name's Mike ^^
heheh i sing along too.. well the parts that i already know.. lol
take care hun! *hugs*

lol almost all my friends like the song petrified too! ^^
first i let manoe listen to it.. she was like: hmmm pretty cool
she putted the song on her mp3 after that..
then nick and jroen listend to it.. and they liked it too ^^
only nienke didn''t liked it.. but she thought i was cool that mike made it

but now about the update
yesterday after school we went to the market.. like usual..
we visited that man with the band shirts again..
he didn't had anything new.. but it's always fun to talk to him..
cause he's english.. *but he talks dutch too* so i can practice my english
after that jroen and i went to the library and nienke and manoe to the music store..
kim didn't felt well so nick stayed with her..
after that we visited some other stores to and went to the baker's..
i got a little pizza there

after that i went home and changed clothes..
nick came to pick me up and we went to the riding school..
and ofcourse.. i wanted to ride Mister-X but.. i think you can already guess what's comming now.
yvonne told me i couldn't =_="
so i picked Luna and made her ready.. then when we got on our horses i saw that some other girl came in with Mister-X 0_o
i was like: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i really wanted to kill yvonne .. good that i didn't
cause she asked me if i wanted to ride Mister-X so that that other girl could ride Luna..
ofcourse i said yes :D
so horse-riding was great.. yvonne told me that why i couldn't ride on Mister that much.. cause he had to ride almost every lesson..
hmm.. ahh well.

after the lesson nicki came by.. she had this little scooter like thingy with her..
it was so awsome! we rode on it over the parking lot.. lol
mnoe almost ra into the wall =_=' and us.. lol she's not good in riding a thing with a motor..
i went home earlier.. *too bad cause i would love to stay a little longer :p*
but i had to cause lost was on the tv..
but when i got home and put on the tv i saw that it was an episode that i've already seen =_____________________________=
ahh well.. my mom and dad watched it too.. and they liked it.. lol

this morning i had to clean that canteen again..
ahh earned some money =)
and this afternoon i have to work at this stupid essay with manoe..

anyway thnx for reading =)
take care *hugs*
well men don't really think about much other than having sex, it's at least the top subject XD
we can't help it, honestly
agreed 50 cent sucks ugh i hate that guy, he sucks more than a vacuum cleaner
well obviously they like it, it kicks ass lol
damn it, I think I actually would kill Yvonne :eek:
heheh it's alreight.. i'll forgive you about that :p
lmao! 50 cent sucks more then a vacuum cleaner!
you know mnoe told me that you posted that.. and when i first heard it i was like..: eh.. lol
but then i started to think and translated it into dutch..
then i got what you meant by that.. lmao..
and then mnoe got it too..
we laughed so hard.. heheheh :p

anyway thnx for stopping by =) *hugs*

i don't feel like updating today..
ehm yesterday evening we [nick,mnoe,jroen,kim and i] watched a movie at nick's place..
we watch the movie thirteen.. it was a pretty hard movie..
i liked it though..
kim went home earlier.. and the rest stayed till midnight..
we talked a little.. and we even played tag! lmao..
so we got a little tired of running down the street..
lol but we had fun.. =)

today i woke up pretty early =.= like 8o'clock... on a sunday!
*sigh* i ate something and then made some homework..
but i got bored.. and my bro was playing tales of symphonia.. so i couldn't concentrate..
so i watched the game... and found out that Zelos *my fave character* betrayed you! 0_o...
nooooooooooooooooooooo! T_____T
how could he do that!
Zelos: i always choose the winning side...
Me: hmmmmm... that's a good idea..
Zelos: :D told you so

anyway.. then i went back downstairs to finish my homework..
later i played the game myself.. and found out that zelos came back to you..
W00000000000000000000t! ^____^
but i still love his evil look..

*sigh* there i go again. talking about a game character that i love :rolleyes:
man i have to get a life..

anyway,, later in the afternoon my mom dyed my hair :D
dark brown again.. almost black..
hmm,, i don't like it to be fully black..
my hair is still wet.. lol
and then i wanted to get on the computer.. but ofcourse.. there was something wrong with it again,,
so i had to fix it again,,
*sigh* but.. now i'n here :D and this was my entry :D *yay*

thnx for reading.. and take care *hugs*
hej Hybi,,

Coowl you dyed your hair again,, my mother didn't had time to dye mine so I have to wait..
But you did your homework:S You said you're finished for monday or was it for tuesday :p
I went to the mc Donalds and I saw 2 silver Audi TT in 5 minutes o_0
Hey Hybi,decided to drop by and see how u were doing ^_^.You dyed your hair??Kool!!Which color tho?You need to post some pictures with your new hair style =).I had my hair cut the other day.
Btw,I like your sig Aislin,it´s awesome =).
Well cya and take care*hugs*
Byez XD
Fribby - you mean laughing about your comment? lol..
yeah it was pretty funny.. :p
hehehe.. i love zelos too much.. am i weird? 0_o
i mean he's so funny.. and handsome..*although he wears pink =_=*
and selfish and...blah blah..
there i go again =_=

Brkng_Th_Hbt - hey! did you already posted here before? cause i feel like knowing you.. lol
thnx btw =) ^^

Mnoe - awh poor you.. mine is dark brown now ^^
gneheheheh.. eh yeah it's for tuesday.. you can call me a nerd..
i don't mind.. but otherwise i would have to much homework for tuesday..
*runs and hides away*
3 TT's in 5 minutes 0_o.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *jealous*

Vero - hey! it's darkbrown now.. and.. eh maybe i will post some..
but first i have to make some.. lol
cool! you cut your hair!.. i want to see it! :p
yeah Mnoe's sig rocks! wanted to say that earlier but i forgot.. :eek:
byes! :p