[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Hybrid-Heart said:
Vero - hey! it's darkbrown now.. and.. eh maybe i will post some..
but first i have to make some.. lol
cool! you cut your hair!.. i want to see it! :p
yeah Mnoe's sig rocks! wanted to say that earlier but i forgot.. :eek:
byes! :p

Yeah,may be I´ll post some pics since I don´t have much to do despite I have to do finish some h/w but I don´t feel like it,may be l8rz I´ll finish it.
Hybrid-Heart said:
Fribby - you mean laughing about your comment? lol..
yeah it was pretty funny.. :p
hehehe.. i love zelos too much.. am i weird? 0_o
i mean he's so funny.. and handsome..*although he wears pink =_=*
and selfish and...blah blah..
there i go again =_=
yup XD
nah, not more weird than me lol :p
Woah does the character talk to you? O.O
woaaah...anyways I've to dye my hair too, the redness is going awaaayyy.
It's weird cause I had red and blonde highlights and the blonde is still there but the red is kinda orangish now o_O
hm....anyways that's cool! ^^ not my hair, yours lol
*hugs tightly*
ttyl hon
Vero - ok lol.. you can post the pics whenever you have time for it ;)
ahw.. good luck on finishing your hw
take care! *hugs*

Fribby - ow pfeeww.. :D.. eh not that i mean you're that weird!
you're a great person.. and very kind =)
heheh.. i just like zelos too much.. :eek:
take care! *hugs*

Sis Sammi - yep yep.. zelos is my bud! :D
Zelos: sure do hunny!
Me: *sigh* i wish he could stop calling me hunny =_=
awh.. yeah you have to dye it again.. and then you have to show me some pics of it :D
lmao! so you have orange and blond hair now XD
i'm sure that looks fine too ;)
take care! *hugs*

Mnoe - lol.. Vero heet wal une sig.. allein gen pleetje zoals de meiste..
zeej heet tekst :D
translation: lol vero has a sig.. only not a picture like most of us..
she has text :D
thnx for stopping by hun *hugs*

Vero - hello again!.. lol.. awh you still working on your homework?
i hope you finish it soon ;)

i don't have too much time to update.. cause expedition robinson starts soon..
it's this series where people try to survive on an isle.. without food and technoligy and stuff..

anyway.. school was boring today.. nothing fun happened.. only last class..
we had to draw ourselves.. so we had to bring a pic of ourselves..
so we started.. and everything went well..
then Mnoe showed me her drawing.. and i saw that here face was a little to fat.. and her eyes a little too small..
i told her that and she looked again.. and started to laugh..
i had to laugh too.. and we couldn't stop!
it was just too funny..

anyway.. after school i did my homework.. which wasn't that much this time..
i also had to learn something already.. german and french words..
bleh =_=
then i drew a black star on one of my t-shirts..
i got this t-shirt marker from nienke.. so i drew a black star on my red t-shirt..
it's pretty cool :D

ow **** ER already started..

that was it for this time..
thnx for reading.. and take care! *hugs*
Fribby - awh yw =)
lol yeah it sure was.. :D

Mnoe - lmao! hehe sorry yeah i forgot that one.!

ehh.. today was a normal boring school day..
we had two classes of.. so in that time mnoe and i went to her house.
to make an essay for Physics..
in that time the only really funny thing happened.. lol

we just finished our essay and were about to print it..
we were watching a vid by HIM. while the printer was printing it..
and we were so focussed and talking about how cute ville was..
suddenly we heared: KKKRGGGSSCHHHH!
and mnoe and i were like: 0.o ehh what was that?
we looked at the printer and noticed that the towel was still on it *protects it against dust*
Mnoe was like: oh-owh...
we lifted the towel up and saw that our essay was stuck in the printer..
the whole paper cam between the cartridge and some other stuff..
mnoe was like: ow no!
i was laughing out loud..! it was so funny.. mnoe had to laugh too..
"omg my dad is going to kill me!" she said..
"we have to get it out of there!" so we pulled but it wouldn't let go..
lol.. after a while we got it out of the printer..
the whole essay was scrumbled up.. lol

i couldn't stop laughing.. and so did mnoe..
we printed it again.. this time it didn't got stuck or something..
and HIM was already over.. *sigh*
but we did had lots of fun :p

after school mnoe and i had to make another thing for physics..
but that was done pretty fast..
then at home i made my homework and after taht i played tales of symphonia :D
i finished the game!... nooooo.. no more zelos.!
the little movie they showed after wards was cool though..
anime! :cool: but without zelos! grrrr >.<
*sigh* i think i have to start over again :D

hmm.. my computer is acting a little strange..
darn thing..
anyway thnx for reading this and take care =)
lol I've never had anything like that while printing an essay XD
maybe cause my mom and dad don't keep a towel on the printer :p
sounds like a nice day :thumbsup:
Fribby - rofl.. lol but she keeps a towel on it cause of the dust that can get into the printer.. or something.. :p
thnx for stopping by =)
take care *hugs*

Sis Sammi - Me too! ^^
i love anime.. and i love to draw it too =)
heheh well it wasn't the computer's fault lol
anyway take care *hugs and kisses*

Mnoe - hehe yep... but yeah.. everone could forget that ;)
take care hun.. and see you tomorrow
*hugs and kisses*

AAAAAAAAAAAARGGG! today is always the worst day in the whole week,,
cause i have school till 4 =_=
*sigh* damn school sucks.. first class was history.. BORING!
so no more about that.. after history we had gymnastics.. *yay*
thank god we had a break after that... but that happyness wouldn't last long
cause after that we had french.. god i hate my french teacher..
but he had some good news.. he told us that he was away on friday..
so we wouldn't have french on friday! YAY!
after french we had german.. that was,, eh ok.. i guess..
then we had lunch.. and we went outside and talked and eated and stuff..
after lunch i had religion.. which was ok.. talked about the meaning of life..
and life after dead.. i'm interrested in that..
after religion we had english.. followed by dutch..
we laughed our asses of in dutch..
we *Mnoe, Lars, Ramon and I* were watched our teacher *who looks like the female hunchback* lmao!
and she was acting so strange.. and then Lars told us something about a gay man at the cinema..
so we had to laugh even more.. and our teacher was like: are you laughing at me?
we were like: eh noo!
we had so much fun.. our dutch teacher is weird..

after school i did my homework *didn't understand much of maths*
so when i finished it i played tales of symphonia.. i finished it yesterday
so i started a new game :D..
but now i have to wait for Zelos so long! T___T
cause he joins you when you finished a quart of the game..

i can't be happier then i am now! i got a new MP3 player! ^^
my dad got one for free at this thing he had to go to..
and i'm so happy! ^^ cause me old one was broken..
i'm so happy! happy happy happy! ^____^

anyway thnx for reading =)
take care *hugs*
yuck that must be a boring day

ooooo meaning of life, that's something that interests me as well.

woah hunchback? XD I wish I'd seen that :D

and yay good for you, I wish I had an mp3 player

Fribby - yeah.. i wonder if there is life after death.. hmm..
i wonder lol
lol yeah maybe next time i will take a picture of her XD
owh you don't have a mp3 player?.. *shares mp3 player with you*
there :D.. ow From the Inside is on! XD
anyway take care! *hugs*

Jammer - Jammer! ^____^
i saw that you were back.. *i saw it a little late -_-*
i hope you're doing fine =)
take care and thnx for stopping by

about thursday.. or yesterday..
eh.. i don't think that there is something interesting enough to tell you..
well school was ok..cause we had art :D.. and we had to make a letter out of things that we drew.. little hard..
but it was fun though..
that was the only good thing about school..
after school i did my homework.. which wasn't that much..
after that i played ToS again..
then after dinner nick came to pick me up..
we were going to the city with kim and mnoe..
it was fun =).. but the rain ruined it a bit.. lol
i got soaked =_=.. my hair was sticking on my face.. damnit
and my eyeliner wasn't on the place were it should be
but we had fun.. and we also went to McDonald's :D

that was a short entry of yesterday..
today *which is friday YAY* school started with Dutch..
with our hunchback teacher XD
after that we had ANW *physics*.. we had to search for some information on computers..
and i got a compliment of the "sluts" 0_o//
i drew Zelos on my ring binder.. and they said that it was great 0_o..
ahh.. eh.. thnx.. i said :p
after ANW we had CKV.. *art thingies*
then we had our first and last break of the day :D
followed by an hour off.. =)
so we sat in the aula.. and made some homework..
when that hour was over we had biology
which was pretty cool :p

when i got home i did my homework.. although i didn't had much 8D
so now i'm updating my journal................lol
this afternoon i'm going to the market and in the evening horse-riding :D
so i won't be online tonight.. =(

anyway.. thnx for reading.. and take care!
Yeah don't have one, that's why I'm getting one XD

you got soaked? I've heard that before lol

won't be online? well just have fun at the market :thumbsup:
oh getting soaked is so much fun! lol
and if my mascara gets on my face then I make black line down my cheek like goths :p ppl are like o.o'
I think it's weird too when someone that I dont like gives me a compliment o_O
like sice when did they get...normal? :p
well ttyl sis!
love ya
*hugs and kisses*
thnx guys...
i wish i was doing fine right now..
but.. i don't//
this morning.. i dunno.. i felt so happy..
i thought that nothing could go wrong...
but then after we went to the market.. mnoe smsed
*she was on a holiday*
we already knew that my fave horse Costello *the one i rode on*
was leaving the riding-school.. cause he was ill..
but then mnoe said that he was already gone..
i was.. i felt sad when i heard that.. cause i couldn't say goodbye to him..
so when i got on the riding school.. there was a new horse in Costello's stable..
and.. i couldn't.. by seeing a new horse.. in costello's stable..
i think something just.. i collapsed.. i started crying..
and i thought that he was away for ever.. but kim said that maybe i could visit him.. if i knew where he was..
so after i rode.. i asked Louis.. he said that he was in Belgium..
i started to cry again.. i didn't want to.. but the thought that i wouldn't see Costello again.. made me depressive..
i loved that horse so much!..
Louis saw that i was crying.. and he said that i could have Costello's name plate.. *that was on the stable*
i was happy that i could have it.. but it didn't ease the pain..
when i wanted to go home.. Yvonne called me..
she said taht she felt sorry for me.. and she tried to comfort me..
but then she told me something i didn't know.. she told me that...
Costello wasn't alive anymore.. but that it was better.. cause in that way he didn't feel any pain..
at that moment.. it felt like i got stuck in a deep black hole..
Costello... was dead.. i.. i couldn't believe it..
the way back home i tried to stop the tears.. but they kept flowing..
and they didn't stopped while i was home..

i'm.. so sorry for this depressive entry..
but.. i feel so depressed right now.. i can't stop thinking about Costello..
he was such a nice horse.. he was cute.. and..
he was like a friend to me..
i know this sounds weird.. but he really was..

i'm sorry if i bored you.. thnx for reading anyway..

<3 Costello R.I.P
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