[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

omg I'm so sry honey! *hugs tightly*
look, try to think this way, that Costello does not feel the pain anymore.
I cant even imagine how hard it must be so I'm soo sorry. :(
I'm sure costello must be an awsome horse!
*hugs tightly*
I hope you feel better hon!
I'm so sorry about that Maud. :confused:
I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, but we're here for you, just remember that. ;)

But I guess it's better that he doesn't have to live in pain.
thnx guys for all your comments =')
i feel better already =)

Sis Sammi - thnx sis =).. i know that it's better this way..
but i still can't believe that he's not here anymore :(
Costello sure was an awsome horse.. almost the fastes of them all..
*hugs back* thnx

Fribby - thank you too Fri =)..
i'm happy to hear that.. i know that you are therefor me.
yes, you're right.. it's better this was =')
*hugs* thnx

- thank you =).. i know that it's better this way..
and i'm so happy that everyone here cares about it.
it makes me feel better
thnx *hugs* take care too

i'm so thankful.. that you all understand my feelings.. and that you're there for me..
today my mom asked me what was wrong.. cause she felt that i was down..
she wasn't at home yesterday evening.. so she didn't know what happened..
when i showed here the name plate of Costello's stable.. she knew what was wrong..
She hugged me very tightly and said that it was better this way..
i was emo again.. so i cried..
i love my mom.. my dad didn't know that to do.. but i knew that he felt sorry for me too
we sat for a while on my bed and talked..
mom and dad were about to leave.. cause they were going on a small holiday..
mom didn't liked the idea of me being down while she was away..
i said that i will be better.. i will get over it..
she hugged me again.. and then they left..
i knew that she didn't liked it,, cause she kept staring at me when she drove away..
after that i cleaned the canteen again.. it was boring..
my grandparents heard the news already and felt sorry for me too...
i didn't wanted them to feel sorry for me..
i also ate there.. and this afternoon we're going to the city..
to get my mind of Costello..
i hope it works..

so take care.. and thnx for reading :)
Hi sis!
I'm sure it must be really hard for you but as Fri said, we're here for you.
I hope you have fun in city..try not to think about Costello and if you do, then think of the good moments you shared with him :)
*hugs tightly*
Hope you feel better soon.
Fribby - that's good to know =)
yeah my parents can be annoying sometimes.. but they are there for me when i need them..
thnx and i feel better already :)
take care *hugs*

Sis - thank you too sis =)
i still thought about costello.. but i thought about him like you said..
only the good moments.. and also some bad.. but i felt better after going to the city with my grandma..
thnx =) *hugs back tightly*

Vero - thnx =) i already feel better ;)
take care hun *hugs*

so yesterday i went to the city.. and my bro went along too =_=
but it was fun though.. we first went to the vibe..
i bought a new vest.. *from vans :D*
it's black with light blue things on it..
and i got a bracelet too.. =)
i told my grandma that i would pay her back but she was like: no no! don't pay me back.. i don't want you to.. this is from me..
i was like: =_=..
ahh well. then my bro had to look for some games..
and then we went home again..
i was very thankful for what my grandma did.. i don't know that i had to do without her..
but she still refuses to take the money from me =_=

in the evening kim, nick and jroen came to me to watch a movie..
we watched Dodgeball XD.. that movie was so great!
we laughed our asses off
at 12 o'clock everybody left.. so i was home alone..
well with my bro.. my mom and dad were still away.
they'll get back today..

today i woke up late.. like 10.30 am..
i boiled an egg for my bro and i.. and ate sme sandwiches..
then i had to vacuum clean the room.. cause there was crisps all over the place =_=
after that i did my homework and played ToS/
then my grandma called and said that we could eat at their place if we wanted..
so we went to granny's.. lol
got some soup.. and fries ^___^
then we played pool with my uncle.. it was fun.. but i was bad in it lol

then i went to my other aunt and uncle.. cause they came back from their holiday yesterday,,
they went to Wales.. and they got me some chocolate :D
i talked a little about school and stuff with her..
and we talked about their holiday..

ehm.. and now i'm home again.. my parents aren't back so i'm still alone with my bro..

that was it for today.. well morning an afternoon//
thnx for reading and take care *hugs*
Hiya sis!
sounds like a fun day ^^
yumm...chocolate...yummm :p
oh I wanna see dodgeball, it seems so funny ^^
I think the lead actor in that movie is so funny :D
glad to know that you feel better
*hugs and smooches*
the lead actor is funny but in Mtv european music awards 2004, he said that Frodo and Sam were gay! not funny! ><
other then that, yeah he rox :p
I loooove chocolate too. *dreams* chocolateland! aaahhhh
hmm.. thats not nice of him =(..
lmao! Chocolateland 0_______________o
hmmmmmmmmmmmm ^______________________^

i made some pics of my new hair color..
hmm.. don't meantion me.. i'm as stupid as ever..
ow and i forgot to tell you that i got new earrings..
with stars :eek:


omg.. 0.o.. i can't look good on any pic =_=
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aww you're cute ^^
my cute sis! :D
nice earings, I looove earings! I dont care anything about clothing stuff but I've got to have matchnig earings lol

I know, isn't it lie....heaven *haleluja* :p