[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Lin - weird weird person.. hehe *heey mijn moeder rookt! de mijne ook! XD*
hehe =) i'm still very thankfull for that pic =)
*hugs and kisses back* <3

Sis - hehe.. well on tuesday we always have 2 classes off :D
eh 0.o,, you have a bed in your library? coolioolie!
hehe i wish people did that in our school.. but i don't even know where those fire detectors are.. XD
anyway take care! *hugs*
lol one of my freinds started the alarm once so I know how to do it :p
that's awsome! we have a looong monday, tuesday and wednesday. I think I'm gonna skip school tomorrow :p
lmao coolieoolie!!!! XDD
yep, we have a love room, spooky room and sports room. I like the love room most of all, it's sooo comfy there!
and oh not to forget a manga room too! ^^
Hybrid-Heart said:
Fribby - heheh.. maybe i would make you a match with Sammi :D
heheheh jk
hmm.. i hope i do fine.. =)
take care *hugs*

*sigh*.. i don't want to update my journal.. =.=
anyway.. today when i got to school i noticed that i was late..
and i was like: NOO! first class is french 0_o
and i definatly don't want to be late with that teacher..
so i hurried and got to school.. when i walked to our classroom i saw that most were still on the hallway..
so i wasn't late.. *pfeww*
so we waited. and then someone came to us and told us that Vissers wasn't on school so we had first class of.. i was like: NO WAY!.. GVD! >.<
i could still be in my bed at this time!
but on the other hand i was relieved..
no French class today! XD
then Mnoe came towards me and i told her that we had first class off..
she was like: 0.o GVD! >.<
so we did some homework.. and then after our first class we had History
i already did some homework so i didn't do that much during that class..
after that we had CKV.. we had to work on our little statue we're making..
then we had a little break..
after that we had biology.. which was ok.. cause during that class we had a fire excercise..
so everyone had to go outside.. to our gym field
ofcourse we stayed outside for a long time.. we didn't wanted to go back..
but when we got back again we still were the first ones in class again =_=
after biology we had a class of again.. but instaid of doing things that are fun we had to get to this study class =_=
mheh.. i finished my hw there.. and studied..
after that we had lunch.. followed by another class off =_=
last class was german.. which was boring.. i only wanted to go home
so when i finally was home i made myself some soup..
and.. i didn't wanted to study again.. so i didn't.
i played Tos.. and then ate something..
and blah blah.. heheh
Me and Sammi? o.0
boring school day huh? well at least you had french off :thumbsup:
lol fire drill, I've had one, was quite fun, except for the fact that it was very cold outside =_=
Fribby - heheh yep you and Sammi XD.. jk
but you sure are good friends ;)
hehe.. it was hot outside when we had that fire thingy.. it sucks when it's cold and you don't have a coat =_=
thnx for stopping by! take care

Vero - hehe.. yeah i knew it all the time XD
i'm fine thnx =)
ow and that doesn't matter ;) i'm already happy that you stopped by
take care! *hugs*

so ehm today was that boring schoolday till 4 o'clock..
hmmm.. everything was boring as alway..
we have all languages on this day.. *yawn*
ehm i don't feel like making a long detailed update so i only tell you one funny thing that happened..
when we were at english class Mnoe started to speak french
*hmm.. speaking french during english.. yeah right =P*
she asked my something in french and i didn't understand so i said: Watte?
*our dialect for what?*
and she wanted to answerin french again.. she wanted to say "What did you say" in french, but instead of that she said: Wie bitte? *german*
rofl! i know it doesn't sound that funny but we were laughing our asses of like crazy!
and i couldn't even stop laughing.. after a while Mnoe asked me the same question again and i said *dunno what the question was* Oui Oui!
hehe.. everytime we said Wie bitte? we started to laugh again XDD

so that was it for today..
i think i won't update my journal for a while..
i dunno.. i don't like it that much anymore to update it..
i think i'll only update it when something interresting happened or something funny..
but i will visit your journals ;)
i needed to say that,,

ok thnx for reading this and take care!
and yeah that's true, and so are me and you :)
and you and her I would expect :thumbsup: well lol I'm not gonna kid myself, you call each other sis, you can't NOT be friends XD
oh yeah, and if I remember right we only had our socks on, at least some of us lol, pretty harsh

lol yeah it's funny when people confuse languages XDD
and hey, you have the same as me, I don't really like to update mine much.
well that's no good, I'm gonna miss your long updates :confused:
well, I will talk lots to you anyway, so I guess it's alright ;)
Siiiiis? remember our lill convo on msn? :p gooood!
lmao I thought it waas funny! Me and Louice do that too, she has german and I have french so she talks in german and I answer in french :p
Well, I'll ttyl sis
*hugs tightly*
Fribby - awh thnx ^^
heheh yup sammi and i are friends/sisters ^__^

hmm well maybe i will post a long one once in a while..
when i feel like it.. hehe
don't worry i will make a long one for you ;)
take care! *hugs*

Sis - ehh.. i think so :p
hehe yeah that's funny.. now i have to think of me and manoe's language badminton!
hehe.. she counts *how many times that thing goes over the net* in german and i in english for example XD
anyway take care sis!
Heeeyy sistaaaaaaa o_O I'm in a ....diva mood today..guess I listened alot to Miss Independent XD
yeah lmao! When me and my freinds play badminton, we call eachother by wierd names, for istance my badminton name is Parisbil which means Pariscar in English...they call me that cause my last name is Parihizkar :p
ttyl hon
heyyyyyyyyylo...yeah ive kinf abandoned updating my journal, only ever do it once in a while...meh...^^ as long as u dont leave us im happy <3 u
*stalker hug*

its so confusing being here sometimes, i ahve to keep checking if im here or in heart lp's journal incase i say stalker hug or something and shes like 0_o what???
anyway hehe <3<3<3<3<3<3 ttyl
fribby - hehe.. well today i can't make a long entry..
in fact i can't even visit the forums..
i will tell you why in just a sec
take care *hugs*

sis - lol yeah you already told me that once,, hehe
you have a funny surname.. but mine is even worse..
it doesn't mean anything but i hate it..Beurskens.. =S
anyway thnx for stopping by :)

keza - heheh lol.. yeah sometimes i have the same problem in Sammi's journal too.. am i in Sammi's journal or in Fribby's? they both have these long convo's in their journal XD
anyway.. thnx for stopping by =) *stalker hug*

well the reason that i aint on the forums that much is because of my computer..
it crashed again! >< grrrmmblle!
i'm on my uncles computer now..
*sigh* i hate my computer..
anyway small update about today..

today i went to the city with Mnoe.. we went to a skatepark,, called Blender
because.. BAM MARGERA came ^^
so we got in it for €2,-
and we waited and waited.. and watched the other skaters..\
then i saw Mike V. *friend of Bam and a member of the element skate team*
iwas like: hey it's mike!
and he started to skate around and the other members of the team also started to skate..
we were like: coooool! ^^
but where's bam??
and we were watching and searching for bam but he wasn't there..
then some guys said that bam couldn't make it >.<
anyway.. it was cool though.. and i want to learn how to skate too now!!
it was so cool.. they did the coolest tricks.. Mike was the best one,,
and i almost touched an other cute skater of the team ^^
he passed me.. hehe

anyway.. that was the exciting part of my day.,.
too bad that bam wasn't there though..
anyway take care and thnx for reading,,

see you in about a week or so.. :(
Hey sis!
I was wondering today, I was like wtf is my sis and yeah you're here! ^^
I'm sry you did'nt get to see Bam tho...but hey, you did get to see other cool skaters :thumbsup:
sry about your computer! =_= that sux
take care
I'll ttyl
Hybrid-Heart said:
*sigh* i know.. but maybe my uncle allows me to get on their computer more often till mine is fixed.\

yeah it would be better if Bam came too..
he's so cute! ^__________________^
I hope so :)

lol I'm not commenting on that, but he sure can skate :eek:
sis - lol hehe.. well i won't be online that much anymore =(
yep it would have been cooler if bam showed up.. but it the other skaters where cool too..and they were from America :D
i hope my computer gets fixed soon =_=
but my uncle's computer is fine too.. ehm well for getting on the internet once in a while..
take care too! *hugs*

Fribby - well he thinks it's alright for me to get on his computer :D
but then again i can't get online that much

heheh.. that's alright ;)
take care! *hugs*

ehm.. well today i had to phone the helpdesk of our computer =_=
but i'm to shy.. so i didn't do it.. dad tried to call but they said that you had to wait for like 10 minutes. 0_o
dad was like: eh no way.. and hang up..
*sigh* he goes to try it again some other time..
i think we have to start the whole computer up again..
you know getting all things off it.. *sigh* there goes all my music and pictures T_T

so i'm sorry that i can't visit your journals now..
i still hope that you guys visit mine once in a while =)

anyway thnx for reading and take care *hugs*
Ofcourse we'll visit your journal sis! :D
lol you're too shy? awww
I usually handle this kind of phone calls even for my parents :p
Hope you can visit once in a while!
*hugs and smooches*
Missing you!