[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Hey, Hybi.*hugs and kisses*
Aww.Im sorry to hear your computer is messed up.=(
Hope it gets fixed soon.*prays*

Hope you're doing well,hun.
Take care.<3
Hybi: yoo this is hybi speaking... *at lin's computer*
omg rhank you so much for all your comments..
my computer is still broken.. my dad is trying to fix it today..
i'm sure he won't succeed,, but anyway..
thnx again for you comments..

alot of stuff happened... good stuff.. and not so good stuff..
like my dad got an accident 0.o
it happened last saturday.. i was upstairs.. and suddenly my mom shouted:
Maud i'm going to the hospital!
i was like: why??
she said: dad got hit by a car..*he wen't cycling*
i was like: o_________________0... WTF?! what happend? *freaks out*
but it wasn't that bad.. he had nothing 0.o
he was very lucky.. the car's window was all broken..
he only had to stay in hospital for one night.. but still it scared the **** out of me..
and it happened on the day that he was going to fix the computer =_=

the good news is that i got the FTI book! ^_____________^
nienke went to amsterdam and she visited this american bookstore *didn't know that they had one in Holland*
she called me and asked me if i wanted it..

ow and Lin turned 16 :D
and tonight is her b-day party :cool:
that's going to be fun ^^

anyway.. alot of other stuff happened but i don't have the time to tell you that right now..
we got to go.. to Lin's Granny :D
we're going to eat there.. heheheh..
pancakes!!! ^^

so thnx again for your comments.. and take care..
maybe i'll see you all tomorrow.. don't think so though..

byes *hugs*
wow...you haven't been on in forever it seems, hope you can get on soon :)
It's good that you're dad's ok, and you got the FTI book :thumbsup:
Hybi: thnx for your comment... and yeah it's great that my dad's ok :D
i really thought that he was in a coma or something.. heh.
the FTI book rules! ^^ i love all the pictures that are in it... *drools*

anyway.. i hope i can get on my own computer soon,, it sucks that internet still doesn't work T__T

ow and btw.. Lin's party was great ^^ it was so much fun,,
ehh well i'll tell you something about it when i can get on the internet again,
take care

Happy Birthday buddy.
Suicide King & Vash_the_Stampede
