Hyper's [JouRnaL] v2

In response to your journal:

Sponsored, eh? I kind of quit playing Counter-Strike.. not really quit, but just lost interest for a while. Mostly because of school and work and what-not. Probably start playing again this summer when I have more free time. Really cool that you're sponsored though :)

As for the girl, good luck. I wouldn't worry too much about the drinking.. I don't know about down there, but up here you'll be hard-pressed to find anybody in high school that doesn't drink (at my school, anyways.) As long as it's casual, like you said, it shouldn't be too big of a deal. If she's like.. an alcoholic, then maybe you should reconsider. Either way, good luck, and hope all goes well :)
misery said:
In response to your journal:

Sponsored, eh? I kind of quit playing Counter-Strike.. not really quit, but just lost interest for a while. Mostly because of school and work and what-not. Probably start playing again this summer when I have more free time. Really cool that you're sponsored though :)

As for the girl, good luck. I wouldn't worry too much about the drinking.. I don't know about down there, but up here you'll be hard-pressed to find anybody in high school that doesn't drink (at my school, anyways.) As long as it's casual, like you said, it shouldn't be too big of a deal. If she's like.. an alcoholic, then maybe you should reconsider. Either way, good luck, and hope all goes well :)

ya; i'm just that much of a nerd that i'm sponsored lolll

and it's rare to find a non drinker amongst the more popular cliques at my school. but like, i don't drink, none of my close friends do, idk.

this sucks.
warped tour is today.
but i can't go.
because i have to work.
how ****ing retarded is that?


okay, so summer school's over right
and that means i don't get to hang out with felicia anymore
and yeah
so before i left, i wrote a note and stuck it under her windshield wiper, pretty much tellin her to call me and stuff like that.

all semester long {semester was 3 weeks} blayze and i were buggin her for gum right?
well, today she finally gave me gum.
it's orbit
you know how they're always wrapped?
well this one wasn't.
that dawned on me when i got home
so i open it up lookin for a note inside
no note.
she wrote it on the flap.
and her number was included.
isaac for the win!
well see, what happened with her was..

i knew i was starting summerschool.
and i knew i wanted something like this to happen.
but it never had before.
so i didn't want to get my hopes up.
so i didn't say anything about it.
to anyone.
so then i met her on the first day.
and we started flirting like crazy.
i mean, you know how when a girl hits a guy {in highschool anyways} that it's flirting.
well, she stabbed me. but not like, gahhhh i wanna kill you.
but like, pokes with her pencil.
she always asked for paper, even tho she had some, and she's not the lazy type of person.
she's cold, like really cold, all the time.
and i'm warm
so naturally, we ended up just really close to each other.
and of course, it was cuz she was cold, and i'm warm.
not because we kinda like each other.

that's the story behind her.
so we went on a sort of date today.
i don't wanna give you the impression that i paid out the ass for dinner.
we went and saw a movie.
we saw Little Man.
now; i know KC gave it a bad review, but honestly
i think it just depends on the company you watch it with.
her and i laughed soo hard during the movie it wasn't even funny
and we cuddled, held hands

so when the movie was over, we went for a walk outside
it started raining
and so i kissed her
best ****ing kiss of my life.
then i walked her to work {she works in the same area as the movies}
kissed her again, then was on my way.

so we're pretty much a couple.
even tho i never asked her out or vice versa
i'm pretty sure the whole.. making out like that..
in the rain.. denotes couple status

So Felicia and I are still goin strong. Two weeks later, lol.

On a completely other note;
I just reformatted my computer.
Which brings along with it new modifications.
I am going to show you my latest masterpeice :thumbsup:
It's just a simple Firefox skin plus a sexy winamp skin :D

I just got a new computer today. It's ****in SEXY!
God, now I can get my Counter-Strike fix.
You guys have no idea how orgasmic this is.