Id Cards

My thoughts on the original post.

The very concept of the I.D card system is fundamentally flawed. To put it in as simple terms as possible: Terrorists just do not give a flying ****! When i go down Weatherspoons on a Friday night, i can just waltz in through the door, ****ed up on any number of drugs and settle down at any table to laugh myself stupid (or fight, whichever seems more fun when the skinheads kick off)

Whats to stop Mr Abdulla-ram-abubbadubba doing the same, standing in the centre of the room and blowing himself up? What good are the I.D cards when the boucers dont give a **** what manner of low life scum crawls in through the door?

In the end what do men with power want.

More power and id cards are another control.

The government doesn't give two flying ****s about bombings just as long as their families are ok and they get paid.
Nazznegg don't kid yourself on here.

You are elitist too as am i.

And the post with skin heads and **** in it was a joke and the bombing was a point about our government bringing id cards in and how terrorist could'nt give a ****.
GF Admin said:
Blubber blubber, I am a gigantic blubbering fanny and I never swear or insult people, instead I make half arsed non-relevant posts with the intention of passively insulting other races and nations.

Look Neggy, we can argue about racism and social barriers and all that guff till the cows come home. You live in one world, i live in another. Feotus lives in a third totally different place. We all have our various outlooks on life, around our way (i.e Europe and that whole general area) a skinhead is a generalisation that is known to...well damn near pretty much everyone as someone who has really ****ing short hair, a bad attitude and the love of a good fight, these days most people refere to them as chavs, but you get the idea right? Don't tell me Neggy that you don't have hard-cases over there?

As for the terrorist remark, I don't give a ****, it wouldnt have had as much impact if i had said "Mr Smith" now would it. And what gives you the right to think that i do not know anyone of that name :D
Btw, if you had bothered to read between the line you could probably guess that i was refering to any terrorist as a scum bag, not Muslims.

Please Neggy, remove you bloated, twinky-stuffed face from up your sweaty anus and drag yourself into the real world.

You run your mouth about how we should all suck **** and my mother is this and that, but as soon as someone dishes out a genuine insult you throw an "emo" whine and flap your gums about how elitist us "Empire" types are.

WTF? Empire? Didn't that collapse ****in eons ago? Do you know how much the average British citizen cares about any British Empire? Here's a clue:

****ING NO ONE! :D

We aint all crumpets and cricket you know.
Mate i have many muslim friends already and fully support your view but bringing in id cards is an expensive mistake. This idea is purely for those who want total control.

Blair'll take his arse reamings of Bush just as long as he can stay in parliament and push around all his cronies in the executive and all the rest of us.
Right you seem to be getting the wrong end of the stick here mate.

We do not hate muslims in this country and do not force them into their own sub directoy of sorts as they are happy enough to do that themselves.

The fact is that our country has changed a lot in the last couple of centuries and even the last 50 years with more and more immigration.

This technically isn't a problem as the economy does benefit from it but we now are finding that more and more of them seem to be forcing us to be 'pc' i.e. take on all their customs and **** all ours down the shitter.

I would be happy to live in coexistence but with this government it isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Yeah, I would feel protected in the Monarchy. The ****ing bobbies don't even carry guns!

They dont need to. Because we dont just hand firearms out like dvd's to anyone who hasnt YET been to prison. I think when the gun violence start to become a problem on the scale of America then the coppers might start doing it. Thankfully we are a civilized people. There is nothing "cool" about shooting someone.
GF Admin said:
You are sad time for the Idiot box for you and your friend i thnk Hugh please ot the honors i am done with these to half wits

Oh please, you simply cant take the pressure. I give you logic and well structured arguments. Now because of your own pathetic insecurities and inability to debate you resort to editing my posts and asking me to be banned.

"Oh hugh, please stop the nasty empire half wits from debating! if they keep on making their own opinion clear, our own demented, backward opinions will get lost in a sea of reason"
They dont need to. Because we dont just hand firearms out like dvd's to anyone who hasnt YET been to prison. I think when the gun violence start to become a problem on the scale of America then the coppers might start doing it. Thankfully we are a civilized people. There is nothing "cool" about shooting someone.

Yeah, there is nothing cool about shooting people. However there is something to be said for the feeling you get after giving a merciful death to a poor stupid creature that has been dead all of its life and just didn't know it. :D
GF Admin said:
Britain FTW & OTC
I must say the two of you have displayed an undiscovered level of Idiocy. You are unable to counter a flame, have no ability to recognize obvious sarcasm and leg pulling when posted, as well as posting random opinions and unsubstantiated tidbits obtained off of the TV at best.

You are admitted dullards with less of a world view then the average monkey in a zoo time for the Idiot box where you can ponder on your sins and come back refreshed and ready to engage in skilled debate

Well lets just put all this **** down to the opposites of our cultures.

Over here we have subtle humour that doesn't jump up and slap you like a wet slippery salmon.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Yeah, about a subtle as a steam roller in a marble factory!

That's not a convincing argument coming from someone called Hugh G. Rekshun m8.

As for the effectiveness of ID cards, almost every US high school and college student has a fake one for buying beer as I understand it, and the leader of the 911 attack, Mohammed Atta, moved around the US prior to the attacks using fake IDs.

Your congress has also been trying to push a national ID card in your country, one that may contain a tracking device in addition to biometric and retinal data.

Some people will no doubt think I'm being paranoid, but if there is another attack on the scale of 911, as has been promised, what will be next to go on the list our civil rights?

I'm guessing a few people on this forum would be upset if the US government decided that the right for citizens to bear arms should be suspended in times of terrorist threat.

And before you say it would never happen, I never thought that a country that champions democracy like the US does, would ever imprison it's own citizens without charge, or access to legal counsel.