Is she worth all this pain?


New member
#1: I'm not getting my classes switched...I just did to get out of keyboarding because I can't take it with a broken arm.

#2: I'm really sorry about your grandpa, my grandma is dying too.

#3: I can't just get over Abby...I've tried and it's not going to happen.

I just love Abby too much. There's nothing I can me, I've tried.



New member
i think half of it is ur attitude towards it

no offense or nething, but sitting there saying theres no hope and its all over isnt going to help u get over it. in fact, its making it worse.



New member
i think half of it is ur attitude towards itno offense or nething, but sitting there saying theres no hope and its all over isnt going to help u get over it. in fact, its making it worse.
Really! I want to help you and stuff, but if you're just going to give up, then this is stupid. Just about everyone on this forum has given you suggestions about you situation with Abby. But the whole time, you're like I don't want to give up Abby. Yet, you sit here and ask for help about how to get over her. It's really hard to know what you want. Do you want to keep being obsessed with Abby? Or do you want to get over her, which will most likely make you happy in the end?



New member
I know it will be hard for you, but you can do it. Just try to focus on other things that make you happy. Like what do you enjoy that doesn't involve anything to do with Abby?


New member
Playing guitar and skateboarding...both of which I can't do with a broken arm....

But I enjoy hanging out on LPF and other forums as well...and chatting with friends



New member
you know what.. im sick of sugar coating all of this s***... LISTEN TO ME... im gonna tell you staight forward what i think.... obviously Abby doens't love you.. or care for that matter so why waist away on her... give her up... you sit here asking for our opinions and advice but you know what your not listening... or catching on.. so close this whole thing with abby out.. let go of her. she doens't want you to hold on to her.. your drowning inside yourself... your not helping anything... your just diggin a deeper hole.. deeper than the one that abby put you in.. i told you about my problem with Chris.. and you know what i got over it... and you would do great to fallow my example... im your friend and all but i have only known your problem for 2 days.. and already im sick of it.. you are doing exactly what i did.. and you know what.. if you aren't willing to help yourself than there is no one that is going to help you.. i learned all of this the hard way.. so why don't you burn the chapter in your book titled Abby cuz.. are never gonna progress away from all this if you don't give her up right now.. just drop her from your life.. drop everything about her.. .let go of her.. if you think your never going to get over her.. your wrong... you will get over her.. as soon as you return to this planet and realize that she isnt' what you should focus on... get over her.. she doens't want you.. i know your probley gonna hate me for all this that im saying but its the truth.. and the truth there buddy HURTS... just get over her.. forget her.. she doens't care and she doesn't love you... let it go.. ok!? and yes feel free to yell at me over IM.. cuz i kno ur going to... i just wanna let you know that she isn't what you should be living for cuz everyone is alike... everyone has problems.. and if and when you realize she is worthless to you know... you will find happiness...

we all live and laugh.. we also cry.. and eventually die.. thats what it is... so just let go of her.. she doesn't want you to hold on to her... she doesnt' care...thats it..thats what i have to say



New member
Ok...I'm not going to yell at you because I'm not that kind of person...I'll try to let go of her again...I'll tell her on tuesday at school that we shouldn't be friends anymore...I'm just not sure how I'm going to say it. I want to be nice about it and all...and I'm scared of doing it in front of everyone else...and I dont want to write her a letter because she'll show everyone. So now I really need your am I going to do this? How am I really going to let her go? Deep down i don't want to do this AT ALL...but I know that I have to. So how should I do it?


New member
just go up to her and say 'i think it would be best if we didnt hang out together anymore' or something along those lines. i dont know her, so i dont know how shes gunna reply to that


New member
first you have to take care of yourself.. are you really willing to listen this time and actually let go of her!?... if you are then just tell her.. say "Abby, i don't think we should hang out as much anymore, and i also think we should just stop being friends... " something like that..but whatever you say.. make sure you mean it


New member
I'm just scared of her reaction...because when i did this before over the phone she didn't seem to care...then a month later she called me and said she missed me....ugh this is so confusing...

I just need to do it...and I'm going to. I'm thinking that I'll just walk up to her and say, "Abby, sorry to say this, but it's over...and I mean it this time."



New member
Drag her out...

then start a serious can help,

I did with my ex. and now everything is fine.

Don't act like a child while talking - tip



New member
Wait. You don't need to tell it straight to her face. That'll be really bad. You need to just gradually drift away from her. Try hanging out with your friends who do not hang out with Abby. If you just go up to her and tell her you don't want to be friends, something similar to what happened before will happen. Then you will be sad and stuff again. All you have to do is stop hanging around her so much. You don't need to make a public announcment of it.


New member
Sry for confusin you. lol But considering what has happened in the past, that is a BAD suggestion. I would just gradually start fading away from her. So after a couple of weeks of not really hanging around her, you hopefully won't think about her as much. Just try to hang out with your best friends. Do things you love that do not involve Abby.
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