Is she worth all this pain?

Hey <~DarkShadow~>, I really think the best you can do is move on. I know you're probably sick of hearing everyone say this over again to you, but the way I see it it would be the best thing to do. If she doesn't love you back, than no matter how much you wish, it won't happen... and you've done such good things for her, that if she was meant to love you, she would've loved you by now. Like some people here already said, maybe she's scared that if you would date, things would get too serious. You're both still young. But if you want to be happy and not carry this weight with you forever, you have to put some extra effort into letting go. I know you've already tried really hard, but try again just with a bit more strenght. I'm sure you can do it. Wouldn't it be better if you two could be together as friends, without you suffering all the time because she only loves you as a brother? Enjoy her friendship, it's something also precious. And you'll see that you'll find someone else that you love, and that loves you back the way you expect.
shirakawa_otori said:
Hey <~DarkShadow~>, I really think the best you can do is move on. I know you're probably sick of hearing everyone say this over again to you, but the way I see it it would be the best thing to do. If she doesn't love you back, than no matter how much you wish, it won't happen... and you've done such good things for her, that if she was meant to love you, she would've loved you by now. Like some people here already said, maybe she's scared that if you would date, things would get too serious. You're both still young. But if you want to be happy and not carry this weight with you forever, you have to put some extra effort into letting go. I know you've already tried really hard, but try again just with a bit more strenght. I'm sure you can do it. Wouldn't it be better if you two could be together as friends, without you suffering all the time because she only loves you as a brother? Enjoy her friendship, it's something also precious. And you'll see that you'll find someone else that you love, and that loves you back the way you expect.

leave him alone about moving on maybe he doesn't want to and he does have to ........SO STOP TELLING HIM TO.

SNiPeRViRuS said:
Well what are we going to tell him?

We cant decieve him even more, hes decieving himself.

no not really the one who is abby.........

srry ds...........but yes in someway she is..

but yes
<~DarkShadow~> said:
She has a point... =/

I mean...I do need to try to get over her as I may never see her again after this year....I just have decided not to until that time comes....:(

ds i got your back if you ever need it cover
<~DarkShadow~> said:

my bad i ment this

<~DarkShadow~> has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.
lpp said:
no not really the one who is abby.........

srry ds...........but yes in someway she is..

but yes
What makes you think Abby is? I mean, can neither your nor DS except that fact that maybe she just doesn't love him? Yes, he does need to get over her. I think we all know that. The question is, how is he to go about doing that?
XrockinfreakX said:
well didnt u stop thinking about her when u went out w/ sumone else? maybe u should find something else that u could focus on

plz stop this jugding not kewl........and plus if you guys keep jugding him how in the hell is he gonna take adicve from anyone huh...

lpp said:
plz stop this jugding not kewl........and plus if you guys keep jugding him how in the hell is he gonna take adicve from anyone huh...

.. thats not judging him..
judging him would be saying that hes an idiot or a dumbass for falling for her. what xrockinfreakx said was called a QUESTION then a SUGGESTION.
misery said:
.. thats not judging him..
judging him would be saying that hes an idiot or a dumbass for falling for her. what xrockinfreakx said was called a QUESTION then a SUGGESTION.
True. And DS did stop thinking about Abby while going out with other girls. But only temperarily. I remember one of them that he told us about, he was real happy with her, but then started thinking about Abby again, so he dumped her.
lpp said:
plz stop this jugding not kewl........and plus if you guys keep jugding him how in the hell is he gonna take adicve from anyone huh...


His passion for abby is his downfall. Ppl judge others on their downfalls. Fact of life.
lpp said:
plz stop this jugding not kewl........and plus if you guys keep jugding him how in the hell is he gonna take adicve from anyone huh...

Why are you so protivitive of him?

Besides whats the point of being with someone who dosent love you?