Is Time Travel Possible?

Alright. I can see it is time for another lesson.
Time travel in the forward direction is possible, but not in the reverse. Einstein believed this. This has to do with the theory of relativity. I had it explained this way and I will do my best to relay it back to you. When you are on a train that is going 60mph and you are walking five miles an hour then a person watching the train sees you as moving at 65mph. However, if you turn on a flashlight while the train is moving, the speed of light is the same for both you and the bystander. The speed of light is a constant. Einstein could not explain this. This would mean if a person could travel at the speed of light the person may be able to travel into the future. It is hard to grasp and there is a lot more to it, but keep this in mind:
so if you travled into the future, you could never come back? that sucks. what about if you phsychologically made yourself really believe you were from, lets see, 1995 or something. maybe that would work?
tonon said:
so if you travled into the future, you could never come back? that sucks. what about if you phsychologically made yourself really believe you were from, lets see, 1995 or something. maybe that would work?

Ok wasn't that part of that movie "Butterfly effect?" and that one with Christopher Reeves?

Didn't they like THINK themselves back? (I haven't seen ALL of butterfly)

PS, Ya know it's not my spelling that is so bad apparently, IT's my typing LOL)
tizz said:
Ok wasn't that part of that movie "Butterfly effect?" and that one with Christopher Reeves?

Didn't they like THINK themselves back? (I haven't seen ALL of butterfly)

PS, Ya know it's not my spelling that is so bad apparently, IT's my typing LOL)

Wipes Tear from eye Tizz your killing me over here.

Was like that guy on the dollar bill, in the band Antrax?:D
phreakwars said:
Time travel is possible, unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to power my Flux capacitor with the 1.21 gigawatts of electricty it requires, so I can go back in time even further and pick some better powerball/keno numbers, then slingshot to my REAL life in 2325.
Here in this century, it is much different from my time.

Jesus made his second coming in 2128, according to our history book, and he united all religions of the world into one massive peacefull planet.

Unfortunately, he was unable to include the Muslims in his spiritual endevour, for you see, they were wiped out in 2101 when the earth ran out of fossil fuel and America did away with it's oil for food welfare program.

My purpose for coming back was to convert A.I.G. to Diesm before the big Jesus thing happens.

Mofo, you stole my answer!

I watched BTTF just yesterday.
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tizz said:
Ok wasn't that part of that movie "Butterfly effect?" and that one with Christopher Reeves?

Didn't they like THINK themselves back? (I haven't seen ALL of butterfly)

PS, Ya know it's not my spelling that is so bad apparently, IT's my typing LOL)
Somewhere In Time. It

Question for you:

If you could send a team of astronauts to a distant star system,say 20 light years away, and you accelerated them to near the speed of light (.999 c) and were able to keep them from splattering on the walls. and then bring them back home. They would age insignicantly and we would have aged 40 years. Couldn't you also send another team of astronauts very far out, say 900,000 light years and bring them back as well, they would also age insignifantly, and the earth would age 1.8 million years when they return. It also seems possible to be able to send another team to another galaxy (billions of light years away) and be able to bring them home before they naturally expire?
the butterfly effect was good, it kind of reminded me of me when i was a kid. my "friend" ricky used to be kind of a jerk to me, but his mom and my mom knew each other so we used to go over each others houses. then this girl krista we used to know and i liked, we got to know each other pretty good, but i saw less and less of her until i never saw her again, in fact im not even completely sure if thats her name, but you get the point. i dont even know these people anymore but at one time we knew each other very well. i could pass these people on the street and not even know it.

the somewhere in time movie was good too.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

Question for you:

If you could send a team of astronauts to a distant star system,say 20 light years away, and you accelerated them to near the speed of light (.999 c) and were able to keep them from splattering on the walls. and then bring them back home. They would age insignicantly and we would have aged 40 years. Couldn't you also send another team of astronauts very far out, say 900,000 light years and bring them back as well, they would also age insignifantly, and the earth would age 1.8 million years when they return. It also seems possible to be able to send another team to another galaxy (billions of light years away) and be able to bring them home before they naturally expire?
What was your question? Would it be possible to send a team of astronauts to another galaxy and bring them back? Is that it?
I really don't know. I suppose it depends on how far away this other galaxy would be? Even at the speed of light, the light from most stars takes thousands or even millions of years to reach us. Even if there was a galaxy close enough for them to be able to travel there and back, there would be no guarantee that the Earth would still be here when they returned.

Event Horizon was another good one.
ToriAllen said:
What was your question? Would it be possible to send a team of astronauts to another galaxy and bring them back? Is that it?
I really don't know. I suppose it depends on how far away this other galaxy would be? Even at the speed of light, the light from most stars takes thousands or even millions of years to reach us. Even if there was a galaxy close enough for them to be able to travel there and back, there would be no guarantee that the Earth would still be here when they returned.

Event Horizon was another good one.
Well you just answered my question. But in effect, didn't these astronauts in my scenario get propelled into the future?
ever hear of the movie "1984" or "primmer"?

i guess we are travling through time as we speak.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Well you just answered my question. But in effect, didn't these astronauts in my scenario get propelled into the future?
Yes. It would be their present but the future for those of us on Earth.