ISLAM,ask your questions.

ImWithStupid said:
So what you are saying is that Muslims by controlling women they way they do, even if it is a cultural thing, and not by Islamic rule, they are the same as christians who don't practice what they preach or interpret scripture in a way that best serves them?

Yeah.BTW,not all muslim men control women.Please don't generalise people. :)
You have these kinds of people in every culture and country.You don't see muslims blaming it on the religion now do ya?
Yeah.BTW,not all muslim men control women.Please don't generalise people. :)
You have these kinds of people in every culture and country.You don't see muslims blaming it on the religion now do ya?
AIG, of course you have regular "christian" guys going around controling their women, their just assholes, they don't do it in the name of Allah as a justification, they do it because they want control.. THAT is the big difference.
phreakwars said:
AIG, of course you have regular "christian" guys going around controling their women, their just assholes, they don't do it in the name of Allah as a justification, they do it because they want control.. THAT is the big difference.

And what you're saying is that the ''muslim'' men are not after control?
There is not much of a difference.They both go against their religions.Only differene: One adds a verbal insult to his religion!
And what you're saying is that the ''muslim'' men are not after control?
There is not much of a difference.They both go against their religions.Only differene: One adds a verbal insult to his religion!

I think what he is saying is that controlling christian men are assholes but don't claim to be controlling as part of their religious beliefs.
Then where are these extremists getting these silly ideas from?


I have no idea.They're demented(sp?)! If what they do is condoned in Islam.I doubt you would find over a billion believers in it.More are joining and they are christians.Ask yourself that question.
builder said:
The question was, "why are former christians becoming muslims?"
I can answer that,and I'm a dumb ass! lol
Christians convert or fall forever! <--- joke
I know one family that did convert, it was related to the church they went to.
I got tired of the endless attacks on Islam.I see a great lack of knowledge.
I wanna help people understand abit more about Islam.Ask your questions.

How do you view the Old Testament of the bible? Is it a prelude to or an accompanyment to the Qur'an. Do you share in the literal christian interpetation of these texts? Do you consider the Qur'an to be a literalits book or a book that should be read figurativly?

Although I think this thread will go nowhere cos most people enjoy sputing hate and don't care to aquire knowledge.(um..MRIH)

Guess I'm different.
The 72 virgins thing. Are these 72 virgins happy to be someones sex slave for eternity? After they are screwed in the afterlife does their hymen remain intact? Or do you soon end up with 72 deflowered women for eternity?
I got tired of the endless attacks on Islam.I see a great lack of knowledge.
I wanna help people understand abit more about Islam.Ask your questions.
Although I think this thread will go nowhere cos most people enjoy sputing hate and don't care to aquire knowledge.(um..MRIH)

Hiya's me again...seriously

ok a very simple simple straight forward question

Which branch of Islam is the true branch?
1) So what (if any) is tha cap on the JIZYA (jitza) tax?

2) What is the prefered method of executing appostates?

3) What is the punishment for failing to worship pig-****?

4) How many infidels do you have to kill, mame, spit at, torture, etc. ?

5) Will my ass be cursed if I use the koran to wipe with?

6) If one should piss on the koran, does the piss become defiled.

7) If a Christian was to have carnal knowledge of a muslim woman, will he be beheaded before or after he ejaculates?

8) How far does your head have to be up your ass to actually believe that islam is from God?

9) Do you lobotomize fresh converts, or are they usually stupid enough to be good suicide bombers?

10) Where can you get islamic porno? preferably blue movies of 18 year old virgins in a harem being deflowered by some rich old perverted sheik.

AIG, are you just going to ramble , or do you plan on answering these questions?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
1) So what (if any) is tha cap on the JIZYA (jitza) tax?

No cap. Just like the no cap on the budget to keep a small population of ****-scared soldiers in an unwinnable situation.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
2) What is the prefered method of executing appostates?

Quietly, and don't let anyone near an email device. We've learnt our lessons from Abu Graib.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
3) What is the punishment for failing to worship pig-****?

No punishment. Just the usual dose of DU from tank-cleaning duties.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
4) How many infidels do you have to kill, mame, spit at, torture, etc. ?

How many Muslims do you have to kill before you realise that repurcussions are worse than the actions that caused them?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
5) Will my ass be cursed if I use the koran to wipe with?

No. I wrapped a scoob in rice paper from the back of a Bible. No **** rained down on me.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
6) If one should piss on the koran, does the piss become defiled.

No. The book is now firewood.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
7) If a Christian was to have carnal knowledge of a muslim woman, will he be beheaded before or after he ejaculates?

Not even appropriate. What about if the bloke pulls out?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
8) How far does your head have to be up your ass to actually believe that islam is from God?

You're getting close. Keep on shoving. I know it's tight. Your head ain't that big.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
9) Do you lobotomize fresh converts, or are they usually stupid enough to be good suicide bombers?

They learnt from the Bush puppet brigade. Save the lobotomy for later. They got in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
10) Where can you get islamic porno? preferably blue movies of 18 year old virgins in a harem being deflowered by some rich old perverted sheik.

PM me. This stuff ain't cheap you know.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG, are you just going to ramble , or do you plan on answering these questions?

AIG is studying. I'm gonna be your chew toy. Enjoy. LOL.
hugo said:
The 72 virgins thing. Are these 72 virgins happy to be someones sex slave for eternity? After they are screwed in the afterlife does their hymen remain intact? Or do you soon end up with 72 deflowered women for eternity?

The ''72 virgin thing'' is not true.I've already challenged anyone here to find me one verse from the Qu'ran that says this.
EnterNetProphet said:
Hiya's me again...seriously

ok a very simple simple straight forward question

Which branch of Islam is the true branch?

The true branch,is the branch that believes in Allah,His angels,His books,His messangers,Day Of Judgement,To accept what good and bad that falls upon you.And to follow the teachings & practices of the Prophet Muhammed(pbuh).

I know you want me to either say sunni or shia,but it is not my place to say who is correct and who is wrong.Only God knows what is contained within the hearts.
1) So what (if any) is tha cap on the JIZYA (jitza) tax?

Jizya is not done anymore!

2) What is the prefered method of executing appostates?

I don't know.I need to try each method.I'll get back to ya

3) What is the punishment for failing to worship pig-****?

With God is the punishment.

4) How many infidels do you have to kill, mame, spit at, torture, etc. ?

And how many innocent muslims and children should you kill? At the moment I've only know of muslims getting tortured in Guantanamo,Abugraib,belmarsh etc I've witnessed muslim women getting spat at in london streets.I see muslims killed and maimed in Palastine and Iraq.

5) Will my ass be cursed if I use the koran to wipe with?

I don't know.It's up to God what He does with you.

6) If one should piss on the koran, does the piss become defiled.

Read above answer...moving on

7) If a Christian was to have carnal knowledge of a muslim woman, will he be beheaded before or after he ejaculates?

Show me a muslim woman who wants a christian man to have ''carnal knowledge'' of her.Flattery doesn't become you MRIH.

8) How far does your head have to be up your ass to actually believe that islam is from God?

ha ha ha ha,Well it's pretty easy to believe in Islam since it has so much good and wisdom within it.The Quran doesn't have contradictions.
No! I assure you there is absolutely no need for arse exploration.
I'm curious though,how does your head feel?

9) Do you lobotomize fresh converts, or are they usually stupid enough to be good suicide bombers?

No,we just remove their former disease by inviting them to the truth.I tell you in just a week's time their minds and hearts are clean from all the lies they were told before. Their body is free of alcohol and pork.yaaay

10) Where can you get islamic porno? preferably blue movies of 18 year old virgins in a harem being deflowered by some rich old perverted sheik.

Well since porn is haram(forbidden) in Islam,you'll never find it.I'm not sure that your local priest will accomodate your needs,do you perhaps have a son?
Are you familiar with Qutbism and Wahhabism? Are they legitimate sects of Islam?

I have attempted to carry on a dialog with Muslims for the past two years @
I have been repeatedly banned, mainly because the moderators could not give me a conclusive answer or the answer they could provide would not be beneficial to their cause.

Perhaps we can fair better and bring some understanding together ?

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