ISLAM,ask your questions.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Yeah, maybe we oughta tax islam... into bancruptcy!

So answer the question... Why is it OK for piss-lam to not practice something it used to practice, but it is not OK for Christianity to not practice something it never practiced in the first place?

I'm ready for your mumbo-jumbo bull-shitting side-steps, so please entertain us with your useless rhetoric.

Mumbo-Jumbo is oozing from your above post MRIH.''Chistianity has never practiced in the same place?'' LMAO!! So all the women that were burned,the crusades never existed in the peaceful world of christianity?
Oh and the slavery,you know the quote in your bible that says that slaves have to be from other nations.Didn't this inspire the ''noble'' christians to set up camp in africa?

Why isn't Jizya not practiced anymore? Well let's see,maybe it's cos there are no ''people of the book'' under protection by a muslim country at the moment.
Mumbo-Jumbo is oozing from your above post MRIH.
I knew it! Your side-stepping diversions are entertaining!

''Chistianity has never practiced in the same place?''
No, I said "first place" you are as illiterate as you are ignorant, AIG!

LMAO!! So all the women that were burned,the crusades never existed in the peaceful world of christianity?
1) Ah, yes "the crusades"... (piss)lam's pitiful excuse for their continuing jihad on the west. The crusades happened, it's ancient history, get over it!
2) The crusades were a lot more justified than your islamic propagandists and revisionists lead you to believe.
3) The women, the crusades never existed? Where does your logic flow from? Your anus?
4) At no time the the founder of Christianity, or any of his discpiles advocate violence or war. Your pedophile prophet(may piss be upon him) was so obsessed by war he devoted over half of the pig-**** book to it.

Oh and the slavery,you know the quote in your bible that says that slaves have to be from other nations.
more of your entertaining side-steps that have nothing to do with the question at hand. dance a little dance? Did you get practice in a Sudanease harem? Ok, back to your written crap... Are you saying that slavery is not condoned in the pig-**** book?

Didn't this inspire the ''noble'' christians to set up camp in africa?
Didn't the Dutch slave traders buy these people from Muslim slave traders in Africa?

Why isn't Jizya not practiced anymore? Well let's see,maybe it's cos there are no ''people of the book'' under protection by a muslim country at the moment.
Maybe? Maybe? you mean you don't know. So you you just guess. Well the truth is coming out now! here are some theories just as plausible as yours.
1)Maybe it's because islam would prefer to just kill everyone who refuses to convert!
2)Maybe because islam has stifled higher education so long there is no muslim left who can calculate the tax.
3)Maybe islam is actually slowly joining the 21st century after all and discarding the evil bigotry that it is.
4)Maybe it is still practised, and you are just guessing that it isn't.
1) Ah, yes "the crusades"... (piss)lam's pitiful excuse for their continuing jihad on the west. The crusades happened, it's ancient history, get over it!

Oh no.I think Iraq,Afghanistan,palastine,guantanamo,abu graib,belmarsh..have a little to do with.

2) The crusades were a lot more justified than your islamic propagandists and revisionists lead you to believe.

Really? death of innocents is justified?Tell me,tell me,please.

3) The women, the crusades never existed? Where does your logic flow from? Your anus?

You mis-understood as usual.It is a sarcastic question.

Are you saying that slavery is not condoned in the pig-**** book?

Yes.The Quran tells the muslims to free slaves and that they are allowed to marry them(no MRIH,not by force)
No, I said "first place" you are as illiterate as you are ignorant, AIG!

No dear,you said ''same place''.I cut and pasted off your post.Nice editing though,it's good to know that you can actually spot you errors.

Nice try sweety :rolleyes:
No, I said "first place" you are as illiterate as you are ignorant, AIG!

No dear,you said ''same place''.I cut and pasted off your post.Nice editing though,it's good to know that you can actually spot you errors.

Nice try sweety :rolleyes:
You lying sack of ****! You did not "cut and paste" (I doubt you'd even have the sense to do that anyway) Of course I'd expect nothing less than lies from someone who worships pig-****!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You lying sack of ****! You did not "cut and paste" (I doubt you'd even have the sense to do that anyway) Of course I'd expect nothing less than lies from someone who worships pig-****!

Last edited by Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell : Today at 01:05 PM.

oops! Did I just cut and paste something? :eek: :rolleyes:
1) Ah, yes "the crusades"... (piss)lam's pitiful excuse for their continuing jihad on the west. The crusades happened, it's ancient history, get over it!

Oh no.I think Iraq,Afghanistan,palastine,guantanamo,abu graib,belmarsh..have a little to do with.
All righteous causes, for sure!

2) The crusades were a lot more justified than your islamic propagandists and revisionists lead you to believe.

Really? death of innocents is justified?Tell me,tell me,please.
Death of innocents? (piss)lam is the world champion of killing innocents!

[3) The women, the crusades never existed? Where does your logic flow from? Your anus?

You mis-understood as usual.It is a sarcastic question.
No, it's a MEANINGLESS question. just like its author.

[Are you saying that slavery is not condoned in the pig-**** book?

Yes.The Quran tells the muslims to free slaves and that they are allowed to marry them(no MRIH,not by force)
Bull ****, AIG Lies as usual. Look at the pig-**** manual:
"4.92": And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave, and blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (suffices), and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a convenant, the blood-money should be paid to his people along with the freeing of a believing slave; but he who cannot find (a slave) should fast for two months successively: a penance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

1) Only free slaves as a sacrifice for killing a believer by mistake.
2) Killing non believers is OK overt omission.
3) Only free believing slaves. Normal, sane slaves are to be retained.

What a perverted and vile religion!
Last edited by Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell : Today at 01:05 PM.

oops! Did I just cut and paste something? :eek: :rolleyes:
You are still a lying sack of ****, AIG! Even if you really can "cut and paste" (of course, my 4 year old can cut and paste, so don't get a big head on us)
2:177:''It is not Al-Birr(piety,rightousness) that you turn your faces east or west(in prayer);but Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allah,the Last ay,the Angels,the Book,the Prophets and gives his wealth,inspite of love for it,to the Kinsfolk,to the orphans,and to the Al-Masakin(the poor),and to the wayfarer,and to those who ask,and to SET SLAVES FREE,performs Salat(prayer),and gives the Zakat(charity),and who fulfil their covenant when they make it,and who are patient in extreme poverty and ailment and at the time if fighting.Such are the people of truth and the are Al-Muttaqun(the pious)''.

90:11-16:''But he has not attempted to pass on the path that is steep(i.e the path which will lead to goodness & success)''
''And what will make you know the path that is steep?,
''(it is)freeing a neck(slave),
''Or giving food in a day of hunger(famine),
''To an orphan near of kin,
''Or to a Miskin(poor) cleaving to dust(out of misery)''.

see 24:33,4:36,58:3.

Yeah MRIH,this all sounds so evil doesn't it?You're a pathetic and bitter guy.
Let's see if Jesus takes all your sins on himself in the end.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You are still a lying sack of ****, AIG! Even if you really can "cut and paste" (of course, my 4 year old can cut and paste, so don't get a big head on us)

Oh MRIH,you have more reason to sin like that.I know I'll be punished if I sin.You believe that all your sins are forgiven automatically.

I did cut and paste it from your post.And you know that I'm telling the truth.

What is wrong?No one will think you an idiot cos you made a small mistake.
You did edit your post to change the error.Woohoo.
Oh please,you were always a hater.I didn't show you anything,you finally stopped lying to yourself by thinking that maybe deep down there was a good person!You just gave that black heart a shine well done.. applauds
(please don't give me any credit,it's all yours)

And what you say about Muhammed(peace and blessings are always upon him) hurts no one.Your pathetic insults just make me pity you further.
May God show you true light. ;)

He has that's why I wrote this.
snafu said:
He has that's why I wrote this.

That's the light God gave you? To hate?Did Jesus teach you this? I thought christianity was all about ''love thy neighbour'' and stuff like that....
Now you're teaching me new things about christianity..Thankx
Oh please,you were always a hater.I didn't show you anything,you finally stopped lying to yourself by thinking that maybe deep down there was a good person!You just gave that black heart a shine well done.. applauds
(please don't give me any credit,it's all yours)

And what you say about Muhammed(peace and blessings are always upon him) hurts no one.Your pathetic insults just make me pity you further.
May God show you true light. ;)
It's amazing how recognition of the truth makes you a "hater". Better not say the sky is blue or you'll be labeled a bigot for all eternity!

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