ISLAM,ask your questions.

If the name "Allah" was traced back to the name "EL", and the Jews call "EL" "Elohom" now doesn't that make the jewish "Elohim" and the Islamic "Allah" the same person?
The true branch,is the branch that believes in Allah,His angels,His books,His messangers,Day Of Judgement,To accept what good and bad that falls upon you.And to follow the teachings & practices of the Prophet Muhammed(pbuh).

I know you want me to either say sunni or shia,but it is not my place to say who is correct and who is wrong.Only God knows what is contained within the hearts.

Ahhh AIG..your catching on fast... Yes my questioned was loaded...I had a very good response had you answered it the way I anticipated you would answer it(I tried to trap you.. sorry)...but alas..foiled again

nice answer..very you know how Jesus felt...when he was constantly questioned by smart ass jews..who were ready to stone him should he answer it wrong...but they forget..he is an angel with Gods wisdom..anyway..this will give insight on how Lucifer thinks...I have this test which would teach you a lot..should you wish to partipate.

You would make a good christian AIG...I don't particularly belong to any branch myself now ..even though I have grown up a protestant in various branches(I'm an outcast with my own interpretation)...I'm on my own...but if you ready for more interpretations on the book of revelation..I would point you in the right direction...their is a weird I came about it..I actually became an unbeliever for a long while...but something called me back.....but..I can't devulge it to a muslim...only someone with the right heart.

BTW..there is no church or doctrine that identifies Jesus as an angel..that was me saying so.
EnterNetProphet said:
their is a weird I came about it..I actually became an unbeliever for a long while...but something called me back.....but..I can't devulge it to a muslim...only someone with the right heart.

correct me if I'm wrong,are you implying that a muslim can't have a good/right heart?

And how come you make up your own story about who Jesus was i.e that he was an angel?
fullauto said:
If the name "Allah" was traced back to the name "EL", and the Jews call "EL" "Elohom" now doesn't that make the jewish "Elohim" and the Islamic "Allah" the same person?

Um...Fullauto the only diffrent is that one is in hebrew and the other in arabic.The meaning might be the same i.e they both mean God.

As for me being a good christian.I could be If I felt that it was the right religion.
Richard Owl Mirror said:

I have attempted to carry on a dialog with Muslims for the past two years @
I have been repeatedly banned, mainly because the moderators could not give me a conclusive answer or the answer they could provide would not be beneficial to their cause.

Perhaps we can fair better and bring some understanding together ?

I can't promise you anything.I might not be able to fully answer your questions cos I may not have full knowledge,but I'll try to the best of my ability.

I hope your questions are more interesting than Mr MRIH. :rolleyes:
Why is it that Islam portrays an unfair image of brutality based mainly on the under developped states in which it is mainly practiced, which are also reflected in many of the less developped regions of the world with NO RELIGIOUS CONNECTIONS TO ONE ANOTHER (Except for the christien missionaires and french imperialists). Why is Islam singled out and labeled based on the current SOCIAL condition of its motherlands? Is it terrorists who are directly defying of the Qu'ran? Or is it the age old tradition of supressing wemon?
Um...Fullauto the only diffrent is that one is in hebrew and the other in arabic.The meaning might be the same i.e they both mean God.

As for me being a good christian.I could be If I felt that it was the right religion.
and AIG ducks.... then dips... then ducks again.... man this chick can dodge a question! You must have gone to the Ari Fleischer School of Question Dodging!
correct me if I'm wrong,are you implying that a muslim can't have a good/right heart?

And how come you make up your own story about who Jesus was i.e that he was an angel?

hahahaha AIG..I did not "make up my own story"as you say.....I read the bible differently and interpretated the spiritual metaphors differently(regardless if the scripture was tampered with or not)..there a clues to Jesus's identity all over the books..If they can't see it...well thats not my f problem....move on..the main theme of the bible and secrets is still intact.

And no..I'm not implying that muslims can't have a good or right heart...the book of revelation deals with Prophecy...It does affect them...but I won't speak on this matter as it is very sensitive.

AIG I know there are christian arabs..e.g coptics..and maronites...and no..I'm not being completely anti arab...

If your wondering...what my response was...should you have answered my original question...well I won't let the suspense kill you..I won't make it easy either....heres two clues on my line of thought

1# haj :confused:

2# What mohammed reported to have said on his death bed :D
fullauto said:
and AIG ducks.... then dips... then ducks again.... man this chick can dodge a question! You must have gone to the Ari Fleischer School of Question Dodging!

Hey I wasn't dodging anything.All I know is that the same God gave both the arabs and the jews guidance,but most defied Him.
Your question was tryng to point out that since Allah and Elohim mean the same thing,does this make them the ''same person.''?
No! I believe that since the jews defied Allah,then they don't believe in Him.

Since Allah means God.Does this mean that the christian God and the muslim Allah are the same? Ofcourse not.We have to look at what they truly represent.In Islam it represents that there is only One God(nothing else can be associated with Him) and in Christianity it represents ,Jesus,Angel Gabriel and even Mary in some cases.The name is the same but the belief is different.

So perhaps it's the same with Juddaism.
EnterNetProphet said:
hahahaha AIG..I did not "make up my own story"as you say.....I read the bible differently and interpretated the spiritual metaphors differently(regardless if the scripture was tampered with or not)..there a clues to Jesus's identity all over the books..If they can't see it...well thats not my f problem....move on..the main theme of the bible and secrets is still intact.

And no..I'm not implying that muslims can't have a good or right heart...the book of revelation deals with Prophecy...It does affect them...but I won't speak on this matter as it is very sensitive.

AIG I know there are christian arabs..e.g coptics..and maronites...and no..I'm not being completely anti arab...

If your wondering...what my response was...should you have answered my original question...well I won't let the suspense kill you..I won't make it easy either....heres two clues on my line of thought

1# haj :confused:

2# What mohammed reported to have said on his death bed :D

Can you say what you mean in less confusing statements please. :confused:
Hey I wasn't dodging anything.All I know is that the same God gave both the arabs and the jews guidance,but most defied Him.
Your question was tryng to point out that since Allah and Elohim mean the same thing,does this make them the ''same person.''?
No! I believe that since the jews defied Allah,then they don't believe in Him.

Since Allah means God.Does this mean that the christian God and the muslim Allah are the same? Ofcourse not.We have to look at what they truly represent.In Islam it represents that there is only One God(nothing else can be associated with Him) and in Christianity it represents ,Jesus,Angel Gabriel and even Mary in some cases.The name is the same but the belief is different.

So perhaps it's the same with Juddaism.

I actually believe that the Xtian, Jewish, and Islamic God IS the same archetype...
1) So what (if any) is tha cap on the JIZYA (jitza) tax?

Jizya is not done anymore!

AIG, why is OK for you that the pig-**** religion is justified by not practicing something anymore, while you vilify Christianity for not practicing something anymore (not that it ever was practiced, but your incesant babbling about ripping open female wombs and the like)?
Can you say what you mean in less confusing statements please. :confused:

Oh nevermind AIG...just answer the other GF members questions(if you so choose),they are more pressing..I'll reserve my answer/questions some other time..sorry to bother you...
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG, why is OK for you that the pig-**** religion is justified by not practicing something anymore, while you vilify Christianity for not practicing something anymore (not that it ever was practiced, but your incesant babbling about ripping open female wombs and the like)?

Ok if you don't see the difference between tax and ripping out wombs then you're insane.
I have nothing against Jizya tax.It was a way for the people of the book to give something in return to the government that was protecting them.Isn't this done today in the world?It's just TAX for goodness sake.
What's your point?Is a muslim tax different from american or any other tax? MRIH,your problem is that you hate anything muslim, even if it's good.
You asked me if there is a ''cap'' on Jizya tax.I'm pointing out that I wouldn't know since it's not still done today,but there is absolutely no problem with it.
Ok if you don't see the difference between tax and ripping out wombs then you're insane.
I have nothing against Jizya tax.It was a way for the people of the book to give something in return to the government that was protecting them.Isn't this done today in the world?It's just TAX for goodness sake.
What's your point?Is a muslim tax different from american or any other tax? MRIH,your problem is that you hate anything muslim, even if it's good.
You asked me if there is a ''cap'' on Jizya tax.I'm pointing out that I wouldn't know since it's not still done today,but there is absolutely no problem with it.
Yeah, maybe we oughta tax islam... into bancruptcy!

So answer the question... Why is it OK for piss-lam to not practice something it used to practice, but it is not OK for Christianity to not practice something it never practiced in the first place?

I'm ready for your mumbo-jumbo bull-shitting side-steps, so please entertain us with your useless rhetoric.
How can Shari law be a blessing?
You then agree that religion should be law.

Also you agree that a woman must have 4 men to whiteness a rape before the women can get justice?
And if she doesn

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