Jojo's gallery

Matt prompted me to make a funny sig in bright colours just for a change... ;)


Haha, I feel like a little kid now...*blushes* Haha...thanks Mattie! ;)
The smiley one is cute - but the wolf one is :eek: Wow! Love that one... :thumbsup:

I have to say even though it's a little late now that I actually think the font in the red Rob one fits. I say this constructively. The font is bold and counterbalances the hue of his facial tone. The pose is quite confronting so to me at least the font fits that perfectly. Anything less 'solid' and you would lose it due to the image/s. The mirror effect gives the composition balance. Keeps the eye centrally focused and draws your attention both towards and away from the face which is the underlying theme. The transparency 'evens' it, if it were two solid images it would be visually too heavy. The shadow behind the font gives it depth and the colour is intense, contrasting again to the sombre yet dominant pose. The pattern of the background breaks up the rigidity of the overall composition (arrowhead 'negative space', 'X' composition)

Can you tell I went to art school? XD

Overall - noice job my sis! But then of course I could have just said the pic is hot... and left it at that! haha...
Awwww my sis....*squeeze loving hugs* My sweet sister that was the best analysis I've heard in years!!! Oh my Rob I admire you so much and thanks for your kind and at the same time constructive comments anything you say is valuable to me and you know that! And thing no one could deny about this pic of Rob is that he is goddamn sexy!! *fans self again* A million thanks!!!!! :D :D :D

And Franky, Di, thanks a lot as well!!! :D
Said it before and I'll say it again - well deserved! ;)

Oh and 'Nulla Dies Sin`e Robert!'

<3 it as always! Isn't as visually intense as the red one but still easy on the eyes and the LP is an interesting effect, its not as focused and the 'L' almost disappears there but then it blends into the background drawing the images 'together' in essence - so if that's deliberate its clever ;)
Noice my sweet! How could it not be? Its not bright and gaudy, its of robbie, and its made by you! I'm biased but at least I'm also an educated one-eyed supporter of your work! *hugs* Always look forward to seeing your creations... though I have to say that the wolf one was really quite well done ;)
Thanks again my sweetness!! Yeah actually the whole LP blending in the background thing was deliberate... I'm experimentin' as much as I can... And yeah I love the wolf one too I love looking at it! *hugs for my sis* :D