Jojo's gallery

Thanks for the comments guys!!! Here's what I just made... Me and my beloved twin sista Ravyn... Awwwww *hugs for my Rob-loving twin*


:D :D :D :D :D
Awww guys thanks so much for your comments you're so lovely!!! *hugs* And yeah, Fribby, this sig is definitely one of my favourite ones!!! ;)
Here I am again after such a long time... No new sigs, not this time, I'm more into montages lately. I create pictures of my favourite rockstars and me together!! Hehe... how obsessed am I? Lol :D I made these a few days ago, didn't wanna post them in the first place but then I thought...why not? Hell... I'm crazy, so you people have to put up with my craziness!!! ;)


Me and Rob...:D :D :D :D


Me and Joel...:D :D :D :D
hmm i just looked through ur work its all good but easy on the "outer glow" rofl but ya i know the feeling of photoshop its like THE POWER cause u can do anything with it :D
Hey guys thank you all for the comments!!! Gradon, it means a lot to me that you actually went through all my work and left a comment!! Thanks mate! And yeah... Photoshop can make your dreams come true!! (In a way...) Lol!! :D