Jojo's gallery

Vash_the_Stampede said:

OMFG Josh!!!! You made me speechless again dunno what to say really this is awfully sweet of you!! Awwwww you have touched my heart for real... *tear* Thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!! *squeeze hugs* :D
Thanks my sweet Di! Yes those two little pickies of Robbie are so cute... My personal fav is the big one on the right with his glasses...;)
Aww sis! I want the full size! Super size me! XD
But have to say, I like the 'glowing aura' effect around each individual pic... kinda 'haunting' but in a good way, hell maybe the best of ways ;) Noice! :thumbsup:
My sweetness!!! *hugs X infinity* I'm thrilled that you like it so much!!! You and I will have the same desktop now...Twinsies!! *lol* *Mmmmuuuaaaaahhhh* :D :D
@1stwallpaper.. whoa I've never seen so much robs in my life.. verrrry good.. bluee :)

@2ndwallpaper.. well done :0 :-D
Oh my Rob I think I haven't posted in this thread for ages!! No inspiration lately I'm afraid... Anyway, today I made two new Bourdie sigs... My baby, i can't wait to enjoy his kick ass performance on the new songs... Rob RULES!!!!!!!!! Hehe, sorry for the excitement, I know I'm too passionate about him... There you go...

