Jojo's gallery

Here's Chaz... I know someone who will be very happy about this sig...;)


And also this is gonna be my next sig, when I get tired of the golden boy one! lol :D

crazy robster said:
Here's Chaz... I know someone who will be very happy about this sig...;)


And also this is gonna be my next sig, when I get tired of the golden boy one! lol :D


OMG.. i love you haha. That is the sexiest sig.EVER.

and thats one of my fave pics..

oh man.. i need a lay down..
Hahaha!!! Jade you literally made my day!!! Well, night actually!!! Thank you so much!!! I knew you'd love the Chaz sig but what you said about Robbie... You know as a Robster my mission is to spread the Bourdie love and I'm happy to see that I succeed!!! LOL Thanks again my sweetie!!! :D
crazy robster said:
Hahaha!!! Jade you literally made my day!!! Well, night actually!!! Thank you so much!!! I knew you'd love the Chaz sig but what you said about Robbie... You know as a Robster my mission is to spread the Bourdie love and I'm happy to see that I succeed!!! LOL Thanks again my sweetie!!! :D

Hell Yeah.. just like im here to spread the Chazzy love. Im glad i made ur night.

Love it? i freaking adore it.. its sooooooo.. its a god send
crazy robster said:
Hehe... wow, that's excitement!! Well, if you like it so much you can have it whenever you want! :D
Yay! *hugs the siggy*

haha so hows its going? im trying to update my Chaz site..

and guess what? you got me drooling at Rob pictures.

Im a Brad chick at heart.. i love him.. like i like Chester. ALOT.

*huggles them both*
Hahaha!! Awwww... Brad and his "like" counter!!! Actually I love them all!! Each of them has something to love about!! But Rob is my GOD, I mean I'm literally CRAZY about him!!! If you ever visit the CoB (Church of Bourdon) and read my posts there you'll see what I mean! :D
crazy robster said:
Hahaha!! Awwww... Brad and his "like" counter!!! Actually I love them all!! Each of them has something to love about!! But Rob is my GOD, I mean I'm literally CRAZY about him!!! If you ever visit the CoB (Church of Bourdon) and read my posts there you'll see what I mean! :D

hehe i agree.. there all so cute *hugs them all*

AWWW as you cna see myns been Chazzy from the start..

He reminds me so much of myself.. its creepy. plus he signed my shirt Chazy and not Chester hehe
crazy robster said:
He felt intimate with you from the beginning as it seems!! ;)

:eek: :eek: think so..

I was like *insert english accent* (yep im british) "Can i have a picture please Chester?" he was like sure

and did a ****ing sexy pose.. oh god *calms downa bit* i met them in the US hehe

Oh and Rob looked hot with the glasses he smiled at em and said " hey " back.

Then i had a nosebleed in front of Delson.. haha

My meet and greet ruled.
The Chester sig is very very know, Chaz is my fav in the band and this sig is just awesome! :D That shadow of Chaz looks great and of the text Chester too...and the text below is great! Realy nice work! :thumbsup: The Rob nice too...but I must say that it's just your usual one...
Thanks guys!!! I do believe too that the Chester sig is one of my best!! I enjoyed making it... maybe as much as I enjoyed making the Rob one!!! ;) :D
Awwwww guys!! Thank you so much for your comments and yeah, Di my sweet, I must admit picking the right font for the right sig is not something I excel in!! LOL :D
crazy robster said:
Awwwww guys!! Thank you so much for your comments and yeah, Di my sweet, I must admit picking the right font for the right sig is not something I excel in!! LOL :D
Hi hi, i have a request.

I have been writing a fanfiction for and i needed a graphics.

And as you make such fab siggys hehe.

I was wondering if you could please make me one using this pic please


You cna chose what it looks like.. but i could i please have Part Of Me written on it somewhere?

^_^ thankies.