Jojo's gallery

Yup, sure Jadie!! Any preferences as regards the size of it? You want it to be as big as a wallpaper, or as big as a sig? PS:I added you to my MSN contacts you know that don't you? :)
OK girl, I made something, tell me what you think... I dunno if this is what you had in mind but if you want me to change anything lemme know OK? Here:

Fribsy my dear, thanks a lot!! Yeah, blue is my fav colour, it's very beautiful without being extravagant or silly and very easy on the eyes as you very well put it! Therefore when they request something and they don't specify the colour I usually play with blue...;)
crazy robster said:
OK girl, I made something, tell me what you think... I dunno if this is what you had in mind but if you want me to change anything lemme know OK? Here:

Cool.. the only thing i dont like.. is the affect you used on the text <_>

aww i feel nasty now i said that.. sorry.

But otherwise its awesome
ChazzyChazRoxs said:
Cool.. the only thing i dont like.. is the affect you used on the text <_>

aww i feel nasty now i said that.. sorry.

But otherwise its awesome
I'm not here for flattery, I'm here for honesty dear. If you don't like something I'm here to fix it, you don't have to feel guilty just because you express your opinion, ok? I removed the wind effect if that's what you didn't like. If there is anything more you want me to change tell me. I'll change it 100 times if it's necessary, until you are completely satisfied alright? :thumbsup:


Di, Jeez thanks as always my friends!! :D
crazy robster said:
I'm not here for flattery, I'm here for honesty dear. If you don't like something I'm here to fix it, you don't have to feel guilty just because you express your opinion, ok? I removed the wind effect if that's what you didn't like. If there is anything more you want me to change tell me. I'll change it 100 times if it's necessary, until you are completely satisfied alright? :thumbsup:


Di, Jeez thanks as always my friends!! :D

Thank you. Well im glad to see there is still people liek you around *hugs*

I like alot.. thank you. I ADORE BLUE hehe
Not a problem my dear! ;)

Oh, yeah, I know you people have got bored of me changing my sig almost every day but I just can't help it!! New one... I love it!! Here's my lumberjack!!! LOL

The background is cool and I like it...but I don't relly like that mirror effect or whatever it is...but hey, that's just my taste! If you love it, no problem with me... :p Oh, and again I don't like the "ROB" font...but, it's ok...
Don't mind me, he he... :D *huggles*
Oh, that font business.... I never seem to learn do I? I dunno guys honestly, I dunno whether I can do anything about it cause simply that's a matter of taste... Tomer told me once he didn't like my fonts and suggested this one... I downloaded it, now you don't like it... Vicious circle... I need to take some lessons in font usage I think..hehe... Anyway thanks for your advice buddies! *hugs both* :)
He he...well, I'm sure this font goes well with some stuff but not all of them! Every sig needs it's own font that suits to it... I know it's very hard to find it but at least you try, right? :)
You'll get better, you'll see... :thumbsup: *hugs back*