**** Kanye West

See i hate when ppl are racist....The man keeps us down. Why do people think just because something isnt done asap they are racist? I mean black ppl are racist against whites, isn't that a generalization. Blacks hate white cause they were slaves...OMG...Well I'm not racist i just hate people..LOL
yea **** those ******s if they were not using the system that we are paying for then when ****ing Katrina hit they would have had money and vehicles to evacuate by, no instead they were poor, dirt bags who sat there like trash because they had no other way to get help, rely on someone else, that's there way of life...all the pics in the newspaper, are all of ignorant looking scumbag black ******s that were a waste of life and government funding ne ****in ways
You do make a valid point.

We as taxpayers are already doing our part to keep them alive. It's a ****ing dog eat dog world. I might pay my taxes and hope for the best for these people, but I can't predict the outcome of a storm..

Is there some reason that I should believe that somehow our idiot President had some inside info as to whom this would effect ??

Was it HIS fault that 2/3rds of the population HAPPENED to be black and poor ??

What was he gonna ****ing declare a ****ing rise in welfare check amounts before the ****ing storm.. well... just in case ??

Well I have news for these ******S.. That money is provided so that you further yourselves in the world, to provide you with the necessities of life: Food/Water/Shelter. A change in surroundings is up to the individual to put there best effort forward and change the poverty level they live in by either educating themselves, or doing a job in society worthy of deserving a retirement benefit. NOT for ****ing free vacations to Texas cuz a big storm is coming.. As for the ****ing levies that broke... well ****, how would one be able to test the INTEGRITY of the levies unless faced with a hurricane of the magnitude of Katrina ??

What about a ****ing f5 tornado, or an earthquake ?? Is the ****ing government supposed to build tornado proof homes and ****ing earthquake proof buildings and KNOW for a fact they will work without actually having this disaster ??

484,000 people told to leave in 2 days, the argument is there wasn't a quick response to help the people out... well, it also seems to me there was not a quick response for people to TRY and leave either. Seems to me, people even WANTED to stay, just so they could LOOT/ROB/SHOOT/RAPE... on JUST THE FIRST DAY !!!

Now if people in the city couldn't amass a huge exodus out of the city, then how in the **** can anyone expect the GOVERNMENT to organize one ??
I kind of felt bad for the kid. He was obviously shitting himself as he spoke. I won't remark on the idea of racism as I have no idea what it is like to be on the receiving end of it, so I cannot fully understand how the tragedy of NO can be misconstrued in such a way. (though when you see thousands of black people left for dead it does look bad if you don't understand the facts) Perhaps when you are discriminated against for so long, you just expect it and assume that is the case.

Regardless I still think you have to feel a little pity for the kid, he DID make an ass out of himself on a international broadcast. YIKES! that HAD to hurt
What's sad is the guy's statement was 100% opinionated and 0% factual.

Even people who don't really care for Bush, such as myself, can see how misguided his statement was.

And it's sad that alot of people will see this and think to themselves "Hey, I happen to think Bush did what he could, and I don't wanna donate now because these people are being ungrateful".
This stuff irritates me to no end. I despise Bush and I voted for the idiot, twice...


I am sick and tired of people having this opinion of the President, any President, that they somehow have magical powers that allow them to circumvent all known laws of physics, supply chains, support structures, information exchange, logistics, and virtually all other requirements for an operation of this magnitude. NEWS FLASH They cannot!

I love these people who say "He should do more, faster" yet they haven't even got a clue as to what he should do, or if they do have an idea, in their limited vision the prerequisites necessary for implementation of their plan simply does not exist or is unworthy of any mental energy whatsoever. What the ****?

The government IS responding. They ARE helping. They WILL continue to help and help and help until it hurts, and then they will help some more because it's the right thing to do.

**** people, just how fast do you think relief can come; overnight?

For the most part though, I blame the media and their constant conflict of interests which preclude reporting any real news at all. Face it; they have learned that **** outsells substance every time. If you are so naive as to think that ANY media organization operates in the public interest, you are a FOOL. They operate in their own best interests and that means advertising $$$ and ratings, nothing more. :mad:

Just once, I would like to see them for a whole day, just interview and broadcast images and stories of people who HAVE been HELPED out. People who HAVE been rescued. People who HAVE received assistance and relief. People who HAVE been given free medical care. PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN HELPED OUT BY OUR GOVERNMENT. Surely, some of these people have to have a shred of gratitute in themselves?

Just ****ing Once!!! :mad:
I don't agree that all Americans are rascist. Bush certainly is. He was on holiday while these people suffered. He only chose to cut it short when he was criticized by many people.
All his actions or rather lack of actions point to one conclusion. So you can't really blame people for thinking him a racist.
What pisses me off about this is not Kanye's point of view, he can think whatever the hell he wants to think.
The fact that this was for charity and he wants the best for his people or as much help as they can get, making enemies and saying stuff like that is not going to do any good. All he did is affect charity because IF I liked Bush and was about to donate I sure as hell would have stopped as soon as I heard that.
There are plenty of people that like Bush and plenty that don't like black people and starting a race issue in an event like that was completely uncalled for no matter what your views are. This was not for him give his two cents and stupid at that. I'm surprised on how the "black leaders" are making fools of themselves constantly and the sad part is that their people are so blinded by the "boohoo us look what these people did to our black ancestors" that they don't see how dumb they look, they are putting themselves in this racism because most of us don't think about it until they start whining about everything and how they are the victims, forget all the other races in NO, it's all about the blacks!.
No I disagree with that.
I like Bush.
I know this fool Kayne West is an idiot and a bigot.
I also have compassion for my fellow Americans. No matter what color.
I still donated and probably will donate some more.

Even the looting and crime will not detour me from helping.
I don't agree that all Americans are racist. Bush certainly is. He was on holiday while these people suffered. He only chose to cut it short when he was criticized by many people.
All his actions or rather lack of actions point to one conclusion. So you can't really blame people for thinking him a racist.

Do you expect the president to go to NO while its still filling up with water?
Tell me what you think he was doing during the days of that disaster?
He is far from racist....glad ppl remember he put colin powell in office and condoleezza (sp) rice there too. That's like saying Bush is a sexist racist.

Do you think you would ever see a racist hugging the race they hated?
Could you see the KKK grabbing his fellow "brother" and giving him a compassionate hug..NO
SO how could you say hes a racist...Bush wants the damn borders open for Mexicans to come here and have a chance....
There is not a whole hell of a lot Bush could have done. FEMA is it's own organization within the govt. Too many people think we are an empire with the president residing over everything with absolute power. I hate bush, but U refuse to blame him for every little thing. I still feel bad for this kid (I am not sure how strong a personal connection he has to N.O. or if he was missing family or friends etc) ya he was all emotion, but aren't we all at one time or another? I have more pity for the kid than anything else.
You've got to love Mike's reaction to Kanye's statements. I thought he handled it like a champ. Even after Kanye said Bush hated blacks, Mike was about to recite the next statement scripted for him. priceless.
chartreusechick said:
You've got to love Mike's reaction to Kanye's statements. I thought he handled it like a champ. Even after Kanye said Bush hated blacks, Mike was about to recite the next statement scripted for him. priceless.

That's because Mike has a career to protect and wants television exposure in the future. He's no fool.

However, I think Mr. Kanye's days of live television or any television for that matter, are OVER.
tizz said:
There is not a whole hell of a lot Bush could have cone. FEMA is it's own organization within the govt. Too many people think we are an empire with the president residing over everything with absolute power. I hate bush, but U refuse to blame him for every little thing. I still feel bad for this kid (I am not sure how strong a personal connection he has to N.O. or if he was missing family or friends etc) ya he was all emotion, but aren't we all at one time or another? I have more pity for the kid than anything else.

Perhaps not so much

I think bush could have done a lot more. After all he told the world to sit on his middle finger and spin when it came to Iraq.

He just didn't take it seriously. Its not his fault he is inept, really. He is the president of the united states. He has so much at his disposal. but didn't act quickly enough. Or have we forgotten his story time during 9/11?

But to say its racist....that's kinda silly. I think condoleeza rice would have at least had the notion to say "nigga please" and advise him otherwise.

Bush is probably deep down a nice dude (no matter how much i would love to see him get his ass plowed by a big leather daddy for his gay stance) and probably cares for our country and wants the best for it. But when the country is too blind to realize a corporate/adviser puppet when they see one who is really to blame?

Bush, i entirely believe, isn't in power in this country and has made me think twice about democracy being the answer. We have somehow made ourselves, the voters, powerless other than who is the figurehead! We may as well elect a celebrity to make the speeches the real string pullers are saying. At least it would be prettier. But a scapegoat is always better than realizing the truth in how things work.

Bush's real problem is his father. He was labeled a "wimp" and now he wants to make up for it in any way he can. This disaster was natures fault.....not a terrorist or a country....so he probably freaked out and didn't know what to do. Instead of labeled a "wimp" he can now wear his hello my name is dumb ass sticker proud! because he didn't have the balls to override his advisers and people really in charge to get this done quicker (which he technically has the power to do)

I could have called the culligan man and filled my cr-v up and drove there in 2 days. But these people had to wait 5 to get some water without looting/searching.

It was in our own back yard, the federal government has a responsibility to its people and it failed.........miserably. To say they aren't at fault is not accurate. To say they didn't try is also not accurate. To say they didn't do a good enough, or even adequate job is right on the money

There is my 2 cents.......and i don't even have my own thread about it :D

and just because i think humor heals...here enjoy

Click Me
I must admit that Kanye did seem passionate about the whole incident. And that article about whites surviving/blacks looting can fool quite a bit of people (even fooled me until eddo pointed out something I missed) but emotion tends to cloud judgement. Sure, the majority of us cannot stand Bush but lets face it here. This is not his fault and I for one do not believe he is not racist. As I said before, he would have found a way to screw blacks over a LONG time ago had he been racist. And I doubt a hurricane would change his point of view. Kanye, being the stereotypical "brotha" he is, just spewed a bunch of nonsense and was not careful with his words. Since so many people are influenced by rappers (especially young folks) I believe it is safe to say any young fans of this guy will have his back and will probably become stupid racists themselves.

Just what we need. Stupidity spreading like a epidemic when there is a crisis going on.