London calling.

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Probably so, but we still need to take some strong action to eliminate these terrorist assclowns.

I say we start by nuking all sites in Iran where there have been sightings of known terrorists. Iran has been harboring terrorists forever and I say it's time they learned the price of associating themselves with that element.

I say: NUKE TERHAN!!!!!!!

so much talk of nukes, it presses me to ask HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHAT NAPALM CAN DO?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Msixty, I like your style! The pussies who want to capitulate to terrorism make me wanna puke! They're either pansy-asses or terrorists themselves. Nuke the mother-****ers!

snafu said:
Peaceful Islam at work in Russia.



What did she do wrong?


What was her crime?

Peaceful US troops at work in the Middle East.



What did she do wrong?


What was her crime?

What about hers?

So they're sub-human because they arent exactly like you? It's acceptable when your side of the team does this, but when they do it to us its atrocious?

I'm not condoning terrorism, far from it. You people are the ones stooping to supporting terrorism yourself.
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Crazywumbat said:
Peaceful US troops at work in the Middle East.



What did she do wrong?


What was her crime?

What about hers?

So they're sub-human because they arent exactly like you? It's acceptable when your side of the team does this, but when they do it to us its atrocious?

I'm not condoning terrorism, far from it. You people are the ones stooping to supporting terrorism yourself.
Looks like the work of INSURGENTS aka islamic scum-bags like crazywambat and AIG!
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Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Looks like the work of INSURGENTS aka islamic scum-bags like crazywambat and AIG!

Lol I'm islamic now? I've always thought I was athiest, but thanks for enlightening me on that subject. Those are the work of stray AMERICAN missiles and deaths caused by AMERICANS. Grow up man, you're country is hardly as innocent as you seem to think.

And before I get yet another response telling me what I think, and what I hate, I DO NOT HATE AMERICA. I hate what America has become. My America does not kill countless innocents because of the actions of a select few. My America knows how to put things in perspective, knows that when it sinks itself to the level of those who it is fighting then it is no better then them. My America is not the incarnation of the 4th Reich. My America is sadly, just a dream.
Crazywumbat said:
My America is sadly, just a dream.
Your america is some pansy-assed gay utopia where everyone dresses in pink. Guns are outlawed and non-muslims are made to suck their islamic masters dick every day! and you are the wimpy leader of the girly-boys who must cower in fear to the islamic overlords.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Your america is some pansy-assed gay utopia where everyone dresses in pink. Guns are outlawed and non-muslims are made to suck their islamic masters dick every day! and you are the wimpy leader of the girly-boys who must cower in fear to the islamic overlords.

i didn't know wombat was part of the United Nations
I have to say the piss match here is geting very amusing. Perhaps I need sleep but DAMN PEOPLE LOL
All this talk about nukes is starting to sound a little immature.
Nothing positive could be accomplished by doing that. Blindly evaporating millions of people to stop terrorist would be equal to burning your house down to get rid of termites.
The people who need to be targeted are the Islamic clerics who preach their messages of hate to the masses. They are relatively easy to find. They often hold public demonstrations.
New laws need to be inacted in order to detain them before they orchastrate terror operations.
As I mentioned before. London has allowed radical muslims to speek there message of hate freely on their streets. And they are paying for it.
Free speech for residents who do not speak of terror against civilians should be protected. Free speech should not be extended to Islamic nationalist.
tizz said:
I have to say the piss match here is geting very amusing. Perhaps I need sleep but DAMN PEOPLE LOL

well, its something to do alright
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Your america is some pansy-assed gay utopia where everyone dresses in pink. Guns are outlawed and non-muslims are made to suck their islamic masters dick every day! and you are the wimpy leader of the girly-boys who must cower in fear to the islamic overlords.

Ah, how I love your incredibly insightful posts Mrih. The intelligence you emit is almost tangible, I can just see it eminating of that last post.

And for your information, the dresses would undoubtedly be PURPLE.
Crazywumbat said:
Ah, how I love your incredibly insightful posts Mrih. The intelligence you emit is almost tangible, I can just see it eminating of that last post.

And for your information, the dresses would undoubtedly be PURPLE.
Got anything "tangible" to add? I'm sick of your "let's unite with islam to destroy Christianity" bullshit mentality. Atheism and islam have several things in common... one is there both Godless and 2, they are both hell-bent on destroying Christianity. That is why you and AIG get along so fabulously!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Got anything "tangible" to add? I'm sick of your "let's unite with islam to destroy Christianity" bullshit mentality. Atheism and islam have several things in common... one is there both Godless and 2, they are both hell-bent on destroying Christianity. That is why you and AIG get along so fabulously!

GODLESS?Say what?Maybe you should donate one of your three Gods to us!!

I get along ''fabulously'' with CW coz he's the only one that thinks outside your box of unconditional hate.Plus he likes my worts blush :p
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Got anything "tangible" to add? I'm sick of your "let's unite with islam to destroy Christianity" bullshit mentality. Atheism and islam have several things in common... one is there both Godless and 2, they are both hell-bent on destroying Christianity. That is why you and AIG get along so fabulously!

Lol, you're one to be speaking about adding tangibility to your posts dip ****.

I've never said lets destroy Christianity. I would love nothing more than to see people get a grasp on reality and stop reading some 2000 year old fantasy book, Muslims and Christians alike. Granted, I'm a near infinite more times fond of Islam than I am of Christianity, but unlike you, I won't resort to hypocracy and preach against one thing while and then preach for it on the next post.

And I get along with AIG because her posts dont follow this general outline:


If you bothered to even read any of her posts, you would notice that while she most certainly doesn't agree with the Christian teachings, she has never even come close to advocating the murder of Christians....unlike you.
'If you bothered to even read any of her posts, you would notice that while she most certainly doesn't agree with the Christian teachings, she has never even come close to advocating the murder of Christians....unlike you.'

I don't feel the need to spute out hatred coz it doesn't do nobody any favours.
MRIH has not noticed the fact that I've hardly insulted his religion despite him screaming his heart out for more hatred of Islam.
One thing you MRIH lacks is respect.
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