LPF Banner Contest!

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So I have to re-do the ones I made? Or isnt it such a big deal?

thank god i saved the .psd

Didnt put to much effort seeing as though the rules change every five minutes but yea heres my
hey azem...I don't know if you should really add your myspace address on the banner...or are you gonna erase it if you win?:p
Sorry Azem, but that entry doesn't qualify.. we would like to see it have Off Topic Forum v4.0 on it somewhere, as well as the url(must include this), which you do have. But the biggie with your entry is you can't have any of your personal information in it.. If you want your entry enter, it must fit all the rules.. Sorry.
w00t! so i still have a chance of winning yay! lol to bad your not gonna change it, plus this is a banner comp why did u enter if u are not gonna abide by the rules, if you wanted to show ur work then create a thread for ur work in Fan Art not in a comp thread when it is not even an entry
Here's my entry... Hope you guys like it, I have saved the psd. file so if you want to recommend any changes lemme know...;)

Thanks a lot my sweet!!! Well, keeping in mind what Mark said: "keep in mind that 185px-wide area on the right side of the banner will serve as a background for login form or logged in user information." I thought I shouldn't place the url on the right side because it would be hidden behind the login form or user info. Thanks again!! :)
Thanks a lot my sweet!!! Well, keeping in mind what Mark said: "keep in mind that 185px-wide area on the right side of the banner will serve as a background for login form or logged in user information." I thought I shouldn't place the url on the right side because it would be hidden behind the login form or user info. Thanks again!! :)
Oh yeah...in that case I'm cool about it...:thumbsup:
Yeah honey Diana told me the same thing and I explained to her why I didn't place it on the right... You can check my reply to her...;) *squeeze hugs back*
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