
I used coke heavily for about a year. Ever since then, I can't smoke pot much. I freak out and have panic attacks. The only time I can smoke is if I have had a few drinks. And even then, I can only take a few hits.
I actually found that using nothing was the easiest way to quit cocaine. I quit coke, and did ecstacy for about two weeks straight. I looked like hell, and felt even worse. I finally had enough of the drugs and quit everything cold turkey.
It's been 3.5 years since I've done coke, and I honestly can say I won't ever do it again. I did E twice after 'quitting' everything, but felt like such hell afterwards that I didn't bother using it anymore. Can't party like I used to, lol.
What makes marijuana stand out and away from all other illegal illicit drugs is its seemingly endless applications aside from intoxication. To ask "why is pot illegal" then you must go back to the time in which it went from legal to illegal.

There are many reasons why pot was targeted for elimination. The Dupont corperation was a major player in the prohibition of weed. Dupont did not have a holding in the hemp fiber manufacturing industry, which was booming in the 1920's. The word canabis is latin for 'canvas' as hemp was the prefered fiber for manufacturing sails for ships. Canabis was so much easier and quicker to produce then other fibers used by Dupont. One of Duponts major players and shareholders was also a politician. Who spurred a man named Henry Anslinger of the F.B.I. to battle the threat of the marijuana menace. Anslinger was directly responsible for producing alot of the campy anti-marijauna propaganda films that you see from this time period, including refer madness. Anslingers goal was to perpetrate the lies about marijuana in order to destroy it. Which in theory is insane to think that the United States could actualy wipeout a plant. An immpossible task considering that marijauna grows on all 7 continents. Yes even in the Antartica during the short period of warmth.

Anslinger needed backing in order to accomplish this so he hired The man we now know as mayor Laguardia of New York. Laguardia was comissioned to do a study on the plant and came back with results that did not jive with the propaganda that Anslinger wished to preach. Laguardia's findings were that marijauna did not cause violent and psychopatic reactions as was being reported by the F.B.I. Despite the butt load of money Laguardia was alloted to do his study, Anslinger quicky buried his findings as they did not support his own.

His biggest amunition however was the issue of Mexican immigrants and their cultural use of marijauna. If marijauna was illegal then this would provide a means of deporting mexicans and ridding the U.S. of their presence. As a result of the government telling the citizens of the united states that pot caused violent and insane behavior they had little trouble getting the approval for prohibition of it. Thus started the official beggining of the war on drugs.
Here is one more study talking about the benefits of marijuana.

Pot not a major cancer risk: report
By Amy NortonWed Oct 26,12:29 PM ET

Although both marijuana and tobacco smoke are packed with cancer-causing chemicals, other qualities of marijuana seem to keep it from promoting lung cancer, according to a new report.

The difference rests in the often opposing actions of the nicotine in tobacco and the active ingredient, THC, in marijuana, says Dr. Robert Melamede of the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs.

He reviewed the scientific evidence supporting this contention in a recent issue of Harm Reduction Journal.

Whereas nicotine has several effects that promote lung and other types of cancer, THC acts in ways that counter the cancer-causing chemicals in marijuana smoke, Melamede explained in an interview with Reuters Health.

"THC turns down the carcinogenic potential," he said.

For example, lab research indicates that nicotine activates a body enzyme that converts certain chemicals in both tobacco and marijuana smoke into cancer-promoting form. In contrast, studies in mice suggest that THC blocks this enzyme activity.

Another key difference, Melamede said, is in the immune system effects of tobacco and marijuana. Smoke sends irritants into the respiratory system that trigger an immune-regulated inflammatory response, which involves the generation of potentially cell-damaging substances called free radicals. These particles are believed to contribute to a range of diseases, including cancer.

But cannabinoids -- both those found in marijuana and the versions found naturally in the body -- have been shown to dial down this inflammatory response, Melamede explained.

Another difference between tobacco and marijuana smoking, he said, has to do with cells that line the respiratory tract. While these cells have receptors that act as docks for nicotine, similar receptors for THC and other cannabinoids have not been found.

Nicotine, Melamede said, appears to keep these cells from committing "suicide" when they are genetically damaged, by smoking, for instance. When such cells do not kill themselves off, they are free to progress into tumors.

THC, however, does not appear to act this way in the respiratory tract -- though, in the brain, where there are cannabinoid receptors, it may have the beneficial effect of protecting cells from death when they are damaged from an injury or stroke, according to Melamede.

All of this, he said, fits in with population studies that have failed to link marijuana smoking with a higher risk of lung cancer -- though there is evidence that pot users have more respiratory problems, such as chronic cough and frequent respiratory infections.

If marijuana does not promote lung cancer, that could factor into the ongoing debate over so-called medical marijuana. Melamede said he believes "marijuana has loads of medicinal value," for everything from multiple sclerosis, to the chronic pain of arthritis, to nausea caused by cancer treatment.

U.S. government officials, however, maintain that the evidence for medical marijuana is not there. Ten states allow people to use marijuana with a doctor's prescription, but the Supreme Court has ruled that federal law trumps state law.

SOURCE: Harm Reduction Journal, October 18, 2005.

WTF? How is there not evidence for medicinal marijauna? The FDA/DEA has let much more harmfull medicines on the market, some with some very serious side effects.:confused:
With all that said and done...IT STILL WON'T BE LEGAL ANYTIME SOON!!!

FAST FACT: At least 90 percent of GF will hate me for bashing weed. :p

But as I said, I'd rather have weed legalized and alcohol outlawed. It is (I hate to admit...) the more deadlier drug. But that won't happen because so many companies make money off of it. The economy could be put in jeopardy because so many people use it. And that story Jhny5 typed in was one I read not to long ago. I didn't know cannibis was involved in the textile industry. I find it odd that that could be the reason why it is outlawed.
Could care less really. I don't have to follow anyone else and like the drug. I'm just being real and saying it will probably take a miracle for it to be legalized. Based on the intel here, there is a reason why the gov't doesn't want it legal. Don't really know and don't really care that much, I'm just reading up on it out of sheer curiosity. I never tried it and never will.

In fact I barely bashed the weed at all here. When I came back here a long time ago I did, but I didn't have any reasoning to back it up. But if someone wants to lose all respect for me over a damn plant then so be it. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. As much as I do not like kids, it is bad enough they have access to alcohol, do we really need ANOTHER drug wandering around and create more knuckledraggers? Maybe it does not possess an acute health problem but long term it could very well. People in really bad areas in the USA DIE for this ****. They waste money, I mean lots of it, on this simple drug. Even if it became legal, crime lords who produce it will only make more money. Since its availability will become easier, the price will rise. More people will pay for it and be willing to spend anything to get it. And take a wild guess where this money ends up...

No, it doesn't go to some guy who will go back home and kick back and relax. it won't go to some fund raiser to help cure a disease. It won't go to improving an already disintergrated society. It goes to ****. Terrorism, guns, war, whatever you can think of. Could it be that our gov't fears this? The possibility is not far from reality should this happen. There is obviously a reason why to this day it is still illegal. It may not be deadly like coke, snow, acid, or X but its intentions and value are still on par and probably surpass these other drugs. Its lack of deadliness is one main attraction. But look at what it could result in (but I do condone its medical usage).

In any case, hate me, call me a *****, give me the whole "Don't knock it until you try it dude!!!", or the "The best rappers were potheads!" routine (which COULD be true). I could care less. That is just my view and my opinion and I am one of FEW people in this world who can exist without the substance.

It was just a joke, man.:D I didn't mean to hit your hot button and send you into a rant.

Anyway I wouldn't judge you for not wanting to smoke pot any more than I would judge someone else for smoking it. I think most people who smoke pot are this way. I don't remember ever seeing someone who smokes really pressuring someone into it. They might ask if they want some out of courtesy but smokers seem to respect their wishes if they decline.

It's a personal choice.:cool:
Oh no I totally understand bro. I knew it was a joke. But even so I thought I'd get that point across that's all. When I first addressef the issue a long time ago I just went off on a hate spew instead of intelligently approaching the topic. Basically this is my "revised" rant from long ago. Some person did offer me some a while back and I gently said no thanks. Hell... my ex even asked if I wanted to try some. Once again I declined and her friend said "Quit being such a wimp." I nearly went off but I stopped myself in time. Didn't want to jeopardize anything over a damn plant.
If you have alot to loose then it's definitely not worth a little smoke. Gotta do what's right for you.

If that was your revised, toned down rant about pot, I bet you did go off last time.

That friend of your ex's needs to learn to respect the wishes of others. They pretty much tried calling you "chicken". What were they in 6th grade? Maybe next time they'll try double dog daring you. What a dumbass.
ImWithStupid said:
If you have alot to loose then it's definitely not worth a little smoke. Gotta do what's right for you.

If that was your revised, toned down rant about pot, I bet you did go off last time.

That friend of your ex's needs to learn to respect the wishes of others. They pretty much tried calling you "chicken". What were they in 6th grade? Maybe next time they'll try double dog daring you. What a dumbass.

My ex and her friends were all absent minded. Not because of the weed though. And I wouldn't be surprised if they did call me a chicken. But I don't have to deal with those people anymore so it is all good. People can do whatever they want as long as it does not involve me.

In Philly it is sad. Weed is God in the North area. In the projects and slums and whatnot. It is as if that is the only thing keeping them going. And they fight over the crap. It is truly a shame...
Ok Outlaw, I understand your reasons for not liking it for recreational purposes.
But how do you feel about it as a medicinal drug? It really is no worse than your average NARCOTIC painkiller, which is much more addictive. What say you?
angie said:
Ok Outlaw, I understand your reasons for not liking it for recreational purposes.
But how do you feel about it as a medicinal drug? It really is no worse than your average NARCOTIC painkiller, which is much more addictive. What say you?

As I said before, no problem if it is used to help alleviate any ailments. Even so, few people rarely use other medicine like Tylenol and the such for recreation purposes. I just don't want to be surrounded by potheads. And even though I don't like children very much, I certainly don't want to see them with the **** in their hands.
So much money is wasted in the name of "We don't talk about it". The masses are far too rash and emotional to understand reason. Not to mention the anti-progressive population of elderly folks (God bless em but do they ever stay in their rut, especially here in Nova Scotia; the SECOND most conservative province in Canada).;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Rhode Island on Tuesday became the 11th state to legalize medical marijuana and the first since the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that patients who use the drug can still be prosecuted under federal law.The House overrode a veto by Gov. Don Carcieri, 59-13, allowing people with illnesses such as cancer and
AIDS to grow up to 12 marijuana plants or buy 2.5 ounces of marijuana to relieve their symptoms. Those who do are required to register with the state and get an identification card.
Federal law prohibits any use of marijuana, but Maine, Vermont, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington allow it to be grown and used for medicinal purposes.
The U.S. high court ruled June 6 that people who smoke marijuana because their doctors recommend it can still be prosecuted under federal drug laws, even if their states allow it.
Federal authorities, however, have conceded they are unlikely to prosecute many medicinal marijuana users.
"I'm sure everybody in this room knows at least one person who would have benefited from medical marijuana," Rep. Thomas Slater, who has cancer, told fellow lawmakers before the vote. Slater said he doesn't use marijuana now but it could become part of his treatment in the future
If the Feds DO go out an prosecute any of these people, they have WAY too much time on their hands. Leave em' the **** alone. They need to get over it and legalize it medicinally. Just irritates the crap outta me.
If the Feds DO go out an prosecute any of these people, they have WAY too much time on their hands. Leave em' the **** alone. They need to get over it and legalize it medicinally. Just irritates the crap outta me.
Around here they need to leave the pot smokers alone. And spend there time taking target practice on the meth makers.

The pot smokers don't bother anybody, except the drive-thru people at midnight on there 4th trip threw McDonalds.:D
We all started with pot. Then graduated to the hard stuff, then regained balance. I would support legalization of pot with the legalization of euthanasia. This would eliminate the need for rehab and wasted gov. funds.