
Years ago, I was in a car accident that resulted in 3 compression fractures in the thoracic region of my back. A couple years after that I got a bulging disc in my lumbar region.
Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication is not addicting, causes no narcotic type side effects, however the long term use of them has torn up my stomach permanently. Taking them now is like swallowing ground glass. The best one I have found was taken off the market due to side effects for people with heart problems.
Narcotics are addicting, some requiring medical assistance when you stop taking them. It takes me about a week to become used to them, so that they are no longer as effective. I used to drink with them in the hopes it would make me drowsy enough to fall asleep through the back pain I was feeling. Of course because my stomach was torn up the drinking was not a good idea.
I found pot when I was at University. It didn't make me sick to my stomach. There was no concern for long term use causing addiction that would require medical assistance to withdraw from it.
I was able to sleep even though my back was killing me.
It was illegal but I don't think it should be.
Has it occurred to anyone that some of the people who want it to stay illegal might be the HUGE drug companies who would no doubt loose some business if people could self medicate with some weed they were growing in their backyard??
If you say NO, don't be so naive. The drug companies don't give a damn about you and your suffering. All the care about is the money you have to cough up to get their medication...full stop.
Lethalfind said:
Years ago, I was in a car accident that resulted in 3 compression fractures in the thoracic region of my back. A couple years after that I got a bulging disc in my lumbar region.
Non steriodal anti-inflammatory medication is not addicting, causes no narcotic type side effects, however the long term use of them has torn up my stomach permanently. Taking them now is like swallowing ground glass. The best one I have found was taken off the market due to side effects for people with heart problems.
Narcotics are addicting, some requiring medical assistance when you stop taking them. It takes me about a week to become used to them, so that they are no longer as effective. I used to drink with them in the hopes it would make me drowsy enough to fall asleep through the back pain I was feeling. Of course because my stomach was torn up the drinking was not a good idea.
I found pot when I was at University. It didn't make me sick to my stomach. There was no concern for long term use causing addiction that would require medical assistance to withdraw from it.
I was able to sleep even though my back was killing me.
It was illegal but I don't think it should be.
Has it occurred to anyone that some of the people who want it to stay illegal might be the HUGE drug companies who would no doubt loose some business if people could self medicate with some weed they were growing in their backyard??
If you say NO, don't be so nieve. The drug companies don't give a damn about you and your suffering. All the care about is the money you have to cough up to get their medication...full stop.


You pretty much summed it up here....cant say anymore
As an aside, if you can't smoke it, the effects are just as good, if not better, if you eat it.

For mine, if I am in pain, like toothache, or joint pain, (pun not intended), smoking tends to make me focus more on the pain, so I don't do it.

But then, many people tell me smoking a joint helps them sleep. It keeps me awake for half the night. So I may not be the best example.

For cooking instructions, melt a half pound of butter, and toss in the chopped herb, stirring all the while. Do not let the butter get so hot that it smokes.

Use the butter to make cookies or cake. I prefer to just chew the raw product, and spit out the pulp. ;)
Years ago I used it to sleep. Baked in brownies it would be a slower more engulfing warm relaxation than smoking it. No morning side effects. Was great.
Brownies are good but I don't like the burned out feeling the next day. And like builder said you have to cook it down in butter or you get a real gritty brownie. Spaghetti is another good way to eat it. Especially if you can find some good shrooms. :D If you cook it down in the butter it is much much better. We used to to hash the same way. The hash oil was real good for cooking but you never see that **** anymore. Then again you can get pretty burned out the next day. It will definitely help you sleep though.
A neighbour gave me some excellent chocolate fudge. I guess any baked product that requires oil or butter is up for the taste test.

Smoking it is only one way to go.

And snafu, what gives with the shortage of hash oil and hash in general? It was the ducks guts for years when I was still experimenting. Is it still out there? :confused:
I have to say back in the day of my mis-spent youth, I smoked alot of pot, mixed it with medication and liqour and I didn't get a burned out feeling unless I mixed it with medication that gave me that feeling, like Ambien for instance.
Furthermore, it has medicinal properties. Relief from chemotherapy, relief for cataracts....yet it isn't legal why? Vicodin, Percoset, and Oxycontin are MUCH more addictive and threatening to your health than smoking a few joints. (Not to mention, oxycontin is a hell of a lot more expensive on the street).
I have never taken Oxy, but I have taken Vicodin for various ailments. It is highly addictive. Physically and mentally. Pot doesn't seem to have that effect.

Right there you grabbed the reason for the continued illegalization of marijuana. Its is a medicine, as well as an industrious material. Now understand that there are already multi-billion dollar companies which have their irons in that fire. Ever heard of the Partnership for a Drug Free America? Partnership? Well thats suggests that there are partners of course. Who are the partners in this relationship and what is the motivation of this partnership? Alchohol brewers and distillers of America, Pharmasuitical manufacturers of America, And ....oh my...tobbacco manufacturers. Why? The reason is obvious. All of these multi-billion dollar corperations stand to lose huge profit margins and customers base from the legalization of marijuana. They pool their resourses and lobby via politicians to fight the marijuana menace.

When marijuana was first abolished in the 1920's one of the major campaigners agaisnt the weed was the DuPont corperation. Whom had family in politics. DuPont stood to lose a great deal of their holdings in the fabric and textile industry due to their uninvolvment in the hemp industry. No fabric could compete with hemps versatility and growablility. One could produce/grow 4 times as much hemp in the time it takes to grow the same amount of cotton.

You guys are falling blindly into the arguement that the powers that be want you to fall into. Which is discussing the merits of the psychological, addictive, and pyhsical ramifacations of marijuana use. These are NOT the reasons for its bannishment. Its all about money and politics and as long as the ignorant masses remain ignorant to the real reason for maijuana abolishment, it will remain illegal.

EDIT I read through the whole thread after making this post and I see that Diego already touched on some of what I said. He was a little more in depth actualy.
Outlaw2747 said:
I'll say it once and I'll say it again. IT WILL NOT GET LEGALIZED, GET OVER IT!!!

On the other hand, if I had to choose, I'd bring the marijuana in and the alcohol out since THAT is the most deadly drug of all.

And on another hand, alcohol keeps the population down to a degree. Decisions, decisions.

alcohol is the deadliest drug because it IS legal...ya can just go buy it anywhere that has a liquor licence. Legalize POT and see how quickly the deadly effects start showing up...alcohol is one of the reasons pot is illegal...they were obviously looking to avoid another prohibition. Alcohol is a problem yes it sure the hell is...but making pot legal would just make things worse. Yeah pot is a problem now cuz so many are using it illegally and the ones gettin caught are helpin with the over crowding of our jails. I think that anything that alters ones mind is a dangerous thing and should be avoided totally. But cant seem to drill that into the heads of the pot smokin population of the world.
lilmizztemper said:
alcohol is the deadliest drug because it IS legal...ya can just go buy it anywhere that has a liquor licence. Legalize POT and see how quickly the deadly effects start showing up...alcohol is one of the reasons pot is illegal...they were obviously looking to avoid another prohibition. Alcohol is a problem yes it sure the hell is...but making pot legal would just make things worse. Yeah pot is a problem now cuz so many are using it illegally and the ones gettin caught are helpin with the over crowding of our jails. I think that anything that alters ones mind is a dangerous thing and should be avoided totally. But cant seem to drill that into the heads of the pot smokin population of the world.

I just have one question: Have you ever seen an angry pot-smoker?
matter of fact I sure's the hell have!!! lived with the jerk 4 years too long...took a blow to the back of the head, as well as a **** load of mental and verbal abuse!!! Maybe Im just pissed at THAT pot smoker...but either way I have a reason to hate the crap...dont mean I hate ALL people who smoke weed.
lilmizztemper said:
matter of fact I sure's the hell have!!! lived with the jerk 4 years too long...took a blow to the back of the head, as well as a **** load of mental and verbal abuse!!! Maybe Im just pissed at THAT pot smoker...but either way I have a reason to hate the crap...dont mean I hate ALL people who smoke weed.
Being the avid pot smoker that I am, I would venture a guess that your X would be much worse of an abuser if he didn't smoke. Just me though, he sounds like a real asshole.
lilmiztemper....I will not deny that any mood altering substance can be dangerous. I will not deny that it's probably not in peoples best interest to smoke pot. However, the government should not have the right to restrict you from it. We already have laws in place to deal with people who victimize others. We don't need laws to save people from themselves. The laws don't even work, and even if they did, what right does the government have to mandate you as your own victim?

Furthermore, I don't know a single person who refrains from smoking pot because it's illegal. I know plenty of people who don't smoke it, but it has nothing to do with the law. All the law does it force it underground, which gives yet another commodity to criminals who trade underground.

You can not legislate morality, nor you can you legislate personal health. It simply doesn't work.
J.S. Mill from On Liberty

The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him, or entreating him, but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil in case he do otherwise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him, must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.

Can't add much to that.
hugo said:
J.S. Mill from On Liberty

Exactly, yet, it's happening anyway with more and more frequency.

I'm not a big believer in slippery slope arguments, but in this case it can't be avoided. What's next? Shall we illegalize high cholesterol diets?
Yep, the attack on individual freedom and private property rights continues. My fine city now wants to ban smoking in bars. Ignoring the fact that the bar owner should make the decision on smoking in his bar.
it would be a damned shame if someone went into a bar and lit up a cig...would be so harmful to everyones health!!! Hell lets ban drinking alcohol in bars too...since alcohol is one of the leading factors in fatal car accidents and it also causes sororosis (I know it aint spelled right) of the liver. What a bunch of ****!
I believe I will smoke a joint and go out and find a family of five to crash my car into.
