McCain or Obama?

Who Should Be America's Next President?

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New member
This is what my friend said about the election which kinda amused me and yes I have to share it:

"If you like white chocolate > vote McCain

If you like dark chocolate > vote Obama

I like dark chocolate better so I'm voting Obama."

It's always nice to see Americans making wise choices based on their apetite. :rolleyes:



New member
I think at the end of the day when a decision needs to be made i think obama will make the decision that is best for the nation or the people while mccain will stick to policies that go with republican ideals instead of logic


New member
Look where Republican Bush has gotten us. whoo hoo! so exciting. ALSO didn't McCain and Bush have similar ideals at one place or another? And now of course they are different. And so friggen what if he was a POW? Should we proclaim him dictator of the world? I don't trust Republicans. I probably only have ever liked ONE republican and that is Lincoln, but wasn't to be trusted at the same time. Obama for me (but it friggen sucks. I can't vote since I turn 18 November 27th =()


New member
i believe most of us share some views with mccain in one way or another

for u its republicans, for me its the Labor party

both are just....EPIC.FAIL.



New member
Politics is something that I'm not huge fan talking about because of the heated debates that come with them.


I don't really care who wins. Either one is going to make history.



New member
the reason I support Democrats is Obama makes decisions and supports things in ways it should be like gay people should be allowed marriage coz they're people just like any one of us. I think McCain believes in most of that stuff too but because he has to appeal to crazy conservative people he doesnt believe with about 40% of the things he says. One interview he had was with a women who gave her a really good arguemnt on why gay marriages should be allowed, i think its that blond version of opera that woman called Ellice, and with things like abortion, and tax cuts to middle class, McCain doesnt wanna do the right thing because his campaign strategy is to appeal to conservatives


New member
Look where Republican Bush has gotten us. whoo hoo! so exciting. ALSO didn't McCain and Bush have similar ideals at one place or another? And now of course they are different. And so friggen what if he was a POW? Should we proclaim him dictator of the world? I don't trust Republicans. I probably only have ever liked ONE republican and that is Lincoln, but wasn't to be trusted at the same time. Obama for me (but it friggen sucks. I can't vote since I turn 18 November 27th =()
Yeah there voting behaviour was the same 90% of the time.



Active Members
I will agree, both candidates are not great, but McCain is the lesser of the 2 evils. Also, Biden he is horrible. I still can't believe Obama picked Biden as his VP.


New member
if McCain wins the world will become a dangerous place because with McCain doesnt jst come him and Palin but the entire Republican party who ran the last 8 years..u think its jst gonna be McCain and palin making decisions NO..theyre gonna have advisors, cabinet members, lobbyists...all who forced Bush to making the decisions he made in the last 8 years(coz bush is too stupid to make his own decision) such as wars for no cause, 1 of the worst economic situations in american history like the stock crash 2day, torture, and decrease in quality of life...America needs change and they need Obama


Active Members
if McCain wins the world will become a dangerous place because with McCain doesnt jst come him and Palin but the entire Republican party who ran the last 8 years..u think its jst gonna be McCain and palin making decisions NO..theyre gonna have advisors, cabinet members, lobbyists...all who forced Bush to making the decisions he made in the last 8 years(coz bush is too stupid to make his own decision) such as wars for no cause, 1 of the worst economic situations in american history like the stock crash 2day, torture, and decrease in quality of life...America needs change and they need Obama

There are 2 things wrong with your above statements:

First of all, why do you think McCain i going to follow in Bush's foot steps? They belong to the same party, but they are not the same person. McCain is going to do things his way. He is going to change things. Do you really think he is campaigning around saying elect me, I am not going to change or fix things? That is just stupid to assume that! Oh and to call it a dangerous place, REALLY? That is the most ridicules thing I have heard in this whole thread.

Second, why Obama? why not any of the independents? If you are going to bash McCain, why not at least provide a reasoning for believing in Obama and not the other people in the race.

This is a perfect example of why Obama has a chance at winning. All they know is that McCain is a republican and that is "BAD" thing, they say hey that Obama guy is different, so he must be the "GOOD" guy, but don't even know what they are voting for.



New member
Obama. I am dying to join the US Marine Corps and Mccain wants us to live in fear about Iran saying its the gravest threat we've ever faced, I say were America! Why the **** should we be afraid of some country that just spouts off at the mouth like some angst teen, I mean did we not go through a stand off with Russia where we were looking down the barrels of each others ICBM's? I want to go and catch Bin Laden and bayonet the people who actually attacked us not every Arab country that is getting slightly more powerful. Obama, Because I watch my family suffer because of a ***** economy that 8 years of corruption and war has caused. Obama Because when I do go into the Military I would like some benefits and John Mccain says a new G.I. Bill that would send me to the best collage my state would have to offer and paying for my schooling to WAAAY to generous. I could rant all night but why bother. I'm voting Obama.


New member
yea recent interview McCain didnt know who prime minister of spain was and mixed him up with prime minister of mexico repeatledly and the republicans too ashamed to admit that he didnt know came out and said that mccain knew what he was saying and that he wont meet with Spain's PM..wht the ****..hes a ******

Obama 08

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