Member's Pictures 11.0

ehm...I took this picture yesterday because I wanted to show my friend how big my hair got :D ..and I thought the picture was kind of hilarious so I decided to post it :D

and here are some pictures of the "last day of school party"
we do this always..don't know why :D

I think whoever took this picture was already a little drunk :D ..I'm the one with purple t-shirt and white jeans

my class :D

tryng to act like my classmates...and ..failed xD (don't know how I managed not to laugh in this picture xD )

eeeer .... xD

ok..last one :D I was cold...and they tried to warm me up..or however you say that xD
you look gorgeous Maya :)

Was scavenging through the computer today and I found some old photos of myself.
Beware - strong wtf is wrong with your hair factor

Natural hair colour.

Wtf did you do to your hair (well that time I bleached it with my long hair first time around) Ahh my old room....

One of the most recent ones, taken before I moved away and started to play with my hair even more (my hair was black at that stage)