Member's Pictures 11.0

You knew it was bound to happen - Rav... with glasses! Just got them today. Wow... still adjusting.


All right, get it off your chest Sarah, call me a nerd, I'm ready for ya ;)
Rav - I think you look cool, specs usually looks cool, you dont look like a nerd : )

Anyway, my hairs long enough to do something in it at this point
but i will be cutting the back away asap, but i tried a weird hairstyle lol
My beautiful sis you look amazingly good in those specs!! Really!! This is the pic we're gonna use for the back cover of your book when you get published PERIOD! <3 Awww I'd give you a suffocating hug now, just SO adorable!! And come on MSN!! (please! ^.^) :D

Lyson, one of the cutest pics I've seen of you! :)
Aww thanks Sis, thanks Lyson *hugs for both* It's awesome being able to see so clearly again - but takes a bit of adjusting to. No one has seen me in them yet. That'll be a tester. :eek:

Edit: as for pic in book sis, I'm sure at that point if it ever happened between us we could come up with something more artistic... and better! haha
D: You're so preetty, lyson!

newshiitt from today.


being a dickhead in civic

Interfering in every photo
(Ella and penny)


try and find a photo where I don't look like a dickhead

Sarah and I
Rav : *hugs back* =]

thankies btw, and MS you look like a lot of fun to hang with, I'm assuming theres never a dull moment with ya, awesome pics ^^