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I did answer the question, why do all people/groups want power?Again, he doesn't answer the question. Always good about spreading the Alex Jones gospel of the government (specifically liberals) wanting to rule peoples lives, never have a reason for it, they just do. It's just become so much of a common GOP mantra talking point, it has no substance, it's just something to say to try and defend your already illogical reasoning..
Your a smart guy so now your just playing stupid.
Even the most well intentioned Liberal/socialist looking for this power feels it is the way to make their plans happen for a socialist Nation with some misguided notion that they can create the perfect daycare center for all people but they are few to be sure.
Some most likely even believe in the mentality that anyone with money must have stolen it from the "little guys" and not really earned it.
Most are wanting the control to secure their own future, once they have the socialist programs in place, the masses will be voting away their "free" goodies if they vote for anyone else.
This is all mostly about buying votes.