“You going to join in or what?”
Feeling a tattooed arm drape around his shoulders Frib blinked up and smiled.
“Come on, it’s meant to be a party! Get with it, little brother!” Benji declared.
With a playful tussle the younger man pulled back, patting down his hair with a look of feigned annoyance. He accepted the beer with a thankful smile. Though he didn’t like the bitter taste of this particular ale he sipped at it anyway, happy of nothing else for the distraction. Folding his arms and resting them atop the bar in front of him Benji hunched down to watch the other man over his shoulder.
“What’s up?” he prompted.
Frib shrugged and let his eyes wander.
The bar was packed with people and music was warbling away from the old style Wurlitzer in the corner. No matter where he looked there was colour and movement everywhere, more than he was used to seeing here on the rare occasions he and the rest of his team had come to unwind after a particularly stressful day. Sipping at the beer and licking the foam from his upper lip he pouted again and echoed his friend’s body language across the bar top. He opened his mouth to say something then stopped.
“It’s just… this thing with Lupe and stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?” Benji asked around the rim of his beer.
Frib shrugged and shook his head, struggling to mentally process it and not knowing where exactly to start.
“I don’t know, something just doesn’t add up. Someone said it was a drive-by but we know from Ballistics it wasn’t. It was a point-blank shot right in the head.”
“Hard to dodge that one,” Benji seemed to joke.
Frib snorted at him, more frustrated that what he was trying to express wasn’t getting through clearly enough or as coherently as he mentally wanted it to.
“No. What I mean is, why would he have everyone believe it was a drive by when we know it wasn’t-?”
“Oh not this again-”
“I’m serious,” the young detective urged as Benji rolled his eyes.
They had been discussing theories back and forth for days now, since well before Lupe Fiasco’s untimely passing, and the paper trail that one way or another Frib was convinced all lead back to the Manhattan businessman.
“Just think about it-”
“I think you need to forget about work for a few hours and just let it go.”
“But that’s exactly my point! I think that’s what he’s counting on-”
“Mike! **** it, aren’t you listening to me? It’s like he’s deliberately trying to fuel the fire or something by making it look like Chester’s team had-”
“Listen little brother,” Benji said, sliding his arm around the other man’s shoulders again and drawing him close like a confidante sharing a secret.
“In case you haven’t noticed, okay, we’re at a ********* party, you see that? You see those women over there dancing? You see? Let me give you some advice, brother to brother. Chicks hate it when you bring your work home with you, hear me? It’s boring. And let’s face it, it’s depressing. If you want to get laid get your sorry workaholic *** up and get over there and introduce yourself before I die from old age or something, alright?”
Benji chuckled and slapped Frib on the chest. The shirt that Frib wore felt unusually dressy compared to Benji’s usual punk-rock garb. Smoothing out the material with a nervous hand Frib gave back a small chuckle as Benji tugged him with his arm again to stress his point – and to roughhouse him. It was endearing how the older twin had taken the young detective under his wing in recent months, especially with Rob’s passing, but in some ways it was kind of unsettling for the young man too. Benji may have had the heart of a gentle giant but the intimidating size of his arms covered in tattoos gave off an opposing impression. Sculling more of his beer Frib watched the women, three in all, dancing to their individual beats on the other side of the bar half a room away. They were all young, pretty, slender but not waif-like, with nice legs spilling out beneath short skirts and smooth skin pouring from out the top of their brassieres. His eyes studied them all as he mentally sized up his ideal prospect amongst them. He wasn’t looking for anything in particular but he allowed a moment for his mind to wander where his hands, at least for now, weren’t allowed to traverse. The thud of Benji clapping him in the chest with the back of his fist stole his attentions again with a less than impressed glare.
“What?” he hissed setting his beer down.
He turned his head in the direction where Benji was nodding. Across the room Joanna and Joel were dancing together with their arms respectively draped around one another’s shoulders and waist. Frib pouted. He couldn’t help but glance down at the woman’s *** before he guiltily lowered his eyes to the floor. He had always considered Rob’s widow attractive but had never entertained the notion of actually putting the hard word on her after her late husband’s disappearance. Truth be told he had morally and ethically opposed such a move when he learned Joel had beat him to it, but jealousy was fickle and on occasion just as fleeting. He smiled as Benji raised his glass to them and nodded as if saluting.
“See? That’s what it’s all about. That **** right there.”
“What, dirty dancing?”
“No, douche bag. Love.”
“Listen to Hugh Hefner over here.”
“I believe it was John Lennon. The Beatles.”
“All you need is love,” Frib stirred.