MS - Rav's newest story


New member
kindda sounds like someone i know XD. (not talking about you) unfortunantly my guy is a video game nut..... ><* more so then me. i hate it sometimes but what can you do? *shrugs* urgh i had a bad dream thanks to this story......more?

edit: in relationship to the story.......wonder what mike would do if i ended up pregnant with benji's kid. he would probably go balistic though to think of me in such a an actual human XD



New member
edit: in relationship to the story.......wonder what mike would do if i ended up pregnant with benji's kid. he would probably go balistic though to think of me in such a an actual human XD
I've now concluded something.

Mike would probs go haywire if that happened. Ten bucks on that. Any guy would lol.

And that the more Sarah opens her legs the more **** she gets into trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if she's sleeping with her kidnappers.



New member
why ya gotta be so negative about yourself? probably true but dont be so negative n_n. if i had ten bucks to bet on the bit with mike i would but i dont....first pay check isnt untill week after next.


New member
Monster huh? I hope it wasn't named after what I called Rob in this story ;) No matter. All good. And thanks guys. Glad you like. As if you couldn't tell I am penning furiously because I am getting to the crux of this now. Enough build up. Chas and Mike will confront each other soon. Then it will be time to end it! :eek: OMG no MS! You mean I can have a real life back? Nah... you know I'll just wait a few months for something else to inspire me before I kick back into old habits. And as for my sleeping patterns, Sarah, you of all people know how much I don't have one. Never have. Am a night person, and just so happens I work nights, unfortunately most of the planet has things called business hours so I don't get much sleep between times. Meh, that's what writing's for - keeps me awake... or puts me to sleep, depending on which way I'm leaning.

Robbie and Braddles are the sleepers here - me, I am the anti-sleeper. Must be an Aquarian thing?

Ok enough ****-chat ;) time to update. Oh and as for pushing the envelope, well, I thought about this myself, and after everything I've put these characters through, I sort of figured for some realistically there was no other way out. Besides, look at the subject matter. Anyone under the pretext that this story will have a 'and they all lived happily ever after' moment needs to seriously reevaluate their tastes in stories. This, if you have read it this far, you'll already know is NOT a feel good story. It's nasty and gritty and you can't deal in this kind of subject matter and cringe away from the dark points. I'd be ashamed of myself as a writer of I did. I always run the risk of offending someone when I write because it is a fanfic and it is based however loosely on real people, myself included. I have tried consciously to keep it as generalized as I could but sometimes even I know it's a fine line. If this story/thread got locked I'd have to live with that knowing its a risk I took. But aside from that I am always stoked to see the views/hits count here rise and read the comments people leave. It inspires me on these moments of self-doubt and too-deep introspection... you know what I'm like sis :eek:

Anyway, like I said, here's more. Yes we are getting closer to the end now. We have to end it soon. Don't have a choice, I'm running out of people to torture or kill! :spiteful: >:eek: :lol: ;)

Enjoy. And as always your comments most gratefully welcome.


The sun was setting over downtown Manhattan and darkness was beginning to settle. As streetlights, headlights, and neon lights lit up the city street, two men approached the skate park and drew close behind the graphitised half pipe. One was tall and wore a long black jacket with writing scrawled across the back. Your pretty face is going to ****, it read. The other wore a puffy green army style jacket. Despite the late hour both men wore glasses. Shaking his head Chester swore under his breath and let out a cloud of smoke as he did so. He pulled at the cuff of his sleeve to glimpse at the time, careful not to reveal the red and blue flame tattoos brandished on his wrist. Assuring himself that no one had noticed he sunk back against the brick work and continued to watch the men initiate conversation across the street. He didn’t hear what was being said but he couldn’t help but feel agitated. Again he stole another glimpse at the time and cursed. He glimpsed at either end of the tree-lined street before he threw his cigarette away and pushed himself off the wall. A few feet away someone had thrown a newspaper on the sidewalk and it’s back page fluttered in the breeze of a passing car. Sweeping it up Chester looked around before he made his way to a nearby building and stood half hidden in the shadows, trying to appear as if he were waiting for someone. He was. Flicking his eyes across the street again he stared at Bam and his friend Ville with his eyes narrowing in consternation. He didn’t like this James Bond **** hiding out like some dumb spy but he knew sitting alone in abandoned apartments would send him crazier if he stayed waiting. It had been almost 24 hours and still no word from that lecherous little **** Nick and Chester was beginning to worry. Unfurling the paper he sighed and tried hard to read what he was seeing. In the amber glow and the dissociative light of dusk he was squinting to see anything not a foot in front of him with any clarity. He wished he had his glasses and swore again but kept it internalized inside behind his dismal pout. As badly as he needed them to see and as vulnerable as it made him feel without a full field of vision, the last thing he could afford to do as this point was blow his proverbial cover. New York was expecting him to appear with his tattoos brandished and his black frames on and his ears laden with flesh plugs and such, as he had been when he had gone in, but with a sigh Chester let his eyes lower at the realization that he wasn’t that man anymore. The young arrogant ******* with the cocky grin and ****-you attitude had died in Rikers and no one had so much as mourned his passing. Now an old man stood lost in the shadows reminiscing in what had passed and what would never be open to him anymore, as his shoulders slowly fell. Seeing the wrought iron gates that surrounded the tree trunks in front of him Chester cringed. His shoulder flinched beneath the nondescript long sleeved tee. Even though he knew he was free the ghosts of his pasts dogged him so – quite literally. Shifting his weight from one foot to another he automatically pressed his back against the cold hard brick. His peripheral vision scanned a full 180 view, as far as he could manage, in search of possible threats or attackers. Feeling a hot sharp sting in his posterior he froze and pushed the memory back down with a dry knock to his throat. The guards at Rikers had been bastards but it was the other inhabitants that had scarred him, more times than Chester himself wanted to think about. He endured it then as he did now, blocking out all other thoughts and visually focusing ahead until everything else ceased existing. Everything else but that **** for revenge on that ************ that put him there in the first place - that bent cop, Bourdon. Scoffing to himself Chester folded the paper back up and limply tossed it aside. Bam was walking away now and Chester was following. They would walk in opposing directions and meet up around the block again, where no one was watching. It was too cloak-and-dagger but it was for now the only means of navigating this godforsaken city without being noticed. In this day and age of closed circuit TV cameras, cell phones, satellites and everything else technologically minded to keep track of earth’s countless citizens, Chester had to resort to living like a rodent in order to keep any whiff of his existence off the grid as it were from people and robots alike.

Bam’s inclusion, however much a bane, was a necessity he couldn’t live without at this point.

He crossed the street and wove his way through a small unsuspecting crowd of young children making their way home from the video arcade. Chester smiled at them as they passed out of the corner of his eye. He couldn’t help but scour every face for hopes of finding his missing progeny though he still had no real idea what she looked like. The fact she was alive and out there somewhere spurned him onward, overtaking any previous thoughts of revenge. He even chuckled to himself as he passed a storefront window at the toys inside wondering what his little girl was in to and felt a surge of joy and exaltation flooding through his veins. It was better than any drug he’d had, and he’d tried many, but like any high it was too brief in staying. Squaring his shoulders Chester cleared his throat and bowed his head, keeping his focus where it needed to be right now. Lingering at a parked car he waited and watched as another car pulled out of a park and arced towards him. Making sure the coast was clear Chester hurried over and slid inside. Closing the door he exhaled a sigh of relief as the car made it’s way back out into traffic. Sinking back into his seat Chester sighed. The look on his face was relieved but it was irritable. He was sick of living like this and his inability to keep his feet still screamed it for him. Acknowledging Bam with a curt smile Chester sat in silence a moment just watching the streets with its endless brownstones and brick apartments sweep past with his mouth planted against his fist on the car’s drawn window.

“What did he say?” he finally asked.

Bam looked dubious. With his glasses now atop his forehead he was looking between his passenger and the road with due attention.

“Alright, but before I tell you, you have to promise me you won’t go off like you did last time,” Bam said. “Dude, if I have to tell Mike I got jumped by some group of punk *** kids again he’s gonna start to think-”

“All right, all right, whatever,” Chester urged. “Just get to the point.”

Bam sighed watching Chester and the rear view mirror out of the corner of his eye warily.

“Okay,” he sighed. “It’s not good.”


“It’s your boy Draiman… he’s making moves to flip your girl, Foxxy.”



New member
why ya gotta be so negative about yourself? probably true but dont be so negative n_n. if i had ten bucks to bet on the bit with mike i would but i dont....first pay check isnt untill week after next.

I love taking the **** out of my character.

It what seperates the reader and the actual person.

Same here with the pay cheque (that's how its written here instead of check).

edit. shhh! she's posting the story.



New member
Chester frowned and turned to his companion, demanding an explanation without so much as verbalizing it. Clearly the topic however was making Bam uncomfortable as he kept watch on his mirrors.


“Yeah. You know, overthrow?”

Chester sunk back in his seat letting the information settle before, with a grunt he swung out and punched the dashboard. Bam cried indignantly.

“Yo! Dude! Come on man, it’s not even my car!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Chester huffed once more into his fist.

Outside Macey’s was bustling with people. Turning a corner the car rocked in silence. A moment later Bam reached out and assessed the damage. He grimaced as he sunk back in his seat again cursing under his breath.

“I knew this day was coming,” Chester uttered into his red knuckles. “I ******* knew it. He’s always craved what I had. He’s big and moody and ******* dangerous, especially if he doesn’t get what he wants, what he thinks he deserves. He’s the kind of guy who’ll smile at you as he gives you a hand up then stabs you in the back when you’re not looking with the other. I ******* knew it.”

“What are you gonna do?” Bam wondered.

They had paused behind a removalist van and the blinking indicator and taillights were casting a reddish tinge into the car’s interior and across both men’s pensive faces. Chester shrugged limply. It was clear his head was already spinning with possibilities but his main focus at this point was self-preservation.

“I can’t do anything,” he uttered quietly. It wasn’t like him to feel so helpless but he despised the fact he had to sound it. Bighting at his thumbnail Chester stewed a while longer. “I wish I could but I can’t. The minute I walk in there, Draiman’s likely to have me capped just for show. He wants to be top dog, what better way than by taking me out?”

“You mean like the Alpha male?” Bam asked. He shrugged at Chester’s sudden stare. “Discovery Channel,” he grinned. Chester rolled his eyes away and went back to brooding out the window.

“Well can’t you get word to Foxx like? She’ll still listen to you, dude, won’t she?”

“No,” Chester muttered.

In his lap he pondered the roller coaster that had been his relationship with the fiery redhead but pouted rather than confess any of it. When he looked up it was determinedly set out the windscreen. Lights of the harbor ferries could be seen twinkling between buildings in the distance.

“If I know Foxx she’s just as ****** at me. Chicks, like. One minute they’re all over you, the next they ***** about being smothered. Man, I never could win with her. She was always ready to fight me, not… physically,” Chester smirked with his cheeks coloring, “but you get what I mean. She wanted me to be like her old man and at the same time if I exerted any kind of authority she’d hate me for it. I never understood why she even stuck around in the first place… then I went away and I kind of got my answers… She wanted what every woman wants; a set of ***** of her own.”

Bam s******ed and the car was infused briefly with a sense of joviality. It was fleeting of course and by the time the car found itself walled-in in bumper-to-bumper traffic Chester sighed and inclined back into his seat once more. He didn’t speak for a while and Bam didn’t push him. The sound of sirens and car horns blaring and many angry tunes clashing on the congested city street did its part in abating complete silence.

“She wanted to be boss and she got it. Why she stepped into my shoes I’ll never get. She told me it wasn’t about the life and all that, and she promised me she’d wait. I didn’t want her to. Good thing she didn’t huh?”

Bam shrugged in response.

“You know women, man. They’re all money hungry ***** and *******.”

“Yeah. But there’s only one woman I care about right now.”

“Hilary Clinton?”

Blinking aside at his counterpart Chester stared at Bam’s incredulously grinning face. Rather than retaliate, as he was probably supposed to, Chester just shook his head and frowned. It was like a father silently reprimanding his immature son during a deep and meaningful conversation.

“Ava,” Chester said. “Christ. How the **** did he get where he is keeping people like you around? What is he, starved for attention or something?”

“Who, Mike?”

“No, father ******* Christmas!” Chester barked.

Wrenching his pack of cigarettes from his pocket he lit one and puffed on the smoke to calm his agitation. For a while as the car intermittently lurched and slowed in the crawl, they remained in silence as Chester stared out the window at the streets he had once traveled without any real care in the world. He scoffed watching some punk in a purple Lamborghini streak past in the opposite direction. Realizing Bam was speaking Chester rolled his attentions back and caught sight of a news stand a few feet away on the curb. Mike’s face was predictably everywhere. Lost to his thoughts Chester frowned and forced streams of smoke from his nostrils. He summoned the other man’s attentions.



New member
( - haha yes I am now quiet for a minute you two! ;) Thankies! )

“Has he had word yet on who tried to take out his old lady?” Chester asked.

Bam shook his head.

“Alright. That’s a start.”

“What have you got in mind?”

“Besides a cold beer and a hot- Nothing you have to know about,” Chester skirted amusedly. He smirked at the innuendo as Bam grinned back. “I’m thinking… if there’s a way I can get to Foxx alone I could do something.”

“Is she even going to want to listen?”

“Probably not. But I have to try. Between Mike’s ******* bloodlust and Draiman’s push for power right now she’s a sitting duck. And I know Foxxy and I know how stubborn that bad-tempered ***** can be. She won’t want to see David’s bad side because she probably sees me in him. The me I was, or used to be, probably… once,” Chester said, grounding the last word out with all the pain of a lost loved one.

Bam was asking for details but at that point Chester could only shrug as he stared through the smoke out the window. The look on his face was stern but the thoughts behind them were the opposite; he was a caged bird again exchanging prison bars for ones he couldn’t see reaching all the way back from his past. He swore under his breath repeatedly but Bam probably only assumed he was angry about the current situation – he was right and he was wrong. With his head racing Chester thought about his past with Foxxy, the feel of her lips smiling against his and the sound of her laughter echoing across his heart. He thought of Sarah, little more than fragmented memories really, and of the little girl she had borne him and he hadn’t even known. He sat wondering about his child and his hopes of the future with her and of the great unknown beneath which his life now hung. Once he had faced a future without hope and it had suffocated him but now the burden of too many variables weighed him down just as much, if not more so. Lost to that moment, to the sound that of that hammer slamming down and the bullet exploding from the gun in his fist, Chester blinked quickly to refocus. He didn’t even realize his eyes had been misting or that the car was now through the traffic jam and had come to a stop at some nondescript sidewalk. Bam was looking at him expectantly.


“I said I’ll go ditch the car man and meet you back here in a couple of hours.”

Chester stared through the window out at the worn façade of another apartment building and felt his shoulders sag.

“Where are we?”

“Lower East. Don’t worry, I have a girl that lives here. She told me the apartment downstairs is vacant. No cameras, dude, no neighbors, you’ll be out of sight til I get back.”

“When will that be?”

“Soon,” Bam assured.

He smiled a little. It didn’t come out as appeasing as it was probably meant as Chester shoved the door open and made his way out. Taking a bag of necessities and the offered key in fist Chester closed the door and made his way across the sidewalk. The street was blissfully light of human traffic but still he moved with suspicion. Glimpsing over his shoulder he waved at Bam – then stopped. He swore. In a flash the bag and keys slipped from his fingers and clattered to the cement. Bam looked up in time to see a familiar face, giving chase down the street.

“Hey! Hey, stop!”

“****!” Bam cried.

Wrenching on the wheel he swung the car around and barreled towards the sidewalk. The engine roared, tyres screeched, and the car thumped up the curb. There was a jolt, a sudden cracking sound, as if the car had struck a sapling, and then it came to a halt. Someone screamed. Bam realized there were people on the street staring in horror. He swung open the door and scampered out to chase after Chester but Chester was already too far gone. There was no point in calling; he wasn’t about to stop anyway. In shock and reeling Bam floundered backwards and tripped, staggering to a stop against the car’s front fender. The sight of a twisted limb peering out near his foot made him gasp and scurry backwards. He was terrified and transfixed watching the pool of red growing beneath the wheel of his car. He was moving backwards away from it, hearing people scream, able to hear them gasp in shock and awe as he ran his hand along the bonnet. With his fingers dancing across the dented panel he grimaced than stopped. The wet smear of fresh blood and thatch of dark curls trapped in the shattered headlight sent a cold chill up his spine.

“Oh my ***, did you see that? He just hit that man! Someone call the paramedics!” someone cried.

Bam blinked up. People were appearing everywhere and he was feeling the walls closing in around him. He panicked. Hurrying back behind the wheel he slammed the door shut just as he heard others yelling indignantly for him to stop. They were horrified he was trying to get away but Bam knew his life was over if he stayed. Revving the engine he ripped at the gearstick and pulled back, reversing down off the curb. Some ***** was still screaming. Bam scowled angrily. The body was caught beneath the car but with another shift in gears and a thud the car rose up over a minor hump, thudded down again, and skidded up the road.




New member
I know this has already been addressed in my rant prior to the update but again, apologies for what's to come. You should know what I'm on about by now ;)


Mike sat staring out at nothing.

The table at which he sat was empty; the chairs lining both sides were vacant. In silence and stillness and shadow he just sat.

He stared.

Seconds clacked by, one after the other.





With the muscles in his face twitching Mike grimaced and snatched the phone up in his fingers. With a scream he hurled it angrily across the room. He yelled so loud the sound masked the plastic casing crashing against the glass tabletop and shattering into jagged fragments. He huffed and yelled again, decibels lower this time, but no less impassioned. Brad was dead. Rashell had almost died. His brother had been murdered. It seemed like anyone close to him was dying and Mike was beyond furious, there were no words left for the rage he was feeling. His limbs shook and his eyes were wet and seething. His breaths were so ragged he could barely fill his lungs. His heart and pulse were pounding. He couldn’t sit still anymore. He couldn’t do anything. He was livid.

Storming over he wrenched the white board from its stand and threw it to the floor. He threw down plastic potted plants. He threw lamps, inane silver statues, stationary, anything he could get his hands on. In a handful of minutes the room resembled a war zone and the echoes of breaking furniture hadn’t even dissipated when the first worried face bravely peered in through the doorway.

“Mike?” Jared asked.

He watched in trepidation as Mike swung his attention to the intrusion and hurrying over grabbed the young man by the collar with both fists and flung him into the room too.

“Mike! Mike! Don’t, man! It’s me!” Jared cried.

His hands were up. He wasn’t a threat. His whole face was one great mask of worry now fear. The great and all-powerful Mike Shinoda had just snapped his proverbial twig and no one knew what to say or do in a circumstance like this.

“Who!” Mike bellowed.

He cornered Jared with fistfuls of shirt again and whipped him about viciously.

“Who was it? Who did it? ******* tell me!”

“I don’t know!” Jared cried.

With a loud crack Mike pinned him back first on the edge of the large glass executive table and held him there. He may as well have been holding him down on the sacrificial altar of *** for the harrowing conviction etched into his face. But people had gathered on the other side of the door and were cautiously trickling into the room. A secretary started to speak and one of Mike’s cronies, Celph Titled, ordered her back out. He and Jared closed themselves inside and did their best to appease their seemingly rabid employer come friend.

“M, it was a hit and run, the guy took off man-”

“We don’t know anything!”

“The d’s are looking into it, man, come on now, let the boy go… he ain’t hurting you none.”

“Mike, listen to Celph, man, come on,” Jared croaked.

Mike glared at the other man, snarling over him, before with a jolt he shoved him loose. Striding off hotly Mike slowed as he reached the other side of the room. Detritus of broken bits of plastic, paper, cords and pebbles from the plants crunched under his feet. Mike huffed at the window. The city below was resplendent in a plethora of multicolored lights. They twinkled like garlands on a Christmas tree. Jared coughed and rubbed at his neck as Celph nervously cleared his throat, appearing to wrestle on how best to say something. Slowly Mike rolled his eyes aside.

“What?” he uttered. After the tempest of moments ago it was nothing short of a lifeless grunt.

“Mike… the car that hit him… they think it was one of ours.”

“What?” he repeated.



New member
Celph and Jared exchanged wary eye contact. Mike just stared. Then he moved. He was storming towards them. Celph held his hands up as Jared impulsively back peddled. Mike stopped but didn’t seem happy to as Celph hurriedly explained what he knew. That, at this early stage of the official police investigation, wasn’t much. A black car. A man in a puffy green jacket and glasses. He had been wearing a hat. No one seemed to remember what style. It could have been his hair. Clearly irritated Mike gnashed his teeth and shook his head. Even at such relatively close quarters it was clearly disarming to see the tears of rage still in his eyes. He had another man with him when it happened. No one knew who the other man was or where he went. The car turned and deliberately ploughed Brad down. Hearing that detail Mike bowed his head and shook it. His fingers were white as they gripped to his face. Mike couldn’t speak. There was nothing to say anyway. The details of the ‘accident’ were nothing new to him, he could still hear the words of the nursing staff in his ears. Brad’s wife would be devastated, but Mike was having a hard time trying to consider consoling her. He seemed to stand with his head bowed sweeping his eyes and hiding them forever but no own seemed game enough to stop him. It was a well-publicized fact that Mike Shinoda and Brad Delson, professor at one of the city’s longest standing colleges, had been the closest of friends. They had grown up together and, moving from LA together, even attended the same college that Brad would one day come to teach at. During Mike’s recent rise to power Brad had been a proud recipient of his friend’s generosity attending prestigious dinners for scholarships they mutually founded and funded for the underprivileged, and were often seen being snapped side by side by the paparazzi, full of smiles and adulation. When Rashell had been shot Brad and his wife had been her first visitors, and Brad had been a constant source of guidance and support during his earlier brushes with the law. They were in essence like brothers, and Brad’s callous murder was the final straw to Mike’s already burdened back. Unable to turn to anyone now Mike blinked up and both men took a small step back when he did. It wasn’t the fact that there were tears streaming down his cheeks or the harrowed stare set like stone on his face, though that definitely played a part. No, in an instant Mike was ripping his jacket off and kicking off his shoes.

“Give me your clothes,” he urged Celph.

The older man frowned but didn’t argue as he tentatively traded garb. Soon standing in the baggy street wear he once wore on the dingy streets of New York Mike gave himself an appraising glance and let out a tiny half-formed smirk. It wasn’t happy. It was cruel. In more ways than one he was shedding his skin. His time up here in the lofty towers surrounded by expensive this and priceless that, meant nothing to him anymore. He had built an empire and beat the rich ****** at their own game but his time of self-gratification was over. Up here he had lost touch and his disassociation with the street had gotten him to the top but it had come at a terrible and tragic cost. Well, fear was for those who had something left to lose, and Mike had no fear left in the world anymore. Pulling the cap low about his brow he lifted the hood and kicked the baggy cuffs of his low pants loose over his pumps. He felt free. He felt wired. He was ready. Glimpsing at Celph and at Jared he nodded, wiped his face of any trace of grief, and regained composure.

“Find the others. Get them to me. Midnight, Rockerfeller Plaza,” he said, shifting the cap’s brim so it completely obscured his face from the overhead fluorescent light. “You’ve got three hours.”

“It’s Friday night,” Jared said with an incredulous smile.

It faltered beneath Mike’s blank-eyed stare. He threw his focus to the floor as Celph beside him was stirring uncomfortably beneath the tailor-made suit pants and jacket.

“Three hours,” Mike reminded. “I’m gonna find out the ******* rat in this ship before it sinks once and for all. You get the word out. If one of ours had anything at all to do with this they’ll run. If they’re smart. If they don’t…” Mike shrugged. He snorted and continued to smirk but it was so cold it was practically a threat.

Celph and Jared glimpsed at each other before they nodded and looked at the ground.

“Where are you going to go?” one of them braved.

Mike appeared to consider his answer a moment but he didn’t respond. Standing there in the worn baggy threads of a common street rapper, he looked as sinister as he did in a thousand dollar suit – only the cold stare in his eyes had changed. Though his cheeks were still flushed from tears Mike Shinoda appeared to be made of polished stone, and just as unforgiving. With dutiful nods Celph and Jared Leto bowed out and left Mike alone to his grief. But Mike had no intentions of staying here in this lofty tower or the mess he had created in it, any further. Strolling out behind them he pointed at the secretary lingering expectantly behind her desk and she drew to her feet immediately.

“You, you’re fired,” he said.

That was it.

Unbeknownst to any of them Mike had no intentions of coming back here or setting foot in this monument of glass and steel and rose smelling **** ever again. If he had his way he would have walked out and let it burn to the ground behind him. Ignoring the woman’s cries and the sound of anyone still in the office at this hour regarding his new dress code without so much as a sideways glance, Mike strolled into the elevator and stabbed a button and waited in the center of the polished gold box with his shoulders low and his fists jammed inside his hip pockets. Celph and Jared that had lagged behind lingered hesitantly and thought twice about stepping in. Mike summoned his eyes up from the floor and warned them not to bother. He had business to attend to right now. If they had any brains they would leave him be – and they did just that. At a respectable distance they waited as Mike stepped forward and jabbed another button and pulled at the brim of his cap like a cowboy bidding his salutary farewell before riding off into the sunset. Then he shoved his fist back into his hip pocket and resumed his solitary stance in the center of the floor. Then the doors chimed and hissed to a close and just like that businessman and entrepreneur Mike Shinoda was gone.


Okay I haven't even proofread this, I just finished penning that like... 20mins ago and here it is. It's my usual way of posting thesedays, I only edit AFTER I update, so the version I have on my laptop is never the same exactly as what you have (also for copyright reasons, I aint an idiot ;) ) SO that's when I repeatedly say 'I hope this makes sense' you know why - cause I'm too lazy to make sure I haven't repeated myself in the story. If I have *shrug* I fix it here at home later. If not, even better. Makes me happy. Happyish. Sorta.

AGAIN this is NOT the last chapter, that's by my best guestimations at least a week or so off yet if I keep at this pace. Pretty good for half a week of hangovers, but pretty soon I'll burn out in some form, so I want to get it finished before that happens. Anyway, hope it all ties in, oh and just for the record Sarah, the last update you mentioned something about Rob being an ***. Would pay to keep in mind he's the ONLY one now fighting to keep her safe while you lay half dead in ICU somewhere. Remember that ;) Just had to clear that up.

And sis - happy you like. Yes you're pregnant and engaged to another man - and look who's just rocked back up on the scene - uh oh ;) *** I love my twisted little imagination sometimes. Sorry for the nightmares Mel... care to share? Might give me more ideas!! :spiteful:

Thanks again guys. More tomorrow. *hugs*

Edit - It's worth mentioning, 'Creative ******' - thanks sis, that made me grin big and blush like an idiot but seems to fit haha. Wow, makes me one helluva happy writer that being the case huh? :lol: Thanks. Just had to say thanks for that gem <3



New member
just a confrontation with mike and ended up getting really ******, im sitting there with half my innards spilling out and mike is dead via chester and all chester can say to me is "youre bleeding on my shoes" after i ended up taking out half of mikes guys who tried to jump me because of benji. was weird maybe i shouldnt have eaten that taco bell so late at night. good update by the way i have a feeling that mel is gonna find out, get tired of mike and say something to benji to see if she can put a stop to it. ehh thats the way i see it. might be somewhat of a happy ending but its giving me ideas as well muwahaha!! i will update after i get off of work.


New member
But the question comes down far will Chester go to get Ava back if he barely remembers what she looks like?

Lol. Chester reminds me of my partner a lot. Hard *** attitude and thinks he can get what he wants. Lol. That made me laugh that impression. Good character set up you've got going with Chester. I really liked the hard core attitude. I liked it so much I turned my Cradle of Filth off just so I could concertrate without Dani Filth's voice freaking me out while I listen to it and read this at the same time. But even without the Cradle of Filth playing it still kinda freaked me out about what Ava is in for when she does something wrong around Chester, if their meeting ever occurs.

Hmm..Celph? Never heard that name before. But hey, you learn something new everyday.

Kudos. Keep it up (not saying have ever got it below that barrier of such a compliment) :)



New member
just a confrontation with mike and ended up getting really ******, im sitting there with half my innards spilling out and mike is dead via chester and all chester can say to me is "youre bleeding on my shoes" after i ended up taking out half of mikes guys who tried to jump me because of benji. was weird maybe i shouldnt have eaten that taco bell so late at night. good update by the way i have a feeling that mel is gonna find out, get tired of mike and say something to benji to see if she can put a stop to it. ehh thats the way i see it. might be somewhat of a happy ending but its giving me ideas as well muwahaha!! i will update after i get off of work.
I'm sorry, I CRIED laughing at that - I know, cruel, it was your nightmare and everything, but I found it funny! Sorry :eek: And for the record I have nightmares if I a) stay up VERY late (almost always) AND b) eat chocolate before bed. Almost always freaks me out. Good though. Works to my advantage. A part of my most recent nightmare was me tripping out on Coke there with Nick before Rob arrived. I didn't dream of the story I just had a really trippy experience about going fast (and a car crash) and I wrote part of that in. Worked well I think. For the record you might want to avoid Taco Bell next time then ;) Just a thought.

And what the ****? Are you considering a SPIN OFF?? haha My first official MS Spin off! I was wondering if it would ever happen, considering at some point I think we had at least 3 from AATM *shrugs* Mind you I guess it's not as easy granted I keep killing people off, but still, sounds like an awesome idea even if you branched off into your own alternate reality with who you wanted and wrote a kind of 'alternate ending' or choose your own ending type story - ever read those as a kid? Oh no, Indiana Jones died! No wait, go back to page 43, now he's alive again, yay! :rofl: Bless my twisted childhood. Anyway would be cool to see you do it, but hey, if not it's still a good idea. Best of luck if anything comes from that :thumbsup:

And have fun at work. And thanks for the comments!

Sarah - yes good point. He has no clue what your kid looks like so at the moment he literally could pass her on the street and she might be okay - might not too, but the implication has always been she's just the spitting image of him so *shrug* shouldn't be that hard to notice - mind you would be like finding a needle in a field full of haystacks being a freaking huge city as it is - and that's why it's set there! And as for Chester's attitude I tried what I could. It's just a story. If this were real I'm **** sure the real guy would not be quite so nasty. But he is determined. And he wants to live a better life now but is finding it harder to do when everyone around him and everything else is so set against him. I'm not making him out to be a victim either, but just like Mike, he's made bad choices and has to live with the consequences, as hard as that may be. As for Celph, notice those closest to him (Mike) are from Fort Minor? Jared Leto and Bam are direct influences from Mel herself (don't ask me why) and Giovani Ribisi way back at the start because... I think he was on TV at the time I started writing this (he was; Boiler room) and I really love that guy as an actor. Celph is on TRT briefly. Tak and Ryu you know. The rest... should be easily distinguished by now too. Again, deliberate. Having fun in some respects. Mixing it up a bit. You know.

AND WOOOOT! My 3000th post!! YAY!

:clap::yahoo: :boast::yea::party::drinks:

Just partying with myself - and the MS crew. What better place to celebrate my milestone than the main place I usually hang out! Just wanted to note the fact without spamming anyone else's thread. Thanks. Now I'll shut up for a while and let you get back to reading!



New member
What really made me laugh about the whole party thing about your 3000th post I'm playing a really lame *** 'party' song. I don't know if you remember her, but I certainly do (*past obsession when I was like 13*) Vanessa Amorosi - Absolutely Everybody.

Oh well. It's like age. You're 18 one moment and next, you're thirty. I've only experienced the whole one moment you're drunk at your 18th and getting hammered at your 19th (well that's coming up soon).



New member
What really made me laugh about the whole party thing about your 3000th post I'm playing a really lame *** 'party' song. I don't know if you remember her, but I certainly do (*past obsession when I was like 13*) Vanessa Amorosi - Absolutely Everybody.
Oh well. It's like age. You're 18 one moment and next, you're thirty. I've only experienced the whole one moment you're drunk at your 18th and getting hammered at your 19th (well that's coming up soon).
AGE?? How old are you again?? Jesus woman, get to 30 at least and THEN we'll talk! :no:

And yes I remember her. Not quite a one-hit wonder but close enough. Meh, we all have lame-*** obsessions, no biggie, whatever floats yer boat rooly.

BTW, at the risk of sounding like a nag (regardless if I do or don't) you might want to comment about the story, even just a sentence when you reply, otherwise it really is spamming. And I like getting feedback about what I write, not comments on nothing in particular - Seinfeld comments really ;) (hated that show - a show about nothing!) But I only mention it cause I get excited thinking people are contributing something and all I get is... well, 3000+ behind me... I'm like wtf?? Go to the games thread then woman! Sheesh!

No I'm not hormonal. I saw that look on your face, don't deny it (I'm one of your many virtual mothers, I can sense these things haha) I just read the "new" rules last night and they've still sorta stuck with me. Am trying to behave. I just get annoyed when I see things that contradict it... as prevalent as it is, yes I know.


Anyway on a side note... enjoy your DS/Mike sig. I like Mike. I like cake too. How's that for unrelated randomness?? haha ;)

That reminds me - it was a tad vague, I'm not even sure if its allowed now, but if it is how do I tag this story under my sig again? You showed me once but I forget! Thanks in advance




New member

Half the thread if off topic's that for you.

I like cake too :) Hate cheese cakes though.

Yeah anyway. Can't wait for more :) I know I'm trying to juggle everything on top of writing DS. And thankies :) I like your MS sig too. I actually designed mine as part of an assignment, which we had to promote stuff. My Wagga Wagga promotion ad consisted of my half naked friends in the uni quad sticking signs up saying "Welcome to Wagga".

Anywho...back on topic....I'll PM you about the tagging. It's a bit more complicated then the last version of LPF I told you on anyway. What? Did you notice the tag in the writing of mine? Oh yeah, and take that writing into consideration of DS (I know I know if you haven't figured out it's part of Seven Days to the Wolves by Nightwish..even listen to it).



New member
jared leto, bam margera, and benji madden?? mum youre too kind to me XD. all of the rockstars that i adore and find extreamly attractive and get the idea. as far as the nightmare, it actually started out as an aatm dream ( i had read it over before i went to bed) then branched off into a MS dream. weird but still a dream none the less. gratz on the post


New member
Small update today... spent much of my time online today with this whole 'LPF facelift' thing so only got a few pages written. Thanks as always to those who read and review. Much love to you guys :friends:

Anyway, here's it for now. Have another chap in the works as we speak, just trying to mentally figure out how to get everyone where I need them to be for the next few updates... taking some mental footwork, I assure ;)



“I think that’s your phone,” Benji murmured.

Mel grimaced as the sound was brought to her attention. Over the din of music she hadn’t really heard it but she had felt it moving irately in her hip pocket. Without even looking at the screen she knew who it would be. She didn’t want to talk to Mike right now, she didn’t even want to hear his voice, His Master’s Voice, she referred to it, because without doubt he was dragging her away again like a master whistling to his prized dog. Mel was sick of it. She was sick of having to drop everything to do his bidding, without question, without conscience, and she was tired of not having a life that didn’t consist of him being in it. It was almost impossible for her to fathom a moment in her life now that she could class as hers, even if Mike didn’t call or one of his cronies weren’t on her case, her thoughts in some form or another still revolved around him, what he wanted, where he was, what he needed her to do, and what he thought when he stared a fraction too long into her eyes. He had rescued her from an anonymous life, had freed her from the burden of her past, given she was still no closer to finding the ******* that killed her mother, but she was in a position now to exact that anger and frustration where it needed to be – where Mike needed it to be – and without boasting she was good at what she did. But that was the problem now, she was too good at it, and her life as it was now was nothing more but an endless cycle of killing and beating and extorting money from people far worse than herself broken up by brief periods of Mel trying to block all of it out. What an idiot she had been thinking she could keep Shwag away from this, it had changed her, it had frozen her heart, and just now when she thought she had found by accident a chance to thaw it here Mike was beckoning again. He was like an abusive ex-boyfriend who held her sway by their dirty little secrets but kept her tied to him with his occasional gestures of affection – and though they were infrequent they were definitely grand. The apartment she had overlooking Central Park was gorgeous by anyone’s standards and Shwag had been more than happy with the big screen TV and all the gaming consoles a tech head like him would ever need, but everything Mike gave her and everywhere she looked in what was supposed to be her sanctuary reminded her of him – and what was worse the terrible things she had done for him that she could never tell anyone else. Mel was anxious when she gripped at her phone now feeling torn as always between her sense of duty and her new blossoming sense of self. Though the party around her was still raging on and the happy couple were still merrily dancing away in their own little universe in the corner, Mel squeezed the phone in her fingers a moment, worried that in a room full of cops that somehow even subliminally someone would know who it was on the other end of the line and would immediately be on to her like a wild dog on fresh meat. Benji was smiling at her, slumped lazily on a fist and staring back with a strange dream-like quality on his face. Mel smiled back but didn’t know if he saw it beneath the bar’s dim lights. Though it was now night and they were inside a packed bar his face was still for the most part obscured behind dark glasses and fedora, just as it had been the day they’d met at Lupe Fiasco’s funeral. She smiled again briefly feeling his fingers wrap around hers. He was drunk but he was sweet in a way she wasn’t used to. For all his tough façade he could have been her double, at least on the inside. Glimpsing at the tattoo peering out beneath his ear Mel glimpsed down at his hand now holding hers.

“Don’t answer it,” he said. Then he snorted. “If it’s your boyfriend tell him your busy. You have a new boyfriend. Tell him to get over it. If he doesn’t like that, tell him to call me.”

As Benji released her hand and reached for his beer Mel smirked with her cheeks warm from more than just the heat of a crowded environment. She probably shouldn’t have drunk so much but Mike had told her she did deserve a treat. She just didn’t realize that it was apparently on a time limit. Reluctantly she glanced down at the screen of her phone and frowned at the name she saw upon it.

Bam calling.

What the **** did that nancy want?

Huffing out a sigh Mel frowned as she considered her options a moment, allowing the chaos of yelling and laughter and music and life to invade her senses. Part of her didn’t know when she would have this kind of opportunity again – in the life she led, and the company she kept, Mel was under no delusion when she crawled out of bed some mornings that there was always a chance she would not be falling back into it that night. Chewing her lip she flipped the screen of her cell and gave Benji a wary smirk. Leaning back on his fist watching her, and the general revelry, with a laid-back pout, he seemed to be in no hurry of going anywhere at the moment. She gestured an apology but with a wave of his hand he dismissed it. He even seemed to be studying her with casual abandon as Mel thumbed a button and cupped the phone to her ear. She could hardly hear what Bam was saying but she wasn’t really listening. She didn’t really care. At first she expected her associate had let his well-known impetuousness land him in more hot-water again and he was needing her to come along and help bail him out – or join in the fun, but to Mel’s consternation Mel found she was actually correct on both counts.

“I’ve ****** up, major,” Bam said.

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