**** Natalee Holloway and her attention whore mom Beth Holloway Twitty

If this was my daughter, I would do everything I could to keep this story alive until I had the full story, the guys balls that did it and her body...

Look at the way the parents of children who are abducted and killed by sexual predators deal with their grief. We have them to thank for the Jessica Lunsford law, the Amber alert system, the list goes on. You don't think the legislators give a damn, let me tell you they don't. It takes the grieving parents of the children who are lost to keep the story alive and in the face of the public to make some changes. This is what Holloways Mother is doing. If she exposes something nasty in Aruba and it saves even one other young person then its worth it. Maybe I'm just too old but I see my 8 year old and I know its only a matter of years and she will be 18 and god knows what will be waiting for her. I can't follow her everywhere then but maybe some changes can be made to make the world a little safer for her once she gets that age.
I frankly admire this womans restraint. If someone had raped and killed my daughter, I would have killed them by now. I live for my daughter, she is all I have, if someone took her from me, what would I have to loose?
I'm tired of hearing about this girl. She's not the first person ever to go missing. Hell, she's not even the first to go missing there and in the same way she did. Her mother is a persistent bitch who is never going to find her daughter. Therefore, she needs to shut the **** up and stay off of T.V. If the girl hadn't been **** faced maybe this wouldn't have happened.

At first, it made since to get on T.V. and make it public. BUT, it was overtaking American television. The girl wasn't kidnapped in America. And honestly, what are the odds that an American that saw it on T.V. would go to Aruba and actually see her?

Therefore, her mother needs to give someone else a chance to put news about their kidnapped children on T.V. and shut the **** up.
cynthiaa89 said:
I'm tired of hearing about this girl. She's not the first person ever to go missing. Hell, she's not even the first to go missing there and in the same way she did. Her mother is a persistent bitch who is never going to find her daughter. Therefore, she needs to shut the **** up and stay off of T.V. If the girl hadn't been **** faced maybe this wouldn't have happened.

At first, it made since to get on T.V. and make it public. BUT, it was overtaking American television. The girl wasn't kidnapped in America. And honestly, what are the odds that an American that saw it on T.V. would go to Aruba and actually see her?

Therefore, her mother needs to give someone else a chance to put news about their kidnapped children on T.V. and shut the **** up.

Cynthia are you aware that the parties involved have admitted to drugging this girl? If she was at a reduced capacity mentally then its because she was drugged, not because she was drunk??

MAYBE she would not have dissappeared if the parents of the previous young people who had dissappeared from this place and places like them had been equally vocal...Call me when you have a daughter of your own and realize "there but the grace of god go I..."
cynthiaa89 said:
Maybe you're right, but maybe her mother should shut up and give these other people a chance to speak up for their children.

Dr Phil has been speaking with her and he has also been looking up these cases where other white women have gone missing under similar circumstances trying to shine a spotlight on the sex slavery trade.

These other people have tried to speak up but the laws in these countries don't care. I think the Holloway case has been so in the fore front is that her parents have money and they are able to get exposure that someone with less money would not.
I for one am thankful she is showing us what is a dangerous place to be.
People don't realize when their in foreign countries what the norm of behavior is there unless they do alot of research.

How many of us have traveled to a foreign country without checking the American Embassy travel warning list. I'll wager most people don't check it.
Did you know that in some less developed countries its not even posible to legally rape a woman?? Woman are worth so little the laws are not even made to address something like that or if they are there, they are not enforced??
Yeah no doubt, where is this PROOF of her being drugged ??

If they did confess to drugging her, surely they would still be held for her murder.
phreakwars said:
Yeah no doubt, where is this PROOF of her being drugged ??

If they did confess to drugging her, surely they would still be held for her murder.

The boys involved, don't remember their names have admitted to the authorities that they had the bartender put rohipnal in her drink. Its also known that this is a regular trick of that particular bar so no shock there.
The Aruban authorities have admitted this and released these guys anyway.
there is no proof because there is no body but you would think an admission from the guilty parties would be enough.
AND of course you understand that just because you drugged someone does not mean you murdered anyone...
All three guys have admitted to having sex with her after drugging her as well.
Evidently its come out that when a girl is invited to this particular bar this is what instore for her. There was another story of a girl who disappeared and has never been found who was invited to this same bar.
Every one of those three boys should have their balls cut off and then shot...but thats just my old fashioned Texas justice talking...
I saw in interview with the Mother of the brothers and it read like an admission of guilt, like she knew they had done something wrong but what can you do, boys will be boys...
Well first off:


2) You'd think she would learn NOT to leave her drink unattended in the case that she was drinking (WHICH SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE)

3) She was in a place she has never been to before...AND DRINKING! You would think that she would be cautious about guys there as well, but she was so busy worried about "fun" (like most teenage girls do) that she really didn't give a damn.

4) And why the hell was she alone? The buddy system works very well in unknown places, ESPECIALLY at a party or club.

But what can I say? Girls will be girls. (notice I said GIRLS and not WOMEN)

In conclusion, she was responsible for her own death just as much as the sick ****s that got her.
Outlaw2747 said:
Well first off:


2) You'd think she would learn NOT to leave her drink unattended in the case that she was drinking (WHICH SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE)

3) She was in a place she has never been to before...AND DRINKING! You would think that she would be cautious about guys there as well, but she was so busy worried about "fun" (like most teenage girls do) that she really didn't give a damn.

4) And why the hell was she alone? The buddy system works very well in unknown places, ESPECIALLY at a party or club.

But what can I say? Girls will be girls. (notice I said GIRLS and not WOMEN)

In conclusion, she was responsible for her own death just as much as the sick ****s that got her.

In Aruba she was 18 and of age to drink legally...

she didn't leave her drink unattended, it was brought to her that way from the bar...

There has never been anything said that she had not been to this place before on her trip to Aruba.

She had friends who had been in the bar with her but had left before she did.

Her only sin was being young and too trusting. Can any of us say we didn't do something that could have led to something like this at that age???

My trusting nature at that age got me raped...at least I didn't get killed as well. I was so young I couldn't conceive of someone who would do to me what he did, him being a pastor's son and all and actually working for the church...
Ohh my ****ing GOD !!!

Here it's been almost 3 ****ing months since I started this topic, and Jesus, they are STILL ****ing going on about it.

I was flipping through the channels tonight, and like an idiot, I tuned into Fox news and the Greta Van Sustren show... And Jesus, she was STILL ****ing ranting on about it...

I have a better idea for FOX, why don't they rename the show:

"The Beth Holloway Twitty Show" with your host Greta VanSustren

Jesus Greta, is your journalism career that pathetic that all you can do is interview this stupid bitch everyday, and then turn around and bitch about Aruba ??

And my wife wonders why I rarely watch T.V. anymore....:rolleyes:
Her journalism career is a sham.
This is why you have to remember to skip over Fox News. I usually prefer to read news on the net. Watching it on TV irritates me, too many dumb ass stories in between the ones that really matter.
angie said:
Her journalism career is a sham.
This is why you have to remember to skip over Fox News. I usually prefer to read news on the net. Watching it on TV irritates me, too many dumb ass stories in between the ones that really matter.

....And you can filter what you want to read about over the net, rather than watching what the networks want you to watch in the sequence they want you to watch them in.

Viva la WWW!
The dutch kid killed her
Could be, but only if the possible (attempted rape/gangbang whatever) meeting after they left have gone wrong or Natalee Holloway gone ill or died because of possible (rape?) drug overdose.

The black kids killed her
Mehhhhhh, what?

Only one of the black kids killed her
Blame Canada.

All 3 of them killed her
Could be.

She was probably raped
Very likely, most people come there 'to have a good time'. These days, that means : getting drugged, getting drunk & get ****ed. And some other small things to fill up your day.

She was probably drugged
By whom? Herself or the possible killers/rapers/kidnappers?

She is now a steaming pile of shark ****
Could be, not very likely, after 5 yrs of experience in diving in the Caribbean (Bonaire, sister island of Aruba) I can tell you that there arent many sharks in the Caribbean. At least not on the places I've dived.

She is probably buried somewhere
Anybody with any knowledge of getting rid of a body wouldnt pick that one since decomposion can take years up to hundreds of years until' there isnt a single trace of a body left. You take one trained Body dog, take it on a walk on Aruba and you have a large chance on finding the body.

She was sold into slavery somewhere in South America
Could be, not very likely. I know 1,000,000 prettier women who look better then her. I can't stand her ****ing face, she's ugly. Natalee holloway, that is.

I don't give a ****
Cool! Me neither.
They BURNED her in a big BON FIRE disguised as a PARTY !!! Yeah that's it, Phreak solved the case, someone get Greta on the horn, tell the Arubian cops, they need to look for ashes on the beach.... oops... guess the ashes would have been washed out with the tide.... surely by the hurricanes... ahh... oh well... back to watching Happy Tree Friends....:rolleyes:
Oh God... I did it again... I tuned into the Beth Holloway Twitty show, with your host Greta Van Sustren last night, and through the whole ****ing show, they were ranting on about serving the white kid and his dad with papers, making it sound like a ****ing mission impossible scenario... Greta was asking more stupid questions "So tell us... on which side of him were you facing when you served him ??" ...Uhmm.... who GIVES A **** !!:rolleyes:

So lets see here, they were charges FORCED by Skanks mom, and NOT A GOD DAMN ONE OF THEM has any damn fact to it at all... She is charging him by speculation alone... HOLY **** !!! How ****ing lame.... damn bitch...take some anti-depressants or something...

The charges will lead NOWHERE !!!!

All she has done here is slipped her crybaby ass back in the news for a few more seconds, and gave Greta something to report on.

I mean, if your basically going to charge the kid with RAPE when there is: NO BODY, NO WITNESSES, NO SEMEN, NO ADMITTANCE.... then why not go all the ****ing way and charge him with MURDER based on the same ****ing speculation ??

A ****ing NO BRAINER here !!

Evidently Beth's lawyers are lower then GF's !! I can't believe they actually had the nerve to even TRY charging him...

I think the state Beth lives in, should charge HER and HER HUSBAND with one of the same charges she is charging the white boy with "NEGLIGENCE".
phreakwars said:
Oh God... I did it again... I tuned into the Beth Holloway Twitty show, with your host Greta Van Sustren last night, and through the whole ****ing show, they were ranting on about serving the white kid and his dad with papers, making it sound like a ****ing mission impossible scenario... Greta was asking more stupid questions "So tell us... on which side of him were you facing when you served him ??" ...Uhmm.... who GIVES A **** !!:rolleyes:

So lets see here, they were charges FORCED by Skanks mom, and NOT A GOD DAMN ONE OF THEM has any damn fact to it at all... She is charging him by speculation alone... HOLY **** !!! How ****ing lame.... damn bitch...take some anti-depressants or something...

The charges will lead NOWHERE !!!!

All she has done here is slipped her crybaby ass back in the news for a few more seconds, and gave Greta something to report on.

I mean, if your basically going to charge the kid with RAPE when there is: NO BODY, NO WITNESSES, NO SEMEN, NO ADMITTANCE.... then why not go all the ****ing way and charge him with MURDER based on the same ****ing speculation ??

A ****ing NO BRAINER here !!

Evidently Beth's lawyers are lower then GF's !! I can't believe they actually had the nerve to even TRY charging him...

I think the state Beth lives in, should charge HER and HER HUSBAND with one of the same charges she is charging the white boy with "NEGLIGENCE".

So these papers that were served, they were civil papers correct? I read a little about this but I was'nt completely sure about that when I was done. If so then this is not so different then what was done with the OJ trial. They lost in the criminal action so they served the civil papers, because the laws of evidence are more lax in civil court, they won and OJ was found civilly responsible and he had to pay a HUGE amount of money. I imagine this is what will happen in this case as well.

What I don't understand is the article I read said they were served papers in New York while on a visit there. How does this work, the alleged crime occurred in Aruba, the people served papers live in Aruba, why wasn't the case based there and the papers served there?