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Thanks I think I can fit in in time maybe?

Yea bar fights were a rush! Nothing more exciting than to be first on the scene. Usually the bouncers, SF A team knuckle dragging types sent them out the door horizontally about chest high skidding across the parking lot to be collected and then there were the times the two A team guys need a little help. Isn
tizz said:
as good as can be expected.... Actually I am a pretty good egg I wuld say. Just don't REALLY piss me off and for gods sake don't ever tell me you are John coates or Ahmed Bahget!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

how bout DirtyAngel :cool:
OH please he is so low and such an asshole that to mention that nick will bring bad fortune and all. BTW this is the little hack boy I bitched about a while back. He hacks accounts in various forums, attempts to hack computers, commites slander on legit businesses and will try to sign up your site as kiddie porn if he gets hold of an email. If you want a list of about fifty IP's he uses let me know. THis site has been linked on his favorite haunting ground, that great pile of love and peace that is

Go and meet everyones favorite child hacker DirtyAngel but be warned NEVER go to his site in his sig or he will have your IP and try to abuse it and if you do dare go NEVER use the same nick or password that you use anywhere else, that is how he hackes personal accounts. OH and if he gets your email he will sign you up at porn sites and worse!!!!

Lovely guy huh
i found this site accidentally, but i gotta say, i like it, excellent idea for a site, i plan on debating and generally venting often here :D
Well, you better come in with a bad attitude and a sincere level of debate intelligence, or we will crush you like a piss ant, and proclaim you an IDIOT !!

As a matter of fact, till you prove your worth, you will now be known as a rookie, and an "idiot". At least till you qualify for an avatar or 48 hours, whichever comes first.

Enjoy your new status bitch....

Oh, and welcome to GF.
Well since it told me to, Im new here, but not to forums in general. So hello, Im Gaara. Thats all you really need to know.
A Canadian Ehh !!!

Welcome, hope you have half a ****ing brain.

No, I say your an IDIOT ...

Prove us all wrong, you will now be an idiot for 48 hours


YOUR ABILITY TO USE THE SHOUT BOX AS WELL AS THE ABILITY TO START A POST have been disabled, you can still respond to posts, we will grade you.

Welcome again to GF pissant.
Sighs We all have a brain, some of us just lack knowledge or don't go to any great lengths to exercise it.
Gaara said:
Sighs We all have a brain, some of us just lack knowledge or don't go to any great lengths to exercise it.

So far, I have seen in your posts you try to use yours, keep it up bitch, I might give you an early parole.
ladyspiritguide said:
:D hello....

found this board through another site. Looks good & I going to be checking out the posts, and reading replies
So... What did you publish? Have you been to the far east? And, is the weather exeptionally hot this spring in FL as it is in PR? Big winds coming...your thoughts?
ladyspiritguide said:
:D hello....

found this board through another site. Looks good & I going to be checking out the posts, and reading replies

44 years old, I trust you have some intelligence with that age, ya old hag.
Hi all,

My name is Pete and I'm 14 years old today (well technically yesterday).

Now, before I get completely shut down because of my age I urge you to give me a chance because every other message board has given me a chance and said that I am very mature for my age. Anyway, I'm interested in politics and like studying America's past politics. I would say I'm a pretty smart kid, but I do shitty in school because I don't care about it.

So yeah, that's pretty much it. I hope I enjoy my stay here and it looks like an interesting place with this age span.