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aurorasky21 said:
well I have never actively participated in any forum but I have Had A BAD FREAKING week and am looking forward to airing my issues!!!! Anyways I am Female and definitely over 21. I hate back stabbing people and idiots. I do love to argue. Looking forward to meeting some new friends or enemies !

You are not going to like Lethal.
CreamyCheerleaderSoup said:
Hello's all around!

I am most definitely not going to disappear soon, so get used to me!:)

I just dumped another forum I've been at since September because all the interesting people left, and I'm fed up of housewife talk and sticky, cliqu-ey phoney lovefests. (Nothing against lovefests, though)
I'm originally from New York, live in Vienna, Austria and work as a professional painter. That means yes, I sell my work. :rolleyes: My work is not the center of my life, though!
I'm 26, kind of married, have a wonderful 4 1/2 year old son.....
I'm chronically depressive, but you probably wouldn't notice it because I'm the "laughing depressive" type. I'm on meds and they make me very, very hyper sometimes. SO DON'T WONDER!:D

Any questions? Anybody want to interview me?

Your kind of married??? Is that like being sort of pregnant???

AND please, this place is not a therapy session, we don't care that you take psych meds...don't use it for street cred, I personally hate that and will torment you endlessly if you do.
No, hon, not "street cred"- as an explanation to why I'm sometimes very hyper. My character has often been misunderstood online, and I'd like to explain WHY I sometimes am the way I am.

Read and understand before making judgements!
And speak for yourself, don't give me that "WE" crap.

Thanks for the welcome!
Stick around and see if it helps you to go on about your mental state...and meds...

AND still no explanation about the sort of married thing...sounds like you have been living with someone, had a child but can't talk him into marrying you but you convince yourself its sort of like being married.

Lethalfind said:
Stick around and see if it helps you to go on about your mental state...and meds...

AND still no explanation about the sort of married thing...sounds like you have been living with someone, had a child but can't talk him into marrying you but you convince yourself its sort of like being married.


Not at ALL close.

DH broke his vows of forsaking all others, I flushed my ring down the toilet, and we're trying to work it out.

'Kay, ****sure?
CreamyCheerleaderSoup said:
Read and understand before making judgements!
And speak for yourself, don't give me that "WE" crap.

Yeah Lethalfind! Because I care that she is on meds! so there!

oh wait....

upon further review- nope, I don't give a ****.
CreamyCheerleaderSoup said:
Not at ALL close.

DH broke his vows of forsaking all others, I flushed my ring down the toilet, and we're trying to work it out.

'Kay, ****sure?
Who is DH, is that short for Dickhead? LOL. Anyways welcome CCS :)
eddo said:
Yeah Lethalfind! Because I care that she is on meds! so there!

oh wait....

upon further review- nope, I don't give a ****.

Poop. I hate this having to spread rep around bull ****!

However, upon my very first review of the newbie's comments, I immediately realized I didn't give a **** either.
CreamyCheerleaderSoup said:
Wow, I thought flaming and frustrations were supposed to be confined to the other forums!

Nice bunch here! :eek:

Don't take it personal Creamy. They'll trash thier own mothers if they got on here.
snafu said:
Don't take it personal Creamy. They'll trash thier own mothers if they got on here.

That's sad. Here I was thinking maybe I'd found a new forum I'd fit into, but I'm starting to get serious doubts....I just wasn't in that group in high school who always got beat up.

Oh well!:p
So I take it the 'we' I used was not so wrong after all...

I do have to say however that if your spouse has been cheating on you, its completely understandable that you would be upset...That totally sucks.
Lethalfind said:
So I take it the 'we' I used was not so wrong after all...

Nah, that was just the unoriginal's religion of sheepism rearing it's ugly head.

I do have to say however that if your spouse has been cheating on you, its completely understandable that you would be upset...That totally sucks.

Been through worse. But what the hell.
CreamyCheerleaderSoup said:
Wow, I thought flaming and frustrations were supposed to be confined to the other forums!

Nice bunch here! :eek:

Hello. Welcome. Okay, pleasantries over.

This is not the forum for the thin skinned or weak of constitution. Most everybody here has STRONG opinions about a variety of issues and topics and we respect those who earn their battle scars with their own well defended points of view and we use the weak and frail as our chewtoys of the moment. You need to decide which one you are!

You made the mistake of exposing your weakness from the get go instead of just jumping in and writing some worthy words. Don't defend or try to explain away your idiosyncrasies, just work around them.

Try again before you get eaten alive.

Oh and I too couldn't care less what meds you take. All I care about is do you have a functioning brain and can you make a coherent thought, defend your position forthright, and perhaps persuade others to join you in your line of thinking.

Time will tell. Come on, impress me. :cool:


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I don't consider anything I revealed of myself to be a "weakness"- and that's part of my strength. If it confuses or irritates some people, then tough turd. I like to be honest about my character, but I guess damned if you do, damned if you don't, damned at all here. Which gets me on the subject of what I've read in this thread. There seems to be a uniform style of one-lining, flaming "welcoming" here, for the most part. What gives with that? And c'mon, don't give me I made myself vulnerable. I actually don't give a ****- I can give better than I get, but it would be more honest to say "Yeah, we rip new assholes into every newbie."