"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 21:16:14 +0800, Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "Reality" your god? You better retract that, or atheist central is
>> going
>> to yank your number.

> Oh shut up Frank.
> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion

Don't want us to rat on you and cause your precious atheist number to be
yanked, do you? "Shut up" indeed!!!!!

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"bob young" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "Sippuuden" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> > What does any of this have to do with the evidence of God you were
>> > going
>> > to produce to show that your statement, "Evidence does not work on
>> > atheists' is correct?
>> > Aren't you just trying to change the subject, trying to create a
>> > diversion
>> > away from your inability to produce such evidence?

>> No matter what proof anyone presents atheists will always reject it,

> Try one - I challenge you
>> for
>> to reject is the prime directive of their belief or disbelief system. Our
>> Christian "God is love" (1 John 4 ,16) become fully manifested in Jesus
>> Christ shedding His precious and innocent blood for us sinners on the
>> cross
>> of Calvary.
>> Therefore we know our God and have seen Him in Jesus Christ. Only
>> atheists would insist that such self-sacrificing love does not exist in
>> reality. And perhaps in their "reality" it does indeed not exist.

I just presented the proof of the existence of love, the same love Jesus
our God incarnate proved to exist when He shed His innocent blood for us
sinners on the cross of Calvary, ...and you couldn't see it. Atheism makes
people blind, don't it?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"ZenIsWhen" <> wrote in message
> Reality is reality, not a "god". You forgot to finish your sentence with:
> "...not a god" of MY definition. But don't we all know, except atheists of
> course, that there are existing gods aplenty, for anything or anyone can
> serve as someone's god. Even you apparently admit having god(s).

Posted via a free Usenet account from
Paul Ransom Erickson wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:26:05 -0400, stumper <>
> wrote:
>> Paul Ransom Erickson wrote:
>>> stumper <> wrote:
>>>> It's not easy to prove that something does not exist.
>>>> It would be a lot easier to show that
>>>> you can be kinder and gentler without relying on it.
>>> Who is trying to prove that something doesn't exist? Not me.
>>> I don't even think it can be done for "god", unless the definition of
>>> some partucular god is self-contradictory.
>>> I think that you have a lot of assumptions hidden behind your zennish
>>> prose. Go honk at yourself.

>> Wonderful.
>> Care to help me pin down those assumptions?

> Ok, and do the same for me.
> Here is one that I think I see:
> It looks like you think the atheists you are talking to are all
> interested in disproving the existence of a character that other
> people believe in. You might not have picked up on it yet, but in
> alt.atheism "atheism" usually means "someone who does not have a
> belief in what are called gods".
> Yes, it is a vexed description because the word "god" is vexed. But
> at least it does not mean that to be an atheist is to be focused on
> the nonexistence of some such entity -- or on the attempt to prove
> that it does not exist.
> It is true that there are some here who do focus on just that, but
> that depends on the individual. The self-appelation "atheist" does
> not tell you enough about a person to lecture them about, eg,
> "atheism" being a Christian theology, etc.

I don't think some so-called atheists here
even know what they are doing.
They are just hate-filled morons.

I think it would be better to be "anti blind faith"
than identifying yourself with reference to theism.
It's like telling Americans that you are "un-American."
Almost a fighting word.

Most people here have some interest in faith.
If you cannot talk about faith
without resorting to abusive language,
you probably don't belong to this forum.

Do you have faith in reason?

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 12:21:41 -0400, stumper wrote:

> Paul Ransom Erickson wrote:
>> On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:26:05 -0400, stumper <>
>> wrote:
>>> Paul Ransom Erickson wrote:
>>>> stumper <> wrote:
>>>>> It's not easy to prove that something does not exist.
>>>>> It would be a lot easier to show that
>>>>> you can be kinder and gentler without relying on it.
>>>> Who is trying to prove that something doesn't exist? Not me.
>>>> I don't even think it can be done for "god", unless the definition of
>>>> some partucular god is self-contradictory.
>>>> I think that you have a lot of assumptions hidden behind your zennish
>>>> prose. Go honk at yourself.
>>> Wonderful.
>>> Care to help me pin down those assumptions?

>> Ok, and do the same for me.
>> Here is one that I think I see:
>> It looks like you think the atheists you are talking to are all
>> interested in disproving the existence of a character that other
>> people believe in. You might not have picked up on it yet, but in
>> alt.atheism "atheism" usually means "someone who does not have a
>> belief in what are called gods".
>> Yes, it is a vexed description because the word "god" is vexed. But
>> at least it does not mean that to be an atheist is to be focused on
>> the nonexistence of some such entity -- or on the attempt to prove
>> that it does not exist.
>> It is true that there are some here who do focus on just that, but
>> that depends on the individual. The self-appelation "atheist" does
>> not tell you enough about a person to lecture them about, eg,
>> "atheism" being a Christian theology, etc.

> I don't think some so-called atheists here

You don't get to define us.

> even know what they are doing.
> They are just hate-filled morons.

Stop looking in the mirror when you post.

> I think it would be better to be "anti blind faith"
> than identifying yourself with reference to theism.
> It's like telling Americans that you are "un-American."
> Almost a fighting word.
> Most people here have some interest in faith.

Where's here? Who appointed you spokesmoron for any of the newsgroups in
the headers?

> If you cannot talk about faith
> without resorting to abusive language,
> you probably don't belong to this forum.

Oh **** off.

(Ooo, abusive language, I'm so naughty!)

> Do you have faith in reason?

As if you'd recognize reason if someone beat you about the head and
shoulders with it.

Hey, I notice your incursions in other ngs result in pretty much the same
reception as you got here in a.a. So much for your "I'm their god now"

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing
it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
- H. L. Mencken
Pastor Frank wrote:
> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> news:pan.2007.
>> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 21:16:14 +0800, Pastor Frank wrote:
>>> "Reality" your god? You better retract that, or atheist central is
>>> going
>>> to yank your number.

>> Oh shut up Frank.
>> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
>> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion

> Don't want us to rat on you and cause your precious atheist number to be
> yanked, do you? "Shut up" indeed!!!!!

Most of the atheist hate messages in this forum
are generated by the following four posters.

Mark K. Bilbo
Michael Gray
The Chief Instigator

If you simply filter them out,
you will see a much more peaceful place.
Try it, please.

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 17:10:09 +0800, Pastor Frank wrote:

> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> news:pan.2007.
>> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 21:16:14 +0800, Pastor Frank wrote:
>>> "Reality" your god? You better retract that, or atheist central is
>>> going
>>> to yank your number.

>> Oh shut up Frank.
>> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
>> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion

> Don't want us to rat on you and cause your precious atheist number to be
> yanked, do you? "Shut up" indeed!!!!!

Flake, you are such an idiot. Why on earth would Mickey delist me? Do
explain that one.

(I could use the laugh)

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing
it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
- H. L. Mencken
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 15:00:05 -0400, stumper wrote:

> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>> news:pan.2007.
>>> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 21:16:14 +0800, Pastor Frank wrote:
>>>> "Reality" your god? You better retract that, or atheist central is
>>>> going
>>>> to yank your number.
>>> Oh shut up Frank.
>>> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
>>> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion

>> Don't want us to rat on you and cause your precious atheist number to be
>> yanked, do you? "Shut up" indeed!!!!!

> Most of the atheist hate messages in this forum
> are generated by the following four posters.
> Mark K. Bilbo
> tirebiter
> Michael Gray
> The Chief Instigator
> If you simply filter them out,
> you will see a much more peaceful place.
> Try it, please.


Okay so that's the third known Net kook you've sided with.

(The company you keep)

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing
it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
- H. L. Mencken
"Elroy Willis" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
>> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message
>>> Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
>>>> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message
>>>>> rbwinn <> wrote in alt.atheism

>>>>>> You don't have to figure it out. The example of how to pray was
>>>>>> given
>>>>>> by Jesus Christ. It starts, Our Father Which art in Heaven.

>>>>> Where's heaven? Outer space?

>>>> Why would you ask such a dumb question for which the answer is right
>>>> there in the NT Bible? See below. "outer space" indeed. that only goes
>>>> to
>>>> confirm that the god of atheist definition is some comic book
>>>> character,
>>>> a la Galacticus the devourer of worlds, or Odin of Valhalla, all of
>>>> which
>>>> OBVIOUSLY don't exist.

>>>> Jesus in Lk 17:20-21: And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when
>>>> the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said: "The kingdom
>>>> of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here!
>>>> or, lo
>>>> there! For, behold, the kingdom of GOD IS WITHIN YOU."

>>> The Bible says Jesus ascended up into heaven, not inside people's
>>> bodies. He's supposed to be sitting at the right hand of his father
>>> up in heaven, on a throne. For every verse you come up with which
>>> says heaven is inside people's bodies, I can come up with one which
>>> says it's up in the sky, among the stars.

>> Jesus resurrected in everyone's heart and mind, only atheists make an
>> effort to ignore Him. Therefore the entire process takes place within
>> you,
>> and not up thar in the sky.

> I thought the Bible says he resurrected as a real person and walked
> around town to show people he wasn't really dead.

What kind of God incarnate would Jesus be if He couldn't do both,
resurrect physically as a "real person", as well as spiritually in every
heart and mind?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
>>>> "Reality" your god? You better retract that, or atheist central is
>>>> going
>>>> to yank your number.
>>> Oh shut up Frank.
>>> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423 <== This number has been revoked, and is no longer in service!
>>> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion

Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Pastor Frank wrote:
> "Elroy Willis" <> wrote in message
> > Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
> >> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message
> >>> Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
> >>>> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message
> >>>>> rbwinn <> wrote in alt.atheism

> >
> >>>>>> You don't have to figure it out. The example of how to pray was
> >>>>>> given
> >>>>>> by Jesus Christ. It starts, Our Father Which art in Heaven.

> >
> >>>>> Where's heaven? Outer space?

> >
> >>>> Why would you ask such a dumb question for which the answer is right
> >>>> there in the NT Bible? See below. "outer space" indeed. that only goes
> >>>> to
> >>>> confirm that the god of atheist definition is some comic book
> >>>> character,
> >>>> a la Galacticus the devourer of worlds, or Odin of Valhalla, all of
> >>>> which
> >>>> OBVIOUSLY don't exist.

> >
> >>>> Jesus in Lk 17:20-21: And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when
> >>>> the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said: "The kingdom
> >>>> of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here!
> >>>> or, lo
> >>>> there! For, behold, the kingdom of GOD IS WITHIN YOU."

> >
> >>> The Bible says Jesus ascended up into heaven, not inside people's
> >>> bodies. He's supposed to be sitting at the right hand of his father
> >>> up in heaven, on a throne. For every verse you come up with which
> >>> says heaven is inside people's bodies, I can come up with one which
> >>> says it's up in the sky, among the stars.

> >
> >> Jesus resurrected in everyone's heart and mind, only atheists make an
> >> effort to ignore Him. Therefore the entire process takes place within
> >> you,
> >> and not up thar in the sky.

> >
> > I thought the Bible says he resurrected as a real person and walked
> > around town to show people he wasn't really dead.
> >

> What kind of God incarnate would Jesus be if He couldn't do both,
> resurrect physically as a "real person", as well as spiritually in every
> heart and mind?

Good question; how about "an imaginary god"?
"Elroy Willis" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
>> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message
>>> rbwinn <> wrote in alt.atheism
>>>> Elroy Willis <> wrote:
>>>>> rbwinn <> wrote in alt.atheism
>>>>>> Elroy Willis <> wrote:

>>>>>>> Jesus is gonna kill people?

>>>>>> Malachi 4:1 or, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven:
>>>>>> and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble,
>>>>>> and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts,
>>>>>> that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

>>>>> So Jesus is gonna burn up all the bad people?

>> Burning up like that will suit your just fine.

> So it's true, Jesus does burn people. Who restores their flesh so it
> can burn again? Jesus? Or is that Satan's job while Jesus watches?

Ask Him!!! Jesus resurrected in all our hearts and minds, it's just that
atheists make point of ignoring Him.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Elroy Willis" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
>> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message

>>> Jesus is gonna be like those who kept the ovens at the Nazi
>>> concentration camps burning. Quite a nice loving god he's got there,
>>> don't you think?

>> God does His loving through loving and caring people.

> Like through priests who love little choir boys?

Typical atheist again, to confuse love with lust. But then to think, if
not also talk like that is atheist doctrine, isn't it?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
Pastor Frank <> wrote:

> >> No matter what proof anyone presents atheists will always reject it,

> >
> > Try one - I challenge you
> >
> >> for
> >> to reject is the prime directive of their belief or disbelief system. Our
> >> Christian "God is love" (1 John 4 ,16) become fully manifested in Jesus
> >> Christ shedding His precious and innocent blood for us sinners on the
> >> cross
> >> of Calvary.
> >> Therefore we know our God and have seen Him in Jesus Christ. Only
> >> atheists would insist that such self-sacrificing love does not exist in
> >> reality. And perhaps in their "reality" it does indeed not exist.
> >>

> I just presented the proof

You did no such thing, you ****ing idiot...

> Atheism makes people blind, don't it?

No, it don't [sic]. Just because someone has the effrontery to point out
the emptiness of your argument, that doesn't make them blind. Such
emptiness can be clearly seen.
Pastor Frank <> wrote:

> What kind of God incarnate would Jesus be if He couldn't do both,
> resurrect physically as a "real person", as well as spiritually in every
> heart and mind?

I don't know... Maybe like the X-Men? I mean, Jean Grey was resurrected
as a "real person" in X-Men: The Last Stand. Does that count? What would
happen if Jean Grey and Jesus squared off after their resurrections?
Would Famke Janssen kick Jesus' ass?

Please enlighten us with your knowledge of all things supernatural...
"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:56:40 +0800, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> <45fcb9c5$0$16292$>:
>>"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:20:48 +0800, in alt.atheism
>>> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
>>> <45fb10d5$0$16367$>:
>>>>> We have no idea if any of the claims made in the gospels are true.
>>>>> We have no idea what Jesus actually said.
>>>>> We have no idea whether Jesus had anything to do with any god or not.
>>>>> We have no idea whether you have interpreted what is written
>>>>> correctly.
>>>> Is that what you are going to use to justify your disbelief? I.e. "I
>>>> had
>>>>no idea" that almighty God exists, and actually is going to judge us
>>> I don't have to justify my 'disbelief'. The mere fact that you cannot
>>> justify your beliefs is sufficient for me not to accept your claims
>>> about gods or religion.

>> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) as demonstrated by Jesus
>>Christ on the cross of Calvary. So our God is fairly easy to "justify",
>>unless you have no idea what love is beyond some funny feelings in your

> You've demonstrated a complete unwillingness to listen and an unfettered
> willingness to lie and misrepresent what is going on, but let me try
> once more to help you understand why you are lying about everything
> here, including Christianity.
> Love is a supposed attribute of the particular God you worship. There is
> no evidence at all that any gods exist or that any of the asserted
> attributes are true. There is no evidence that the stories of the
> Gospels are true. Christians accept all of this by faith, not because
> they have evidence. Those who claim to have evidence are repeating
> falsehoods. Some, like you, already know that the claim that there is
> evidence is false. When you claim that there is evidence, but know there
> is none, you are lying.

Without all those faults you would immediately become a devout and
enthusiastic Christian? Tell us more!!!

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On 18 Mar 2007 08:56:07 -0700, in alt.atheism
> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> <>:
>>On Mar 18, 8:29?am, (Scott Richter) wrote:
>>> Pastor Frank <> wrote:

>>> > >> We have nothing to talk about. use words with their actual
>>> > >> meanings, not with meanings given to them by atheists.
>>> > > The word "fetus" is a precise, specific term--unlike the many
>>> > > nonsense
>>> > > religious terms created solely to inflame emotions over the abortion
>>> > > issue.
>>> > >> The fact that atheists can say that unborn children are not human
>>> > >> beings
>>> > >> means nothing to me.
>>> > > Actually, the law says that "unborn children" (there's one of those
>>> > > nonsense terms) are not human beings.
>>> > "not human beings" like Jews were in Germany perhaps, or Negros were
>>> > in
>>> > the USA?
>>> No, "not human beings" like not having a birth date...- Hide quoted
>>> text -

>>The term "human being" has nothing to do with time. All it means is
>>that the individual is human and exists. With regard to the term
>>child, I use it the same way it was used in the Bible. Luke 2:5 To
>>be taxed with Mary his espoused wife being great with child.
>>As you can see from this verse of the Bible, Jesus Christ was a child
>>while he was still in his mother's womb.

> The law has never treated fetuses as if they were children. Get over it.

Now that's a lie!!! Until abortion was declared legal, ALL humans were
protected by law, and a human "foetus" is undeniably human. You are just
conveniently discriminating against the most vulnerable of our society.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
Pastor Frank wrote:
> "Elroy Willis" <> wrote in message
> > Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism
> >> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message

> >
> >>> Jesus is gonna be like those who kept the ovens at the Nazi
> >>> concentration camps burning. Quite a nice loving god he's got there,
> >>> don't you think?

> >
> >> God does His loving through loving and caring people.

> >
> > Like through priests who love little choir boys?
> >

> Typical atheist again, to confuse love with lust. But then to think, if
> not also talk like that is atheist doctrine, isn't it?

Why, no, in fact it isn't. You're lying again. Is lying an
expression of love?
rbwinn <> wrote:

> Good thing there is a God to set you people straight then.

"You people"?

We po' atheists surely do appreciate your wisdom, massah! You be tellin'
us that we don't know which way is straight, so that must be da truth!
Without your helps, I don't know what we all would do! We be mighty
thankful for that, sah!
Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism

> Elroy Willis <> wrote in message
>> Pastor Frank <> wrote in alt.atheism

>>> Jesus resurrected in everyone's heart and mind, only atheists make an
>>> effort to ignore Him. Therefore the entire process takes place within
>>> you, and not up thar in the sky.

>> I thought the Bible says he resurrected as a real person and walked
>> around town to show people he wasn't really dead.

> What kind of God incarnate would Jesus be if He couldn't do both,
> resurrect physically as a "real person", as well as spiritually in every
> heart and mind?

I guess you can just make up whatever you want, since the sky's the
limit, eh?

Elroy Willis

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