On Mar 4, 12:27 pm, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> "JessHC" <> wrote in message
> > H. Wm. Esque wrote:

> > > No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
> > > is proof? I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> > > claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> > > responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

> > No, it's more a statement about the absolute dearth of actual,
> > legitimate, objective, verifiable evidence for any deities ever in the
> > universe.

> There is no proof. Absolute certainty is not available where the
> Deity is concerned.

How bout just enough evidence to tip the scales, then, Esquire, like
maybe some manna from heaven, or a few pigs possessed by demons, a
stinking corpse brought back to life, or a stick turned into a cobra.

No seven-headed great whore necessary. Matter of fact you can just
skip over the hallucination of the last booklet.

> People of faith accept the Existence of God as a matter of faith,

Or superstition, or hysterical longing not to die into oblivion.

> and not because of hard empirical evidence. If this is what is
> demanded by you, then you are demanding this of God because
> he has not provided it.

But he did provide it, in ancient days, and should provide it
nowadays. Otherwise, we're going to think that in those days somebody
was transcribing a host of lies.

> If you have some, please feel free to present it; many of> us atheists have politely asked for such evidence literally for years
> > if not entire lifetimes, and so far have been perpetually sorely
> > disappointed.

> You want absolute certainty, a guarantee, but you have no
> certainty in anything: your job, your mate, your future or
> a long happy life. But you demand more from God. Why?
> I find this surprising.

Absolute scientific certainty is not necessary. How about some
witnesses from the other side.

Or even some identifiable sign of the devil, against whom so many
bibles have been issue. That would be helpful.
> Be aware, though, that the standards of evidence for> such supernatural claims is pretty high; statements like "I don't
> > understand something, therefore god must have done it" or "I get a
> > warm fuzzy feeling when I pray" won't cut it.

> I can understand you want a idyllic existence where there is
> only perfect knowledge, proof of everything even direct
> empirical the existence of God, but it does not exist
> so you will not find it.
> Billy

What a copout, Billy. You have swallered so many lies even you
believe them and try, though pathetically, to propagate them.

BTW, tonight this Cameron chap is going to present his evidence at 9
p. m. on the Discovery Channel. Those ancient crypts near Jerusalem,
"Michael Gray" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:39:18 GMT, "Semper Lib
"rbwinn" <> wrote in message
On Feb 28, 9:57?pm, "Semper Lib?r" <>
> "thomas p." <> wrote in message
> On 25 Feb., 03:12, "Semper Libr" <>
> wrote:
> > "jl" <> wrote in message

> >
> > On Feb 21, 1:34 am, "Semper Lib r" <>
> > wrote:

> > > "thomas p." <> wrote in message

> > >
> > > On 16 Feb., 00:29, "Semper Libr" <>
> > > wrote:

> > > > "thomas p." <> wrote in message

> > > >
> > > > On 13 Feb., 23:16, "Semper Liber" <>
> > > > wrote:

> > > > > In any event, you didn't answer the question.
> > > > >Yes he did.

> > > > Sorry, no, he didn't. Perhaps you didn't understand the question?-
> > > >If the question was "Would you lay down your life for a myth?", it

> > > >silly. People who die for a belief (see the above) do not think it is
> > > >a myth. ?No, I would not die for a myth, but that does not support
> > > >your argument in the least. People die for myths all the time, but
> > > >they believe them.

> > > No, the question was whether resurrection was evidence of god. He

> > > answered that, and it would be interesting to know what he would

> consider
> > > evidence - a house call perhaps?
> > >That would be helpful, but a spectacular sight like all those 6-winged
> > >seraphims and God all high and lifted up and seated on his throne by
> > >an altar with red-hot coals would be better. (See Isaiah, ch. 6 for
> > >details.)

> > That will be seen by everyone eventually, at the great white throne
> > judgement (See Rev.20 -11 for details). In the meantime, what about a
> > universe of billions of galaxies that produces life through the laws

> > governs it?-
> >First the question of the resurrection, there is no evidence it
> >happened.

> Eyewitnesses are considered evidence in every court.
> > The existence of the universe is evidence that the universe
> >exists; the only laws that we know of concerning the universe are made
> >by man and are descriptive.

> Total rubbish. If the universe wasn't governed by verifiable universal

> we wouldn't be discussing it. In fact the universe is governed by several
> constant laws that if any were to be changed, the universe and life would
> cease to be.
> One of the fundamental questions that has faced scientists is not just
> whether there is any life out there, but why does life exist in the first
> place? More to the point, why are the physics of the universe such that

> favour the creation of life?
> The idea behind the anthropic principle is that the basic constants that
> govern the universe were set so that life would be possible. If the values
> of these constants were just a fraction out, then it would not be possible
> for life to exist.
> An easy way to demonstrate this is to pretend you are responsible for
> creating a new universe which will be able to sustain life. The first

> you have to do is to decide on the strength of the explosion of the Big

> that begins the universe.
> You might think that you could have a slightly less powerful Big Bang than
> we did. If you did this, then the contents of the universe wouldn't be
> thrown out as fast or far enough, and before long they would slow down and
> stop expanding, and then start contracting into a Big Crunch, ending the
> universe. The time in between Big Bang and Big Crunch would be too short

> life to exist.
> So you start off with a more powerful Big Bang than we had. The contents

> the universe fly out with incredible speed, and never slow down enough to
> start contracting again. In fact, they keep on expanding forever, so much
> that the matter in the universe doesn't have a chance to accrete and clump
> together to form stars.
> This means that you're stuck with a Big Bang essentially identical to the
> one we had. Since you don't get to play around with the Big Bang, you

> to move onto gravity. Perhaps you think that life would be much more
> comfortable with less gravity so it wouldn't be as tiring to walk or run,

> you tone down the gravity a little.
> Unfortunately, this means that when the hydrogen left over from the Big

> is lying around, when it began to clump up together to form stars, the
> gravity isn't strong enough to pull in a large amount of material. As a
> result, the only stars that form are red giants, which are very small and
> comparatively cold. The atoms in the core of the star aren't under
> sufficient pressure to undergo fusion and produce the heavier atoms that

> required for life. The stars never explode (undergo supernovae) and even

> there were any heavy atoms in their cores, they would never get outside

> star.
> Shrugging your shoulders, you put the gravity above normal - it might mean
> that it's harder to get out of bed in the mornings, but it's for their own
> good. Yet again, though, greater gravity is not conducive to life. True,
> stars would form quicker since the strong gravity causes the hydrogen

> to clump together very fast. But this strong gravity would also result in
> the stars literally burning out far too quickly as they collapse in under
> their own weight. The stars wouldn't last long enough to warm the planets
> that form around them.
> So far, you can't alter the power of the Big Bang, or the gravity in the
> universe. What else is there to alter, then?
> Well, there's the strong nuclear force, the force that binds protons and
> neutrons together in the nuclei of atoms - you could change the value of
> that. But you'd better not change it too much - if you increase it by just
> 13% of its value in our universe, you'd get atoms that were just made of

> protons and no neutrons forming. These would quickly decay into atoms made
> of just two neutrons, leaving no hydrogen, no water and no hydrocarbons in
> the universe. Which means no life.
> Starting to get the idea?

>These equations prove that there was no Big Bang.

w= velocity of light
gamma = 1/sqrt (1-v^2/w^2)

> w= x/t = x'/t' = (x-vt)gamma/(t-vx/w^2)gamma =(x-vt) / (t-vt/

>There is no distance contraction.
>Robert B. Winn

This wasn't intended as a defence of the "Big Bang", however..... The issue
here is intelligent design of the universe. The fact we can use math to
understand the universe shows the law is consistent and orderly, so thanks
for that.
On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 10:56:59 -0500, "H. Wm. Esque"
<> wrote:
- Refer: <e%BGh.3715$>
>"Michael Gray" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 02:05:25 -0500, "H. Wm. Esque"
>> <> wrote:
>> - Refer: <08uGh.2340$>
>> >
>> >"Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> rbwinn <> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
>> >is proof? I would contend there is no way to prove such a
>> >claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
>> >responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

>> Most sane thinking adults would take it as rhetoric.
>> I.e.: A "Put up or shut up" challenge.
>> Those who demand "evidence" of the non-existence of impossible
>> infantile fantasies are most likely not in the categories of sane,
>> thinking, or adult.

>This is a very ambiguous statement.

No it wasn't.

>Are you implying that those
>who demand "....." are sane? Or is is that you are defining God?

What? Who is being unclear now?
I cannot make head nor tail of what you are asking.
"defining God"?? What the ****?
That is a warning to the kiddies out there in usenet land: don't touch
the sacramental wine before noon.

I shall rephrase it for the English comprehension challenged:

Those who say "Prove that an impossible object does not exist", are

Is that clear enough for you?

On Mar 4, 11:21 am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> "JessHC" <> wrote in message
> > rbwinn wrote:
> > > On Mar 4, 12:05?am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> > > > "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message

> > > >

> > > > > rbwinn <> wrote:

> > > > No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
> > > > is ?proof? ?I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> > > > claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> > > > responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

> > > > > > > > > > Well, you are an apostate Christian. ?That means you are

> more
> > > > > > > > > > dishonest than a person who was raised atheist.
> > > > > > > > > > Robert B. Winn

> > > > > > > > > On the contrary, my dear Winnie, the ex-Christian has turned

> away
> > > > from
> > > > > > > > > dishonesty and embraced truth. ?He is to be more admired and
> > > > esteemed
> > > > > > > > > for having grappled himself up out of the stifling

> quicksands of
> > > > > > > > > religion and walked in the verdant and enlightened fields of
> > > > atheism.

> > > > > > > > Well, if you atheists are so happy, why can't you stay away

> from
> > > > > > > > trying to discredit religion?

> > > > > > > Because our world is under assault by religious groups who

> invoke
> > > > their
> > > > > > > superstitions to control what others think and do. Did you miss

> 9/11?
> > > > > > > Have you not listened to Pat Robertson and other power mad
> > > > evangelicals?
> > > > > > > Have you not watched the creationists trying to take America

> back to
> > > > the
> > > > > > > Dark Ages? Have you not heard the suicide bombers screaming "God

> is
> > > > > > > great"?

> > > > > > > It is increasingly clear that religion is a plague on

> civilization, so
> > > > > > > why would we "stay away" from such an important issue?

> > > > > > I see. ?Well, we Christians are supposed to return good for evil,

> so
> > > > > > here is a verse from Isaiah to brighten your day.

> > > > > It appears that you confuse talk about evil with the evil itself,

> and
> > > > > that you do not recognize yourself in that evil.

> > > > > > Isaiah3:13 ?The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge

> the
> > > > > > people.

> > > > > And so you retreat to your warm fairy tales.

> > > > > Interesting choice of verse, by the way. After all, Christianity (as
> > > > > most religions) employs judgement has a primary tool of control. As

> I've
> > > > > said before, Christians all seem to LOVE to judge people; I guess

> you're
> > > > > no exception...- Hide quoted text -

> > > > - Show quoted text -

> > > Atheists reject the Bible

> > No. We reject the unsupported supernatural claims made in the bible.

> > > and say it proves nothing

> > Because begging the question is a logical fallacy.

> > > even though some will actually admit that the Bible exists.

> > Please name one atheist who claims the bible doesn't exist.

> I would say he misspoke.
> > > One atheist told me he had
> > > thirty Bibles, but what good is having a book if you do not read it?

> > Did this person state they hadn't read it? Although it's a fine
> > question to put to theists, now that you bring it up; I'm guessing
> > better than 80% haven't read it cover to cover, judging by what
> > nutcases like you say. An even better one would be "what sense does
> > it make to worship a character in a book you apparently haven't read?"

> > > I try to help atheists get over their ignorance by quoting verses from
> > > the book of Isaiah.

> > Considering that it seems more atheists are biblically well-read than
> > theists,

> I would question this statement. Sincere, devout Christians usually are
> well read.

I disagree. My experience is that devout Christians do not read,
unless the literature is from Baptist Bookstore. I never knew a
Christian to be an omnivorous reader (and certainly not a critical
reader), and having been raised the son of a clergyman can tell you
I've been around thousands of them. So you can say that so-and-so is
well-read. Well, what if he's well-read in religious pamphlets and
Jack Chick? He well may be an idiot.

However, there are some who are noninal Christians who
> ususlly attend Church, others who are Christian for personal gain
> who flaunt their faith in order to gain trust, expecially where they
> hope for personal gain. I personally know an elderly couple who
> were deprived of their life's savings by a Bible quoting "care giver"
> who worked hard to gain their trust. Then she disappeared. She
> had no interest in the couple except for what she could steal.

It is all the rage these days, Christianity as the pathway to
prosperity. The televangelists preach it so much that after 10
minutes you want to throw up. Christianity attracts charlatans like a
cowpie draws flies.
> <snip>
> > Matthew 10:14
> > And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
> > depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

> Christians who do not heed this verse are in violation of the very
> faith they profess. There is no Biblical authorization to "shove ones
> religion down the throat of another person". An atheist who wants
> a defense against over-bearing proselytizers should be able to
> point to this verse as a defense

That has never worked through history and won't work now. You should
know that. The Great Commission, the biblical admonition to slaughter
"witches," the bigotry and authoritarian intolerance and hateful
violence that the Bible inspires--- these are the considerations
against which the atheist like me competes.

Every time the Supreme Court issues an opinion on the Establishment
Clause, the priesthood, like sleazy Pat Robertson and that monkey-
faced creep with his mega-church in Fort Lauderdale, claim they are
being persecuted.

As Diderot said the philosopher has never murdered a priest, but the
priests have murdered a great many philosophers.
On Mar 4, 11:00 am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> "rbwinn" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 4, 12:05?am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> > "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message

> >

> > > rbwinn <> wrote:

> > No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
> > is proof? I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> > claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> > responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

> > > > > > > > Well, you are an apostate Christian. ?That means you are more
> > > > > > > > dishonest than a person who was raised atheist.
> > > > > > > > Robert B. Winn

> > > > > > > On the contrary, my dear Winnie, the ex-Christian has turned

> away
> > from
> > > > > > > dishonesty and embraced truth. ?He is to be more admired and

> > esteemed
> > > > > > > for having grappled himself up out of the stifling quicksands of
> > > > > > > religion and walked in the verdant and enlightened fields of

> > atheism.

> > > > > > Well, if you atheists are so happy, why can't you stay away from
> > > > > > trying to discredit religion?

> > > > > Because our world is under assault by religious groups who invoke

> > their
> > > > > superstitions to control what others think and do. Did you miss

> 9/11?
> > > > > Have you not listened to Pat Robertson and other power mad

> > evangelicals?
> > > > > Have you not watched the creationists trying to take America back to

> > the
> > > > > Dark Ages? Have you not heard the suicide bombers screaming "God is
> > > > > great"?

> > > > > It is increasingly clear that religion is a plague on civilization,

> so
> > > > > why would we "stay away" from such an important issue?

> > > > I see. Well, we Christians are supposed to return good for evil, so
> > > > here is a verse from Isaiah to brighten your day.

> > > It appears that you confuse talk about evil with the evil itself, and
> > > that you do not recognize yourself in that evil.

> > > > Isaiah3:13 The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the
> > > > people.

> > > And so you retreat to your warm fairy tales.

> > > Interesting choice of verse, by the way. After all, Christianity (as
> > > most religions) employs judgement has a primary tool of control. As I've
> > > said before, Christians all seem to LOVE to judge people; I guess you're
> > > no exception...- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> Atheists reject the Bible and say it proves nothing even though some
> will actually admit that the Bible exists.
> Really: certainly, the Bible is real this is the only certainity in a very
> uncertain world. What sane person would deny the existance of
> certainity?
> One atheist told me he had
> thirty Bibles, but what good is having a book if you do not read it?
> I try to help atheists get over their ignorance by quoting verses from
> the book of Isaiah.
> Good point!

Wait a minute! Darrell Stec said he read his 30 bibles. I read mine
too, including the King James bible my father used in the pulpit.

The point is the more you read the bible, if you read it carefully,
the more you find it is full of contradictions. Folks, it is a hokey
book. Just as Mark Twain said, it has some beautiful poetry, some
stories little boys can use in lieu of pornography, some interesting
parables, and over 1,000 lies.
> Bill

[snip RBWinn incoherent drivel]
On Mar 4, 7:28�am, "JessHC" <> wrote:

> Did this person state they hadn't read it?
On Mar 4, 7:38�am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> rbwinn wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 11:06?am, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> > > rbwinn <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > Well, you are an apostate Christian. ?That means you are more
> > > > > > > > dishonest than a person who was raised atheist.
> > > > > > > > Robert B. Winn

> > > > > > > On the contrary, my dear Winnie, the ex-Christian has turned away from
> > > > > > > dishonesty and embraced truth. ?He is to be more admired and esteemed
> > > > > > > for having grappled himself up out of the stifling quicksands of
> > > > > > > religion and walked in the verdant and enlightened fields of atheism.

> > > > > > Well, if you atheists are so happy, why can't you stay away from
> > > > > > trying to discredit religion?

> > > > > Because our world is under assault by religious groups who invoke their
> > > > > superstitions to control what others think and do. Did you miss 9/11?
> > > > > Have you not listened to Pat Robertson and other power mad evangelicals?
> > > > > Have you not watched the creationists trying to take America back to the
> > > > > Dark Ages? Have you not heard the suicide bombers screaming "God is
> > > > > great"?

> > > > > It is increasingly clear that religion is a plague on civilization, so
> > > > > why would we "stay away" from such an important issue?

> > > > I see. ?Well, we Christians are supposed to return good for evil, so
> > > > here is a verse from Isaiah to brighten your day.

> > > It appears that you confuse talk about evil with the evil itself, and
> > > that you do not recognize yourself in that evil.

> > > > Isaiah3:13 ?The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the
> > > > people.

> > > And so you retreat to your warm fairy tales.

> > > Interesting choice of verse, by the way. After all, Christianity (as
> > > most religions) employs judgement has a primary tool of control. As I've
> > > said before, Christians all seem to LOVE to judge people; I guess you're
> > > no exception...- Hide quoted text -

> > Actually, I was just going through the book of Isaiah verse by verse.
> > The next one is
On Mar 4, 7:40�am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> rbwinn wrote:
> > On Mar 4, 1:56?am, Michael Gray <> wrote:
> > > On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 02:05:25 -0500, "H. Wm. Esque"<> wrote:

> > > ? - Refer: <08uGh.2340$>

> > > >"Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > >> rbwinn <> wrote:

> > > >No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
> > > >is ?proof? ?I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> > > >claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> > > >responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

> > > Most sane thinking adults would take it as rhetoric.
> > > I.e.: A "Put up or shut up" challenge.

> > > Those who demand "evidence" of the non-existence of impossible
> > > infantile fantasies are most likely not in the categories of sane,
> > > thinking, or adult.

> > Well, I think atheists should get over their fantasy that the Bible is
> > going to disappear.

> Could you please cite the atheist that made that claim?
> > Isaiah 3:20
On Mar 4, 11:36?am, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> rbwinn <> wrote:
> > I discovered some time ago that you can have a conversation with
> > atheists just by answering each atheist in turn with a verse from
> > Isaiah. This results in a much better conversation than relying on
> > your own knowledge in trying to answer each accusation.

> Presumably, few of those atheists continue the conversation for long,
> since by your own admission you aren't interested in discussion, but
> pontification.
> > Isaiah was a much better judge than anyone living today.

> If you want to judge people, you should at least have the character to
> do so directly, rather than hiding behind Biblical figures.
> But you miss the key point of your own sentence--Isaiah is NOT living
> today. You and I are. And I have no interest in talking to the dead
> because they are notoriously poor conversationalists.

Not as poor as atheists.
Isaiah 3:22 The changable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the
wimples, and the crisping pins,
Robert B. Winn
On Mar 4, 3:59�pm, "jl" <> wrote:
> On Mar 4, 11:00 am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> > "rbwinn" <> wrote in message

> >
> > On Mar 4, 12:05?am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:

> > > "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message

> > >

> > > > rbwinn <> wrote:

> > > No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
> > > is proof? I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> > > claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> > > responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

> > > > > > > > > Well, you are an apostate Christian. ?That means you are more
> > > > > > > > > dishonest than a person who was raised atheist.
> > > > > > > > > Robert B. Winn

> > > > > > > > On the contrary, my dear Winnie, the ex-Christian has turned

> > away
> > > from
> > > > > > > > dishonesty and embraced truth. ?He is to be more admired and
> > > esteemed
> > > > > > > > for having grappled himself up out of the stifling quicksands of
> > > > > > > > religion and walked in the verdant and enlightened fields of
> > > atheism.

> > > > > > > Well, if you atheists are so happy, why can't you stay away from
> > > > > > > trying to discredit religion?

> > > > > > Because our world is under assault by religious groups who invoke
> > > their
> > > > > > superstitions to control what others think and do. Did you miss

> > 9/11?
> > > > > > Have you not listened to Pat Robertson and other power mad
> > > evangelicals?
> > > > > > Have you not watched the creationists trying to take America back to
> > > the
> > > > > > Dark Ages? Have you not heard the suicide bombers screaming "God is
> > > > > > great"?

> > > > > > It is increasingly clear that religion is a plague on civilization,

> > so
> > > > > > why would we "stay away" from such an important issue?

> > > > > I see. Well, we Christians are supposed to return good for evil, so
> > > > > here is a verse from Isaiah to brighten your day.

> > > > It appears that you confuse talk about evil with the evil itself, and
> > > > that you do not recognize yourself in that evil.

> > > > > Isaiah3:13 The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the
> > > > > people.

> > > > And so you retreat to your warm fairy tales.

> > > > Interesting choice of verse, by the way. After all, Christianity (as
> > > > most religions) employs judgement has a primary tool of control. As I've
> > > > said before, Christians all seem to LOVE to judge people; I guess you're
> > > > no exception...- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > Atheists reject the Bible and say it proves nothing even though some
> > will actually admit that the Bible exists.

> > Really: certainly, the Bible is real this is the only certainity in a very
> > uncertain world. What sane person would deny the existance of
> > certainity?

> >
"Michael Gray" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 10:56:59 -0500, "H. Wm. Esque"
> <> wrote:
> - Refer: <e%BGh.3715$>
> >
> >"Michael Gray" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 02:05:25 -0500, "H. Wm. Esque"
> >> <> wrote:
> >> - Refer: <08uGh.2340$>
> >> >
> >> >"Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >> rbwinn <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim? If so, whose responsibility
> >> >is proof? I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> >> >claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> >> >responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.
> >>
> >> Most sane thinking adults would take it as rhetoric.
> >> I.e.: A "Put up or shut up" challenge.
> >>
> >> Those who demand "evidence" of the non-existence of impossible
> >> infantile fantasies are most likely not in the categories of sane,
> >> thinking, or adult.
> >>

> >This is a very ambiguous statement.

> No it wasn't.
> >Are you implying that those
> >who demand "....." are sane? Or is is that you are defining God?

> What? Who is being unclear now?
> I cannot make head nor tail of what you are asking.
> "defining God"?? What the ****?
> That is a warning to the kiddies out there in usenet land: don't touch
> the sacramental wine before noon.
> I shall rephrase it for the English comprehension challenged:
> Those who say "Prove that an impossible object does not exist", are
> bonkers.
> Is that clear enough for you?

Is this how you think you can win points, ie by insulting rather than
trying to prove the claim?
It is exactly as I suspected, the ones making the claim attempt to
shift the burden of proof. If you cannot prove a claim don't make
it. It makes you look like a fool.
> --
"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 01:48:55 +0800, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> <45e85c7a$0$16391$>:
>>"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 05:01:50 +0800, in alt.atheism
>>> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
>>> <45e5e38b$0$16375$>:
>>>><> wrote in message
>>>>> On 22 feb, 17:08, "Andrew" <> wrote:
>>>>>> "Free Lunch" wrote in
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > There is no evidence for God or Satan or any other gods of
>>>>>> > Christianity
>>>>>> > or any other religions.
>>>>>> I respect this as a tenet of your belief that you religiously adhere
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> evangelistically proclaim.
>>>>> You shouldn't
>>>>> If you disagree, you should produce the evidence.
>>>>> You do not, therefore I suspect you agree.
>>>>> Peter van Velzen
>>>>> February 2007
>>>>> Thung Song
>>>>> Thailand
>>>> You haven't been around much, or you would know that there are gods
>>>>aplenty in our museums and libraries, containing both concrete and
>>>>gods. In Thailand you will find people having altars stocked with gods
>>>>all kinds.
>>>> What atheists mean is: There are no gods of atheist definition, and
>>>> we
>>>>theists tend to agree with them.
>>> It would be interesting if you could point to evidence that those who
>>> have these statues think that the statues themselves are the gods rather
>>> than representations of the gods.

>> Are we seeing an atheist acknowledging gods, whether real or
>>representational etc. or not? You better be careful, or atheist central
>>be yanking your number.

> I acknowledge that people claim gods exist. I am completely open to
> evidence to show that any god does exist. So far, no one, except 'Richo'
> in <> in the Define
> "God" thread, is willing to state that gods are nothing more than what
> people worship as gods. If you want to define gods as nothing more than
> that, I cannot argue with you. If God is only love for you, but has no
> actual power, I cannot argue with you. I will consider you silly, but
> nothing else.

"Actual power"? You must be kidding. Don't you know amor vincit omnia?
Show me something that has more power than love.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 02:05:05 +0800, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
>> Which "liberties" are those? And does Bush really "destroy" them?
>> Prove

> I guess you haven't been following the President's decision to use the
> NSA to spy in a way that is not allowed in the US. Too bad. It's scary
> that people who don't even know what our president has been doing are
> willing to give him the benefit of the doubt just because he makes a big
> noise about being a Christian. I don't believe him for a minute, but
> apparently he's only trying to con Christians.
>>Jesus is waiting to get your attention.

> There is no evidence that Jesus exists.

Jesus resurrected in all our hearts and minds, only atheists make a
point of ignoring Him.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 02:09:24 +0800, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> <45e85c85$0$16391$>:
>> And you are an inerrant judge in matters of lies?

> I test statements against reality. You can, too.

You reality is permanent dis-satisfaction with reality, for you always

>>You sound more and more like some infallible atheist potentate.

> His lies have nothing to do with atheism.
>> Jesus is there to give you direction. Take His advice and follow Him.

> There is no evidence that Jesus exists.

There is plenty of evidence "that Jesus exists" and lives in your heart
and mind yet you are intent on ignoring Him. Why is that?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Mar 4, 7:18 pm, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
> On Mar 4, 3:59?pm, "jl" <> wrote:

> Well, if Darrell Stec read his 30 Bibles, why didn't he know anything
> about them? The same question applies to you. I'll tell you what, I
> will quote a verse from Isaiah, and then you can say you have read a
> verse from the Old Testament.
> Isaiah 3:23 The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the
> vails.
> Robert B. Winn

Poor Winnie. No need for the Tower of Babel to tie his tongue. The
thing is in a knot.

Huh? What's this, Winnie, about the glasses and the fine linen? Some
kind of masonic ritual or are you a Mormon Klanster, a wizard under
the sheets?

Time to go now, Winnie. James Cameron is putting on his show about
all those bones he found in the coffins of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Mary
Magdalen, and Judah, son of Jesus. Tune in: Discovery Channel at 9.
On Mar 4, 6:05 pm, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
> > rbwinn <> wrote:

> No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim?


> If so, whose responsibility
> is proof?

Anybody can prove it wrong at any time by presenting evidence.
Nobody can ever prove it correct.

> I would contend there is no way to prove such a
> claim, therefore, the claimant would likely attempt to shift the
> responsibility to those whom he considers his opponents.

"The claim cannot be proved - so therefore it is the claiments
responsibility to prove it."
That doesn't sound at all logical to me - forcing the impossible onto
a party as an obligation.

Cheers, Mark.
On Mar 4, 7:02�pm, "jl" <> wrote:
> On Mar 4, 7:18 pm, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
> > On Mar 4, 3:59?pm, "jl" <> wrote:

On Mar 4, 7:15�pm, "Richo" <> wrote:
> On Mar 4, 6:05 pm, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
> > "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message

> >

> > > rbwinn <> wrote:

> > No Evidence of God?? Is this a claim?

> Yes.
> > If so, whose responsibility
> > is

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