Obama remark on black scholar's arrest angers cops


New member
Oh come on, don't give me that. Like I said, I've used the same type of transmitters in very very loud conditions. I don't buy it for a second. You can't even hear Gates. And when the guy DID get interference, it's when he switched channels, I can hear dispatch telling him to go back to channel 2 (52 GO BACK TO CHANNEL 2 at time 6:25 into the clip), which is the channel he was originally on (from his own words in his report), but switched from. You could tell the new channel he went to wasn't coming in as clear. When he switched back to channel 2, he was crystal clear..
You might want to get your hearing checked. I can hear Gates in the background and he had to repeat Gates' name several times on the first channel, because dispatch couldn't hear him. **** when the second officer is out with Crowley, you can hear Gates in the background on his transmission too.



New member
Yeah, I can hear Gates in the background too... right when Crowley CLEARLY said his name to dispatch. Didn't hear no distortions except when he squelched out and was told to change his channel back to 2.





New member
Yeah, I can hear Gates in the background too... right when Crowley CLEARLY said his name to dispatch. Didn't hear no distortions except when he squelched out and was told to change his channel back to 2..

Did you hear anyone screaming for Obama's birth certificate?



New member
Did you hear anyone screaming for Obama's birth certificate?
Oh Jesus Christ, don't tell me YOU are one of those who believe in that stupid conspiracy. I'll totally lose all respect for you R.O.. NOBODY can really be THAT stupid.





New member
Yeah, I can hear Gates in the background too... right when Crowley CLEARLY said his name to dispatch. Didn't hear no distortions except when he squelched out and was told to change his channel back to 2..

Yet he had to repeat himself several times and there were several instances where either the officer or dispatch couldn't hear each other.

Let me guess, Bender, the whole department was in on your "conspiracy" theory that the officer was luring the black man outside so he could gin up a charge, so he could spend hours doing processing and paperwork.



Active Members
I have used the same radios as well, someone screaming at you in a closed space does make it difficult to communicate. Communication is attained with two directions, both talking and hearing.

The radios have noise blocking features in them so for you to hear Gates, he had to be very, very loud.

Even eddo has reversed himself based on Obama being prepped for the question Bender, why are you so stuck in being an excuse machine for Obama?

Obama screwed up, and refuses to take responsibility for it. That shows his true character.

Any way you try to slice it Bender, the facts are still clear that two men "DID" break into a home. Police were summoned becuse of this fact. Any officer responding to that call would verify the identity of the people in the dwelling no matter what their race was. Gates at this point turned a regular and routine call into a race issue and caused every speck of negativity that happened from that moment on.

Why refuse to identify yourself to a uniformed officer? Why must a white officer be called a racist just because he asked Gates for identification?

Gates made this what it was, consider the same situation where Gates simply shows identification without causing a scene?

And there is the last point of your comments proven wrong.

By exploding without a good reason, Gates "ADDED" to the problems of race relations in America.

Consider the other point about publicity.

Could this all have been set up?

Gates makes millions of dollars off his now very popular book, and Obama draws new attention to his existing books as well so both will make millions off of stirring up race discord in America........what will the officer get?



New member
Obama never screwed up, he was right on the money in the first place. The cops screwed up. At first I was on the side of the cop, but the more the facts come out, the more it is obvious this cop went out of his way to arrest the guy, inciting him to step outside several times just so he could slam him with a BS charge of disturbing the peace. The cop has no credibilty to me for the simple fact that he completely distorted his entire statement on the incident. It didn't jive with what the 911 call shows. Last I check. YELLING was not against the law.





Active Members
Why Bender?

Why was the cop going out of his way to arrest the man?

Is it possible that Gates over reacting to a simple request for identification could have provoked the officer into letting Gates put his foot in his own mouth?

Gates was the instigator in this situation, not the officer.

Gates was arrested for being an a-hole, not because he was black.



New member
I never said it was racist. Last I checked, being an ******* isn't a crime either. Evidently, the cop thought he could push his badge and make it into a crime.





Active Members
I never said it was racist. Last I checked, being an ******* isn't a crime either. Evidently, the cop thought he could push his badge and make it into a crime.
So to you if a cop responds to a possible burglary he has no right to request identification from the people he finds in the home that he is responding to?

Remember up to that moment everything was normal but it was Gates who refused to cooperate and started yelling at the cop calling him a racist for asking for the identification.



New member
Again, I never said anything about it being racist. Your the one making this a race issue. Unless you wanna count the cops LIE telling Gates that he was told 2 black men were seen entering (the 911 call said 2 males, one possibly Hispanic, listen to it). This is about people's rights. I don't care how much he's yelling and screaming at the cop. He never touched the cop, and words are not against the law, no matter what he's babbling on about (even if he's ranting on about the cop being a racist). The cop simply didn't like Gate's tone and trumped up a charge to arrest him. It basically went down like this.

The cop responded to the call, Gate's got ****** to see the cop there and started yelling. The cop in turn tried his damnedest several times to have Gates step outside, his bull excuse and reasoning was that he couldn't communicate with ECC. Once Gates DID step outside, out of spite, he busted his a$$. Seems pretty **** clear cut to me. I don't care if Gate's was frikken WHITE. The cop was pushing his badge around because he didn't like the guys tone and busted him for basically NOTHING.

Evidently you like and approve of, having a POLICE STATE where someone can arrest you just for speaking your mind. Your hatred for Obama doesn't let you see past that and see the REAL crime being committed. And you claim to be a PATRIOT? More like a **** puppet to the government.





New member
Oh Jesus Christ, don't tell me YOU are one of those who believe in that stupid conspiracy. I'll totally lose all respect for you R.O.. NOBODY can really be THAT stupid..

Ohhh... fukk no. I was laboring to be facetious.



Active Members
Bender, why is it you never answer a direct question?

All that **** you just posted is irrelivent and has nothing to do with what happend at the home or how Obama reacted to it in a racist way.

Obama said this incident was part of the overall racist profiling police exhibit and called the officer stupid but who was really the instigator in this Bender?

The officer was only doing his job, he responded to protect a home and was screamed at and abused when he was not doing anything wrong Bender.

Race was not a consideration for the officer, but clearly race is a tool for men like Gates and Obama.



New member
Again, I never said anything about it being racist. Your the one making this a race issue.
Yea, you did. In fact both you an Chi said it's OK for Gates to be prejudicial and racist because of American history.

Like I said before, you reap what you sow. If people weren't so **** racist in the first place, you wouldn't have educated black men so **** paranoid of the cops in the first place..


Gates might've been hysterical and everything else, but yes, I agree with Bender's statement. I told my boyfriend the same thing days ago. You can't be racist to people and treat them like **** for hundreds of years (and some still to this day) and then wake up one day and expect all to be forgiven and act like it never happened.
It's the old, it's OK to be racist and prejudicial as long as you're a person of color, excuse. :rolleyes:

Must not have ever heard of MLK jr.


This is about people's rights. I don't care how much he's yelling and screaming at the cop. He never touched the cop, and words are not against the law, no matter what he's babbling on about (even if he's ranting on about the cop being a racist). The cop simply didn't like Gate's tone and trumped up a charge to arrest him. It basically went down like this.
Gotta call BS on this one. You are natorious for taking the side against cops. Like Obama, I think it's your knee jerk reaction.

Here's a test. Next time you have contact with the local police department, outside of your home, go off on them in a Gates type rant, ignoring warnings that you are becoming disorderly, or warnings that if you continue to behave in that manner you will be arrested. See what happens. Keep in mind that disorderly conduct laws have been repeatedly upheld as not being a violation of rights.

What you keep forgetting is that the cop didn't lure Gates outside, the cop was leaving and Gates followed him outside, as confirmed by the other officer and witnesses at the scene.

Here's a bit of a secret for you. Cops don't like paperwork. A cop isn't going to gin up a BS disorderly conduct charge because it would cause more paperwork than its worth. A cop isn't going to risk his pension and job over something this small. He had called the Harvard police to the scene as it was University housing. I'm just speculating from the view of someone who's been on both sides, but he was probably planning on passing off the hassle of dealing with Gates, to the University police.

I know the first thing I would try to do, in this situation, is pass it off to the agency with primary jurisdiction and make in someone else's problem.

This is the type of conversation that goes nowhere. I recently explained to a member over at 2TJ, about this kind of thing because he wants to get into law enforcement.

You can't relate with the civillian population on issues dealing with law enforcement because generally there are two types of people out there.

The first is the lawyer type, who thinks they know the law because they watch TV, and are always saying what you can and can't do, "because I know my rights". These people don't know the difference between "TV fantasy" and "reality". Another classic from this type is, "You can't arrest me (or I'm gonna get off my charge) because you didn't read me my rights". I usually just laugh and say, "Wanna bet?" or "Keep telling yourself that in your cell".

The second is the vigilante type, who thinks that just because they say, "I know he did it" is enough for us to go bust into someones house, search for evidence and arrest them. They don't understand the difference between "knowing" someone did something and "proving" someone did something.

They are both idiots.

The best is when you get a hybrid. This is the person who wants you to run off and arrest someone who stole from them because they said so, but when you get a case on them, scream about their rights and that since the cop didn't see them do it, or if it's not on video tape, it's impossible to prove they did it.

I had a case where a person was discovered to be riding on the river on a stolen ATV. The person explained that they bought it from someone, and didn't know it was stolen.

A local "vigilante type" was going off about how the guy on the ATV should have been arrested right then an there.

The person was asked then that If I were to go over to their vehicle, run a check of their VIN and it comes back stolen, if I should then arrest them for stealing the vehicle. They said "No, because they bought it, and didn't know it was stolen."

Just like many people, it's different if it applies to them.

Bottom line is. Nobody made Gates leave his home and act disorderly in public. Nobody made Gates continue to behave this way after leaving his home and being warned that these actions were deemed to be alarming to the public, and disorderly.

Could he have ignored it. Yep, but that is officer discression. A misdemeanor crime was committed in the presence of several officers and they arrested Gates for said crime. It's part of the criminal justice system.

Crowley made a lawful arrest based on Massachussetts law.


Evidently you like and approve of, having a POLICE STATE where someone can arrest you just for speaking your mind. Your hatred for Obama doesn't let you see past that and see the REAL crime being committed. And you claim to be a PATRIOT? More like a **** puppet to the government..

This is the biggest load of **** of them all. First off, nobody was arrest for "just speaking their mind" as addressed above and secondly, in the American criminal justice system, the criminal has the advantage.

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New member
Bullshiit all the way around. First of all, neither Chi or I said the cop was being racist. I simply said if Blacks & Hispanics weren't treated in a racist manner in the first place, then people like Gates wouldn't be all paranoid rambling on about someone being racist..

READ THAT AGAIN. It DOES NOT imply racism was the case here. It implys Gates is a paranoid freak.

2nd... paper work? That's the best you can come up with... paper work? Sure I will agree that Gates followed the guy outside. This probably gave him a *** **** ***** "Oh look, now if the ****** yells I can bust his ***" Which he subsequently was.

3rd, why were the charges dropped if this wasn't a BS arrest? Because he was black and a friend of Obama's?

If this was such a legitimate arrest, why all the lies and inconsistency's in his report?





New member
Bullshiit all the way around. First of all, neither Chi or I said the cop was being racist. I simply said if Blacks & Hispanics weren't treated in a racist manner in the first place, then people like Gates wouldn't be all paranoid rambling on about someone being racist..
READ THAT AGAIN. It DOES NOT imply racism was the case here. It implys Gates is a paranoid freak.
I don't have to read it again. It clearly implies that it's fine for Gates to behave like a racist *******, crying racism when there isn't any, because in the past there were some mistreatment of minorities.

Basically saying that if you're a person of color, it's the cops fault that you are prejudicial and racist.

2nd... paper work? That's the best you can come up with... paper work? Sure I will agree that Gates followed the guy outside. This probably gave him a *** **** ***** "Oh look, now if the ****** yells I can bust his ***" Which he subsequently was.
Humm, what's more likely. That the cop tried to leave and Gates insisted on following him outside, acting like a racist *******, causing a disturbance in public, ignoring warnings that he's becoming disorderly and continued to cause a disturbance, or your insinuation that the entire Cambridge police department conspired, seemingly be mental telepathy, to set up Gates for a piddly *** disorderly conduct charge, from the power hungry arresting officer to the other officers on scene, the dispatcher who faked having communication problems to other witnesses at the scene, that I'm sure the cops threatened to go along with their story? :rolleyes:

3rd, why were the charges dropped if this wasn't a BS arrest? Because he was black and a friend of Obama's?
If this was such a legitimate arrest, why all the lies and inconsistency's in his report?


Same reason the lives of young men and a coach at Duke University's were ruined by a bad prosecution, same reason that a NY prosecutor was subjected to vilification and had to prove his innocence by a grand jury investigation from knowingly false accusations by Tawana Brawley that he was one of the alleged six men that raped her, which also was proven to be false.

Racial Politics. Someone cried racism, in a nationally publicized story, and the politicians caved.



Active Members

Again witht he dodging of direct questions?

Why are you so afraid of honest debate without all the smoke and mirrors?

Do you honestly believe the uniformed police officer did not have the right to ask for identification of people inside a dwelling he had a report on a possible break in?

Everything negative that happend from that point was instigated by Gates, not the officer.

And yes you and Chi both said it was reasonable for Gates to act that way because of what you see as a kind of conspiracy of police to be racist. Your part of the problem Bender because your justifying bad behaviors instead of holding people responsible for their bad behaviors.

If you honestly believe calling a white person a racist when they are not a racist is reasonable behavior out of a Harvard professor.....then I understand why your such a far reaching socialist.



New member
Dude, what with this dodging a direct question bullshiit, what fukking question? All your posts are a drone like monotone of retardation, how the **** is anybody supposed to see a question? What the **** is your question? Was it

Do you honestly believe the uniformed police officer did not have the right to ask for identification of people inside a dwelling he had a report on a possible break in?
Of course he did, what the **** does that have to do with anything? .




Active Members
Of course he did, what the **** does that have to do with anything?


It has everything to do with it Bender.

You claim police are all racists and deserve to be exploded on by anyone that is not white but the officer has a job to do and how can he do that job if everyone is entitled to scream at them and call them racists just because he asked for identification?

Gates exploded when he was asked to provide identification.

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