Obama remark on black scholar's arrest angers cops


New member
Jesus Christ, for the 3rd and FINAL time. I never said the cop was being racist. I don't think for a second the cop was being racist. You INSIST on making this an issue about race. The fact of the matter is, Gates went all half ed and screamed racism.. yes, stupidity on Gate's part.


The issue is the cops reaction, false statements to Gates and in his incident report, and for his BS charge and arrest for disurbing the peace.



I did NOT make a claim that all cops are racist, I said if SOME

SOME *******, SOME

didn't act in a racist manner, then you wouldn't have kooks like Gates being all paranoid about it.





Active Members
You can't claim Gates actions as irrelivant Bender.

This was a racist act, but not by the cop, it was racist by Gates and Gates was the instigator of 100% of what happened to him. He is the only person there that could have stopped the progression of events that led to his arrest.

Did the cop get irritated?

Sure, who wouldn't get irritated with a madman screaming at them calling them horrible things, and don't forget the yo mama attacks Gates was tossing around.

Gates deserved exactly what he got. If Gates wanted to be Mr. smarty pants with his foul mouth and horrible attitude he should have also taken the time to be sure he didn't go into the public.

Bender, you cannot both claim Gates was justified to explode because all cops are racists then also try to claim this cop was not racist, the two do not go together. Either Gates was the victim of racist acts or he was not.

Clearly he was not so all your long winded claims of how justified black people are for being racist themselves is not reasonable.

Interesting how a stupid Cop was smarter than the Harvard Professor. :)



New member
I believe all the officer had to do was leave. The only provocation to Mr. Gates was the officer.


Active Members
I believe all the officer had to do was leave. The only provocation to Mr. Gates was the officer.

So the same question to you as to Bender, you believe an officer does not have the right to ask for identification when people are observed inside a home he has a break in call for?

All this officer did was ask Gates for identification and Gates exploded on him.


Old Salt

New member
Gen. Colin Powell says that Harvard Professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates could have avoided arrest and the ensuing controversy by just talking calmly to Cambridge, Mass., Police Sgt. James Crowley and coming outside his house.
"I'm saying Skip, perhaps in this instance, might have waited a while, come outside, talked to the officer and that might have been the end of it," Powell says in an interview with Larry King...
Colin Powell: Skip Gates Could Have Avoided Arrest -- Politics Daily



New member
So the same question to you as to Bender, you believe an officer does not have the right to ask for identification when people are observed inside a home he has a break in call for?

All this officer did was ask Gates for identification and Gates exploded on him.
Gates did give him his identification. Gates was in his own yard and was a threat to no one. The only thing riling him up was the officers presence. All the officer had to do was leave.



New member
Gates did give him his identification. Gates was in his own yard and was a threat to no one. The only thing riling him up was the officers presence. All the officer had to do was leave.

Actually, Gates gave him his Harvard ID, but it didn't show that he lived at that address, and when the officer asked for something proving he lived there, Gates went off on him.



New member
Gates did give him his identification. Gates was in his own yard and was a threat to no one. The only thing riling him up was the officers presence. All the officer had to do was leave.
Huh? We Pay for protection. How would Gates have felt if the cops let a couple of house thief's get away?

Even a street punk would tell you to keep your mouth shut and cooperate. I get pulled over or questioned and I'm the nicest person on the planet. Yes sir and yes mam. Let the cops do their job.



Active Members
Gates did give him his identification. Gates was in his own yard and was a threat to no one. The only thing riling him up was the officers presence. All the officer had to do was leave.
And all Gates had to do what prove he lived there and show 'basic human respect' to the officer trying to do his job.

As IWS pointed out, Gates did not provide proof he lived at that home until "after" he exploded on the cop. The cop was only doing his job and did not deserve to be abused by Gates. Gates was the one who instigated the entire incident.

IWS made an interesting point, what if the officer did leave and these were thieves that stole all of Gates' valuables?

Do you think Gates would be screaming that this same "racist" officer didn't do his job properly?



New member
By the time the officer arrested Gates he knew that Gates was the resident of the home. The officer was the source of what was provoking Gates. All the officer had to do was leave.


Active Members
By the time the officer arrested Gates he knew that Gates was the resident of the home. The officer was the source of what was provoking Gates. All the officer had to do was leave.
Bull Hugo, how was the cop asking Gates for identification showing he lived at that residence provoking Gates?

You dodged IWS's point about taking this to the other side of the discussion, if the cop had settled for a university ID that did not show an address and walked away leaving two men in the home who later cleaned the home out, do you think Gates would have said the officers had done their jobs to protect his possessions?



New member
IWS can correct me if I am wrong, but I am betting police officers work off of alternative ID's quite frequently. Last I checked it was not against the law to not have a drivers license. I have read nothing indicating that the officer was worried that the ID was possibly fraudulant.


New member
IWS can correct me if I am wrong, but I am betting police officers work off of alternative ID's quite frequently. Last I checked it was not against the law to not have a drivers license. I have read nothing indicating that the officer was worried that the ID was possibly fraudulant.

I don't know what you mean. The issue was that the officer was trying to establish that Gates was the resident of the home. Gates gave Crowley his Harvard ID. This didn't show that he lived there. It was when Crowley asked for another piece of ID that would confirm his place of residence, that Gates freaked out and said he wouldn't provide another form of ID.

If I came to your house on a possible burglary case and you were there, said you lived there, I asked for your ID and you gave me your library card or Sam's Club card, that doesn't have an address on it, I would ask for some kind of documentation establishing that you lived there.

Nobody said anything about the ID being fraudulent.



Active Members
Officer: Hello sir, we have had a dispatch for this address reporting a possible break in, are you the resident of this home?

Gates: Yes I am.

Officer: Could you please show me some identification so I can verify that your the resident sir?

Gates: Well.......here is my HARVARD Identification, now go away.

Officer: Um...Sir, this does not show your address, it is just a picture ID showing your connected to the school, I need to see some form of identification proving your a resident of this location.

Gates: Your a RACIST!!!!!!!!



New member
By the time the officer arrested Gates he knew that Gates was the resident of the home. The officer was the source of what was provoking Gates. All the officer had to do was leave.
He broke the law by disorderly conduct not trespassing or burglary.

Guess what the cop gets to determine that.

Case closed.



New member
If you did nothing wrong shut your mouth and comply! Give the cops a chance to do there job without harassment.


New member
July 30, 2009 Cops and feelings

By Lloyd Marcus

When President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, he said she was selected because he wanted someone who would show "empathy." It occurred to me that Obama wants the same behavior from America's police.


Professor Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct. Because Gates is black, the White House has launched a race committee to "teach" police to be more sensitive. Like his Supreme Court nominee, Obama wants police to give special consideration to race when enforcing the law. So, before you white cops arrest a black person for a crime, think of America's original sin of slavery and all that liberals say blacks are still going through. Perhaps, a,
"I understand where you're comin' from bro" before you cuff him.

Obama's race committee is an absurd waste of taxpayers' money. What on earth does arresting someone for disorderly conduct have to do with race? Gates is either guilty or not guilty. His skin color is irrelevant. Obama making Gates' arrest about "race" is extremely telling; an insight into his belief about
white police.

Even though Obama retreated from his original "the police acted stupidly" statement, he still implied that the white arresting officer did something wrong.



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Why else would he feel the need to organize a race committee? According to the police report and other officers at the scene (one of which was black), Officer Crowley performed his duty by the book.

Obama's refusal to apologize to America's police sends a horrible message to black America. Speaking from the highest office in the land, his words give tremendous credence to the "blacks are victims" paradigm. Think of the hatred and resentment Obama's false assumption that police typically mistreat blacks will inspire in black youths. My goodness, the president of the United States agrees with the gangster rappers, "Yo, if you're black in A-mur-a-ka, da Man is out ta getcha".

Remember the controversy and fear of violence because of the rap song, "Cop Killer" by Ice Tea? Our president's comments were extremely divisive and irresponsible.

Something else that disturbs me regarding Obama's handling of the Gates/ Crowley incident: Obama could have simply apologized to police for calling them stupid, and America would have moved on. Instead, he chose to organize a race committee and invite Gates and Officer Crowley, to the White House for a beer. So rather than admitting that he misspoke, in essence, Obama threw America's police and their relationship with the black community under the bus to save face.

This is not the behavior of the "Great Unifier" Obama voters thought they were electing. Sadly, it is the behavior of a selfish ego-driven small man.

Just as O J's attorneys masterfully turned his trial from being about a husband decapitating his wife to reparations for the persecution of blacks in America, the Gates case morphed from an arrest for disorderly conduct to a White House study on racial profiling and police mistreatment of blacks.

Last Sunday, the Democrats launched "Operation Defend Obama" at all cost. TV programs were littered with Democrats, race profiteers and bitter racists defending Obama's statement. Their mantra, "Cops do abuse blacks". They spoke like it was 1959 rather than 2009.

To save their own, Democrats are notorious for sacrificing any and everyone. Democrat President Bill Clinton had oral *** with an intern in the Oval office. To defend Bill, Democrats impugned the integrity and character of all men. Every Clinton administration spokesperson and liberal bias media person implied that any man, if given the opportunity, would have reacted like Clinton. Think about that folks. According to their spin, your pastor, father, grandfather, husband, soccer coach, school teacher and doctor would display the same lack of restraint and character as Clinton if "hit on" by a young woman.

Nancy Pelosi the Democrat Speaker of the House, without evidence, accused the CIA of lying. Did the Democrats encourage Pelosi to apologize for challenging the credibility of this organization so vital to our national security? No. Instead, they set out to trash the CIA.

During the Bush years, Democrats became Captain Ahab in the novel Moby ****. In their obsession to kill their white whale, George W. Bush, they attacked our military. Shamefully, democrats accused the brave young men and women who volunteered to defend us, some even paying the ultimate sacrifice, of being rapists and murderers. With our troops on the battle field in Iraq, Democrat Sen. Harry Reid announced to the world that the war was lost. Can you imagine the damage Reid's statement did to the morale of our troops? When decorated General Petraeus reported the war had turned in our favor, Democrats disgracefully called him a liar. Blinded by their obsession to "get Bush" putting the lives of our troops at risk was merely collateral damage to the democrats.

Every Democrat decision is always about them preserving and gaining power.

President Obama, we Americans do not want "race based" law enforcement. Nor, do we want Supreme Court justices overruling the Constitution with their feelings. We The People demand adherence to the Constitution and equal justice for all!

American Thinker: Cops and feelings


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