Pictures of our members?

Phantom said:
Your quarters are looking a little drab. Definitely needs a woman's touch. Other than that, you're a cutie.

That's my home room. It looks drab because it is a small room, looks a mess, and in the process of being cleaned out.

Thanks for the compliment though.:)
GF Admin said:
You have a funny shaped skull....there is a divit and handel like protrusion on top....

The oddly shaped skull is an evolved feature, used to headbutt assclowns, bitches, morons, assholes, annoying little kids, and mimes. It is also created to protect my brain from incoming flying shoes.
Outlaw2747 said:
The oddly shaped skull is an evolved feature, used to headbutt assclowns, bitches, morons, assholes, annoying little kids, and mimes. It is also created to protect my brain from incoming flying shoes.

Or as in my case... digital cameras.

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RoyalOrleans said:
Or as in my case... digital cameras.


You're a cutie, too! Love men with dark hair, side-burns, and a touch of wrinkles. Too bad you're a dick.
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Phantom said:
You're a cutie, too! Love men with dark hair, side-burns, and a touch of wrinkles. Too bad you're a dick.
That's part of the appeal! Good women love bad boys :p
Phantom said:
You're a cutie, too! Love men with dark hair, side-burns, and a touch of wrinkles. Too bad you're a dick.

That was back in March. Along the sides, I am getting some silvery strands.

No my dick is not bad, but it has made me do some bad things.

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angie said:
That's part of the appeal! Good women love bad boys :p

If that's the trend, so be it. I don't smoke anymore so part of the visual image is gone of a bad boy, but I do chew with my mouth open and whistle the Cops theme with a mouthful of saltines.
RoyalOrleans said:
That was back in March. Along the sides, I am getting some silvery strands.

Nothing is sexier than a man with a bit of silver in his temples or sideburns. As a woman ages, she loses her beauty. As a man ages, it adds to his character. I'll rate you a 10. Take that as a compliment, if you know how.
RoyalOrleans said:
That was back in March. Along the sides, I am getting some silvery strands.

No my dick is not bad, but it has made me do some bad things.


Are you a photographer or something? I can see the setup of a shoot in the background.
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Phantom said:
Nothing is sexier than a man with a bit of silver in his temples or sideburns. As a woman ages, she loses her beauty. As a man ages, it adds to his character. I'll rate you a 10. Take that as a compliment, if you know how.

That's why I stick with college girls. I get older and they stay the same age.
Chi said:
Are you a photographer or something? I can see the setup of a shoot in the background.

Damn, not THAT pic. The one that you had up when I was submitting my prior response.
Phantom said:
Not me! And here I was, ready to submit my offer of being his sugar mama.

Me either. I can't stand jerks! Even if they treat me well, but everyone else like crap.
RoyalOrleans said:
Or as in my case... digital cameras.

Yea, those things can be deadly.

I took mine using a webcam though. For some stupid reason, people begged me to smile and yet people mostly commented on my serious, very low quality photo.
RoyalOrleans said:
That's why I stick with college girls. I get older and they stay the same age.

Sounds like a plan. If I could cryogenically freeze my husband at the age of 45, I would.
Chi said:
Are you a photographer or something? I can see the setup of a shoot in the background.

My ladyfriend is a wedding photographer and does studio work for different magazines, newspaper ads, etc in Atlanta. I stopped by one afternoon to visit and ended up a subject of a few pics.

I switched pics to show some greying, but not a good pic either.