Pictures of our members?

Outlaw2747 said:
Exactly. Then later on in life they tell their cats how stupid they were.

I know we are playing around but great comment, Dante. Bad boys quickly lose their appeal. I have dated every type of man from an underwear model, to a paraplegic in a wheel chair. The only thing this broad spectrum of men have had in common, is their character and kindness.

I switched pics to show some greying, but not a good pic either.

You're being too modest. You are very photogenic.
RoyalOrleans said:
Or as in my case... digital cameras.


this pic that is. The other one after that one is much better. You still look very much like my friend Nick except you look like you are a playa' playa'......
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Chi said:
this pic that is. The other one after that one is much better. You still look very much like my friend Nick except you look like you are a playa' playa'......

Chi, I thought you were my friend! I will never, EVER forgive you for not hooking me up!
Chi said:
this pic that is. The other one after that one is much better. You still look very much like my friend Nick except you look like you are a playa' playa'......

I'm not a player, but I do play one on TV.
Chi said:
I like the semi smiling one the best. Cute:)

That was my favorite one too, Chi. He doesn't quite look like he is about to jump through the computer screen and terminate our asses.
Chi said:
I like the semi smiling one the best. Cute:)

Ha! Odd. Most people liked the serious one despite the complaints that "Dante you don't smile in your pics, wah wah wah!!!"

I love being right.
Phantom said:
That was my favorite one too, Chi. He doesn't quite look like he is about to jump through the computer screen and terminate our asses.

Yep. And I would hook you up with my friend Nick, but you're married, plus I've many times doubted Nick was 100% hetero. He was just WAAAY into himself, wore make-up even back in grammar school and the list just goes on-lol.
Phantom said:
That was my favorite one too, Chi. He doesn't quite look like he is about to jump through the computer screen and terminate our asses.

I only terminate dipshits, assclowns, morons, idiots, buffons, pedophiles, trendy bisexual/lesbians, rapists, imbeciles, bitches, thugs (which are my natural enemy), sluts, playas (the ones that use women), severe drunks, severe stoners, and many other species of subhumanoid organisms.
This is the 2nd time i've posted this pic... hope this works.

I need to get a real camera... this was with a camera phone...
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Chi said:
Yep. And I would hook you up with my friend Nick, but you're married, plus I've many times doubted Nick was 100% hetero. He was just WAAAY into himself, wore make-up even back in grammar school and the list just goes on-lol.

Though there are similarities in appearance, let me just assure you that I do not wear make-up.
Chi said:
...He was just WAAAY into himself, wore make-up even back in grammar school and the list just goes on-lol.

Ya, thanks for the heads up. Might want to hold off on that hook-up, then.
But nudie pics would be much appreciated.
smutt butt said:
I heard all "buster brown" drivers are flaming homosexuals???????

Real men wear brown! Uh-rah!

Them pansy-ass Fedex ****suckers wear blue and orange. Looks like someone shat a Gators fan.
RoyalOrleans said:
Real men wear brown! Uh-rah!

Them pansy-ass Fedex ****suckers wear blue and orange. Looks like someone shat a Gators fan.
I had a chance to work for UPS in '90 but didn't. I coulda been pulling doubles for them now but o' well.
smutt butt said:
I had a chance to work for UPS in '90 but didn't. I coulda been pulling doubles for them now but o' well.

We just narrowly missed a picketing strike last week.

I hate work stoppages.