Pictures of our members?

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Ever see The Shawshank Redemption?

I love this quote by Andy Dufresne:

"I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion" :D


You're a feller after my own heart, brother. Semper Fi!
tizz said:
Chainsaw is too damn loud. you can hack anything you want with a weedwaker, and it that doesn't work, chain it to the car and hit the gas. That'll do it ;) I used to use my 62 falcon to gather firewood when camping. Knock it down, run it over and throw the pieces in teh trunk. I like a good campfire!

Chain trees to the car and yank off the transaxle...Bash the hood pushing it over and puncture the tires at the same time, toss the wood in the back knocking a hole in the compartment and overloading the shocks until they blow out, just so you can get a campfire? :rolleyes:

Remind me not to let you borrow my car! LOL. :D
You obviously never owned a 62 falcon. My 77 catallina was even better for plwing down trees LOL I am dead serious too. I used to like to see how far I could push my cars before they got a dent. The only one I did not abuse was a 56 Fairlane (only because I didn't have it for very long) HEHE
tizz said:
You obviously never owned a 62 falcon. My 77 catallina was even better for plwing down trees LOL I am dead serious too. I used to like to see how far I could push my cars before they got a dent. The only one I did not abuse was a 56 Fairlane (only because I didn't have it for very long) HEHE

A girl with a chainsaw is a very deadly thing. Ever seen Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers? (I haven't but I seen bits n' pieces of it...creepy.)

BTW RO, that's one evil woman you have right there.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Thanks my brother! It's "Home".

Look at your Rep points you "score whore"! I'm not in first place anymore... :rolleyes:

LOL, don't worry I'll piss someone off eventually. :)
Last one...

This is at Sea World San Diego this summer. It is my sons, with their mother, my ex-wife (we make MUCH better friends than spouses) and her new husband, Mr. Froddo, Umm, I mean Jimmy. He's a Swabbie Chief, but I don't hold it against him. He's good stuff.

See, just like everybody else here...Have you posted your pic yet? Come on...
I don't really have any good ones of me uploaded, :p but the ones I have.. (let's just say the dye was supposed to be a gel, but it wasn't and she ended up dumping it all over my head) cough I said, not really any good pictures :D

And I have to show off a couple of my awesome friends..


cough sorry for posting lots of pictures :D
phreakwars said:
I really didn't wanna see your ***** Jenn

Well, now that you said that, I have to tell you a story.


My grandma came over for dinner one night, and we decided to order pizza. So, we were sitting in the living room waiting for the delivery, aye? And my g'ma was petting my kitty. Anyways, the doorbell rang, so I answered it, and just before the delivery guy spoke, my grandma came around the corner, "oh, I have to wash my hands, I was touching your *****.."

builder said:
Mebbe, but clearly the pick of the crop. ;)

Is Dad a Croation, perhaps? I'm guessing.

CES said:
And a very cute one at that! Is that your Pop? If so, he looks like a great guy. Love his smile and cheerful eyes.

Awww shucks! Thanks to you both. This pic was taken in May, trip back home to see kith and kin. This is a pic taken "out to the farm" - that's Unk Paul with me and my 2 baby sisters. The one beside me I call "skyscraper" just to piss her off. :) The fuzzy poodle sis is the baby and a dearer Happy Bubble never there was!

Dad will have been gone 10 years come the 7th of this month - I will raise my glass and recite Robert W. Service in his honor - (family tradition) -I shall miss him for eternity.

Unk Paul ("that crazy old asshole" to quote Mum) is a funny old sort, but well worth a visit!
I've sent a coupla images of my ugly head.

Here's my current fave of my lad in action.

Does he love sand? **** yeah. :D :p
builder said:
I've sent a coupla images of my ugly head.

Here's my current fave of my lad in action.

Does he love sand? **** yeah. :D :p

:eek: the beach is so damn pretty. is jealous of your aussie ass
TheJenn88 said:
:eek: the beach is so damn pretty. is jealous of your aussie ass

That pic was taken in winter. Moreton Island is in the background. I lived there for a coupla years,also. Much nicer beaches there. I'll have to crank up the scanner, and find some shots.
