Plan B: The morning after pill

This is, and most likely will be, always argued about. I think that there is no reason to withhold it from those who want/need it and don't want to get embarrased by going to the doctor. The whole "abortion" thing is extremely stupid, though. It is not an early abortion, as that would mean ANY form of birth control is an abortion, and that is not true. Abortion is the killing of a small, possibly undeveloped human. There is no human in this.

Anyway, you probably should have started a poll on this, as it is a very controversial subject. Lemme want our google ratings to shoot up?

But back to the subject, these pills are pretty much like an "oops, I made a baby" birth control pill.
Goodness does this mean we wont have to see those crappo billboards of a cute kid drooling all over themselves with the caption "my heart started beating in so and so days"?

If so, hell give the **** away. Im sick and tired of the fact that foster homes and orphanages are overcrowded or there isnt enough people to adopt yet gay people cant do it all the same.

If straight people cant wear a condom, nevermind the safe sex issue, then they shouldnt be having sex......nor should they have any reproductive rights.

One drunken encounter doesnt equal ****ing up anothers life (being the kid).

im for selling them in gas station bathrooms!
I see no reason they shouldn't be legal for women over 18. Say you have unprotected sex/the condom breaks on a Friday, what are the chances you will be able to get an emergency visit before Monday? You only have 72 hours, and that's cutting it VERY close. And for those without insurance, it will save them the cost of the doctor's visit which is expensive
jokersarewild said:
And 2 people voted no...hmmm...I wonder who.
3 Now.
jokersarewild said:
It is not an early abortion, as that would mean ANY form of birth control is an abortion, and that is not true. Abortion is the killing of a small, possibly undeveloped human. There is no human in this.
The fact that the FDA is so willing to toss out the safety of women across the country for a little good PR astounds me, REALLY!! Though the morning after pill is not as complicated as as RU486, it still carries possibilities for side effects based on current medications, past pregnancy issues and will only DO any good when use RIGHT AWAY. Anytime ANYTHING has to do with a woman's reproductive process, it NEEDS to be overseen by a DR. The moring after pill works by screwing with a woman's hormones (like the BC pill). Do you really think it should be up to anyone who THINKS they need this to decide if it would be safe for them? I am just MAD as hell right now, especially since putting this over the counter would most effect the young, poor, and ognorant who are allready at the highest risk for complications from sex. This HAS to be one of the most blatently irresponsible things I have ever seen thrown out by the FDA. Why not make the BC pill over the counter while you are at it?
Birth control and sex education are big issues with me. Personally, I feel that the morning after pill should not be available over the counter, for the simple fact that you'll have people that will abuse it. In saying this, I mean that they will be less likely to have safe sex, knowing that the pill is easily available. I feel the pill should be available at all hospitals, health departments, planned parenthood organizations and doctors offices. Heath department appointments are free for most people. They also can distribute the pill free of charge if the patient is unable to afford it. This would limit the misuse of the pill because the patient would have a health official explaining the side-effects...etc.

It's NOBODY'S business but the woman who wishes to have that pill, and NOBODY has any right whatsoever to stand in her way, question her, or give her a sermon. IT'S NOBODY'S ****ING BUSINESS, ESPECIALLY YOURS! :mad:

GOT IT? GOOD. :eek:

When will people learn that many many many things that they get so worked up about, have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with them and it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS? Period.

( Said "in general"...Please don't personalize it)
But the pill is designed to be taken under the supervision of a DR. Why? It has side effects, is not for everyone and can interact with other medications. When you are talking about screwing with hormones, a DR really needs to be involved. The FDA is puting out for public opinion. Sorry but my reproductive abilities and health should not depend on public opinion.
Every single over the counter drug you can buy has the potential for side effects, harm, or even death.

The "public safety" issue is a smoke screen. It's just another way to invade the privacy of the woman.'d never need the damn thing anyway now would you? :confused: So, where's the beef then?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

It's NOBODY'S business but the woman who wishes to have that pill, and NOBODY has any right whatsoever to stand in her way, question her, or give her a sermon. IT'S NOBODY'S ****ING BUSINESS, ESPECIALLY YOURS! :mad:

GOT IT? GOOD. :eek:

When will people learn that many many many things that they get so worked up about, have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with them and it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS? Period.

( Said "in general"...Please don't personalize it)
( Said "in general"...Please don't personalize it)
I disagree and I'll tell you why.
I understand that a lot of people think that it's the woman
True :( . But when it comes to a woman's body and what these pills do to it, the chemestry is mindblowing. I refused (and always will) to go on the pill because of what it does to the body and because if not done carefully can either not work at all or screw up chances to have a child when ou choose not to mention the risks of breast cancer and stroke
-ball, in order for the MApill to be effective it must be taken BEFORE conception, there fore it simply acts to stop the possibility to become pregnant. I think you are confused with RU486. MA pill is simply birth control. (though still with it's own dangers) Common misconception.
It may be a woan's business, but it is the responsibility of the FDA to make sure that she goes about her business safely and to put this over the counter contradicts that.
tizz said:
True :( . But when it comes to a woman's body and what these pills do to it, the chemestry is mindblowing. I refused (and always will) to go on the pill because of what it does to the body and because if not done carefully can either not work at all or screw up chances to have a child when ou choose not to mention the risks of breast cancer and stroke

Yes, and isn't it wonderful that this is your business and NOBODY elese business. Your body. Your business.

Okay? Okay. :)
tizz said:
It may be a woan's business, but it is the responsibility of the FDA to make sure that she goes about her business safely and to put this over the counter contradicts that.

No more so than Pseudophed, or Benadryl, or Dextromorphan, or any of the many other over the counter meds which were once prescription only.
They do not effect the hormone's of a woman. Also for it to be effective it MUST be taken BEFORE conception and followed up to make sure it worked. Putting it over the counter will have women needlessly dumping hormones into their body (there is also a recomended amount of time between uses as well as recomended max total uses because of the hormone's) If a woman is on teh pill the MA pill can screw with the dosage. Spend an hour talking to an OBGYN about the risks women take surounding reproduction (and prevention of) It's SCARY as hell. Really, this NEEDS to be overseen by a gynocologist